Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 21, 2023

Officials See 'Mexicanization' of Costa Rica After Record-High Drug Murders

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

The Costa Rican Coast Guard with the support of the United States intercepted a vessel carrying 431 kg of cocaine off Limón province, on August 8, 2022. Many of these operations are supported by the Sinaloa Cartel (Image credit: Costa Rican Public Security Ministry)

The influence of Mexican criminal gangs and the increase in cocaine production in Colombia following the 2016 peace agreements have led to a surge in murders in Costa Rica. These murders threaten to reach their highest levels in history by the end 2023, according to data provided by the Minister of Security of Costa. For decades, Costa Rica had been recognized as an oasis of safety in the region.

Last. year Costa Rica had 656 homicides. It now has a homicide approximately every 10 hours. In the first half of 2023 alone, the official data shows that the number of murders has already surpassed that of the first half of the previous year by 42 percent.

"We are witnessing a 'Mexicanization' of crime..." said security expert Mario Zamora in an interview with Reuters. This increase in drug violence is a concern for Costa Rican citizens and politicians because it negatively impacts the country's reputation given its heavy reliance on tourism.

The official explained that ten years ago, when the spiral of violence began, many of the gruesome criminal practices like torture and brazen displays of execution, were not present. He believes that these methods were "trained" and copied from Mexican drug cartels.

Turf wars

Two-thirds of the current homicides are related to the ongoing war between local gangs employing new forms of violence as they vie for control over markets, routes, and territories. Zamora describes this as a "historic moment" for public security in Costa Rica.

Zamora says that the operations of the Sinaloa Cartel in Central America have influenced Costa Rican groups that receive drugs from Colombian gangs as partial payment for logistical services in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica serves as a location to store part of the drug supply before being sent to the United States and Europe for further distribution.

"While we do not produce drugs, Costa Rica has become the largest platform in the world for exporting drugs to third parties," Zamora said in an interview.

Drug points in Costa Rica

In 2023, 10 tons of cocaine reached the shores of Europe concealed within shipments of fruits that departed from the main Costa Rican port, Moín, located in the Caribbean. Last week, the Costa Rican government initiated a security operation at the port, deploying a hundred police officers to scan 100% of the merchandise.

Limón, the Costa Rican province where Moin is situated, is the most violent region in the country, with a homicide rate of 33 per 100,000 inhabitants, nearly three times the national average.

"Today, we have a foothold of this Mexicanization in Costa Rica, but it has not yet become a widespread phenomenon across the entire territory. It is mainly concentrated in criminal gangs in the province of Limón and specific focal points," Zamora said.

Zamora explained that there is a pressing need to eradicate these levels of violence before they become entrenched in Costa Rica's criminal landscape.

Source: Milenio


  1. Correction it should be "americanization" the US is who created the cartels and drug sales.
    No conspiracy Fact!!

    1. No Mijo, Cartels of Mexican origin, means Hecho en Mexico.

    2. 12:02 that's a negative chief

    3. You lames belive everything you read. Get out your box 📦

    4. Wallow in your weak and pathetic victimization. You are weak, and blame America, but I’m sure you also attempt to say you have pride and are strong! If you hate USA that much either get the fuck out, or don’t ever come here. And then I suggest you do something about it except be a hapless weak victim and stop crying! Go ahead and blame USA for whatever you want bitch, THE FACT is nobody wants to leave and millions try to come here!!! And the disgusting handouts, welfare, and poor me money that ME the USA tax payer is fucking forced to pay. Get off my dick and off the USA tit and do something punk!

    5. 310pm that's a negative chief too much bark for someone being anonymous 😂🥱

    6. @12:23 There are criminal organizations all over the world. This is just a CostaRication of Costa Rican crime.

    7. Both Carlos Lehder and George Jung to be specific

    8. Connor's comments are sometimes funny, the emojies lol

  2. Just another reason to skip Costa and go to Panama

    1. Don't forget you're history, Noriega was sent to American prison for trafficking drugs, 👍 good job to our late Ronald Reagan.

    2. Noriega worked for many years with the USA in letting drugs pass through when they didn't need him anymore they went after him USA always wants to be in charge so it wasn't Iran Contra reagan it was bush senior who set the dogs on him .

    3. 12:25 and if you know about history you would know that Noriega was working with US government trafficking coca until the US wanted to make an example.
      Just like chapo, Caro quintero, vicentillo zambada ext.ext. ext..

    4. 12:25 What do you mean good job are you being sarcastic

  3. Costa Rica has been known to be so safe place for many decades, that no military has ever been established, I actually met the lady in San Jose in 1998, Rebecca will be filled with astonishment, that a Cartel from Mexico is claiming areas.

    1. Yep.. wasn’t RCQ first caught in Costa Rica?

    2. 12:45 there is a town called costa rica in sinaloa

    3. There's a town called Buenos Aires too in Sinaloa.

    4. 1:37 There’s tons os streets in Mexico name after other countries! ¿And what’s your point?

    5. 3:42
      Not only streets but TOWNS too, buddy.

  4. Also in Michoacán buenos aires

  5. Blame everything on Mexico! Bravo

  6. Thanks for the info, Costa Rica is not on my vacation distinction and esp mehico

  7. "Mexicanize"? Are they gonna start spiking their coffee with Tequila, saying pura verga instead of pura vida and taco rather than tico?!

  8. Ppl like to put blame on THEIR chosen country of demons, but remember, one hand washes the other bc they were both dirty. Butt also remember, it's always the same hand that has to wipe and remains the shittiest of them all.
    Mexico China Colombia USA etc...take your pick.

  9. Sad costa rica was quite compared to other south american cointries infested with gangs.

    1. Central America, and that Caribbean side has a particularly shady feeling to it compared to other parts of that beautiful country. Cheap hookers and blow though!

    2. 5:39 the Colombian Caribbean is very scummy. I am forced to go via family. they have a few nice beaches but the vibes a shady as fack. I feel way safer in Mexico


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