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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Honduran Government Seizes More Than 50 Assets Owned by the Gulf Cartel

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

The Gulf Cartel's (Cartel del Golfo) center of operation in Honduras is in the Department of Choluteca, pictured above (image credit: TUBS)

On Monday, the Public Ministry of Honduras announced that the Special Prosecutor's Office against Organized Crime (Fessco) conducted operations to seize assets from the Gulf Cartel, which has operations in the southern part of Honduras.

According to a press release, the Gulf Cartel (Cártel del Golfo  CDG) is involved in drug trafficking and other organized crime activities in the country, primarily operating in the department of Choluteca and municipality of El Triunfo.

These operations were carried out under the direction of the Section Against the Crime of Asset Laundering and Asset Forfeiture (SCDLAPD) in coordination with the Police Department for Anti-Maras and Gangs Against Organized Crime (Dipampco).

The activities focused on the seizure of assets considered to be of illegal origin, encompassing 51 assets, including 16 real estate properties, 27 vehicles, and eight commercial companies. The investigations revealed a connection between the operations in Triunfo and Labrador in 2018 by Fescco, the Directorate for the Fight against Drug Trafficking (DLCN), and the National Anti-drug Police Directorate (DNPA).

In April 2021, several cartel leaders and members operating in the southern zone of Honduras and in the Gulf of Fonseca were convicted of drug trafficking.

Among those found guilty were Dimas Arturo Castillo Velásquez, José Adán Castillo Velásquez, José Adán Castillo Escalante, Francisco Javier Castillo Velásquez, Edith Oneida Fúnez, Wendy Carmelina Álvarez, Consuelo Silva Soriano, Abigail López Hernández, and Henrry Geovany Ríos Lagos.

The investigations conducted by the Public Ministry revealed that the Castillo Velasquez brothers mentioned earlier continued to lead and coordinate cocaine transactions from prison. They coordinated the smuggling operations from Honduras through Nicaragua, using the borders of the southern zone as their smuggling points.


  1. I wonder which faction of the gulf cartel it is???
    At first I thought they were talking about the clan del golfo from 🇨🇴
    It has to be the most powerful faction out of all of the factions claiming cartel del golfo
    Usually the most powerful like cjng or sinaloa will have a reach in that dynamic

    1. CDG had and has global reach.

    2. Don’t be fooled by the CDG. They have been around the longest and have some serious connections in places all over Latin America. They suffered their internal splits but they are still an important chess piece. It’s interesting to see them here of course. News like these show that perceptions aren’t always accurate and that even the CDG can have a reach as far as this…

    3. El verdadero cartel del golfo es de matamoros tamaulipas.

    4. 3:20 🤣😂

    5. 3:20 The Gulf Cartel, a drug cartel based in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, was founded in the 1930s by Juan Nepomuceno Guerra. Originally known as the Matamoros Cartel

    6. Gulf cartel been around since the al Capone days

    7. 3:20 El Clan del Golfo, también conocido como las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia, fue creado en la región del Urabá Antioqueño en 2006 y 2007, en el noreste de Colombia, por Daniel Rendón Herrera, alias 'Don Mario' y Dairo Antonio Úsuga David, alias 'Otoniel

    8. Colombias clan del golfo created in 2006 😂

    9. I don't know what anyone else is talking about, but this is a fair question. CDG is not a "cartel" in any traditional sense of the word, or even in the sense used for Cali or Medellin. CDG operates very much like a brand name, not much different than the blood or crips. And, like the bloods and crips, there is no overarching hierarchy or even cooperation except on local levels. This my friends, is not a "cartel," and given the factions, and lack of cooperation, it's fair to ask, "which faction are they talking about?" Now, if these independent factions of CDG cooperated amongst each other to control price, etc, then you have the makings of a cartel. I think you'll find that reference to "the gulf cartel" is expedient and convenient, but not very accurate on a granular level. In fact, CDG may have never been a "cartel" in the traditional sense of the word, and there's some interesting writings about when Mexican drug trafficking organizations first got tagged with the word. Frankly, I don't think it's an accurate term, and as I've said elswhere in these forums, they are mostly referred to as "drug trafficking organizations" by US law enforcement and others. Cartel is something that was probably never accurate - implying a level of coordination that evidence suggests simply does not exist now, if ever.

    10. 6:00 es el que anda pagando $6,000 por troka robada? 4x4 doble cabina?

    11. 6:53
      The CDG operated as a cartel much longer than how it now operates.

    12. 10:34 now it makes sence why they are paying $6,000 for a four door 4x4

    13. @653 NO, it didn't. I suggest you familiarize yourself with what a cartel actually is. At one point, the CDG was clearly a cohesive and hierarchal criminal organization... that doesn't make them a "cartel" and in fact, such an organization is in stark contrast to a "cartel."

    14. 6:53 You might have some things coeect or semi correct in the present tense, but are completely wrong in the past tense. When CDG and Zetas split, you could most definitely see that cohesion in CDG. They would all send each other reinforcements . Even in the middle of a topon, other factions would arrive as reinforcements. Dope wise there was a working structure. In everything. There was so much intertwining that when that split happened, some CDG members sided/became Zetas and some Zetas sided or/and became CDG. And that was due to the fact how all segments within worked with each other. For one mission there would be individuals from different factions/cells in that one group given the task they were responsible for. I don't know where you get that "if ever" part. But it shows how ignorant you are on the matter.

    15. I don't know why my prior comment didn't post, but 12:04 you do not have a clue what a "cartel" is. None. And CDG has never fit the definition of a cartel. I'm not going to recreate my post to educate you, but I'd encourage you to at least familiarize yourself with what a cartel is. A cartel cannot, by definition, be a single homogenous organization like the CDG was. Or in fact, like any of the current organizations in MX are constructed. IF, say, the CDG and CDS came together to "an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition" (the definition of cartel), they'd be a cartel, and they'd have to name themselves something else. Cali and Medellin were cartels even though the appeared to have a singular command structure, they were in fact, a cooperative of separate organizations that came together under one umbrella (and a command structure - but even Pablo had partners) to... wait for it... "an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition." Prior to Felix, "cartel" was never used to describe MX drug organizations. And it's arguable that the label didn't apply to Felix et als because those relations were mostly familial, and they constantly fought. His aim was probably to create a "cartel" but ultimately he was not successful. You must look at the time period and the motivation for the "cartel" label back then - it's been very useful, but as I've said before, US law enforcement does not even use the term anymore. When Zetas split from CDG they were not a "cartel" no matter what temporary alliance or cooperation they shared because they did not cooperate for the purpose of... wait for it again..."an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition." Just because you call a frog a toad long enough doesn't mean the frog is a toad. It often becomes a term of convenience. But the CDG (or any other DTO here in MX) was ever a "cartel."

    16. 9:29
      I familiarized myself with it and I was correct, it did operate as a cartel.

    17. NO, it didn’t. It was a homogenous group with a leadership structure heading up to the old man in Matamoros. It was not an association of more than one existing group for the described purpose. In fact, none of them are and that’s why US law enforcement doesn’t refer to them as cartels in their agency reports.

    18. 7:33 US law enforcement use to refer to them as cartels all the time. It's when the started extorting and kidnapping on the regular that alot of people (not just US law enforcement) started calling them by other names. And just so you know, all words don't have just one meaning. Some have up to theee or four. If 98% percent of the world called them cartels, then guess what, if that wasn't the meaning of cartel before it is now. You're the only one saying this, but you want to be right and you want 98% of the world ( and that's a low estimate) to be wrong. Words get new meanings all the time. For example, woke! Just cause someone says they're woke doesn't mean they're saying they were literally sleeping. They're trying to say they've achieved awareness. And there are plenty of similar examples. Also, CDG and Los Zetas didn't have an alliance, the Zetas were part of the CDG. They were born because of Osiel Cardenas. They just were their enforcement and war group along with security.

  2. 3:20 I feel you I was thinking the same lol usually cjng or snitchaloa


  4. Clan del golfo colombiano was created in 2006

  5. Confunden CDG (Cualquier facción) con Cartel del Golfo, todos esos Clanes antes de Osiel son quienes ostentan el nombre de Cartel del Golfo actualmente y si siguen teniendo como sede Matamoros pero poco o nada tienen que ver con los Cardenas y grupos que manejan

    1. Hola TW. Tenia una pregunta para ti pero no sabía cómo contactarte. ¿Que sabes de Yeraldin (Morales Betancourt) actualmente? ¿Sabes si sigue en Mexico o está vivo? Se que Morogris y otros del antiguo foro buscaban más info sobre el después de que se volvió testigo, al igual que fotos u otra pista. Gracias de antemano.

    2. 9:10 interesante. La vieja guardia por decirlo así?
      Una pregunta. Cómo es que OCG llega a ser el capo del CDG? A lo que públicamente se sabe es que no son parientes de nadie con jerarquía dentro del narco.
      Tu opinión del porque siguen teniendo mando de grupos en Matamoros aún cuando OCG "soltó la sopa" y causó un desmadre? 🍺

    3. Dos Quince
      Tienen mando por que son los unicos que siempre an producido en ese region consistamente y le dan un poco a los que necesitan(policos)
      A la ves obvio que hay mucho que cruza pero no son affiliados con nadie y sinplemente pagan. El dinero alli no mas se queda con los dueños nadie lo mira ni toca

      Pero estos OSG a la ves todavia producen poco bien a compararo a los de mas.
      ***La preguntamas grande pa mi***
      ? Es por que nadie los tumbo o an tumbado immediatamante por que solto tanto???
      Ocg le dejo caer especialmente duro con los Z. En identificando a los pesadoZ/operacioneZ/PersonajeZ
      Por eso lazca se le hecho encima a kariz en reyno des pues que miro que su propia cdg les informaban a las 3 letra contra ellos mismos
      y pues queria la plaza y a los cdg los miro las caraz de pendejos (tormenta/costill/karis)
      Si no fuero por el ocg y Z2 betancourt no se vieda sabido las operaciones ni personajes de muchos como lazca hummr melado etc
      Antes de que se separaron tuvieron una junto enorme atras en una cancha en el walmar de reyno
      Estaban todos tormenta goyo karis gama beto fave coss xw wicho hummr flander 2 todos con sus escoltas el parquadero llena de lobos chevy taho suburbo escalad hummr con su s
      hummer en unico haha
      y llego z3 como en mas de 30 camionetas que venian de valle hermos
      Alli no mas platicaron los jefes y decidieron quien se hibo con quien y les dieron tiempo
      Antes del desmadre

    4. 9:05 - Asi es. El verdadero desmadre que dejó caer OCG con las tres letras fue contra Los Zetas, no tanto con el CDG Matamoros. Z2 Betancourt y OCG empezaron juntos antes de que OCG conociera a los demás (Lazca, Hummer, etc.)

      Mi pregunta siempre ha sido como fue que OCG consiguió el respaldo y confianza de la policía municipal / estatal. Para el 1996 cuando lo agarraron con El Chava y salió, regreso a las calles y tenía a puro policía de guarura (Coss, M3, Medrano, JC, etc.). Se que se ha comentado aquí que todo empezó con Pedroza Aguirre y Caramuela que lo apoyaron pero mi pregunta sigue siendo “cómo” y “porqué” con OCG. Que le vieron a él que no tenía El Chava u otros de esa época…

      Mi teoría es que como OCG tenía el conecte con El June, de ahí le vieron la oportunidad. OCG llegó de Miguel Alemán ya muy pesado y creo que realmente fue gracias a El June que llego a subir en Matamoros. Pero aún me quedo con esa duda si lo tengo bien o no.

      Tu que piensas? Saludos desde VH.

    5. En que año fue aproximadamente esa reunión en Reynosa?

    6. La conecta mas grande era que tenia a Zeferin
      y ese mero don tenia a lazca y descena de empleados antes que osg
      Pa que portaren armas y escoltaban la merca sin problema
      Y luego Zefa tenia de camarada a el Yankee aurelio cano wue tambien le seleccionaba los que ahora serian los Z
      Zefa tuvo la idea de los guarda espaladas
      por que el delito de portar armas exclusivos pal ejercito era un delito muy grave

    7. Zeferin = Zeferino Peña Cuellar? O hablas del otro que se suicido?

    8. si zeferino pena cuellar don zefe
      Trabajo con el meme loco en metro alfa y tenian al metro 3 jalando con ellos cuando era poli
      la querida del zefe era maestra en una escuela en metro alfa
      Llegaban los mañosos en veces al dia del niño y les regalavan mochilas y jugetes los adminitradores de la escuela
      Parecia como novela hasta lazca hiba pero todos vestidos de civil
      De allí aprenderia z3 festejar dial del nino como cuando lo hacia en el estadio adolfo mateo de los broncos ya despues

  6. El Toro and M3 the last of the great metros

    1. Whats so great about these ratas?

    2. 10:28 doing way better now with Primito in charge, the money keeps flowing

    3. 10:28😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😂

  7. It definitely doesn’t belong to the broke ass Escorpiones lmao

    1. Look at the chart the American government (not sure if DEA or FBI). The created a chart of various top members and within it they have listed multiple people incharge of run product out of different countries. If they were broke that chart wouldn't exist. And that chart is solely of the structure from Matamoros. So do your homework and see how silly you actually are.

  8. I’m pretty sure theyre talking about Colombian Clan del Golfo.. because the so called CDG can barely trafficked cheap weed grown in Nvo.Leon

    1. CDG has international presence. Don’t be mistaken. Sources don’t confuse Clan del Golfo with Cartel del Golfo.

    2. 5:46 Look at the above comment to see why you're wrong.

  9. Great work. Add that to the pile of Mexican OCG involvement in LATAM. There's a project here for someone...


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