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Monday, July 31, 2023

Los Zetas Leader in Europe and High-Ranking Colombian Drug Lord Arrested in Madrid

"Morogris" and "redlogarythm" for Borderland Beat
Authorities captured the moment on video when Said "N" was taken into custody in Madrid, Spain. Based on the information presented below, it is likely the man's full name is Said Rbib Erraouy or Erraoui. 
Spanish authorities have detained a Moroccan citizen who is believed to be the "European representative" for Los Zetas.

This individual was known to "distribute" drugs to "trusted individuals" across Spain and Europe, with a specific focus on the Netherlands, where the port of Rotterdam serves as a major entry point for drugs into Europe.

Despite having his residence in Madrid, the detainee led a nomadic lifestyle, frequently moving around, which posed challenges for the investigation teams.

During the operation, a total of five individuals were apprehended, and significant seizures were made, including 400 kilograms of cocaine, 220,000 euros in cash, two vehicles, 10 telephones, and several documents of interest, as stated by the police.

Spanish sources only referred to the detainee by his first name "Saíd" and omitted his last name. It is unclear if this Saíd is the same as Said Rbib Erraouy (alias "El Hermano" or "El Sami"), a confirmed Zetas representative who worked under the former European leader of Los Zetas, Juan Manuel Muñoz Luévano (alias "Mono Muñoz"). 

The Spanish authorities also announced the successful dismantling of the largest cocaine processing laboratory in Europe, located in Pontevedra, Galicia. This operation involved an alliance between a Mexican cartel and a Colombian organized crime organization.

In regard to the operation to dismantle the Zetas group in Europe, the National Police highlighted that it was a joint effort, involving collaboration between the Colombian National Police and the United States Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

While there have been other instances of international cooperation in this field, there is no mention of the involvement of a Mexican agency or authority in this investigation.

High-Ranking Colombian Counterpart

Among the five detainees is a reputed Colombian drug trafficker, known as El Repetido (The Repeated One), who happens to be a twin brother. The Spanish police describe him as "well-known in the world of drug trafficking."

Colombian court records consulted by Borderland Beat show that El Repetido's real name may be Edwing or Edwin Mauricio Gómez Luna, who also goes by the alias El Mello Pobre.

His brother Huber Anibal Gomez Luna also goes by the alias El Repetido and as El Mello Rico. Investigators say they have been involved in drug trafficking since 1994 and that they were once based in Santa Marta, Colombia.

Collectively, the two brothers were known in the Colombian underworld as Los Mellizos (The Twin Brothers) or as Los Mellos. An investigative report from the Colombian Prosecutor's Office revealed that Los Mellos were in control of the cocaine shipping routes to Central America, and even extended its reach to the coasts of Mexico and Europe.

Picture take by Spanish authorities where Said Rbib Erraouy and Muñoz Luévano (El Mono) are seen together in Spain

Background: Los Zetas in Europe

The history of Los Zetas' operations in Spain dates back to the early 2010s when a cell led by Juan Manuel Muñoz Luevano, also known as "Mono Muñoz," was detected in the country. This faction of the Mexican group operated from within the State of Coahuila.

Based in Madrid, Spain, El Mono's cell was involved in smuggling multi-ton loads of cocaine into the Iberian Peninsula. Although the exact details of how and where the drugs were introduced remain undisclosed, it is known that a highly successful smuggling operation took place between 2012 and 2013.

During this period, El Mono managed to sell at least 2,100 kilos of cocaine, generating a revenue of 63 million euros. The profits were later repatriated to Mexico through money laundering techniques, including the purchase of European luxury goods that were resold in Mexico to recover the cash.

In 2016, El Mono was arrested, and a year later a significant blow was dealt to El Mono's network when eight accomplices, including his wife, were captured in a second operation in March 2017.

El Mono Muñoz had an intricate network of businesses in Coahuila, including casinos and a local chain of gas stations, through which he laundered his illicit profits. He also had ties with former Coahuila Governor Humberto Moreira, who was detained in Spain a few months before El Mono's downfall. 

Both El Mono and Humberto Moreira were arrested by the Spanish National Police and handed over to the Audiencia Nacional, a Madrid-based tribunal responsible for high-level organized crime investigations. The investigation linked both individuals to the National Prosecutor Office Against Corruption and Organized Crime.

El Mono was later extradited to the US, where he pleaded guilty and became a protected witness, and was released from US prison in 2019. On the other hand, Spanish authorities released Humberto Moreira, and he negotiated with US authorities, including the FBI to cooperate in El Mono's capture.

While Mexican organized crime's presence in the Spanish underworld is not as significant as other organizations, such as Colombians or Moroccans, the Spanish National Police, and Civil Guard occasionally carry out operations against specific Mexican groups. These operations are often planned through international cooperation instruments facilitated by American counterparts and Europol's intelligence units.

A notable operation occurred in June 2022 when the National Police dismantled a family clan based in central Spain, Madrid, and Guadalajara, which had ties to members of the Sinaloa Cartel. The Spain-based clan was involved in cannabis cultivation and local commercialization, as well as cocaine trafficking. They had established a sophisticated financial structure using corporate entities in Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and Colombia for money laundering purposes.

The cultural ties and favorable financial and real estate legislation in Spain have attracted many Mexican former statesmen and businessmen to conduct their operations there.

Notably, former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari (19881994) recently obtained Spanish citizenship due to his Sephardic ancestry. Former presidents Felipe Calderón (20062012) and Enrique Peña Nieto (20122018) also reside or have resided in Spain.

Sources on Los Mellos: El Heraldo

Sources on background: Borderland Beat archives


  1. Scottish Zeta, any intel on this matter?

    1. So this guy El Mono gets arrested in 2016 and released as a protected witness in 2019, Snitches to get these guys captured, classic Mafia plea deals. I would not trust anything in Colombia, Peru como te quiero.

    2. I invited him and lord commander mr senior 40 on a hiking trip in the Scottish highlands we sipped on cups of tea and laughed all night he’s a real stand up guy


    3. Before Sicario006, we had the “Sicario in a Skirt”!

    4. "maña mini-falda"..

  2. Replies
    1. Prolly Zeta vieja escuela.

    2. @641 — He is likely CDN… Mono was pushing dope when Trevino was in charge (on the outside)..

    3. It's a bullshit article, this is a Moroccan guy who was the contact in Mexico, he worked with some locals shipping cocaïne to the Netherlands and was the main contact for lots of Dutch guys here. His brother is already in jail. I see guys here commenting about this which makes me think that Mexicans really are small potatoes compared with the European guys and Dubai guys.

    4. 9:09 The sources cited which include the National police of Spain say this guy was a heavy hitter. Quick google search shows you it was a top Zeta there. Likely that Said that worked with El Mono. Also see who he was arrested with dawg. You’re jumping to several conclusions without actually having proof.

    5. 10:11 I don't mean to attack the authors of this article but it's the public prosecutor who label everyone a kingpin, drug lord and equivalent. This guy was caught on Sky interception where he was just the logistics dude, but that's what trafficking is right just lgostics. Some messages where he confirmed vrachtbrieven and tokens, just a contact. To the authors, you might want divert your attention to Panama and investigate who arrived there these last few weeks. To my colleagues: the police know more than you think so act accordingly.

  3. The real Zetas… including Moreiria

  4. Leprechaun zeta from Ireland ten four over n out

  5. Zetas in Europe?? That’s crazy

    1. Los Zetas originales como El Chuta, El Vera, y El Chocotorro ya vivían allá desde principios del año 2000. Allá se quedaron algunos. Otros regresaron y murieron o se retiraron. Ellos fueron los que abrieron camino…

    2. Their leader, “El Bertie Boy”, was only arrested in same place they were dealing coke out of… shit goes deeper a Flecha

    3. Zetas got their asses handed to by MICHOACÁN!!!!

    4. @11.45. When people talk about ZETAS IN EUROPE they mean 34 year olds in suits, laying foundations for businesses that can launder money.

  6. Thats shiit crazy ! Shows you how powerful and influence these guys have

  7. What about the american 25year old captured in hungary earlier this month on the run for fentanyl trafficking

  8. Se va mojar el escottis zeta

  9. Leperchuan zeta zeta four leaf clover a la orden Viejon

    1. New film: Leprechaun vs The Cartel

  10. There's big dawg Zs in Naples directly connected to the big Dawgs Zs in Veracruz that coke

    1. @956 — BULLSHIT … Native Napoletano here; even Imperiale went away, they still procured from Ndrangheta (Peru, Ecquador, Bolivia).

    2. 10;35 to much Mexican pride here not worth your time.

  11. X Mex presidents are living in Spain with drug money they took while in office.

    1. Yes. makes sense because its more similar to the first world (USA) but they speak Spanish. i see it as an in between of US and Mexico. that's spain

    2. 8:18
      Have you ever been in Spain?

    3. That’s something that should be looked into further. All the ex presidents living in Spain. There’s got to be some link. And why would an ex leader of a country want to live on the other side of the world ? Something is fishy 🐟🐟🐟🐟

  12. Nice to see you back Mx, i missed your gulf cartel stories. I remember in a comment on an old story(couldn't find it), about one of the old school zetas having moroccan or algerian citizenship and maybe italian too. Do you have any info on that? Also have you heard anything on zefe or el june in the recent years? Have you heard much about the recent skirmishes in and around reynosa? Hope your having a great day and i appriciate yours and everyone else's hardwork and giving your volunteer work so more people are aware of what's going on in mexico daily. Thank you all very much.

    1. Yes, I believe you are referring to Jorge López Pérez, also known as El Chuta, a founding member of Los Zetas. There are some unverified accounts suggesting that he currently resides or once resided in Algeria. It is rumored that he spent some time in Italy during his criminal career, acting as a Zetas envoy for the 'Ndrangheta. We have published two stories about him:

      Don Zefe is alive. He lives north of the Mexico border. His son got married in Tulum in 2021 or so and he was there. My guess is he is no longer facing criminal charges in Mexico anymore if he's able to travel to Mexico freely. I've been trying to work my way to get an interview with him or a family member for several years now. I know people from Miguel Aleman who know him. They say he is a very religious man now. I want to work on other story of Don Zefe but until I can a hold of a new picture of him (which I was told were plentiful at the wedding), I'm going to hold off. But BB knows where he lives and some of his assets in Mexico.

      El June as far as I know is still in a maximum-security prison in Mexico. I should probably consider submitting a info transparency request to the government to see what his sentence was and when he's expected to be released.

      I don't know much about the recent Reynosa conflict because I haven't been keeping up. Would you like to email me so we can work on a report together? If you provide me with some direction of where to look at I can start there. Thank you for reading!

    2. I didn’t realize it was MX??!

      Welcome back Old Dear Friend! 🦉

    3. Yup! I'm MX, now rebranded as Morogris. Hope you're doing well! Feel free to email me if you need me.

    4. Morongris dónde puedo ver todas tus notas sería muy interesante gracias

    5. Disculpa morongris pero acabo de poner en el buscador a Arturo Muro González y aparece el tal proceso Arturo muro González y dice que es juez adscrito a la asociación estatal de basquetbol de Puebla nmss es el chuta

    6. Mi correo es - hablemos ahi sobre cualquier consulta que tengan. Creo que seria mas facil por ahi.

      De lo que tengo entendido, El Chuta es mucho mas grande que ese tal Arturo Muro Gonzalez. El Chuta entro en las fuerzas armadas en el 79, lo cual significa que nacio a principios de los 50. Lo veo muy grande como para ser el Arturo Muro Gonzalez, pero no lo descarto del todo.

  13. All the zeta factions are on their last legs so this guy has no power and maybe a hard time getting his drugs from zetas into europe.

  14. Good stuff Morogris. Hope you post again.


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