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Monday, July 24, 2023

Mexican Drug Cartels “Starting To Use Counter-UAS Weapons”

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A report from C/O Futures, LLC, a small business located near to California’s Claremont Colleges consortium, reports that Mexican drug cartels have, it seems, started to field counter-UAS systems to protect their operations from government agencies using drones.

“The Mexican cartels have been utilizing weaponized drones since October 2017 with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) the leader in this area of illicit tactical innovation,” reports C/O Futures.  “As various cartels have been targeting each other with this weaponry the expectation exists that dedicated counter-drone capabilities, beyond small arms fires, would start to appear in their arsenals.

“While no proclamation from CJNG exists related to counter-unmanned aerial systems (CUAS) being possessed by that cartel, imagery is beginning to appear—from an indications & warning (I&W) perspective—that they are now being sporadically fielded. Such anti-drone gun imagery has now appeared in a video related to a Cárteles Unidos (CU)/Policía Comunitaria Tepalcatepec (PCT) weaponized drone attack against CJNG (posted in February 2023) and in a photograph related to the seizure of CJNG anti-fighting vehicle mines (IVAMs) near Apatzingán, Michoacán in June 2023.

“The (second) image appears to be a QR-07S3  Digital  Eagle Anti Drone Gun available for USD20,000.00 per device for small orders and also directly from Digital Eagle the manufacturer via inquires.”

This news was first reported by Belgian defence analyst Tim de Zitter in a Linkedin post.

Unmanned Airspace


  1. CDS has the money to obtain any weapon they want any has well has CJNG why they haven't got better equipment is beyond me

    1. That tells me they don't have the money 11:28. Ivan's probably to busy buying new rolexs to care.

    2. Maybe war tech companies sell their shit to governments not to some greasy midget cartel wannabe fucks in a 3rd world country. Let the mexican disorganized crime groups kill each other with their rusty ass ak 47s.

  2. Cds has been using drones even before cjng Saludos Al señor de los drones

  3. Cjng use to be cds let that sink in

    1. No it wasn't. You never heard CJNG as part of sinaloa. They came out of the Milenio cartel. When Milenio split, the faction that Mencho and co. formed were called los Torcidos. Then they became CJNG. They might have been allies once upon a time, but never a part of.

    2. @5:41 the whole entire milenio Cartel trabajaba debajo de los huevos de Nacho Coronel un capo de adeveras no un pinche muerto de hambre aguacatero 😆

    3. 5:41 they never called themselves "Los Torcidos". That name was used by "La Resistencia": Pilo, Fuski/Puski, Molca and Papirrín when referring to them.

    4. 7:00 wrong. AVC had Jalisco under control until his capture. Before that Los Amezcua were the pesados. When did ICV become top boss in Jalisco for CDS? IDK. But he wasn't the Boss of Milenio. Why you think Lobo hit him with a 1-2 and nobody did anything? ICV stood all of 5'2"+/- and pulled his gun. Got setup by his own compa JAGL because he was becoming too powerful with the traffickers in Jalisco.

    5. 7:00 dumb ass muerto de hambre tu padre guey nacho got killed bc he wanted to part with the real muerto de hambres sinaloas to stay with real heavy hitters mich/jal/col and chapo didnt like that bc nacho was gona be way bigger

    6. Nacho and rafa were the only people from up north that welcomed and liked in gdl..reason why their seeds are still there and roots still growing.

  4. They flew under the CDS banner. Just like CDS used to be Guadalajara Cartel nimwit.


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