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Friday, July 7, 2023

The Costly Price Of Making Fentanyl In Culiacan: Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article translated and reposted from RÍODOCE

Joaquin 'Chapo' Guzman's sons warned that they would implement punishments against those who refuse to stop producing the drug.

"Those who cook fentanyl or make the M30 pills are being blackmailed, and if they reoffend, they are being killed," confirmed a member of the Sinaloa Cartel who, like the rest of the cooks who manufacture this type of drug, received a warning to stop cooking synthetic narcotics in the area around Culiacán.

The above comment coincides with a rumor that had circulated weeks ago, in which it was said that people linked to the Chapitos faction had ordered them to stop producing fentanyl, after the US Department of Justice accused them of being the main responsible for the production and trafficking of the drug to the United States.

As a result, Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán's sons sent a letter to Azucena Uresti's newscast clarifying that they did not produce this type of drug, but that there were many narcos, not linked to them, who did, and that it was a matter of the Mexican and U.S. authorities locating them to realize that they were telling the truth.

None of the fentanyl labs that have been seized belonged to Los Chapitos, according to the same cooks interviewed, but the DEA says they have information confirming that the faction led by Los Menores, as Guzman Loera's sons are also known, are the main producers of the fentanyl trafficked to the United States.

"What happens is that many of the drug traffickers they extradite negotiate with U.S. prosecutors, and as long as they get their sentences reduced, they tell them what they want to hear, and what they want to hear is that the Chapitos are the ones who produce fentanyl," said the drug trafficker during an interview with Ríodoce and the British media outlet Sky News.

The executed and fentanyl

On Monday last week, the bodies of two men were found lifeless on top of more than 20 kilos of fentanyl pills near the area known as La Costerita, south of Culiacán. Two days later, on Wednesday, June 28, another person was found dead with his back covered in M30 pills. In all three cases the bodies showed signs of having been tortured.

A cook who operates in a rural area near the municipality of Badiraguato told this reporter via text message that the fentanyl cooks are afraid, and that no one is cooking and no one is producing M30 pills.

"That's why we haven't had any work and everything continues to stop because of the order that exists, and there are some who are encouraged, but as soon as the people at the top find out that they are cooking, they go after them and you can imagine what they do to them: they give them a good beating and if they don't follow orders, they kill them," said one cook to whom this media outlet had access.

The psychosis experienced by the drug cooks is general, because the order from the bosses is that this type of drug should no longer be produced in Culiacan or the surrounding area, in order to erase the stigma that it is Los Chapitos who are in charge of production.

"I imagine they want to tell the world that they are not involved. Well, maybe they are, but there are people who work for them who are, and that's why they gave the order that no one was to cook fentanyl in Culiacan," the cook said.

Another person familiar with the order said that the psychosis is general and that those who are caught cooking the drug, in the best case scenario, they will use the "wooden-paddle", that is, they are given 20 or 30 "whipping" so that they no longer produce fentanyl, but if they reoffend, they can be killed.

"It also depends on the gunman or the cell (of hitmen) that catches him, but the cooks don't understand, and they only do it to make a buck, but when the order comes from very high up you have to obey, and those who don't are getting killed," said a poppy farmer from the Badiraguato highlands, who knows several people who, until a few months ago, were dedicated to producing the so-called M30 pills.

Many fentanyl cookers who earned income from the production of that drug are considering moving their labs or taking their pill machines to other states rather than flout the order and the possibility of facing death.

The DEA said it would not comment on the Sinaloa Cartel's order to stop producing fentanyl.

Article published on July 02, 2023 in issue 1066 of the weekly Ríodoce.

Source: Riodoce


  1. Spoiled brats turned pretty quick.

    1. 10 mill on ya head is a great motivator in assuming

  2. as usual the youtube channel "disturbed reality" beats this crap site with the latest video . Up your game Sol !!

    1. ''as usual the youtube channel "disturbed reality" beats this crap site''
      Ball-bag its not a competition ye know,who gets the news out quickest,what a a fuckin bubble head

    2. Nah sol is the man! Keep up the great work BB!

    3. Yeah Disturbed Reality is a cool narrator. He's actually commented here a few times. But like the rest of the YouTubers they've used my translations in order to produce their work. It's a cool channel though. The only difference is I do it for free. Whereas they're always asking their readers for money.

    4. No good deed goes unpunished Sol.Thanks from the rest of the world.

    5. The truth is I could give a fuck about your money. 😂 Notice how on YouTube they can talk about what happens in these heinous videos. But here we actually show you what they look like.

    6. That's a cookie cutter channel filled with third hand stuff. The original articles written for BB by Hearts blows it out of the water.

    7. I feel like this is the nit and gritty. No stupid ass opinions and click bait from our writers just, show and tell! Keep it up Sol and team!

    8. Foreall!! Disturbed reality was what I found out about after being here on BB. Sol needs to up that shit up how you gonna let a European outdo your whole crew in your own work

    9. 1:40 i dont think sol cares about you Snitchloas opinions, cuando va al baño se limpia con ellas 😂

    10. SOL if he uses any of your work have them give you and BB credit

  3. In my city people are still paying a buck on the streets, so it’s hard to believe

    1. 2:26 if a pill is a dollar how much does some one spend in a day?

    2. Sinaloa aint the only place they make em. Foos from sinaloa make em in Baja and Sonora. Plus foos from other cartels started making em too, a couple years after Sinaloa they hopped on the trend.

    3. Im going to say its more profitable still and always has been to move cocaine.

    4. 7:48 $$$ heroin #1 margins, apparently🇨🇴❄️ has returned to 2005 prices 13-15k

    5. 2:26 In the US? How much then for an authentic 10mg Oxy? Even legit RX Oxy in Mexico and US is backlogged two months according to pharmacies.

  4. Just go back to old school heroine. Atleast ppl know what they are getting and it will eliminate all these backyard chemistry that happening in US also with materials from the Chinx. Mexico can control it from production to street corner

  5. This is going to be interesting…watching where all these cooks packing up shop end up and with which group they join (if this info is accurate ). My guess a bunch join up with CJNG or even LFM…any group that has access/control to the western ports of Mexico.

  6. The front out of these guys,Chapitos,are shitting bricks cause the yanks want their arses

  7. yes bring back the old school doojie & blow

  8. Mexican mafia member Michael Torres, who controlled the San Fernando Valley plaza in California, was just killed in prison. I only mention it here because it's indirectly related to cartels in Mexico. It's a riveting read.

  9. Why isn't the USA implementing the same pressure on other drugs?

    1. Because Fentanyl is chemical warfare and not a 'recreational' drug. It is a death sentence and a love letter from the PRC.

    2. @5:23 well said.

    3. @5:13, Yes I agree

    4. 5:23 And why dealer of my block still selling with no other complication than standing on the same corner for years?, cops pass by and no shits are given.... looks like nothing is being done here in the US than blaming other countries.

  10. Thanks Char. At 2:22 "Up you game" Go do own site articles for "FREE!" If not happy with site. Thanks all BB contributors 👏

    1. you use that one way too much. imagine thinking you just read someone by telling them to "go take a shower". you're probably the same one who throws out lines like "go back to your mom's basement" and the overused "go brush your teeth" or "go back to sleep". are you going to tell us to make sure we eat our vegetables next?


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