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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Narco Banners Found In Reynosa, They Got Into The Kitchen

“Char” for Borderland Beat 

Banners where hung in the early hours of Wednesday July 5, 2023, at the Reynosa-Hidalgo International Bridge a source of mine and I came to the conclusion. 

The banners specifically targeted Gulf Cartel "Los Metros" faction leaders and brother's Cesar Morfin Morfin "Primito", Alvaro Noe Morfin Morfin "R8" and an individual known as "Sanchez". While Primito to most of us is known as the overall Los Metros leader, the brains and the one that basically makes the moves on the basis of what it best for Primito is his brother R8. Once again R8 is key in the decision making and looks out for the best interest of his brother Primito. 
Two things I can confirm Los Metros faction are heavily involved in the fuel theft. Second, Primito rose through the ranks of Los Metros for being a top lieutenant of the now-defunct Comandante Toro M-42. With that being said, yes Primito has Jalisco connections-deals, but the theory that Primito is a CJNG operator is false. Primito carries the Toro M-42 flag who was the Los Metros leader from 2015-2017. 

banners read as the following: 

Communication by Gulf Cartel Group Scorpion and allies 

For the society of Reynosa , Tamaulipas and surroundings. 

The war has officially started. 

In the upcoming days our objective is to overthrow the rats Primito and Sánchez in addition their followers who have dedicated themselves to divert the income of our company to the state of Jalisco, benefiting CJNG so they can empower themselves takeover other states with money of our land , meanwhile their workers denominated as “Los Metros” are comfortable like little kids with a lollipop, people please have some awareness. Do not sell your land , we are Gulf Cartel , while we are killing each other they are wasting the money in Las Naranjas ,Jalisco Pihuamo , Jalisco , and Huetamo, Michoacan, with musical groups big parties spending big bucks mocking our town. Tamaulipas will always be prosperous and we will fight for the peace of our land. 

We did not come to cause more harm than what already is here , but to prevent Jalisco to take over what has belong to the Gulf for decades, like the Ribereña. In which at the expense of Tamaulipecos “Primito” has factions in Colima endorsed by the skirt of his brother R8 who have betrayed Reynosa and Miguel Aleman. 

They bit the hand that feeds you, leaving the legacy of my brother and chief, Samuel Flores Borrego. To the extend that his teachings have lost their way, and even the trust, “Morfines” today not everyone has your trust, you have poison our city with crystal meth , and you have betrayed our company “Primito” 

With the shirt on of M3 we will retrieve what we Tamaulipecos own, what we own stays home for the company and not for the pockets of "Primito" and Jalisco when I was alive, I removed the most bloodthirsty cartel with my legacy and my people united M3 and G3 

Also for you for the so call owners of Huachicol and the bridges from this moment own you have stopped breathing without worries in Nuevo Leon and CDMX everyone is located and if you do not aligned yourselves you will suffer the consequences Javier Peña in Reynosa Transportation 3-H and Luis Rivera Luxenburgo. 

 Sincerely, the real Gulf Cartel Group Scorpion old school Metros 

M3 G3 “ 

SOURCE: LA VOZ DEL PUEBLO   Valor Tamaulipecos


  1. someone commented about who was my source in one of my previous articles? my answer is sources are to be kept private.

    Riodoce as well as Zeta Tijuana articles are based on 'sources' and usually those are the best articles.

    1. Screw them!

      Thank you for all you do, Char..

    2. Primito and R8 have another brother. A younger brother and the youngest of the 3 fhats only about 25-29 years old that goes by the name of Rayo . I believe His name is Raymond or Ramon morning. While R8 is the muscle for Primuto. Rayo works as Primitos secretary pretty much and assist him with the business side of things

    3. Valor tamaulipeco and reynosa codigo rojo are the best sources about cdg news. Valor por tamaulipas site stopped doing news after el tori arrest. No new stories since.

  2. Como eh dicho se acerca una batalla historica entre el CJNG sapo gaytan y el tio lako con apoyo del grupo de los drones contra CDG por tamps.. historica en que cambiaria el mapa y historia del narco en tamps.. se va poner buena la cosa en los siguientes dias.. pobre gente de tamps que dios los cuide

    1. Las jaliscas no pueden ni con las metras y menos vieja escuela Sinaloa no pudo menos las jaliscas flacas

    2. Pues a como se ve la cosa los jaliscos estan avanzando mas de lo que pensamos ya estan en varios municipios algo que cuando las sinaloas quisieron entrar a nuevo Laredo el miguelon y el lazca les dieron una vergiza buena luego mejor fueron por Juarez haha

    3. The person on charged of kicking sinaloa out of nuevo laredo was not lazca. It was el coss. Lazcano was nothing but a glorified sicario back then.

    4. Jaliscas aint doing shit in tamaulipas not even with the metros letting them in. This aint chiapas or colima or michoacan. El primito better come to reynosa and lead his people or he will loose control of the plaza.

    5. Y en JUAREZ Tampoco pudieron nomas en la Television ganaron la guerra porke de aki los que no se quedaron bajo la tierra se fueron corriendo patras a sinaloa

  3. Samuel Flores Borrego was the CDG Reynosa and Ribereña high command boss for those interested in him. Sr. M3 was a judicial policeman in Tamaulipas before becoming a Gulf Cartel leader.

    1. It says a lot that they’re still shouting out to him this day… why was he so beloved?

    2. I saw a tik tok referring to banner and it was basically called M-3 son a traitor, and if his father was alive he'd be upset.

  4. Jajajaja🤣🤣🤣. Se cambian de clave más que las de la zona roja se cambian de tanga.😭😭😭

    1. G3=Gama3=Negrito=Eduardito siempre jugando la segunda

  5. Banner quality has really improved thats a pro looking banner instead of sheet or cardboard one

  6. Everyone is a criminal, what did the Gulf expect? Gulf cartel not as powerful 70's, 80's, 90's, they HAD a long stretch of border before and losing land everyday.

    1. You dont even know what your talking about. The cdg controlled the entire north easter border for decades. From the gulf to piedras negras. Until 2010 when they split with the zetas.

  7. Can you add a clear picture of the cartulina, us native spanish speakers would rather read it ourselves than the translation... just saying

    1. 738
      "add a clear picture of the cartulinaus,native spanish speakers would rather read it ourselves than the translation"
      Are you having a fuckin laugh,google you lazy motherfiucker,fuck off,no wonder mods get pissed off with all you

    2. 7:38 AM
      Go brush your teeth,just sayin

    3. 2:16
      Ya already stating a comment, no need to put just saying double salutation 🤣😂🤪.

    4. 2:15 What's your problem??? Why get all bent out of shape over a request??? Yeah, he could probably google it but damn!!! Getting at someone all sideways like that for no reason??? Come on now.

  8. Thank you Char. G3 is Gama 3 AKA Eduardo Ismael Flores Borrego, brother of Metro 3

    Bjeff/Le Chef

    1. Good looking out, I agree, G3=Gama 3, he kind of faded away for a while and now back making noise. Keep in touch, seems like a lot will be happening soon and we can always use your insight.

  9. This split in the metros faction weakens Primitos hold on Reynosa and with M3 and G3 allignment with Escorpiones gives them an Opportunity to take over the Metros Faction

    1. Wut? M3 been dead since September 2011. It was said G3/Gama3/Negrito was snitching when captured late 2010 and that what to led M3 being killed was when El Tocayo and several others were captured middle of 2011.
      Negrito hasn't been a formidable boss, always getting the second or third place just as he is with K19.

  10. Para no se les olvide kienes son sus padres puro sur oeste jal,mich y colima vale

  11. Primito may be a survivor,but inviting Jalisco in is some serious traitor rat shit.Asking for misery

    1. Totally agree. Can't believe the Metros let him do what he did, and the killing of real Metros that he was doing, as long as they did!!!

    2. The true traitor was el choco. Who sold the plaza boss position to el primito for 5 million dollars and el primito repaid him by killing his dumbass.

    3. 5:32 killed him and an envoy sent by Carteles Unidos. Ya los conocen y se quieren hacer los vivos. Le dieron plata por la plaza y plomo por querer morder la mano que le dió millones de dólares

    4. Not really, CDG Escorpiones had been a thorn on every cartel that operates in Tamaulipas, they Wana hold the power and target innocents and keep all the money for them selves, don't forgot CDG escorpiones are the ones who killed 15 innocentes in Reynosa just to calentar la plaza for them, they don't care about Tamaulipas they only care about not losing the power and money they have. Good thing they are losing, just today 9 of them were killed by Guardia Estatal y SEDENA

    5. 147
      ''don't forgot CDG escorpiones are the ones who killed 15 innocentes in Reynosa''
      Excellent point bro,people walking on the street wholly innocent and they murdered them just to bring heat. Escorpiones same old cartel scrubs with guns

    6. Ciclones were the ones that did that. La Droga, Maistrin were not Escorpiones. It would've been better if they didn't lock up Vaquero and Contador stayed locked up. Vaquero actually tried to help people. The only one that consistently help the average poor folk.

  12. That I remember "El Primito de Camargo" started to be known when the CDG vs Zetas war started in 2010. I believe this would be the same individual as CMM. In the forum there was a picture of an individual holding a rifle or two empecherado who it was said was a Comandante Toro, don't know if it was Loisa Salinas.
    My guess is he was paying plaza to CDG in LFC or he was outright already a Metro that was connected to someone with say in CDG.

    1. De las huestes de R1 que estuvo ahí despues de lo M3 recuerdo un audio de Pelonchas hablando con Primito para hacer mancuerna

    2. His name didn't really start making noise till El Toro took over as the leader. That picture you were referring to I think that guy part of the Rojos associated with R-1.

  13. I know I'll probably get laughed at for asking this but the article title says "Narco banners found in Reynosa, They got into the kitchen"...what do you mean by the kitchen? does it have anything to do with the old saying, "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" or does the kitchen stand for some town? I know it's a stupid question but I had to ask. 🤣

    1. It means they are right down there by the foot of the bridge - the heart of the power of whoever runs the plaza

    2. Your half right, the Estatal planted the banner there, not escorpiones, they did they're little group foto outside of Reynosa and had a Guardia Estatal put the mantel up for them

    3. ''They got into the kitchen"...what do you mean''
      They got right in our house,got in deep

    4. It means they went in balls deep 🤣

    5. 1:48 Where did you get that. From my understanding, the Escorpiones put it up in one spot for a bit. When they were told law enforcement was on their way, they took it down and hung it somewhere else. Supposedly they did that around 3 or 4 times. Don't know why. But that's what I heard. Might be just rumors, but why make something up like that???


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