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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Cecí Flores: "Don't Make My Fight Less, Mr. President, We Are Only Looking For The Baby We Carried And Was Taken Away from Us"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Ceci Flores, leader of the Searching Mothers Collective of Sonora, said Wednesday that she will not stop fighting to find her children, even if she is criticized and revictimized by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Through a video on her social networks, Ceci Flores warned that she has received threats for her work as an activist and asked to be allowed to continue her search for two of her three children, who disappeared seven years ago in Sinaloa and Sonora.

"A mother who fights tirelessly for them begs them not to threaten me, I need to continue searching for my children. If anyone knows where they are, please hand them over to me. They could demand that I stop looking, but as long as my children are missing, even if I am constantly threatened, criticized and revictimized even by the president himself, I will continue to fight for my missing children," said Ceci Flores.

Likewise, in the description of her video she also asked López Obrador not to make less of her struggle.

"My hands hurt after a search, they burn; every pile of dirt could tell me the secret of my children. But it hurts more to be threatened. Do not make less my struggle López Obrador, today we are only looking for the baby we carried and they snatched from us. Put yourself in my dirty shoes" reads the publication.

On August 1, Ceci Flores accused the Mexican president of being apathetic and insensitive, after he refused to have a meeting with them, as he described the actions of the collective as "politicking".

"Maybe we would have to be the mother of 'El Chapo', or we would have to be Argentines so that he could attend to us, we are terribly sorry to have a president like him, insensitive to our struggle, a person who broke his word because in his postulation he promised the searching mothers to attend to them", said the activist in an interview with Brenda Peña for Latinus Diario.

Latinus  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. The killing of teenagers are much worse than the public knows and everyone trying to cover it up. I think Ms. Flores knows AMLO is agreeing with cartels for that reason.

    1. AMLO never refused a meeting with ''them''. He refused a meeting that was organised by vultures who were manipulating these victims, people who drop them the minute the damage has been done to the people they are targeting for monetary gain. They give the families false hope then suddenly stop returning their phonecalls. AMLO is not responsible for the disappeared in Sonora, and the cynical bastards who abuse these mothers trust by pretending it is his policies that led to their grief are wolves in suits. If anybody can tell me how the conflict in Sonora has anything to do with AMLO, or can give a single clue as to what he should have done differently considering the armies control of that region and his lack of power in real terms then I'd appreciate it. (And please don't repeat that bullshit about hugs). Cheers.

  2. The majority of teens that disappear have associations, or are themselves, in varying degrees, associated with organized crime.

    1. Could be. Or used as props. Or mistaken identity. Or an innocent witness who they don’t want to live to tell the tale. Or a relative to someone linked to crime. If you don’t know what is the case with those two, there is no need to imply that they were criminals.

    2. People who think like you are the reason we still have this problem of violence and segregation going on in the world. You are implying that if someone has a criminal association they are at fault or lead to their own demise. This is not the case in Mexico and many other parts of the world. As they say, Everyone here in Mexico has an un uncle involved in drug trafficking. In some of these areas where this happens the kids get recruited to carry guns and patrol literally as soon as they can hold a gun, a about 8 years old. Either way its sad. For the mothers, they just want the body back, they don't even care if the killers ever get caught they just want peace. Any sicarios out there who give up a grave site and get a bunch of people caught get their families killed. Just a fucked up situation all around.

  3. CDS has caused so much pain to these mothers for decades now 😥 when will their reign of terror end? Studies and statistics show, in average some one is kidnapped or killed every 20min in CDS controlled territory..🦉

    1. Are there statistics for areas controlled by cjng or CDG also? That’s a terrifying statistic about CDS territories.

    2. 4:15 - Do you have a link to these studies and statistics ? I want to read them myself.

    3. It's a horrible thing. Truth is the cartel probably disappeared them in acid barrels or butchered em and burnt the parts.

    4. Don't forget to also mention CJNG does the same kill and kill, as a matter of fact, all Cartels kill.
      You must be a Cjng cheerleader, where's your pom poms.?

  4. Awful situation Gov should give searchers security and ground penertrating sonar equipment 😭😭😭😭

  5. How about some decent picks and shovels?

  6. AMLO for president!

    1. Elmo no mas servi para Hablador, ye garar mordidas.

  7. I can only imagine the mindset of this woman . As a parent, how do you not look for your child or children when they are missing ? Do you simply push the thought out of your head , and go on with your day, as if they’ll either show back up one day or you’ll find out where they are eventually? I am a father many times over , and I could not stop looking for my child regardless of the situation. Whether I’m threatened for searching , don’t know exactly where to look , or any obstacles I may encounter. I can imagine her thinking of the her children as toddlers, remembering moments of their youth , and so she sees her children the age of infants . And so she must search for her babies . I have sat and imagined how I would react , God forbid I was ever in her situation. I would never be able to give up searching for my child because by giving up , would be saying to myself that I don’t love my children, and that I am not a good father . I don’t know if she really expects to find them , or what happened to them , but by searching for them for the rest of her life , shows them that she loves them , and that she is a great mother . And this point, the threat of death probably doesn’t matter to her, because in her mind ,death is probably better than feeling like she is a parent who didn’t love her children enough to keep searching for them . The saying “ I would die for my children “ is something we really mean. So how can a cartel threaten a parent, when the person truly means every word of that statement?

    1. @8:00 what the Irony, Hablador always has his daily boring conference.
      But to add insult to injury, he rejected her from coming into the conference forum.
      Once his speech writer wrote Obrador
      Gets up a 5 am to curb female violence, what the F does that supposed to mean?
      Poor lady will be searching and searching, I once heard another lady get threatened if she doesn't stop from looking for son.
      She ended up getting killed.

    2. @5.52. AMLO has done more than any president to cut out th that prevents mothers from finding the children who were taken by the army or police.


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