Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Several Familia Michoacána Assassins Bury A Captive

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The song La Familia Michoacána by Los Tucanes de Tijuana plays during a broadcast where several armed men appear outside in daylight hours.  

A blindfolded and semi nude skinny male is sitting down inside a makeshift grave. The tint of his skin is very pale in nature. His outward appearance is indicative of a person who was held in captivity under a blanket of darkness for far too long. 

Although no sound can be heard from the armed men who surround him. It’s easy to deduce that the captive is unquestionably complying in whatever is asked of him. 

His fear and meekness willingly conform to every demand with the expectation that his life will be spared. Two gunshots to his head at point blank range tell him otherwise. 

comandante zancudo  Los Tucanes de Tijuana


  1. The album that song is on "El Arbol" got nothing but bangers corridos for all the cartels at the time sheesh

  2. Most Mexicans do meekly comply with cartel demands …..
    It’s a cultural thing I guess just like the corridos

    1. Calmate Guero Cumbias, very few do go out in a brave fashion. But as with any hostage situation most (mexican or not) do submit to the gun weilding criminals. It's more a human nature thing rather than cultural

    2. 6:02 Stop watching too much Netflix and Hollywood super hero movies! Rambo is not real

    3. 6:02 when face with imminent dead people want to extended their life as long as possible and will comply to buy off as much time as they can even if they know the end

    4. "99 Men and One Woman" is a good book that tells the tale off 100 legal executions in u.s. prisons..
      The condemned folks had ALL KINDS of excuses why they shouldn't take that final walk, they had to be dragged kicking and screaming from their cells to meet their maker..
      One guy said he couldn't go to the electric chair because he had a terrible headache, and could they reschedule for when he felt better?
      All we know is life, to face death is to face the greatest unknown..
      I wonder where you go after you croak?
      The nuns in my catholic school stressed that if I was good, no impure thoughts, etc., baby jesus would reward me in heaven with a harp and a halo, and my dead abuelitos and Cinnamon the cat that done got run-over by a bus would be there to greet me..
      Let's see what happens..

  3. Replies
    1. @6:35 I’d say Chicago or NY instead . Junkies everywhere, poop in the streets, robberies, and murders all around. Besides the downtown river tour CHICAGO I’d say is hell

    2. Madrid in Spain was like that in the 80s, they had a huge heroin problem back then.

    3. Downtown L.A, downtown San Francisco, Downtown Portland is far worse.

    4. 12:59
      Let's take out the Chips and Pepsi.
      🐴 It's time to compare Oranges to Apples yipieeee!!!?!

    5. 12:59 thanks to liberal communist policies and soft laws against crimes

    6. If u think dtla is worse then mexico, maybe youve been shot in the head as well.

    7. All the idiots saying X place in USA is worse yet the worst cities homicides per 100k in USA have nothing on Mexico. The homicides in Tijuana dwarf even Baltimore. Next people going to say they see convoys rolling around the US LOL. I never seen head rolled out on the highway in the US but I’ve noticed it happen far too many times in MX.

    8. It’s dumb Donald from fat alburt

    9. It’s fat albert and he really is unfortunately that cartoon character.

  4. El Strawberry y El Fish sigen rifando.

  5. Familia Michoacana song.. yeah it's gotta be familia michoacana sicarios... wtf 😅

  6. They should have buried him alive. With a camera inside a coffin or something.

    1. Wtf is wrong with you

    2. 729 is a reddit nino

    3. Welcome to today’s depraved sociopath..

    4. 7:29
      for the love of God...don't give them any more ideas. you never might just be you on the other end of their torture.

    5. So just to confirm that's a human there that was murdered but it wasnt entertaining enough for you and you wanted them to suffer more? Your as bad as those murderers.

    6. 729
      They getting upset its a human being then turn around and sing the praises of capos and cartels?

    7. 729
      Tell them to fuck off

    8. 2:29- Que tipo de ser humano tendrías que ser para pensar y escribir esto. Es cuestión de escrúpulos. Me da mucha lástima tu forma de expresión. Solo recuerda "La vida es justa, apremia o reclama".

    9. @9.36. Almost nobody here is praising cartels and capos. Who is? Tell me. Read through these comments and tell me. As for your wish that a person who could be anything from a kid forced to be a lookout, a young mule, a journalists helper, anything. You wish he'd been buried alive? You aren't just sick, you are ignorant and terrified.

  7. Yo asta el final voy a pelear si es que por herido o descuido me capturan pura vrga que voy a seguir ordenes la cara les voy escupir y con las piernas voy a patear asi me torturen no rajaria

    1. Deja de alucinar

    2. 10:36 es lo que dices pero ya que te tengan atrapado hasta lloras

    3. 10:36 Lamento informarte que: La realidad siempre supera lo que en mente imaginamos, cuando ya se está en el campo minado, no se corre, se piensa cada movimiento, porque solo ahí es donde se atesora la vida.

  8. The sad truth is most of these killings are low level guys (halcones, street dealers) who also likely have no real way of protecting themselves…

  9. What ever happened to chito Cano?

  10. LFM has so many LatinX Zesty members he was definitely their sex slave before his demise

    1. Don’t veer off track there. That’s a peculiar specialty that only Sinaloa is known for so far.

    2. 12:49 ive only heard that word (zesty) once and it was my 15 yr old nephew, how old are you? Funny thinh is that im not joking 😂 how old are you bud?

    3. “Y’all” “lit” “cap” “zesty” …these kids are complete morons today and will likely achieve nothing significant in life.

      Pure products of the machine..

    4. 11:27
      Holy mackerel!..
      Your analysis is a gas daddy-o, but I think hep cat kids these days are swell, and won't screw the pooch too badly in life..
      Give the young whippersnappers a shot, and don't be a fuddy-duddy..
      Can you dig it?.

  11. This dude is whiter than Casper. Any possibility this guy is actually white American playing tough guy in Mexico?

    1. Nope they wouldn't be trusted in the first place. There is also fair skinned people in Mexico.

    2. Gettin worse with these fuckin morons everywhere

  12. Less brutal than other cartel murders.


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