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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Local Reporter and Facebook News Administrator Injured by Gunmen in Acapulco, Guerrero

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

A local reporter and news Facebook page administrator was seriously injured by gunfire early yesterday morning in Acapulco, Guerrero. He was hospitalized with six gunshot wounds, but is stable.

According to El Financiero, Alan Castro was shot six times with 9mm rounds after leaving a home in the Colonia Morelos de Acapulco neighborhood. Castro was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries, including a gunshot wound to the head. He underwent surgery yesterday morning, and his condition is grave, but stable.

Alan Castro Abarca. Photo: Expresiones Guerrero

Alan Castro Abarca is the administrator of the Facebook pages “Contacto TV Guerrero” and “La Última Línea Noticias”. Both of these Facebook pages have a significant following, reporting on news in the state of Guerrero, covering topics from government programs to local traffic and weather. Occasionally the pages would cover stories about crime and government corruption.

Castro is the son of Celso Castro Castro, a reporter for Guerrero El Sol de Acapulco

It is unclear what the motive for this attack was, but local news are reporting it may have been a mugging. As All Source News, who tracks violence in Mexico noted, last weekend was particularly violent in Guerrero, with at least 11 killed in several attacks.

Mexico is a highly dangerous nation for the press according to Article 19, a group that tracks killings of journalists in Mexico. At least 157 journalist have been killed in Mexico since 2000 in relation to their work, with 12 last year. It is important to note that this figure excludes killings of journalists where the motive was not determined, or determined not to be related to work. The actual figure for journalist killings in 2022 is 17.

Particularly at risk are news bloggers and independent journalists like Castro, as they lack the backing and support of a newspaper. As journalist Alejandra Ibarra Chaoul wrote, they provide: "daily, unwavering, and often opinionated hyperlocal news and citizen reporting that unequivocally denounced abuses of power". When they are killed, their vital reporting on local affairs is lost.

Sources: El Financiero, Excelsior, Articulo 19, El PaisExpresiones Guerrero, Reporte GRO@All_Source_News, Slate


  1. Off topic, but important - I notice that today is the 4th of July and that I need to go get some Cagumas.

    1. saludos y provecho!

    2. Off Topic, but important, I noticed today is a holiday, I need to go buy some Condoms.

    3. Time for some bud light right? Enjoy the freedoms that only americans have.

    4. You mean cagadas?

  2. I wonder if the cartels real BB, BE careful!

    1. I wonder if the Russians read BB?

    2. Greetings to We are the absolute mob of el Commandante Vladimir Putin .
      Saludos al and Comrade Yevgeny Prigozhin
      Y arriba todo el Grupo Wagner !

  3. El Nini arrested

    1. Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo just said no one was arrested, they just seized vehicles. Unless you are talking about somewhere else?

    2. El Tamarindo is just north of Navolato. I think they're referring to same set of blockades.

  4. Off topic but are you guys gonna report about el ninis arrest that’s the rumor

    1. Where did it happen? If you are talking about the roadblocks in Tamarindo / Navolato then the state government already announced they didn't arrest anyone.


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