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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Hipolito Mora's Brother Threatens To Take Up Arms In Michoacan If Justice Is Not Served

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

Hipolito Mora's brother urged Michoacan authorities to deliver justice or they will take up arms against Los Viagra.

Following the murder of Hipólito Mora, his brother Guadalupe Mora Chávez warned that if the Michoacán government does not bring them justice they will have to take up arms again in La Ruana, as they are fed up with the attacks by Los Viagra, a group that, according to him, is led by a man identified as Nicolás Sierra Santana.

"We are very angry, they are calling me and calling me friends of the people that why don't I call the people here to take up arms, that they support me because they are just like everyone else, just like me, we are already angry with these people (Los Viagra)," said Guadalupe Mora in an interview with Pascal Beltran del Rio, for Imagen Radio.

Hipolito Mora's brother assured that Michoacan authorities and even Governor Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla are in collusion with Los Viagra and also elements of the Army, as he said that the people of La Ruana have seen when members of the criminal group arrive to hand out money to them.

"Here everyone in the town knows that they are paying those who are here, they are giving them money, these criminals spend their time here, in full view of everyone and they do nothing, they are in agreement and there is even proof. Many people have seen when they arrive and they give them a little suitcase, a bag with money, they are in deep," he said.

He accused that due to the complicity with this criminal group is that the authorities "do not do their job," so he said that if they do not do justice for the murder of the former leader of the self-defense groups they will have to do it themselves.
"Imagine how we are going to be, we can't stand these people anymore, so if the authorities don't do their job, if they don't give us justice, we are going to have to do it ourselves, we are going to take up arms," he said.
"I know they are going to kill me too": Hipólito Mora's brother
Guadalupe Mora assured that the inhabitants of La Ruana have identified and located the members of Los Viagra, so he urged the Michoacan government to do its job and dismember this criminal group by capturing the leaders.

"Nicolás Sierra Santana, I know that the bastard is listening to me and I know that they are going to kill me too, but he won't do it, I have to tell the truth about what is happening. Nicolás Sierra Santana is the boss of all these Viagras. Here in La Ruana there are several who are from La Ruana and we have them well located, we know who they are, where they live and everything," he said.

Hipolito Mora's brother reiterated that if the authorities don't act, "if they don't get these people off our backs we are going to do it ourselves, we hope that they will do justice quickly."

"The governor Bedolla, who unfortunately we know is also very involved with them because my brother told me so. If he doesn't act quickly, if he doesn't act quickly to not leave us alone here in La Ruana and get these bastards out of here and arrest them, especially the leaders, if he doesn't do that, we are going to do it, sir, we are going to have to take up arms again".
Hipolito Mora died after the third attack against him in La Ruana when he was traveling in an armored truck with two of his bodyguards, when they were ambushed by armed men who shot at them with .50 caliber Barret rifles.

The body of the former vigilante leader is being watched over at his home in La Ruana, where his sons, brothers, family, friends and residents bid farewell to the man who left his lemon orchards to confront Los Caballeros Templarios, who had ravaged the region.


  1. Replies
    1. Dude go back to sleep this isn't like playing Fortnite

    2. 7:48:
      I have no idea of what Fortnite is. I'm a vet and know how to fight these clowns. Put your momma's teet back into your mouth, take teddy and get back in your crib.

    3. With all due respect mr vet but we're taking applications on here at the moment if u interested just walk into the line of fire in the state of Michoacán

    4. 11:12 what you fail to understand is that nowadays you don't necessarily have to be on the ground anywhere in the world to fight against these turd cartels. There are so many other ways that contribute in those campaigns of destruction.

    5. 11:12 totally agree one way fight them is to fight against drug use weapons flow down south n of course corruption til then a whole army of vets won't do much

    6. Este senor si era valiente pinches lacras los que lo mataron

    7. Sol whaT other ways are there of fighting them?

    8. When I read this it angered me , knowing honest, hard working people have to live like this . The fear of knowing that at any moment one of your loved ones can be simply picked off the street ( whether picked off with .50 cal rifle or picked up, never to be seen again) . And knowing calling 911 is a complete waste of time because the person on the other end of the line is in collusion with the people your calling about . (To those reading this … Honestly what would you do ? ) I didn’t know much about Hipolito Mora prior to learning about his death but I know he was a very brave and courageous man . To know by speaking up , and trying to stop the lawlessness and anarchy in his town, that it would make him a primary target of the Viagras (and those in collusion with them)… But still he chose to do what most men don’t have the fucking balls to do (for fear to guaranteed death) . It’s sad because I know know out of a 100 men , you might find 1 (if that) who had courage like Hipolito Mora did . When you and your family are forced to live in an environment like that , what do you do ? But yet you are treated like trash and a criminal for wanting to leave that environment for one where you do not have to worry about you and your family being victimized day in and day out . To the men reading this who have a wife or a girlfriend….. can you imagine someone seeing your wife, girlfriend or daughter out enjoying their day , some criminals seeing her , and wanting her to do the worst things a man can imagine, and deciding to take psychically take her just like that, whether alone or right in front of your eyes because you outnumbered by 20 guys with AK-47s? And yet you don’t even have a chance to “die as a man” , trying to save her with whatever pistol you have on your side because of how hard it is for an honest Mexican citizen to own and carry one . So what do you do ? Let her be taken ? Pick up rocks at throw them at the 20 men with AK-47s?
      Can you imagine a life like that? And for the one guy trying to put a stop to all of that because not only would his own government not help, they were getting paid by the criminals to look the other way . Yeah I would be trying to escape to a better place too . Mr. Mora wasn’t even trying to escape . He was a voice for the people ,the 99% of people who would find themselves in that situation…. only to stand by and watch their wife get snatched off the street by 20 guys with AK-47s.

      I really wish I was in a position to help (and not get indicted)these citizens fight the cartels . Not with money , but with loads and loads of the artillery. I know these citizens have the balls to fight , they just don’t have to weaponry . Preying on unarmed people is easy…. That’s the exact reason you don’t see these mass shooters trying that at a police station. It’s not that fun when the other guy also has a gun

  2. Mexico, a corrupt narco state! And who is the fucking liars that deny it?!

    1. Bro shurrup youll have them comparing mexico to the U.S and sayin the U.S is worse,while sitting in the U.S

  3. Didn't these guys help finance los viagras and used the autodefensas for there profit but once they got tired of volunteering and risking there life for these rich guys they went solo and got into the drug trade?

  4. They don’t really generate much of the drug trade. It’s extortion and theft of avacacdos limes cattle natural resources kid napping a giant snake pit!!

  5. Yea that dude def bout to get clapped.

  6. Fackkk lo va a financiar el 03 CJNG alli en la tierra caliente y de alli se va acabar viagras asi como les revantaban Casas a los templarios cuando estaba el Virrey y las defensas

  7. Everyone is leaving the state for L.A.

  8. The article I posted wasn't worth posting, at first glance it looked in-depth/info on N. Sierra but no

  9. Sad to say but these guys are the good bad guys, it's cartel related stuff.
    Autodefenzas are really not what they claim

  10. Morena is with Cartees Unidos in Michoacán and Los Viagras are one of the leading cells with meth production

    1. 12:59 to my knowledge Michoacan is a PAN state, did i mist something? MORENA does not control the state

    2. 2:25 yup u missed the last election for gobernador of Michoacán which MORENA won with Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla(ARB). He(ARB) just so happens to be a nephew of Adalberto Fructuous Comparan Rodríguez, former PRD mayor of Aguililla Michoacán ,who was recently convicted and sentenced to a lengthy federal prison term for trafficking a half ton or so of methamphetamine in Miami Florida.

  11. Didn’t some of the autodefensas join the cartel?

  12. Viva Michoacan!
    Viva Eva Peron!
    Viva Perin!

  13. If Broly were still alive these guys would actually have a chance

    1. Wut?? Broly the Caballero Templario???

    2. Lol. I remember broly he was a sick ass foo

    3. He was like Fabio but without the muscles and fair skin.

    4. Broly went back to his home state in sinaloa when michoacan got really hot and violent


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