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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Judge Grants Protection Against Extradition To Erick Valencia, 'El 85', Founder Of 'El Mencho' Cartel

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article translated and Reposted from El Informador MX 

On May 20, Erick Valencia requested the control judge Rogelio León Díaz to allow him to continue his trial outside the prison.

A federal judge granted Erick Valencia Salazar, alias "El 85," a warrant protection (a constitutional injunction) that overturns what had been stated in the extradition file, which denied a change in the precautionary measure of pre-trial detention, it was reported this afternoon.

"El 85" is one of the founders of the New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

Alfonso Alexander Alfonso Moreno, Fifth District Judge in Amparo Matters in the State of Mexico, ruled that it was not the responsibility of the administrator of the Criminal Justice Center of Almoloya of Juarez to resolve the issue, rather such responsibility falls on a control judge.According to the court file, on May 20, Erick Valencia requested to the control judge Rogelio León Díaz that he could continue his trial outside the prison.

Altiplano Maximum Security Prison

Last May 30, the administrator of the Criminal Justice Center decided not to change the precautionary measure. His argument was that the action is not contemplated neither in the Law nor in the Extradition Treaty between Mexico and the United States, but according to articles 133 and 134 (fraction IV) of the National Code of Criminal Procedures the decision falls on a control judge, as can be read in the sentence.

After these actions, it was determined to leave the resolution without effect and that it will be a control judge who will resolve the matter.

Source: El Informador MX


  1. Holy shit, BB is on FIRE today!!!

    Is it the summer heat??

    Congrats, Char… you are on a roll too! 🦉

  2. El 03 ,El Double RR ,El.Jardinero ,El 90 do not want competition from El 85 for the position of replacing Don Mencho when his time comes arrest or death.

    1. 03 is already in menchos position

    2. El 85 is the enemy of Mencho. Wtf u on about?

    3. El 85 is still CJNG and works under Mencho has his own group 😂

    4. El 85 is still 100 CJNG
      El cholo was basically inviting him to join nueva plaza before he got caught and tortured.

    5. 9:44 CDs fan living in denial but but.

    6. @9.44 All that bullshit about Mencho and 85 being enemies, and him joining NP was based on a single planted story- journalists being paid to print misinformation- to stir the pot. I don't know exactly who planted it, but it was designed to make CJNGs leaders, or Mencho himself communicate (popping up their heads), just like the story by the same source saying that M2 had joined Los Viagras and ''betrayed'' Mencho. It's part propaganda, part pychological warfare, and part the result of pressure from the agencies that are tracking their phones.

  3. Hope they let him go we need more stability in the drug market after mecho dies.

    1. Hope he gets killed for helping mencha

  4. Holy shit this is huge. I'm sure he payed a LOT. Or blackmailed hard lol.

    1. Well he only helped start CJNG with Mencho and the rest of his family (Valencias)…

    2. He's not being let out...this is common on high level extraditions, just bouncing the decision to a different judge/jurisdiction. Similar to Ovidio and Caro this last year.

  5. Another cartel wimp is fighting extradition: no que.muy.chingones.

    1. Erick WAS the Mata zetas. He's definitely not a wimp.

    2. Wouldn’t call it being a wimp…I mean why would he want to go to a country that’s going to give him 25 to life when he can fight it to the last peso?

    3. 8:43 probably the first one to take the fight the Z's in their plazas and win, thats why CDS was so happy with them not knowing they were not gonna join them🤣😂🤣 ended up taking the mayority of their plazas 😭

    4. They fight extradition because it’s against the Mexican constitution. Do your homework.

    5. 7:59
      It's not against the Mexican constitution in his case, only in certain situations. Take your advice and do your homework.

    6. @10.46. Like those innocents rounded up and left in Veracruz? Oops! ''We apologize publicly that we paid the police and army to do our dirty work and they rounded up a bunch of nobodies, and tortured and murdered them, but next time we will kill REAL zetas instead of women and children.

    7. 2:13 the policed who did it were payed by CDS, ordered by Garcia Luna to be exact claiming Mata Zetas, thats how they went in, thanks to Garcia Luna, but after the Mata Zetas changed their name to CJNG cause they didnt wanted to work (with) not for CDS, CDS are experts at heating up plazas 😉

  6. Seen it happen many times with different capos, they are just buying time

    1. 743pm that's a positive chief

    2. That’s what I thought too but Look at Z-40, that dudes hasn’t been extradited

    3. Affirmative not positive.

  7. This man ordered the murder of my friend and tried to kill me. I hoped his story was done.

    1. Can you explain what happed ? Thanks

    2. @829 — Molca, is that you??

    3. @ 10.24. My friend was a photographer, but he had a sideline pointing western journalists to cartel stories. Almost like a guide, but he got paid well. They said he was ''corrupt'' afterwards, which was bullshit. He charged extra if the people wanting access had no idea, and no respect, like a taxi driver doubling their fare to an arrogant tourist wearing a thousand dollar suit muttering about immigrants. He had a system, based on the first questions they asked- if a child had been murdered the day before and they asked to interview the mother he'd charge them treble. If they gave a shit he'd charge them very little, and be incredibly generous, like he was to me. He dealt with police in the pay of local mobs at a time when nobody seemed to know who was working for who. He was a good man and I was a fukn gringo child. He photographed a body left by the side of a road that was leaked by the police for money. He was shot because it was his photo. I survived, I think, just because I wasn't Mexican.

    4. @10.24. Ah fuck it. Then, years later, when I returned, the ''police'' who were involved the first time around took me to a house, I was held for days, forced to watch a young Indian woman get decapitated, and held. Given a choice of broken arms or legs, stupidly I said legs. The police woman laughed when she handed us over. Then I was ''rescued'' by the same police who'd taken me to the safehouse. As far as Erik is concerned, I'm waiting for his extradition.

    5. So Erick is an evil pos? You were spared because your white?

  8. No mas dicen que los van a mandar al norte y empiesa la lloradera "ayy, no, no mas la puntita por que me duele" jajajajaja

    1. Y tu aguantas much wey

    2. 10:00 Lo bueno que como dijo 11:33 tu pides que te manden al norte porque ahi estan tus camotones y no puedes esperar que te den 🤣🤣🤣

  9. My boys dad baptized this kid. Gonzalo Vega. My boys baptism godfathers was Arturo Beltran and Joaquin Guzman Loera. Back in 1988. Things were different. Gonzalo Vega was a beast. From Aguililla, envy from others led to his demise. They gave him coke with crushed glass. Died.

    1. Tell us more stories! Seriously!

  10. Hard working man they should let him go home

  11. Are we supposed to be impressed? Are the readers supposed to be impressed with the Padrino.and god son? Maybe some kiss asses but not all.

  12. Envy of what? That you walk around with a target on your back and always moving around to avoid the cops and Rivals but maybe some crash dummies wanted to get paid more.thats what they all are killing on orders from cowards and moving merchandise.and if caught you take the rap.


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