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Sunday, July 30, 2023

La Huacana, Michoacán: The Jalisco New Generation Cartel Threatens El Migueladas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Ever since Felipe Calderón’s war was initiated in September 2006 against Mexican cartels. Hundreds of videos have been continuously released by organized crime figures against their enemies. 

The armed conflict between the warring cartels is one in which online threats are by now a mandatory staple within the ongoing struggle.

For this broadcast hundreds of heavily armed gunmen in support of Alejandro Carranza Ramírez aka Chito Cano from the CJNG. Find themselves under the cover of night warning Miguel Ángel Gallegos Godoy aka El Migueladas of his impending doom. 

And unlike those January 6 rioters who talked a lot shit but only managed to get themselves arrested afterwards at the US capital back in 2021.

The operatives from every Mexican cartel are actually notoriously known for not only speaking of vicious violence beforehand. But also coming through with their intentions of it. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Good evening. I am addressing the people of La Huacana, Nueva Italia, and Zicuirán. This call is for all the innocent people of the town who asked for our support. We are the Jalisco New Generation Cartel commanded by the boss Chito Cano. 

We are answering the call of the citizens. They can't stand Migueladas and his gang of scumbags anymore. We come to support the people. We do not mess with innocent civilians. Nor with the government.

Please, we call on all those who are supporting Mr. Migueladas. If you want to join us you are welcome to do so. There is no point in dying for supporting a criminal who charges protection fees, a known extortionists, and kidnapper who only lives off of the sweat of citizens.

Sicario #2: You all know who I am gentlemen. Especially my people in Nuevo Italia. We heed the call. And we are going to place our lives in our boys and my life if possible to liberate our beloved towns of Gabriel Zamora, Múgica, and Huacana gentlemen. 

To all the gunmen of Migueladas the invitation is extended that there is room for you faggots here. 

All those who can, want to participate, have the intention, can fall into formation with us. They are all welcomed here. There is enough room for everyone with us. All those who know what they did against my family, against my people know that they have no standing here in this group. 

I am referring to you Cachis, godson of La Mordía, Jadi, Talachas, Salas, and especially to you Migueladas. 

They want war with me. Well, here I fucking am. Come through you son of a bitch so that you can see how things are going to be with me. You already know who I am. I won’t send someone to tell you about this. I’m saying this to you face to face you faggot. 

The hits will be coming towards you if you want to come out to face them as you’d previously mentioned. Go ahead and show me that you have the balls and courage you son of a bitch. Instead of sending your fucking men to just die here. 

You need to come out to that confrontation because this problem is yours alone. This has nothing to do with your fucking mob. Come on out on your own you son of a bitch. 

The same applies for all those individuals I mentioned if they think they’re such hot shit. Long live us going forward here on this matter. Gentlemen, we are the absolute mob of Chito Cano. 

Sicarios all scream in unison: Long live Chita Cano! Long live the 4 letters (CJNG) cartel!

Cartel figures images by "HEARST"


  1. Cjng won't even commit that much soldiers to the Zacatecas war.... they are paper tigers...

    1. Zacatecas they are fighting grupo flechas who are better sponsored and armed up

    2. 1259 cjng groups in Zacatecas are not only fighting grupo flechas there's like 7 other cds groups also involved all from durango... the only groups that I know cjng has in Zacatecas are sierras and canos... back to my original point chito cano doesn't display this power in Zac and the canos are his sicarios....

    3. Sumbody using mi cuija!

    4. You imposter @3:05!

    5. 4:51 I wouldn't say "valiendo verga" they have small victories here and there, but they're certainly outnumbered CDS-MZs have alot of people in Zacatecas.. idk see how CJNG could beat MZs in Zacatecas.

      CJNG is a lost cause in Zacatecas

    6. Nobody is taking over Zacatecas. It’s a stalemate. It’s been almost 4 years since the conflict began and not much has changed.

    7. 547 it's far from a stalemate. Areas that were once controlled by CJNG have been won over by MZs and they keep advancing.

    8. 6:37 been hearing the same since two years ago, "cds keeps advancing" but still cant take shit, at one point CJNG went into Durango and Sinaloa but CDS flechas to be exact havent really gotten close to Jalisco, the ones fighting Jalisco are Mario Gomez who has been there for decades but now getting their ass kicked and running around like head less chickens, again no one is winning Zacs, its a back and forth, the thing is CJNG only has one or two groups and CDS has like 6 or 7 groups but still cant do shit

    9. Cjng never went to Sinaloa? Cds has been advancing. 2 years ago Valparaiso was 100% cjng.. now it's cds... victories are measured by how much territory has been taken and in Zacatecas cjng hasn't advanced one bitt..

    10. Mario Gomez? Wtf 😂 😆 shut up you don’t even know what your talking about

    11. Mario gonzales is still in teocaltiche.. that's why cjng monstrous were found in teocaltiche warehouses after they were abandoned, la flamas people took them stored them, but authorities found them Shortly after.

    12. 9:50 🤣🤣🤣 you got me, was talking to one of my boys whose last name was Gemez. it's Gonzales Jr by the way, his father is in hell now, any ways being from the area i can tell you they are getting their ass kicked but still have the government on their side, for how long? Not sure, cause last year no one could get close to them, but right now they are hiding and it wont take long before the government switches sides cause of the casualties and CJNG not giving up, sorry but your idols are done, by the way before you call me a CJNG cheerleader ill let you know both cartels can go fuck each other

    13. 11:45 - In what fantasy world are you living in because Mario Gonzalez is not losing to CJNG. Since the beginning of this year, CJNG has tried at least five times to enter Teocaltiche with their convoys and “monstrous”, but each time they always get their asses kicked and have to retreat. CJNG is not taking Teocaltiche anytime soon.

    14. 3:08 in the reality that im close by where the fight is taking place (not gonna mention where)

  2. Hmmm “New Italy” sound dope. Are they replacing the American Italian mafia or the Italian Italian Mafia?

    1. That's the name of the city founded by an Italian well over a hundred years ago. Chill.

    2. I knew a girl from Nueva Italia… she was very pretty and apparently lots of others from there are as well…

    3. There's pretty girls everywhere in Mexico

  3. Vrgass tan pesadas las 4 letras alv .. chito Cano es ahijado del viejillo de los gallos .. La Garra es su lugarteniente mas importante en el gabacho

    1. Es también gente del seriecito en forma de NG

    2. Sessssss cocho gallo

    3. It's not el serios people? only because most of videos of el serios people have been seen with similar G.N uniforms now we automatically assume that anyone wearing that same gear belongs to el serios group?

    4. Its been said it's the same individual. 😶

  4. Thats a lot of people, and they are well armed, from what i can hear this is personal

  5. Did u guys hear about osiel cardenas got beat up pretty badly in adx by the Mexican mafia for not paying 10k


    2. Don't see why you had to involve January 6 rioters in this.
      No, I'm not a Trump supporter. Just a European dude who thinks people are becoming too obsessed about politics.

  6. It's about to get bloody in michoacan, cjng will take over michoacan if they kill migueladas 💯

    1. They couldn't even take care of tepalcatepec... cjng will just create more violence..

    2. That’s because they have a military base in Tepeque who is bought and paid for. Nobody beats the military.

    3. 4:17 CJNG did kicked their ass but the Army got involved, Viagras have a lot of family involved in politics thats why they always had the upper hand, not any more cause all the leaked fotos and videos from their little reunions

    4. Cjng couldn't even get past el rancho viejo.. how did they kick ass??

      Remember when like 7 cjng trucks tried taking the main road into tepalcatepec? They were all immobilized.. and the members killed and captured

    5. 9:46 te quedaste con ese video? It took them a while but they got in, sourrounded them MF's but the army got involved, a year later or so they got in and chased them out, dont know where Abulo is at cause he runed like a bitch, and since he has not been back to Tepeke, after the army got involved everything went quiet, cause a lot of videos of them been involved with CU came out so they stayed away and CJNG took advantage and took over, and there has not been a lot of report on it but CJNG already took his plaza

    6. 1153 the vid 946 is talking about is public and old.

      That day I think tepekes killed a CJNG comandante and captured several members(of said organization).

  7. migueladas is now with cu lmao. he was the main guy of cjng in michoacan by far. He is in the game so long and has connections in michoacan only comparable to el abuelo farras. cjng is officially destined to fail in michoacan

  8. Wasn’t Migeuladas running with CJNG?

    1. Most if not all the major groups in Michoacán today were once running with them…

  9. Chanda y el gallito templario sobrino de el mas Loco nazario se aliniaron con chito Cano en michoacan

    1. I hear the same Mr. Connor. I hope it's not true. Saludos desde Los Angeles. El Nemesis-

    2. Saludos don nemesis .. ahorita desde phoenix Az

    3. El nemeses hard house?

  10. We shall see how this turns out... Any word on how its going with la abuela frias?? Haven't heard much from that area since el M2 went on vacation

    1. El M2 is dead. He was the only one making a significant impact on rivals, until CJNG turned him in, had him killed and that's how the truce with tepekes was born.

    2. 5:05 🤣🤣🤣 when you said "truce with tepekes was born" i know you are lying, abuelo is on the run hiding cause CJNG are already in tepeke, we havent heard shit cause CJNG already took control of tepeke

    3. 7:20 exactly 💯 👏

    4. 720 I know you playing... Cjng cant even control jalisco.. let alone the harden battle ready warriors and the territory of tepalcatepec!

    5. 8:32 🦎=SM?


    7. Battle ready warriors lol gtfoh. You mean coked up mountain gangbangers wkth assault rifles

  11. Migueladas reminds me of Chapo, strangely enough…

  12. If this is legit, this will heat up big in Mich. I do recall cjng being so strong in Mich because of Migueladas. He was a big reason the smaller groups got swept into cjng umbrella or outright killed. Hopefully we don’t see another state turn into a big war zone.

  13. Eventually chano peña and abelito will flip on CJNG once migueladas is out the way..!!

  14. I cant believe they cant handle that old man migueladas old
    Hunch back fker

  15. The narcos and their sicarios ain't shit really. I spent 1984, 85 and part of 86 in El Salvador as a journalist. Some of you will think I am lying. Ni modo. The country was in full-scale civil war. I spent a total of 12 days with the Ejercito Revolucionario Popular (ERP). It had about 8,000 combatants and it was one faction of the Frente Farabundo Marti de Liberacion Nacional (FMLN). Now the ERP engaged in countless battles with the Salvadoran Army, which had heavy US support. The ERP was armed up with cuernos de chivos and plenty of RPGs and land mines. These guys and women--yeah, they had women warriors and some were commanders--along with the other factions nearly took the capital. But the Americans, who were directing the war for the government, called in heavy aerial bombing. Y alli se acabo. Right or wrong, these combatants were not fighting to push drugs, nor did they engage in savagery like the sicarios proudly do. The FMLN would have made short work of the narco thugs, who are at heart cowards.

  16. "those January 6 rioters who talked a lot shit but only managed to get themselves arrested"
    Getting hysterical bro


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