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Sunday, July 2, 2023

From Belgium To Mazatlan, The Journey Of The Mouse's Gun

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

Ovidio was seized another "762 caliber pistol" of Century Arms International brand, model VSKA with serial number SV7Poo6996, manufactured in the United States. The original purchaser was Zachariah Mahemiah Millsap, born November 5, 1993 in Los Angeles California.

WASHINGTON (Proceso): The other side of the alliances between the U.S. and Mexican cartels "is arms trafficking. Days before his resignation as Foreign Minister to seek Morena's presidential candidacy for 2024, Marcelo Ebrard tells Proceso that the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador denounces to its commercial partner that "arms trafficking is not an individual matter, nor is it the work of a single gang".

The former Secretary of Foreign Affairs states that it is a large-scale transfer to Mexico due to the magnitude of the operation. "If we are talking in numbers from 2020 to 2022, we are talking about 60,000 weapons seized. You can multiply them by whatever multiple you calculate that is the total flow. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of weapons, that is large-scale trafficking, it is not an individual action. This is cause for investigation.

An irrefutable argument and complaint from López Obrador's government to that of President Joe Biden is that the illegal trafficking of semi-automatic weapons and ammunition from the United States to Mexico is what empowers groups such as the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, a fact that also hinders efforts to dismantle them.

The Ovidio case

On January 5, General Luis Cresencio Sandoval, Secretary of National Defense, announced the capture of Ovidio Guzmán López, "El Ratón", in the state of Sinaloa. He is one of Chapo Guzmán's sons and a member of the drug trafficking group Los Chapitos.

In the possession of this publication, and as an example of the empowerment of Mexican drug traffickers that the Mexican government is talking about, is the data sheet of three high-powered weapons that the Mexican Army found and seized from Guzman Lopez when he was re-incarcerated.

The technical sheet contains data verified and tracked by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) on their original purchasers, where and when they were acquired, and the method by which they were illegally trafficked into Mexico.

The first is a Browning-brand 9-millimeter pistol, serial number 245PT1012g, manufactured in Belgium and imported into the United States by Browning Arms Company. The original purchaser is Stephen William Lewis, born November 18, 1947, who acquired it on November 30, 1994 in the state of Oregon at Oles Gun Shop.

The ATF reported that this pistol "is part of a multiple sale of pistols reported to - the ATF itself - by a Federal Firearms Sales Licensee." It is a lethal piece that traveled a little more than 9,300 kilometers from Belgium to the hands of Ovidio Guzman in Sinaloa, that is, three times the distance from Tijuana to Cancun.

Ovidio was seized another "762 caliber pistol" of the Century Arms International brand, model VSKA with serial number SV7Poo6996, manufactured in the United States. The original buyer was Zachariah Mahemiah Millsap, born November 5, 1993 in Los Angeles California, who acquired it on March 17, 2022 at Healy Gun Shop, located in Temple, Arizona.

The gun, according to the ATF trace and report, also "is part of a multiple pistol sale reported to ATF by a Federal Licensee (LF) of firearms sales. The transaction date noted on the summary is the date the LF generated the multiple sale and may not represent the actual transaction date of the firearm purchase."

The Mexican drug lord was also seized a 762 caliber rifle, model VSKA of the Century Arms International brand, manufactured in the United States and allegedly bearing the serial number SV71055971; it is the third high-powered weapon found on Chapo's son.

The ATF does not know the name of the original purchaser of this rifle or the date it was acquired. It did locate the gun shop where it came from and it is C.A.I./Century Arms, in Georgia, Vermont. "The serial number on the firearm is not valid," the ATF clarified.



  1. AMLO is right it’s a problem! Guaranteed nobody is fucking with USA citizens RIGHT to bear arms!! And the fucking liberals don’t get a fucking say on what ones we get so fuck you! AMLO, I totally agree it’s a huge problem! So secure your fucking border you fucker!!

    1. if it was easier for mexicans to purchase guns like it is for americans mexicans wouldn't have this problem. i mean you have the right to bear arms as well but your goverment chose to make it nearly impossible. oh well. blame your goverment not mine

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. 10:50 people like you make me feel like a genius. Thank you.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Most young people are left leaning we will eventually get real gun regulation

    6. @11:20 I can't wait to see all you lames at the capitol building looking like retards again. You will be fighting over gun rights when they are gone amd be forced to defend your selfs like men or woman. Florida is like child rape capitol USA. In Florida you can buy a minor and shoot colored people for fun as long as your white and have money your good. That's better for sure. Lol it's people like you that make me laff imma smoke this M30 right quick and peep Trump get fucked. Have a nice day

    7. Take your meds

    8. 318 none of the shit you just said is true
      Stop makin shit up

    9. @1:38 you should keep that same attitude when drugs are found in the U.S and say keep your borders safe to Biden. 🤡

    10. Hablador no mas servi para Hablador.

    11. 318 is a skantero for sure. You’re completely incoherent. Get a job you bum.

    12. @8:54 Does Mexico have the right to bear arms? Is that part of there constitution? I know it’s impossible to get one legally unless you’re part of the govt machine.

    13. 2:34 You can bear arms legally. Just need to apply and do the paperwork (Just like any other country in the world). Showing an ID at walmart and getting a rifle after a 10 min check by the other hand sounds hillarius.

  2. "fact that also hinders efforts to dismantle them"
    Ohh is mexico working hard to that end?Told you,its ALL the fault of the U.S.,what an expose no one knew

  3. And how many weapons are the Mexican armed forces missing?

    1. And how many weapons are being trafficked from Central America to Mexico?

    2. 6:45 None. They come from gun dealers in texas, Arizona and Cali (mostly).

  4. Cartels would by arms from Chinese, Columbia, Panama, Bolivia. NRA bribes republicans to stay quiet, they see it as good business to sell to cartels.

    1. Why?, if Arizona and Texas are cheaper and closer....

  5. Is that his pistol that’s pictured?

  6. This thread is why we can't have nice things. Like a bunch of children, with "but what about...." Ridiculous. There isn't a single high-traffic border in the world that is not perforated by contraband. This is obviously due to the high profit margins involved in trafficking contraband. Americans have the highest demand for drugs anywhere in the world, and most of those drugs are illegal there, which creates profit margins that are any entrepreneur's wet dream. Those same margins are why Mexican cartels have an unlimited amount of manpower to kill each other, which in turn creates a ridiculously high demand for weapons, which the U.S. happens to have in abundance.

    The data show very clearly that cartels will obtains guns from anywhere they can. That obviously includes the U.S., domestic Mexican sources, Central America, Europe, Asia, absolutely anywhere.

    In order to have any chance of stopping the violence, you cannot just act on the rear end (enforcement). The war on drugs is the analog of throwing towels into the ocean, trying to eliminate the water. Decades of anti-drug enforcement have shown this all too well. And no, the (entirely unrealistic) posturing of certain U.S. politicians to try and get the U.S. military involved in fighting the cartels would not work either. Firstly, Mexico is an autonomous country and would NEVER permit US forces to interfere with their domestic problems. Secondly, the U.S. military has a shit record when it comes to engaging in Guerrilla-type warfare. Mexican cartels would just adopt and prolong it into another never-ending war that you cannot win. The only possible solution is to tackle the problem from the front end: legalize drugs in the U.S. (yeah, I know...), thereby minimizing the profit margins for the cartels. Certainly not everybody's favorite policy, and a tough one to get past indoctrinated voters in the U.S., but this would not only minimize the problem, but also free up massive amounts of law enforcement resources and save tax payers millions of dollars, not to mention save lives on both sides of the border.

    1. 7:50 you are forgetting, that if Cartels had no business coming in from USA they resort to already, transporting drugs to other countries.

    2. guerilla warfare or not, we can dronne strike the fuck out of them and take them out within months ala shock and awe

    3. 855 do you know how many innocent people would die as a result of collateral damage? Do you know how easily a tarp covered stakebed truck with a load of animal feed can be confused for a stakebed truck with contraband? You play way to much call of duty. It's not black and white, you're not talking about clear targets. Sicarios sport their tactical gear for the propaganda videos/ photo-ops and blend in with the public for the rest of the week.

    4. sacrifices must be made, what are a few dozen innocents killed by accident compared to the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed by the cartel

  7. In Canada almost all of the guns used in gangland killings come from the US

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. @9:36 yup fuck Canada for that. Dude should get that cdn treatment

    3. Canada is right, you angry answer clearly shows me that you know it.

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    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. 1214 dumbass. You think everyone that says the word pedo supports Tromp? You stupid as down syndrome nino SIR. You put everyone you disagree with en a box. You must be into Trans and exposing children to gay men dancing. I hate pedophilia and I am democrat!!!

    8. That’s bc Canada doesn’t manufacture anything….

    9. 5:44 No, mostly because they have a REAL regulation.

  8. ALMO your right it is a problem ! It’s your problem you clown with your hugs not bullets campaign your a cuck and a clown for Mexico.

    1. Haha you mad bro? Haha the guns come from America from American citizens trying to make money. Blame your fellow American.

    2. @8:26 well … following your same logic then the drug problem is your own problem you clown!! .. since you guys are the addicts!

    3. Off Topic but important I heard a Rumor ALMO has millions of bribes money stashed in Switzerland.

    4. 12:47 Send that info to HEARST or SOL PRENDIDO, so everyone here have that info... dont keep it to yourself.

    5. 1:59 Mexico also has its fair share of addicts

  9. Like it or not we support the cartels in every way. We consume there drugs at a rate so high they created business (cartels) to feed our demands. We as American citizens sell guns to cartels for profit. I mean how are we not the problem. We litterly have the power to make them not have jobs. If we stopped using drugs they would have no purpose. We created these groups, and they evolved to this. Chapo litterly owned the gov amd had deals with the US. The US used to fund contra s trading guns and smuggling drugs. Our government is just as shady. Build whatever barrier it won't matter its to late. We made our bed and we want our drugs no one including me will ever quit drugs for the sake of our country. I personally appreciate all the effort it takes for cartles to get me my drugs. I'm an entitled American 🙃 It's my right to get high, print and buy guns amd sell to the cartels for profit. That's the American way!

    1. Finally! … an honest comment, from an honest American .. we can all relate to .

    2. This is an All-American comment.

    3. Spelling is hard.

    4. 11:09 you way off the grid.😭

  10. Lol, no que no muy chingones? Sporting the cheapest AK-Brand. At least get a ZESTAVA pinches ratas corrientes. You can take the paisa out of the rancho but you can’t take the rancho out of the paisa

    1. Everyone knows out of all Guzman sons Ovidios was one of the least flashy . Now if it were Ivan that’s a different story.

  11. Off topic, but important - I notice that BB is now https, upgraded from http. Thank you BB admins and contributors mil gracias.

    1. 647 no entiendo. Explain please

    2. Off Topic, but important. I noticed my street the lines have been upgraded.

    3. Off Topic, very important, I noticed kids lighting fireworks and it's not night yet.

    4. Off topic but important up until BB went to https in theory they could inject scripts into your browser establishing a reverse connection to your personal computer

  12. Used to sell guns to Apaches too …


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