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Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Only Cartel That Rhymes With Snitches

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The nude body of a man bereft of life appears on film. His death dealers, gunmen from the Mayo Zambada faction, are carting him away in a wheelbarrow towards their makeshift dumpsite. 

His last known appearance on film for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has come down to this. As a bruised and bloodied corpse on the losing end of a shit stick. 

* La Mayiza by El Fantasma is the name of the song that plays throughout this broadcast. 



  1. Sol Prendido is the shit. He keeps it real on all fronts.

  2. Yo se que les duele cabronas. Pero de todos modos se las voy a meter...

    toda esas verdades sin frenos. 🤣

    1. @ Sol be careful what you wish for. Do you have so many guys asking to see two guys fucking. They might want you to be the one fucking them. So you might start getting a lot of request. It’s kind of sad but true.
      Rubio NYC

    2. Sol give the rest of the scum the same treatment too, we got to many people on here looking up to these false idols

    3. Estodo Sol!!! Keep putting out facts!!!

    4. Exactly. We were indigenous tribes from the land before Spain came, we didn't even speak spanish. We had our own dialects. Our beautiful Mexico is corrupted by other countries. If only it wasn't.. Mexico needs become gods land again. 'Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. ' We are part of the 12 tribes that will take back the land from the wicked.

    5. El Carnicero Corrupted/ the aztecs was blood thirsty savages killing and sacrificing other tribes they wher not much diffrentthan the cartels

    6. 9:32 that's what the white men want you to know. They only tell you what they want you to know.
      They used that "SAVAGES" excuse to kill millions and take their land, gold, rubies, diamonds a another things of value.
      They killed ofvthe Mayas and have the nerve to say they don't know what happened to them.
      Most history is lies

    7. Lol 141 Tonto. Before los Españoles arrived, Mexican Aztecas were cutting the hearts out of Tlaxcalans and even putting heads of babies on tzompantli racks. The Spanish were probably surprised like anyone would be today if they saw human sacrifice. Keep smoking that shit weed if you think all the indigenas loved each other before the white man arrived.

    8. @3.03. You think they were ''surprised'' lol? Men who burnt people alive for having different religious beliefs, who tortured people for days in ways even the cartels don't do? The Conquistadors murdered dozens of children at a time, raped and murdered the women, and enslaved the men before burning down the areas that were of no use to them. Even without the diseases they brought with them, it was Genocide. They brought a level of cruelty unheard of even in that tribal warrior culture. Human sacrifice and tribal warfare was brutal and merciless, but the Spanish were way more brutal, way more vicious, AND they were acting out of greed, vanity, and a belief that God was on their side. You sound like you are carrying their torch for a new generation.

    9. @3.03. And he never said anything about tribes loving each other before the ''white man'' arrived. Why do you need to lie about another dudes argument? Is that the only way you can counter it, Lonely Ranger?

    10. @9.32. ''Not much different than the cartels?'' Yeah. Did you know that the ancient leaders in Celtic tribes used home made knives to cut the throats of their enemies? Not so different from Glasgow Gang Culture... Oh Fuck, you are going to take that seriously lol.

  3. You can tell the body was frozen prior to being moved because the body is stiff

    1. Rigor Mortis son. Stay in school!

    2. 6:08
      Se llama rigor mortis, sets in pretty quick after death, and within a few hours you're stiff as a honeymoon prick, then it's said to go away after a day..
      It's progression is like clockwork, coroners and forensic peritos swear by it for determining time of death..
      Same shit as being frozen, if you're the hapless sadsack chosen to dispose of the corpse, it's dead weight and tough as nails to cram into a barrel or suitcase..
      Wonder who they stole the wheelbarrow from?

    3. I’m sorry to say, but some people here try to be forensics scientist. Also, kind of sad but true.
      Rubio NYC

    4. Haha he said it was frozen 🤣 😂 I'm weak! Stay in school kid.

    5. @10:34am He thought it was the work of a Mexican "Iceman" along the lines of Robert Kuklinski, who froze then thawed the bodies of his victims in the hopes of derailing the timeline of death.

    6. @10.34 You're all laughing at the comment, like the commenter doesn't know about rigor mortis, but to be fair freezing bodies in large freezers half a dozen at a time is a pretty standard way of dealing with bodies during war time, especially in summer. The same way that they kidnap a dozen men over a month, keep them alive, kill them in a single night and dump them in one pile. Dude might even be right.

    7. 5:41 yea cause they are gonba waste all that efort on 1 single guy🤦‍♂️

    8. @5.41 You didn't read my comment in full, or didn't understand what I am telling you. They take half a dozen gunmen, kill them, and wait until the search dies down so they can dump them in a way that will cause the most damage. To do that, in summertime, they have no choice but to freeze them. Why do you think the

    9. @7.31. What effort? I said the freezers are filled with half a dozen victims, not ''one single guy''. If it makes the difference between the Federales fucking off after a half hearted investigation and them keeping thbefore they dump the bodies then yes, it is wo

    10. @ 5.41. Read my comment again. It isn't for 1 single guy, it is for a whole cell. They dump them one at a time for so many reasons. You completely missed the point.

    11. @5.41 You think because a few seconds of a leaked video showed ''one single guy'' there weren't more?

    12. @James Brown. No. Sounds like the dude has been reading case files involving the use of coolers in cartel murders, not watching Michael Shannon chewing the scenery.

    13. @7.31. My mates computer kept sending off my response before I'd finished, then telling me it hadn't been sent. Why I ranted 17 times without finishing my point lol. And another thing, if they were going t

  4. Replies
    1. If I wasn’t such a huge metal fan I would probably like that song and it’s in Spanish

    2. @7:10 I'm a huge metalhead too. What's some of your favorite bands or subgenres? My current favorite aren't straight up metal, but they incorporate it. Dance Gavin Dance. Give them a listen. Other than them, my favorites are Pantera, Slayer, Sikth, Despised Icon and Revocation, but I listen to a ton of bands.

    3. If you turn this into a Metal discussion I'M going to put some metal in my head. It'll leave my brains like a pizza on the ceiling, and I'll leave a note- ''He just kept going on about Metal but I wanted to talk about Mexico! I...couldn't...take...any... Oh God Forgive Me''

  5. Wearing a Gucci shirt to the dump 🤔

    1. Probably got it from La Pulga

  6. I think they just use mayos name

  7. Damn man those guys from Grupo Flechas wearing $2000 Gucci shirt.

    1. I thinks it's just some 5$ chinese counterfeit crap from the thrift store.

    2. It’s called fayuka 💯 tepito

    3. Lol 5.49, Cuesta 2 dolares maximo!

    4. sinaloas putinas be wearing rep shit lol

  8. Respect the style. GUCCI! FUCK cjng! Haha

  9. Estos puñales lo van a meter a su tent para hacer sus fechorias

    1. 12:03 esos Snitchloas son necrofilos

  10. Any cartel with government links or has pigs on the payroll are Rats... Because if you're working with the pigs at any level... Your a Rat

    1. @7:01 you must not know anything about the jugada then lmao

    2. In that case Mencho, Mayo, Chapo, Nacho, all of the Beltran Leyvas, Felix Gallardo (especially Felix Gallardo), Rafa and Don Neto, El Azul, Osiel Cardenas, Lazcano and Z40, and every other cartel boss are rats. If that was your point-that you cannot be a powerful trafficker without co-operating with authorities, then just say that, otherwise you sound like you think there is a difference between mobs who ''snitch'' and mobs that have honour, and you sound like a 12 year old.

  11. What's that white stuff dripping out the dead guys butt? Oh no they did it again LOL

    1. @Sol. I think your sense of humour is just great. It was such a funny joke (nameless dead kid, cum, just comedy gold!!!!!). I appreciate the work you do, and pray every night that you don't get bitten on the ankle by a little rabid dog.

    There you go!


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