Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 21, 2023

Recently Sanctioned Belgian Trafficker Told to Pay Debt Owed to "El Mayo" Zambada

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

“Just as I have the balls to come and make this video with my face, Mr. Ballouti, I am also standing with my people from Mayo Zambada, do you understand me? So check the information carefully...”

The notice was addressed to Othman El Ballouti, a drug trafficker who smuggles cocaine through Belgium and who was recently sanctioned by authorities in the United States due to his involvement in trafficking.

The video, just over a minute long, was released by journalist Jorin van de Az on the news site Gazet van Antwerpen on July 19, although the exact date of its creation is unknown. The clip shows an alleged Mexican drug trafficker in a white shirt and black cap inside a vehicle.

At first, the Mexican -identity unknown- offered an apology to Ballouti for sending his people to collect a debt. However, he later demanded that he settle the pending issues that he has with them.

In the video, a Mexican man addresses 'Señor El Ballouti' directly. The man speaks with the accent of someone from SinaloaThe man in the video says he speaks on behalf of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ballouti, that I sent people to the door of one of your people to settle a debt," he said apologetically. Then the tone becomes more menacing. The man tells El Ballouti to show the video to the Mexicans in Europe. “They will tell you who I am. I have the balls to show my face to you here.”

The man in the video believes that El Ballouti urgently needs to settle an old debt. "You need to get serious," it sounds. 

“But debts are debts of honor, debts of men. This business is for men, not fags. Then I ask you to get your act together with that debt, sir. In advance, I apologize again, but well, you also get serious. There we are. Take care of yourself, Ballouti family,” concluded the operator of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada.

At the end of the video, the Mexican offered Ballouti another apology but asked him to pay the "debt of honor" as soon as possible. However, at no time did he mention what said debt consists of, that is if it is related to a shipment of drugs or money.

Who is Othman El Ballouti?

According to the US Treasury Department, Othman El Ballouti is considered a "high-level drug trafficker" who runs an international criminal organization that smuggles cocaine, which enters through the port of Antwerp in Belgium and is distributed throughout Europe.

Othamn operates alongside his younger brother, Younes El Ballouti. The illicit money obtained is “laundered” through companies headquartered in China. Due to their involvement in drug trafficking, they are wanted by the Belgian authorities.

However, both Othamn and Younes are presumed to be taking refuge in the United Arab Emirates, specifically Dubai, to avoid capture. Despite this, on July 19, the Treasury Department sanctioned these traffickers along with one of their Belgian operators, identified as Youssef Ben Azza, due to his illegal activities.


  1. CDS fans blowing loads over this.

    1. Fan boy this fan boy that they all bellends

    2. Negative chief

    3. For anyone who is curious about 4:21 choice of word 'bellends' DEFINITION OF BELLENDS:glans penis. a stupid, ridiculous, or annoying person, especially a man.
      Carry one, that is all🐙

    4. 4:40AM
      You had to look that up?

    5. Why the hell do you kids always have to talk about fans? Take that bullshit back to Tiktok or reddit or wherever these ''fans'' wave their pom poms. This is an interesting story, and it's rare that these videos get released.

  2. Theory: he still had an open debt when he fled to Dubai. And now that he's there he doesn't pay because he thinks the cartel can't get him in Dubai.

    Not sure if cartel related but earlier this year, his 11-year-old niece died when gunmen shot up the home of his sister.

    1. His rivals shot up his house not MZ. Guy will just ghost MZ and never pay

  3. Mayo is not getting his cash, any hit in Dubai is a suicide mission with a death sentence.

    1. Hopefully his entire family is with him too then…

    2. 7:31 remember CDS doesnt touch kids 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. If they gave a damn about death sentences or whatever they would of never got Involved with drug trafficking .... duh ... N I don't think the dubai dude really gives a damn ... Its a cat n mouse gave with drugs 👉👉👉👉👉 debt ... Licks .. hiding ... Burning connects .... Killing people ... Hunting people .... More burning .... Prices ... Quality ... No loyalty ... Accusations ... Prison ... Death ....and a whole bunch of kaniving motherfuc-ers

    4. @7:31 PM
      The house of his sister got shot at with an AK-47, resulting in the dead of his 11 year old niece.

    5. @4:17pm "If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it's that you can kill anyone." Michael Corleone, the Godfather Part II.

    6. Brown here's 1 Fidel Castro

  4. I dont think these guys in Belgium really care about MZ sorry fan boys

    1. They must care if they're doing business.

    2. Many groups are working in Europe Mexicans are not a dominant group

    3. They're the dominant suppliers.

    4. Sicario 8 is the heavy hitter there.

    5. 5:49 sorry kid but they are not for Meth Maybe. Cocaine they are not dominant suppliers in Europe

    6. I think this video was a friendly and respectfull “con todo el respeto” reminder that they are annoyed with the delay and no answer no call no show is over they had their time given for whatever hiccups they had kinda like a last warning before el pozolero takes a flight that way

    7. Lol obviously bc he got got jacked belgium straight ran off on him lol..only sinaloas good for it get jacked or snitch lol

    8. Colombians are bigger outside the usa market.

    9. I believe the European market belongs to the Columbians and controlled and distributed through the Albanians. Maybe here and there Mexicans import but that’s why they are willing to just take loads because it doesn’t affect their business or supply if they don’t pay the Mexicans.

  5. He can easily Reach out to Another cartel for protection. He can continue using his smuggling routs... And tell CDS to fuck off

    1. Lol you got it all figured out. 🤣 they should hire you for your cartel assessments. Lmfao!!!!!

    2. That dudes a baboso like hes now shit

  6. Them arabs aint scared of a bunch of mexicans. Mfs got real kamikazes out there

    1. Then why did they make a bunch videos paying tribute to Mayo a few years ago?

    2. 8:13 lol no different group these guys don't give a fack about mayo

    3. 4:31
      They were different groups.

    4. 4:31 you talk like if Mayo is attacking the whole fucken arab world. If anything the arab world doesn't give a fuck about a certain drug dealer of theirs either.
      If Mayo wants to reach him and only him he can. This guys niece dying as many here are saying is proof of this even if Mayo was not involved in that killing

    5. They should be.
      "the Sinaloa Cartel already has connections with important Middle Eastern drug traffickers, such as Turkish drug groups and Lebanon’s Hezbollah". Sinaloan proxies can get you.,crosshairs%20of%20U.S.%20counterterrorism%2C%20not%20just%20counternarcotics%20efforts.

    6. 5:15 there you go with the racism!
      Why couldn't you say Arabs don't care about a bunch of drug dealers?
      Because bringing down Mexicans was more important.
      Had it been the Italians trying to hit an Arab you would have mentioned Italians.
      This is the way this country has always been.

    7. 11:40 how old are you? You probably searched the internet top to bottom for your fake article

    8. 1:45 PM

      That's an ad hominem fallacy. Now, you made a claim its "fake" so, present your counter argument with evidence.

    9. 2:16 ad minimum fallacy my ass!
      The guy could have also said Mexican drug dealers but instead it simply said Mexicans as in general.
      Making Arabs sound more important or shit like that.
      You think Arabs are the only people with weapons and shut like tha also?
      How long have you been reading BB here when it only mostly talks about the weapons the cartels have?
      You think just because south American countries are poor they are push overs also?

    10. 2:16 that's a racist fuckin ad hominem fallacy.
      How would you like it if it's said fuckin Caucasian Americans keep shooting innocent people in malls and movies theaters and shit like that?
      You'd come up with examples that other people do it also.
      As for Arabs caring about Mexicans? They are NOT at war with each other.
      Arabs caring about Mexican drug dealers?
      I don't loose sleep over it.

    11. 4:48 PM

      The comment at @1:45 questioned the age of somebody to argue that it's a "fake" article and that's an ad hominem fallacy because they focused on the personal and not the argument made in the article. I didn't care to read the rest of your post, sorry.

    12. 4:48 PM

      You're confusing me with somebody else, my first comment on this thread is 2:16.

    13. 2:16

    14. 7:08 AM
      How is that relevant to the claim Sinaloa has connections with middle eastern groups?

  7. That’s not a sinaloan accent

    1. What did you expect to hear señor de los cielos fk you made me laugh

    2. Obviamente no mi familia es de la Cruz de elota se como hablan

    3. 8:51 La cruz de Elota es un ejido que le da onde vivir ala gente que emigra para ganar un bocado de alimento igual que el resto del sur de Culiacán el echo que los malandros aprovechen I agan lo que kieran en esas comunidades no asegura que sean los creadores del acento Sinaloense

    4. 5:36 go back to your barrio in east l.a

    5. No u not bc if so u would know theres like 4 different accents in sinaloa like like any other state for the most part bc mx is divided in regions most sates fall under 2 regions and thts where the accents are different..for example michoacan falls under the tierra caliente region which runs west to east and the northern part pf michoacan falls under el bajio which they have their own accents por eso alot of jalisco,michoacan,guanajuato people sound the same bc theyre in the same region osea el bajio and thats where all 3 states meet inn the region of el bajio.

  8. Mazo Zamabdas hitmen will find you anywhere i the planet. Grupo Flechas is international.

  9. I think El Senor Mayo will send Arab looking Mezicans to Dubai. Balloutis will not have a good ending.

  10. Thats not a sinaloans accent it sounds more on a southern accent, maybe from chiapas but a little less chiapan i guess

    1. Wherever his accent is from doesn't matter as long as he's representing the interest of MZ.

  11. El Cheeky Nandos is the dominant trafficker in Europe.

  12. Ballouoti is 100% CJNG now.. fuck sinaloa

    1. No he's has his own suppliers Mexicans one of many suppliers. he will just move onto another supplier. Outside of North america mz is not a thing sorry kids

    2. Stfu @433 do you know him personally?

    3. He works with the Kinahans and has been flooding Europe with cocaine from south America not Mexico.

    4. Outside of the USA 🤣😂That’s all he Needs the Biggest Drug Consuming Market by Far

  13. After all the snitching, back stabbing and crying on national TV nobody respects CDS

    1. His days are numbered . If you think CDS doesn’t have people in Europe or Dubai you are mistaken . A friendly warning that he and his family are in reach at any time , that’s all. It’s all fun and games till your dead . Underestimating el Mayo at this point would be stupid .

    2. 6:06 son CDS cant even kill their enemies in mexico 🤷🏼‍♂️

    3. 4:42 Keep telling yourself that..

  14. Mayo your bullshit secrets from Cuba and the unattainable deals you made with alphabet soup orgs won’t save you from the reaper you fuck, your riches your head nods to mass killings mass rapings mass kidnappings won’t even give you a place in one of the frozen lake levels Lucifer has. You’ll be dust in the desert! This guy will never pay you
    Fuck your guy fuck you come to USA and let’s see how excellent of operator you r?! The Russian will die then who will
    Be your conduit to big deals?! Go ahead send a squad to this punks family in Europe better yet send a squad to the Muslim country! They’ll suffer greatly! Mayo your USA bitch and you pay your guys in tiny bags of coke or a c note here or never there! Wake up Mexican youth

    1. 12:10 that’s biden

    2. 12:10 give me some of what you’re taking

    3. 1210 You sound like the speaker of the house when she/him cannot improvise

  15. El sombrero going to do a number on this guy cuz of the video he dont like his name to be out there. In anything..

  16. Het Gazet van Antwerpen is not a Dutch newspaper, België aka Belgica..

  17. Just my opinion:: but,what if this guy is Colombian,and not Sinaloan.And he mentions Mayo because he was authorized to do it,cause Mayo is better known by Europe,and possibly more respected.He could be disguising his accent,and trying to sound Mexican(Sinaloan)…the word “marika” is used a lot in Colombia to insult people.

    1. Bruhh alot of sinaloas sound like central americans have u heard the marisquero talk?? Foo sounds straight salvadoran..sinaloas have they're own accents they dont sound norteño to me its a accent in the north but not ur typcial northern accent


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