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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Tijuana: Video of CDS Mayo/Arzate Men Threatening CAF Flaquito Hitmen

"HEARST" and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In a new narco video, hitmen working for the Sinaloa Cartel’s Arzate brothers threaten their Tijuana enemies, chief among them is CAF’s El Flaquito and his hitmen, according to a recent Zeta Tijuana article.

The Narco Video

On July 22, 2023, Twitter users like Mmocrt shared a new narco video from the state of Baja California. The video featured hitmen making generic threats against their enemies.

Video Source: Mmocrt

The voice heard in the video does not match the footage and the background setting doesn't appear to match either Tijuana or Tecate.

The man speaking in the video says the following, as translated by Sol Prendido: 

Look here you fucking thief. Innocent family members will be respected you filthy rat. We’re going to fucking kill you. 

El Cabezón is in charge here in Tecate and Tijuana. All of the ministerial policemen in your pocket will be killed off. 

You’re nothing more than a snitch for the police you cheap pig.

Long live the cities of Tecate and Tijuana.

There is really only one name mentioned in the video - “El Cabezón”- but its enough to make it clear who the men work for. 

“El Cabezón” is the main alias of Jesús Rafael Yocupicio, a cartel figure who operates in the border city of Tijuana. 

El Cabezón works for the Sinaloa Cartel - Mayo faction, under their main Tijuana leaders: Alfonso Arzate, alias "El Aquiles" and his brother René Arzate, alias "La Rana". 

As covered in this previous story, Zeta reports that the Arzate brothers recently had a meeting with Mayo Zambada himself, which led to Mayo officially approving their plans to take over the state of Baja California and consolidate his various forces in the state under their leadership. 

Mayo, however, insisted that Los Rusos - a group who are more directly tied to him, based in the Baja California city of Mexicali - would ally with the Arzates and retain equal power as the Arzates brothers. A condition the brothers reportedly agreed to.

Who is Who 

A recent Zeta Tijuana article, published on July 17, 2023, named a number of the cartel figures that the state’s Security Roundtable has identified as working under the Arzate brothers. 

These include: 

Franklin Ernesto Huezo Hernández, alias “El Ranchero”

Edwin Antonio Rubio López, alias “El Max”

Jesús Rafael Yocupicio, alias “El Cabezón”

José Ángel Flores Ayala, alias “El Mostro”

Fabricio Hernández, alias “El Lic”

Marcial Medina López

Fabián Espinoza, alias “El Güero Puchas”

El 300

El 03

El 013

Some of these names we've seen before. Ranchero is alleged to be the figure who organizes the hits ordered by the Arzates brothers. His criminal history is covered in this previous story.

El Max and El Cabezon have both been featured in previous stories, as well. 

El Mostro and El Lic are new names which have never been mentioned in a Zeta story before. This is true for El Güero Puchas and the others listed with just an alias. 

Marcial Medina López, however, is a name which has not previously been seen connected to los Arzates. 

Marcial's first brush with the law came in 2006, when US border patrol caught him trying to smuggle in 130 kilograms of weed through Tecate's Mexico-US border crossing. There are no details on if charges were brought against him. 

Marcial seemingly switched from drug smuggling to human smuggling and in December 2017, eight men who reported under him were arrested. The men had been holding 4 migrants captive at a safehouse in the Real de la Frontera subdivision of Tijuana. 

The migrants, which included a woman and child, had paid the men to smuggle them across the US border, handing over the exact payment requested. 

But instead of ferrying them across the border, they kidnapped them and held them for ransom, calling up their relatives and demanding that they send them money. 

Police raided the safe house, arrested the 8 captors, and freed the kidnapped migrants. 

The woman who was held captive told police that one of the captors had sexually assaulted her and police subsequently charged the man with sexual assault. 

The 8 detainees were interrogated and they revealed that they worked under Marcial Medina López. 

On January 8, 2018, police located and arrested Marcial. The one and only known photo of Marcial comes from this arrest. It is, again, unclear if he was ever charged. 

According to the state’s Security Roundtable, the Arzates are primarily focused on taking on the CAF-Chapitos alliance, and secondarily focused on the CJNG. 

It's worth noting that the original tweet accompanying the narco video said that the men were directing their threats to the CAF. 

The CAF-Chapitos alliance is primarily led by Pablo Edwin Huerta Nuño, alias "El Flaquito". 

The Zeta article writes that the Security Roundtable have identified the following men as cartel figures under Flaquito: 

David Jiménez, alias "Cabo 20" (in prison)

James Brayan Corona, alias "El Apache"

Felipe Solis Lopez

Carlos Corona Garcia

Juan Arriaga Macias

Carlos Ornelas Mejia

Daniel Posada

Efrain Alfaro

Alán Hernández, alias "El Güero Laguna"

Unfortunately, there are no details about most of these men, with the exception of El Apache and Cabo 20, whose criminal history was covered in this previous story

Sources: Mmocrt, Zeta Tijuana Article 1, Article 2, Article 3

Further Reading

The Arzate and Rusos Alliance To Take Over Baja


  1. Mayo should retire. Why be in the game if you own a lot of businesses and supposly has millions, he gonna be caught or killed. Being on the run hiding most of his life, is not really enjoying life.

    1. Mayos retired.

    2. El mayos dead

    3. 3:27 i agree, we havent seen him in years

    4. He cant retire, mexican politicians expect their money on time. Mayo will be caught and send to el norte if he dares to retire. And he cant be dead cause politicians need him as a scapegoat.

    5. 10:56 facts! 💯

    6. They retire in USA, the last place you expect.

  2. He should move to Florida retire and buy a condo get out of the game take the money and run.

    1. Señor Mayo Zambada is who he is because of how he moves. That would be your move not his! Thats what makes him El Mayo Zambada

    2. El Mayo es grande, gracias a la DEA. Eso si para ser el único y mantenerte afuera tienes que entregar a tus amistades y enemigos al gobierno Americano/ Mexicano para ser el único. 2023 la cosa ah cambiado mucho 👎 vergüenza ajena 3:40

  3. How’s the Vegas coward say who ran off with the an ability to warn the crowd… not in my small town.. the cowardly punk who could’ve warned many is not a national hero he is a greedy bitch just like the rest!! Far fetched rumor has it it was an attempted hit on the soon to crowned king from Saudi. Rumor also has it major covered up gun battle at private airport while crown prince was escaping. Many 911 calls point to this, but I swiftly change lanes, back to Mayo, this diaper wearing, misery bringing, weak ass secret keeping Cuban loving, nod giving to mass rape, mass kidnapping, mass murdering, genocidal warlord fiefdom craving chapo twin bitch still around???!!! How? Go ahead you simple fucks say this and that!! You are straight up simple and deserve LESS than I’ve given so to keep to SIMPLE you SIMPLE fuck… straight up fuck you!!
    Chaos math, quadratic formulas, coding or too many points/angles or various multitudes to explain to a fuck loving raping loving pig like Mayo deserves so fuckYOU! You’ll die a quite and peaceful death you fuck… meanwhile simpletons like these will praise you, snort your gram of cut down coke you issue like REAL DOUGHBOYS we’re issued but chocolate instead to decimate the japs and germs!! Give them their pathetic allotment and hold your disgusting pig chin high! Chapo drugged and raped countless kidnapped virgins! That’s the fucking facts! So fuck you cartel Deepthroaters!! Joey the clown and one unnamed other was supposedly a mass rapist???!!! What you got cartel duck suckers??!! Hundreds???thousands of mass raping pigs??!’ WHY??!!!!! Why the difference???!!! The cowards here won’t ever publish this cause they liberal love being lied to anti GOD anti Jesus rapist lovers!!!! Fuck you BB for daring to censor daring to say you don’t and daring to NOT accept diversity isn’t a strength. WHITES invade Mexico??’n how’s that. Does that need to happen to crush YOUR pathetic liberal lies???

    1. Readers, for your entertainment, I present to you... This comment.


    2. Boy you sure get demented weirdos in here. Somewhat racist to Japanese people.

    3. Someone is off his meds! FYI Puro Pinché Biden homie!!! Jajajajajajajaja

    4. Bro fuck are you raving about?Your all over the yard,proper hysterical

    5. I think 🤔,
      SIR has lost his marbles.
      He claims Nixion is still alive.
      He claims Nancy Reagan is still alive.

    6. I can smell SIR a mile away, he just doesnt use his monicker anymore 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 SIR is back!!!

    7. Holy moly! Someone's cheese slid off its cracker.

    8. He isn't wrong with the part of pedophile chapo fuckin minors yet all they exclude that part when they sing a corrido for him

    9. my guy I think you might on the wrong blog lol anyways, probably one of the best comments of BB so far...

    10. Wtf was that. We need to limit the amount of characters. Geeze go to sleep and eat a sammitch

    11. This is good I hate censorship all comments should be posted good or bad.

    12. While he did change his call sign here that deranged rant isn't by SIR.

    13. @3:55pm

      He's absolutely right with that one. Chapo drugged and sexually assaulted underage girls.

      And if you want to bring that up in the comments of every Chapitos post, I support it. It's not acknowledged as much as it should be.

    14. 5:10 those CDS capos where not afraid about claiming their pedophile ways, Mayo had a song i think by Tucanes where it mentioned that he liked them young and virgins, (15) i think, im sure a lot of those girls parents were not given a chooise, it was give them up or die, they were on another level of chomoness

    15. 510 dang all that money Chapo supposedly had and still had to drug girls to get some is an embarrassment and lower to anyone associated with him Chapo is worst than a snitch he a pedophile rapist

    16. You know very well that you would never ever ever talk like that in front of your padre El Chapo! Your all
      Talk and he was all action. Not in his basement going ham on the keys like you!

    17. 10:18 there is a reazon why they are called CDSnitchomos

    18. 3:48 foo the homies @ adx shout it out to him every chance they get hoping he hears it. RATA, PECETA, CHOMO! The homies 🖐️ roll hand in hand con Don Benjamin Arellano. The entire CDCR/ BOP knows that. Chapo/Mayo are documented DEA informants. He’s own son made it clear. El traidor👎

    19. "" foo the homies @ adx shout it out to him every chance they get hoping he hears it. RATA, PECETA, CHOMO! The homies 🖐️ roll ha.Chapo/Mayo are documented DEA informants"' Fuckin crank.Here is the readership on BB racists,hysterical liberals,homophobes,misogynists,haters,politically correct cowards an on an on,ye know,HUMAN BEINGS

    20. To the crybabies... HEARST presented a comment that was wierd.🤔 And stated for entertainment purpose only.
      Get a gripe you were informed.

    21. @3.48. I think they would say that to Chapo, face to face, if they had the chance. Because now Chapo is the one in a basement, without the police or army to do his dirty work for him. More like a dungeon really.

  4. It started getting interesting at "japs and germs", but the "duck sucking" got me hooked..
    Note to potential authors:
    Your third straight day awake not the best time to wax philosophical via the written word..

  5. So the guy hit at Plaza Rio, the former commander, was linked to Flaquito's team

    and the Hong Kong owner attack is linked to CAF team/affiliates

    and used GPS trackers on the commander, really common in TJ, but could be internal, or if this is Aquiles making his play for the plaza

    1. Any other info on the plaza rio hit , with the GPS?

  6. Mayo crew taking over chapitos little brats living on borrowed to e

    1. @12:56Hop off mayo’s nuts haha

  7. They've been trying to kidnap the owner of the Hong Kong for years..
    They own other bars, parking lots, and commercial properties, lotsa money up for grabs..
    I heard a story several years ago that the owner and his bodyguards' vehicle was being pursued by potential secuestreros, they called the state police for help, los estatales were vaguely sympathetic, said they should burn rubber and try to make a bee-line for their headquarters..
    Sure enough, when they turned off on the exit or road leading to the police parking lot, their tail peeled off, and retreated, seemingly, to regroup for another day..
    If you're simply the owner of a humble hardware store or paleteria in Tijuana, you'd best have some kinda tracking chip inserted in you, for that fateful day when the bad guys come for you..

    1. No such thing as real time tracking chips for humans, maybe if you're always carrying a backpack with a radio size transmitter and dozens of extras batteries.

    2. keyster a cell enabled iwatch while getting chased for the kidnap

  8. It's a voice. Plus that's not in Tijuana nor tecate

    1. Yes. The voice is clearly not from this video.

      And I made the same comment about how that doesn't look like Tijuana or Tecate.

      I'll add a sentence to clarify this in the story.

    2. @HEARST. I think we are going to start seeing more of these blatantly dubbed videos. Voiceovers from all sorts of people with multiple agendas using footage of men with guns who they say represent them. I'm surprised it hasn't been highlighted before tbh. The problem could be that nobody will take the video seriously as a deterrent, so the actual physical violence- things that nobody can dispute, like a dozen headless bodies- will get worse. It used to happen when Zetas or LFM forced media to not show mantas, so bodies turned up instead- 6 headless bodies can't be ignored or disputed.

  9. Mexico,these cartels seem to be growing bigger with better capabilities.The AMLO peace initiative is surely dooming mexico to more pain when a new president decides to confront these capabilities.Very complicated issue we know,but surely cartels need eradicating?

  10. Flaco is an informant for the DEA all the remainder CAF scumbags are working for DEA. There days are counted Arriba La Mayiza

    1. @2:20 why you say that?

    2. Caf is not known for snitching. Unlike el chapo. Or the narco message style of snitching las menchas use.

    3. Yes known for snitching they even say in there corridos they have the government in lock In USA. Little do they know that they are just using them eventually they end up dead or in prison for Rats. Mayo is a shot caller sends narcotics all over the world. Caf just sends couple of stolen bricks and pounds to LA and San Diego

    4. MAYO is the biggest rat along with his sons 🐀 🐀 🐀 🐀

    5. 7:44 ya mamasela al Mayo. Don Benjamin Arellano es respetado y aceptado por la 🖐️. El chapo y el Mayo por ratas del gobierno son pecetas en cuanto los sureños puedan tocarlos lo van hacer 🔪 ☠️. El Mayo y chapo en guerra se la pelaban a los hermanos. Por ratas del gobierno americano pudieron encerrar a los hermanos. Eso es hacer RATAS DE RATAS.

    6. 7:44 Mayo is a shot caller for the DEA and he also send people to prison all over the world 😂 facts! Unlike CDS 👎 CAF got a solid rep in the CDCR/ BOP system 👍

    7. " Mayo is a shot caller for the DEA "
      You couldnt make this shit up,its fuckin hilarious,shows how much these sad twats hate the U.S

    8. 'Mayo is a shot caller for the DEA'
      Facts.....and he did a deal to get his kid 20 years,cant get nothing past these readers

    9. 1032
      Is seriously delusional,one of them reading loads of shite on the internet and calls it facts

    10. 3:08/3:09 do is all a favor and take your meds.

  11. Had the same thought-----in that the topagraphy doesn't look like anywhere in Baja

    1. Looks and sounds like a ‘voice over’ or it could be the ‘lost half’ of the spartan warriors with the skateboarding gear that made a similar video threatening Tijuana as well few months ago. 😂 😝

  12. He doesn’t sound like from el Norte maybe somebody trying to heat up the plaza ?

    1. @3:38 no reason to calentar the plaza shits gonna get heated with the blood bath that’s bound to happen

  13. Maybe the groups from Durango or Zacatecas?

  14. 12:02 take your medicine, your rambling disconnected thoughts are all over the forgot to take your psych pills.

  15. This shit should be sorted over a football match not violence and killings

  16. Looks like that video from chihuahua or durango

  17. Foo ranchero is familiar

  18. To take flakito down, el mayo is gonna need his dea special teams from the usa not even el macho prieto could come into tijuana. no rats allowed on the world's biggest frontera

    1. @6:23 NG also working with the crooked DEA DONT BELIEVE ME ASK EL CHIMUELO

    2. Cjng the biggest ratas in frontera

    3. Mayos been in Tijuana since the brothers where out or alive

    4. 6:23 a huevo 💯. Ni los pinchés Zetas originales (ex militares) pudieron entrar a Tijuana. El 3-1 les colgó zetas en el puente entrando a Tijuana via Tecate con el famoso slogan ‘Bienvenidos a Tijuana’

  19. What Salazar did they get today!

  20. 🤣🤣🤣 A few months ago they were skipping in the beach holding hands and now they are mortal enemies, this only shows you can never trust either of this two backstabing cartels, they been doing this for decades, snitching and backstabing that is 😭

  21. Definitely should already declare all narcos as terrorist organizations and turn that place into bean glass. Fucking amateur hour watching their “engagements”. Fuck outta here with them Chinese glass on those rifles. They don’t want that IR death. Gotta get you some Dracos instead lol

    1. Dracos are for pussies like you who thinks it "cool". This aint a fake ass YouTube video this is real life homboy! Keep
      Your eyes peeled 24/7 you never know

    2. I agree with 8:43. Draco’s are for pussies. For starters they’re hella inaccurate useless beyond 100 meters. The voices in the video do not match the body language. It’s just a bunch of volteados turncoats del Teo who finally got together to fight el Flakito de Tijuana. A crew chief IN the Tijuana Cartel not OF. He’s made their life’s a living hell this last decade in Tijuana 😂. I give it 3 months before they turn on each other AGAIN!

    3. Chinese SKS over Draco watching too much rap video 843

  22. Comments are getting worse

  23. I thought they were Chapitos after the killing of Trebol?

    1. I'm confused. What is behind these comments saying "but they were working together months ago"? Who was?

      For years now, Chapitos and a certain part of CAF have had a working alliance in Tijuana.

      And the CAF/Chapitos alliance fights against Mayo-Arzates.

      Right after Trebol was killed, Zeta Tijuana reported that the hit was an Arzate attack which aimed to kill Flaquito and CAF people.

      Nobody switched sides after Trebol was killed.

    2. HEARST why do you allowed people to RANT! On and on with comments clearly not related to the topic above. Person clearly didn’t take he’s meds and is in the wrong blog. FLACOS GROUP has a working alliance with chapitos not the entire Tijuana organization. Other members of the Tijuana organization have a working relationship with el Mayo’s faction. The Arzate brothers will never challenge CAF/CDT as an organization public or in mantas they know better. The Arzates and Kietos group have gone at it since 2010. The Arzates as an organization were kicked out of Tijuana by Kietos group led by el Flaquito, it’s been personal ever since. Flaco leads an arm wing inside the organization whose main job is to make sure everyone is paying their fee every first of the month. ‘Hint’ they are the main visible group doing all the noise on behalf of Tijuana. These “rivals” pay a percentage for a certain amount of weight to cross through monthly, but try to be sneaky and cross more than originally paid for and when the plaza owners find out kick down their door and take their weight, they surprisingly turn around make public videos like so, go on fb and call it stealing jajajaja. Amateurs en ‘Tijuana asta el diablo paga plaza’ that’s been the law since the 80s

    3. 8:10 talking about rantting 🙄

    4. But in 2019, they returned to Tijuana to dispute the plaza with El Mayo's faction. According to reports, they stay in luxury resorts and sporadically visit Ensenada. The territory they consider to be the safest.

      The Arzates have sought to form alliances with Los Chapitos to keep Tijuana, Ensenada, and Tecate under their command. U.S. and Mexican authorities indicated that within the Sinaloa Cartel, Los Arzate are reportedly making contact with Los Chapitos' buyers and suppliers. Specifically with Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar. In addition, they have also turned to their old acquaintance Pablo Edwin Huerta Nuño aka El Flaquito, an operator of the Arellano Felix family.

      Someone with whom they already made agreements in the past and who now betrayed El Trébol.

    5. Even your source says they aren't allied with El Mayo

      Efectivamente, la hipótesis más sólida en la Mesa de Coordinación es que el ataque fue organizado por dos fracciones de operadores criminales de Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada García. Se refieren a la alianza entre los hermanos Arzate, quienes se habrían unido con Alexander Sánchez, alias Ángel Gaxiola y/o Juan P. Félix y su grupo identificado como “Los Rusos”, a pesar que los hermanos no gozan del cobijo criminal de “El Mayo”

    6. @7.58. Ha ha, that was funny. ''Why do you let people ramble on and on? As for my comment, I humbly submit the following-
      Chapter 1....''

  24. Kieto is dead flaco runs the deal and ripa and abogado are working with flaco as well. They probably snitched on kieto to stay out of prison.

  25. Just so everyone here knows, anyone who has a federal court hearing that is not open to the public ,(especially sentencing) is guaranteed to have cooperated with the Government.If you don't believe me,just try to get any court records from any federal drug case with those specifications.

  26. Ripa, abogado who are those scumbags. Ripa is that the bald headed that use to be at Tangaloo and Balak?


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