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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Osiel Cardenas Guillen Gets Busted Up By Mexican Mafia

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The former Gulf Cartel leader was hospitalized after being brutally kicked in the head. It has been 20 years since Cardenas Guillen has been held in a U.S. prison.

A cellmate of Cárdenas Guillén attacked him from behind and kicked him in the head

The former leader of the Gulf Cartel, Osiel Cardenas Guillen, was extorted and assaulted on the orders of the Mexican Mafia while in a maximum security federal prison in Colorado.

It was on September 2, 2019 when cameras from the High Security prison in Florence, Colorado, identified how two people approached the cell where the former drug trafficker and founder of Los Zetas was being held.

Although the agents were unable to hear the conversation, they did notice that moments later, Francisco García, Cárdenas Guillén's cellmate, attacked him from behind and began kicking him in the head.

Two months earlier, one of his many enemies had arrived at the building a few meters from his prison, known as the Florence Supermax prison. It was Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, who had just been sentenced to life in prison for his role as one of the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel. But it was not El Chapo who ordered the attack on Osiel Cardenas, it was the Mexican Mafia.

The attack suffered by the former Gulf Cartel leader

According to the investigation, Richard Santiago, one of the men who first approached Cárdenas, is a member of the Mexican Mafia, and had demanded 10,000 dollars. But Osiel, a man hardened amid the blood and bullets that flew day in and day out in northeast Mexico while he operated for the Gulf Cartel, said no. He was a member of the Mexican Mafia.

It was after Francisco Garcia brutally attacked him. According to the guards, it was "the worst kicks to the head they had ever seen that did not result in a death."

Osiel Cardenas had to be hospitalized. He had lacerations on his face, a swollen head and a broken nose. Authorities were not entirely clear why and even discovered that the two got along well, so they began to check both of their backgrounds. Then, they began to piece together the loose ends.

Osiel Cardenas, the narco who survived an attack by the Mexican mafia

Osiel Cárdenas, the drug lord who survived a Mexican mafia attack

Garcia was a member of Los Sureños, a criminal cell that acts as an armed wing of the Mexican Mafia in U.S. federal prisons. As a member of Los Sureños, and an aspiring member of the Mexican Mafia, he was to carry out orders given to him, among them, to attack one of the most violent drug traffickers in Mexico's history.

Francisco García had received an order from the Mexican mafia to attack Osiel Cárdenas for refusing to pay 10,000 dollars, about 200,000 pesos.

Osiel Cardenas will serve his sentence in 2024.

In 2007, in the first mass extradition of criminals from Mexico to the United States, Osiel Cárdenas arrived in the United States, where he was charged with drug trafficking and convicted.

The former drug kingpin is less than a year away from serving his sentence. It will be August 2024 when he will have paid his debt to the US justice system, and although it is not known what will happen to him afterwards, it is known that he did not collaborate with the authorities despite knowing he was facing several years in prison, nor did he pay for protection, even though he knew he could be killed in prison.



  1. Yall do remember ossy havung his prisin henchmen beat up benjamin arellano in a mx prison. Note the aretes had the eme workng for them at some point.

    1. I dont remember that. I remember oziel had a pact with the arellanos against el chapo when he was in mexican prison.

    2. it could have been the Texas Mexian Mafia that did it, not california. There are a few members in Florence that I know of.

    3. Popeye Barron and Bat Marquez are 🖐🏿 who worked closely with AFO in the 90's. Ramon like their prison mentality. staying physicality fit, being clean and being with the business.

    4. 3:22 Zeta TJ for sure will have an article regarding that beat down of BAF

    5. Yeah, I remember the short AFO-Zeta alliance. What goes around comes around.

    6. There’s plenty of photos on the internet with Benjamin Arellano posing along with current Mexican Mafia members in the Federal prison system

    7. Armando valencia from the old milenio cartel beat this Dude up

    8. When did that happen???

    9. He got his ass kicked in Colorado. Somehow de didn't die. He was then taken to level 3 federal in Indiana where inmates with health problems get put. The story comes from a made EME member who was there, and that beat down left him permanently damaged. He is still green lighted.

  2. You know Osiel paid after that. La Eme doesn't want to kill him, they want to bust Osiel up so he pays. Maybe Osiel threw Eme some business to keep the peace.

    1. Or perhaps he originally turned down business with them, only to help their rivals like Texas Syndicate or Tango.. and like you said, paid for it.

      Huge news regardless; thank you and way to go Borderlandbeat!! 🦉

    2. La Eme controls all the cartels in America. If you don’t have permission or check in first they will shut you down permanently. That’s why the Cartels have rules in the USA they can’t publicly butcher people from bridges and shit.

      The CDS have different deals with DoJ, DEA, FBI to snitch on Zetas and CJNG in exchange for special treatment and immunity from prosecution and deportation.

      La Eme controls the prison system so a pinche mojado pendejo needs to wake the fuck up foo

    3. Jajajaja you watch too many movies, the eme is strong not denying that. But they can't match the power of a Cartel.

    4. @1138 — Delusional as fuck, “carnal”…

    5. Negative fool

    6. 11:38 The only fool I see on here is you. Calling your own people "mojado pendejo". Yeah you're top notch first tier idiot. Go talk like that in front of the ones you idolize (an eme member), I guarantee you're going to be getting set straight! We'll see who the pendejo really is then.

    7. 11:38
      You literally made all that up.

    8. The Mexicans from Mexico “paisas” in California at least run under the 13 or La eme .. if you’re in jail on the west coast surenos pretty much tell the Mexicans what to do period .

    9. Well the Paisas be smashing all the sureños in the feds lol. Last two FDC and USP went to. Paisas and Sirenos had riots and both times sureños got done dirty. Eme guys also. Like any gang. In Numbers they are tough. But once that is lost. They are pussies

  3. I thought cells in Florence were single man

    1. Exactly and that there was no contact among inmates?

    2. They're only single if you're in the supermax part were Chapo is.

    3. They may be single, but that doesn’t mean they’re locked all day…

      I doubt it was a cell mate tho, like you said they are mostly if not all single cells… and the guy likely ran into the bop the midget

    4. 4:42
      They're locked ALL day if they're in the supermax part.

    5. @515 — we don’t really know for sure… guys who been in there for over a decade, like Osiel, who have good behavior too, could likely have earned more privilege$…

    6. 7:20
      You don't earn those privileges in supermax. They may move you to the none supermax part and there you do earn privileges.

    7. @930 — guess you mi$$ed the hint… hate to break it to you but corruption exists everywhere.

      Look at Epstein.

    8. There's two parts of the prison, supermax and the mainline . Mainline there is max security but they're not slammed down all day.

    9. 5:18

      Was Epstein at ADX supermax with privileges?

  4. N just like that he will be given the us citizenship for being victim of a violent crime

    1. Hahahaha!!!! Is that how you think it works! There’d be way more raza if it were like that

    2. Convicted criminals don't qualify.

    3. Not even a convicted loiterer would be eligible.

  5. Mexican mafia are nothing but watered down mexicans that like to fuck each other in prison. They aint shit in south texas. Oziel probably told them so lol. You know he going to chop up anyone of them that crosses his path when he gets out here shortly and takes over the cdg.

    1. no they will send him to mx and at the border he gets arrested again, he will not see freedom again

    2. @423 — didn’t he already serve his MX term tho?

    3. In prison in mexico he will still run the cdg just like that piece of chihuahua shit el 40 runs cdn and el cuini runs los cuinis. If mexico didnt extradite their cartel bosses mexico wld not be the meat grinder that it has become.

    4. USP Florence is a big prison complex and ADX is just one part of the prison. There’s lower security units there as well

    5. If you say la EME doesn't run anything in South Texas you must not be from there than who does since you think you know it all.

    6. @750 — TRUTH

    7. Tangos,! run all of Texas prison , you got famas , like the eme are other type but at the end of the day tango b runing them units ,

  6. I'm devastated, I can't find my emojies!

  7. No que el controla la pinta alla en el gabacho 🤣🤣🤣

    1. No controlo ni la putisa que le dieron al baboso 😭

    2. Y quien dijo eso, aver,?

    3. 🖐🏿 controla las pintas y calles. Hasta las hormigas pagan pizo.

    4. The only muscle they have is to jack them selfs off

  8. Mexia mafia is powerful in prison but yes they have power in the streets but to pull this crab 🦀 on a Drug Lord like El Señor Cardenas i feel for this side of the Mexican mafia cause everyone knows they survive on cartel product and Cardenas is still a big player and his family

    1. It is interesting that it’s the Federal prison system and faction of the organization…

      Big stuff like this is atypical in the Feds…

    2. Cardenas family still has control over the Mexican side of the Reynosa border crossings aka they are the gatekeepers. Heads will roll for this once Osiel is out of prison. He's viscous like z-40.

    3. Osiel obviously ain’t about shit. Just the fact that he got his nose broken says a lot. Fucking chump. He deserved it.

    4. They control the US southwest. They dont need Osiel.

    5. @426 I'm sure you know more about what should be their moves than they do. I'm sure they just didn't think this through clearly, and clearly they need an adviser like you, who reads blogs, to guide them properly. If only they had you in their corner giving them advice based upon your full knowledge of the inter-workings of gangs and "cartels" these guys would be much better off. You should write a letter and offer your services.

  9. Probably translation error, but Cardenas definitely did cooperate.

    No way he goes back to Mexico. Too many enemies.

    1. 4:37:
      You are correct. Osiel cooperated with the U.S. in exchange for a lenient sentence. There is no public record of what information he gave but it is believed that he gave up significant information on his whole family. His sentencing hearing was closed to the public.
      He most likely still has family support because there is no way for them to know what information he gave up and he might not serve any more time in Mexico as part of his plea deal.
      One way or the other, heads are going to roll over this. El Senor mata amigos is a hyena. He will snitch on amigos as easily as he kills them. He will sell his own mother if the price is right. He most likely will be back to his old business after he returns to Mexico whether he works from inside a Mexican prison or not. I expect that he will reach out and touch a few MM's in the coming years.

    2. 921 sentencing hearing closed could have been for security reasons. The question is whether the sentencing hearing records and other records are closed. An online federal court case records search can accomplish that.

    3. He most likely gave information against the Zetas which since his extradition were breaking away from the CDG to become their own cartel

    4. Threatening a U.S. federal agent puts someone high on the list for U.S. prosecutors. He was a high value target and was facing life without the threats. The prosecutors had him by the huevos so he had to give up something significant in order to receive a plea deal where he would be released in his 50's.
      He didn't begin cooperating until at least 6-7 years after his arrest so much of his info was dated (He was still running CDG from his prison cell in Mexico. I don't believe he was cooperating at that time. There's no way to tell when he began cooperating, but it was most likely when he was in the U.S.).
      There is significant evidence in the public record that he cooperated. It is undeniable that he gave up intel on the Zetas. However, it would have been difficult to get the plea deal that he received by only giving intel on the Zetas. I believe he gave up significant intel on the CDG structure and operations itself which would involve intel on his own family members. Historians will probably open these records 50 years from now but all we can do is speculate. This is just my best guess.
      He is a hyena. He has loyalty to no one except himself. I don't believe he will be imprisoned in Mexico. My expectation is that he will jump back in the game as soon as he sets foot on Mexican soil. This attack only motivates him more to get back in the game. He appears to have family support so he shouldn't have any problems getting a position of power or support to start his own organization. I expect him to be a major player again, and when he is he will be looking up some Eme's.

    5. He’d have trouble touching eme members on this side but there are members on the other side mostly in Baja, protected by afo, cds, jcng that he might be able to locate and put prices on their heads. but if he has family or friends in the U.S. federal system they would be targeted in a quick second.

  10. Sol with the big fish today!!!

    Congratulations and thank you, my dear friend! 🦉

  11. Se sabe que Oziel mando matar al hermano del chapo en Almoloya , ahora el chapo se está vengando !!

    1. I thought that was retribution for Chapo killing the younger Carrilo Fuentes.

    2. 447

    3. Oziel coordinated with the carrillos

    4. On another note...
      Remeber when Sigifredo talamanyes el canicon beat the shit out of edgar la barbie in prison...
      Beat him so bad wanna say barbies face was swollen and had a black eye... Not too sure but it was alleged that barbie was talkin shit on zetas so canicon put in work lol.
      So he had him killed by poisioning
      his whole body was fucked & ejercito wouldnt release his body until days later to family
      Don't know what other reaction Cancicon was expecting
      Guess he thought he has as much rank as his Jefes Los Goris

    5. @518 — wouldn’t doubt it… that’d be a smart move and they both were technically screwed by Chapo…

  12. I don’t see how people think Osiel is not coming back to tamp and taking over the cdg regardless if he cooperated or not his family has been in control of matamoros all this time the Cárdenas clan still has the power regardless if the original gulf is broken up into factions Osiel started most of these factions… if him cooperating means he can’t come back and be factor then why would his brothers, sons and nephews all have power or authority?? Make that make sense.. none of them would have any power and the Cárdenas name wouldn’t mean shit if that’s how the cdg was taking him cooperating his brothers all became top boss AFTER his arrest then his nephews like “contador” and “Betillo” after them. That’s only possible if these dudes still respect Osiel and the Cárdenas name period.. almost all of the big capos cooperate but I haven’t heard of any arrest made off his information he probably gave them next to nothing and got the 20 years… I guarantee Osiel comes to MX and he’s the one who can unify the gulf back into what they used to be.. he’s the big OG who had all these dudes under him at one point it was because he got locked up that the splitting happened in the first place. When Osiel was running the cdg there was no internal beefs or factions that’s why sinoloa couldn’t take Nuevo Loredo the CDG/Zetas was too strong under Mata Migos they took Michoacan under Osiel to.. just wait and see..

    1. He flipped on Zs & practically gave all their info on Lazca/Mamito/Hunmer/Rex/chispa/etc
      Thus them resorting to kidnappin/extortion
      They had to get their own sources in guatemala
      If osiel and z2 wouldn't have flipped on Zs they could have probably been unstoppable
      ***Lazca was plannin a golpe del estado by buying generals before he was gunned down***
      That right there says it all
      They were operating on a different level

      Only close friends like meme/costilla/Tormenta/XR Rojo/ etc were untouched by his coperation

    2. He may do so but indirectly… through family… it would be stupid to just jump in the game again directly.

      He likely still is holding reign to this day through family intermediaries…

    3. I wouldn't doubt he worked out a wp deal in us. Alot is sealed in his deal but from what is known he got very preferintial treatment (25 years with time in mexico counting (he was a ruthless maniac that definately deserved life sentence)& only $50 million for such a big player). He's been in long enough to be released to a rrm by now, but they're housing him in the fed death row prison probably in a singles cell(bop# 62604-079). But who knows the us gov is ruthless, has a long memory & he threatened the fbi agents, so they may throw him back to the wolves & stir up the hornets nest before they do. Or give him the guero palma treatment, but for now looks like they're trying to protect him til his release date. We will find out for sure in the next year.

  13. Good luck to whoever did this, if true. They will pay a heavy price for this at some point. Not like his family doesn’t run the CDG Matamoros faction and still heavy in the game. Like they won’t find this out and start looking and asking questions and paying big money. I guess that dude doesn’t care about his family outside. Smdh.

    1. @6:02 thats in Mexico and on the outside.. on the inside they hold no power or anything.. the gangs run the show

    2. They aren’t afraid on the inside… especially if they are from an organization like Eme…

    3. You cant put your hands on a Carnal, Big Homie. They mKe it a point and will greenlight you and your entire family.

    4. Hey Benny use your head and think!! They can easily find out who the perp is and put a hit on his family. As a matter a fact.. They will use his own HOMEBOYS from his hood to smoke his dad or brother or whoever they choose…G.C.

    5. 9:25:
      They know who assaulted him. It's on the prison cameras. Regardless, Osiel knows who assaulted him. An incredibly bad thing to do just a few years before he is released and a real possibility he will do no more time in Mexico.

    6. @9:25 lol.. yes they can do that and guess what happens next?? Old man osiel gets paid another visit or one of his relatives thats locked up. Or even out on the street. Old man John Gotti had to pay protection as well all that power outside doesn't mean shit on the inside.. same shit would happen to pedophile Chapo

    7. If Osiel still has the same mentality he had before he got arrested, then I do believe there will be retaliation towards the Eme members family who did this . Remember, Osiel is a guy who was on the verge of killing U.S federal agents before he got arrested. After the shit storm brought down after Kiki Camarena was killed , capos knew it simply wasn’t worth fucking with U.S federal agents regardless of the circumstances. No one wanted the that type of target on their back . And Osiel knew all that and still decided to have a armed standoff with those agents. That right there says he truly believes he is the baddest, most macho ,son of a gun on earth The mentality of a person like that, will get always get revenge, if it’s the last thing they do. A person with that mentality believes they must show that no one crosses them or fucks them over . I’m sure he’ll always have this moment lingering in the back of his mind , until the revenge is finally paid in blood . If he’s the same Osiel he was when he was free , then I would gladly make a wager saying the Eme members family are the ones who will pay the price , not the actual Eme member. Most men tend to love their parents the most , so I believe it’ll be one of those ones who pay the price in some “random “ murder, the whole time he’s sitting back in Mexico smirking . If he still has millions like they say , I would think offering some Hispanic street gang leader, a million dollars , to get some of the younger members to do the job in order to earn their stripes.
      The guy with the most money tends to win the war . And if the Eme guy wanted a mere $10,000 , then that says they don’t have anywhere near what Osiel probably has tucked away . Not only could he have easily paid a million dollar extortion, but he chose to say he wasn’t going to pay a $10,000 one . That right there says his mentality is still the same as when he was free . He will come for vengeance sooner or later . I believe he will wait until he is released, and back in Mexico to strike , for fear of getting hit with a conspiring to commit murder charge , which would turn his remaining sentence into an indefinite sentence. In his mind he’s eager to reclaim his throne , but I feel as soon as he released to Mexico , the wheels to the retaliation , will be set in motion .

    8. 11:18 La Eme has foot soldiers in America who kill for free. They don’t have to have more money to kill Osiel, just more locos who don’t give a fuck

    9. There will be no repercussions! La eme and surenos are from Southern California and these rata zetas and their spin-offs and splinters aint shit in California! Osiel is now nothing but a big bitch!

    10. Bulletproof men are not invented yet Paisas are not afraid of La EME

    11. 1118 is another weirdo here who watches too much tv and spends too much time reading this crap. What's your wager that NOTHING happens to his family? Absolutely nothing. Guaranteed.

    12. also 1118, he didn't do anything but threaten those agents because he's not stupid. "On the verge." LOL. I mean, that right there tells me you don't know how these things happen. "On the verge." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL On the verge.... lol he's not that stupid...that's what stopped his verge.

    13. Nobody is untouchable. Some years back near my hometown in Winton CA an acquaintance of mine was having marital issues with his wife. Well her father and brother went to his House to beat the shit out of him, while they were beating the fuck out of him, my acquaintance dad came out of the house with a LEGAL colt 38 super and shot both of them. Killed the brother and severely wounded the dad. Turns out the wounded dad was documented La Eme member. After a about a month the old man got his 38 Super back from law enforcement and he still lives in the same house Nobody ever did shit him other than a few threats. I’m Just saying stop giving these tecatos so much credit.

    14. That’s because the Mexicans won’t generally attack someone they know has guns they prefer attacking those that can’t defend themselves

    15. Osiel jr doing fed time. They've spread eme & surenos all over usbop in alot of states to make them less effective. All bop done was extended eme's reach. These high level criminals love money and lots have killed there friends. I think osiel will be putting his sons life in danger if he seeks retribution on eme members inside of usbop. Given his track record i wouldn't put it past him to try sneak associates or family members of the guy on the street. It's 50/50 if he got a wp deal in us. For everything he's done including threatening fed agents the us gov have treated him with velvet gloves.

  14. Danm it I just reported this and was called a lier in another post.. TOLD YOU THIS HAPPENED U ASS HOLES

    1. I just checked and nobody actually called you a "liar". There's somebody there that's claiming they're the original person that said Osiel got busted up got and apologized if they were wrong.

    2. BB should look into banning IPs..

    3. 5:21
      Why? Because people have disagreements? Are you for censorship?

    4. Iirc somebody mentioned it in comments on a unrelated story on bb a few years ago too when chivis was moderatorating

  15. That's what happens to these clowns in the US if they don't pay up they still think they are back in Mexico doesn't work that way the gangs and guards at BOP or TDC don't care who they were they need to follow the rules.

  16. That's why the Trevino's don't to get extradited.

    1. They would probably kill the Trevinos. Too many people killed not to reap what you sow.

  17. 9/2/2019. Almost 4 years ago and no retaliation?

  18. Snitches get stitches,Osiel cooperated with the DOJ so he's not welcomed anywhere.Even upon his release,I guarantee he will be looking over his shoulder.His power is no longer as it was in the 90s.nadie respeta a un soplon!

    1. Bottom line the cartels just pass it over the river and the gangs buy it and / or distribute it the cartels don't have any say in the matter.

    2. 2:31 Is that right? Then the flores twins were made up?!!! I had a feel they were frauds.

  19. that was 4 years ago !

  20. I think is about time Mexican Cartels show the Mexican Mafia who is boss. No need to leave that in the open. Cut heads down.

  21. La eme don't care about some mexican cartel. They run many US prisons and have plenty of soldiers on the outside. He better start paying or go into protective custody.

    1. This happened in 2019 genius.

    2. The Mexican mafia are no match for a cartel. La eme has home turf. I bet they would never try that in Mexico

    3. Of course they would not try that in Mexico are you dumb or what they are a prison gang

  22. La Mexican Mafia is nothing compared to the REAL Mexican mafiosos.
    Those chumps get chump change and NEVER seen a million dollars.
    Street level thugs but most likely doing life so osiel won't ever get his revenge against them

  23. I'm from The Rio Grande Valley, Osiel Cardenas has his seat warm and ready soon as he hits Matamoros...Believe that, his bloodline holds the cartel power after this whole time, El señor de la O...Cardenas name holds much wieght like Guzman in Sinaloa...His Family held the Cartel together and the HEART of the CDG is Matamoros...And they got all the power...CDG mamtmoros isn't going to die off they have it all....And when this man hits his land it's over he back in the seat he never left unattended...El Mayos kids straight out snitched on CHAPO in court sat there to his face, Osiel told about structure that. Don't exist anymore...And Chapo while he was out snitched on his partners to benefit his side of the cartel...Like in the USA them billboards say your not a snitch is you on your competition....But Cartel Guidelines work so different now in this era....MONEY AND SOLDIERS AND POWER CORRUPTION IN YOUR POKET MAKES IT WORK....and Cardenas got all of that and more....Next Year he will be back in his seat bodyguards of elite ex military guys watch he not going back to Prison he done did his time and now back to what he carefully built while he ran it outside and inside Prison he the man the guy who was feared by El chapo la Barbie and lazcano....He ruthless and his name in Tamaulipas is like El Chapos in his area and mencho in his...He means buisness when speaks ...THESE ARE FACTS

    1. Can you guys give CDS a free seminar on how not to snitch so much 😁

  24. Everybody thinks they have all this power until they get snubbed ... Nobody is invincible I don't give a damn who they think they are and alot of em have people to protect em like pus-ies

  25. Osiel didnt co-operate ? Ok got that

  26. Who does osiel roll with in prison? With the paisas? Or who

  27. Osiel will get his due soon over that scrapa


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