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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Body Of "Mario Calabazas" Arrives To Culiacan: Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 

With a strong military convoy, the body arrived at the Semefo facilities in the state capital.

With a strong military convoy, the body of Mario Alberto Lugo Lara, better known as Mario "Calabazas" or "El Calabaceño", arrived in Culiacan on Tuesday afternoon.


The body will be submitted to the Forensic Medical Service for the corresponding tests to determine if it is Mario Alberto Lugo Lara, although it was reported that the wife of the former criminal leader accompanied the caravan of authorities and was who expressed to the media the following: "Yes, it is him, that's what you wanted to know, right?

The finding

The body of Mario Alberto Lugo Lara, alias Mario "Calabazas" or "El Calabaceño", was found dead this morning in San José de las Delicias, municipality of Sinaloa.

The first information from the authorities states that Mario "Calabazas" was found in a sidewalk, just 100 meters from the main square of this mountain community, in the municipality of Sinaloa.


  1. the wife of the former criminal leader accompanied the caravan of authorities and was who expressed to the media the following: "Yes, it is him, that's what you wanted to know, right?

  2. I feel like his people betrayed him, it’s just too suspicious that his body was there with no one around or why didn’t his people take his body?

    1. They are most likely afraid of Chapo Isidro. Doubtful his people want to go down in flames with him.

    2. You can bet it’s someone close to him that got to him, now it’s back to business

  3. Char can you cover up the 5 disappeared kids that mz killed?

    1. MZ himself killed the kids ? I’m intrigued about this one…

    2. yes I can assure you that a post is coming tomorrow ! BB contributors are already working on it.

      not sure who is responsible but whoever is responsible they fucked up big time whether it was MZ, CJNG, or Mario Gonzalez Jr. of Teocaltiche.

      that area in Lagos de Moreno is controlled by CJNG big fuck up whoever is responsible.

      very sadistic.

    3. The area of lagos has been in dispute since the capture of el chofo who was plaza boss for cjng. @Char

    4. The vid of the 5 of lagos does have the legend "puro mz" with the Sombrero emoji "🤠🤠🤠".

      It's a lose lose situation for CJNG.

      If cjng is just tryna frame enemies, this is beyond words.

      If MZs did commit the crime, it just shows how weak CJNG really is.

      CJNG would never step foot in sinaloa out of fear, while cds nonchalantly roams the state of JAL freely.

    5. 9:44 sinaloas hVe been in jalisco before cjng became a cartel.
      Mencho pretty much chased them back to sinaloA except for a few towns. Best believe cds lost many towns and influence in jalisco.

      Your cds are nowhere near untouchable like their fantasy music claim they are

    6. 944 CDS was in Jalisco long before CJNG even existed.

    7. MZs never had presence in Jalisco up until now .

      @10:12 @10:00 Historically, I know chapo and nacho had their operators in JAL.

    8. We all know it was CJNG they fucked up, and they tried covering it up putting MZ on the vid 😂😂 we all know they have Jalisco on lock besides MG controlled territories everything else from jalpa down they have it controlled..

    9. Mz mob beheading a rivalⓂ️

    10. 10:24 why would jaliscos heat their own plaza up this much? Makes no sense.

      1) car bomb in tlajomulco?
      2) now the senseless murder of 5 young men?

      I truly believe it might be an outside rival organization tryna sabotage CJNG furthermore.

      Let's also note the vast majority of articles claiming " foreign guerrilleros" are in México fighting CJNG.

    11. 11:04 rivals? Those young men were innocent and were forced to commit those murders by their captors.

    12. 11:57 you forgot the call center murders.

      And then again, look at what CJNG just pulled of in veracruz? So why should I or anyone living in jalisco believe that CJNG isn't capable of staging this sick murder-role-play situation in lagos?

    13. 12:11 I felt that to but was unsure. The kid seemed hesitant at first but he really got into it. It kinda looked like those kids that got kidnapped? Unsure was it them?

    14. 9:44 don’t for get all clickas& government against 4L

  4. I think his own troop took him down. They probably knew they were doomed too so they made an offer to betray him in exchange for their lives.

    1. Happens all the time, it’s all about money and survival

    2. Either that or he gave himself for the safety of his family

    3. Así agarraron al Librado Gamboa Ruelas y al mugroso secuestrador de él gato

  5. This shows you no matter how much money or power you have, at the end of the day who’s gonna be there for you when you need saving? No one, but yourself.

  6. Mario's brother 《El 80》 is still alive.

    1. Negative. Died a long time ago.

  7. Le pusieron un 4. That what I’m guessing. He’s own people betrayed him instead of being in isidros red list.

  8. Este camarada junto con el gilo cuando les metieron una vergizza al comando de Diablo XX gn CdS en tubutama saric sonora

  9. Sounds like the guy was left tied up and left alone, to die. That’s a shitty way to go, but it beats being chopped up alive, dismembered, buried alive, burnt alive, exploded, etc.

    1. Chapo Isidro moves fast … that was quick .

    2. Im guessing that’s isidros style?… exterminate the problem as fast as possible before this “ war “ gets more attention.

    3. Damn if they tied his ass up and let hunger and thirst get him...thats sadistic. I'd rather have the tnt strapped to me or a swift beheading

  10. BB idk if you guys are aware of a dozen or dozens of bodies found in Veracruz dismembered.

  11. Damn he went out kinda lame, I thought he was going to die, pero a balazos, not from “dehydration”

  12. Was thinking no one could or would help him on the run because their families would be at risk

    Went from that 8 bedroom house to hiding in the bushes, dehydrated and exhausted

    I know anything can happen between men and money and family and territory but what happened between him and Isidro?

    They obviously knew where he lived and were close at some point. Isidro dismantled his life in less than 2 weeks, spared his family but nothing but his corpse came down from the sierras


  13. Im going to travel to Sinaloa to marry a buchona hoping my father in law ends up being some powerful cds narco so i can infiltrate the cartel then tip the DEA of with useful cartel information

    - michael miller

    1. Your not miller your some snide ho hiding like a bitch

  14. Replies
    1. 9:02 estas obsesionada con escribir eso en cada artículo?


    this lays it out with a little more clarity

    have to give saludos because the day this story broke, a comment spelled this exactly out


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