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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua: La Empresa, Armed Wing of La Línea Accuses Governor Of Supporting Los Mayos

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A recent article posted by El Huaso shed light on a narco message that was discovered in the city of Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua. 

Following this several searches were made to better understand the communique and its contents. It was initially believed the the word 'Rubio' was a reference to the Rubio neighborhood situated in the southern end of the Chihuahua capital. 

However, according to Wikipedia the community of Rubio, officially known as Colonia Obregón (Rubio), is a town in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, located in the north of the municipality of Cuauhtémoc. 

Narco message reads as follows:

This message is for Governor Maru Campos Galván and the FGE (Attorney General of the State of Chihuahua). Could it be that the Los Mayos gunmen have bought out Mando Único and The National Guardsmen? And that you’re just in denial about this matter. Meanwhile all the media’s confirm that they’re actually here. You’ll never be able to take us out of the Rubio community. 

La Empresa   La Línea 

* Mando Único aka Single Command are Chihuahua’s state security forces. 

Governor Maru Campos Galván

Borderland Beat Archives  Wikipedia  La Masakr 3


  1. Good article Sol. Thanks for this!

    1. Thank you sir for bringing it all together. Your idea paid off.

  2. Los mayos are done..! 🦉

  3. Mayo Zambada can send Los rusos or another armed wing to wipe out La linea if he wanted too

    1. And then he'll start producing children in-capable of snitching. I like where this cds corrido is going..

    2. Nah he can’t , They are well trained and have gained power last few years they don’t just operate in the state of chihuahua. They are killing Sinaloa leaders in the state and Sonora if he sends los rusos who’s going to fight off los chapitos faction fighting ruso or the CAF gunmen . Sinaloa is powerful but if they couldn’t take them out of chihuahua in the first war they won’t do it now . La línea is 2x stronger than what they were before . They’re deep in the south states operating like los mayos are. Don’t believe everything you see on the media for ones who live and see what’s going on here we know they are struggling to displace la linea

  4. RIP Yevgeny Prigozhin.

    1. #wagnergroup

  5. El Cabeza de motor 350 is upset watch out mayonnaise aka 5 letters _______

  6. Are these narco mantas ever used as evidence? Do they get destroyed or stored at the police station or what.

    1. That’s a fantastic question!

    2. Yes they are. We know the Mexican gov used to gather them for a database because it was leaked to CIDE years ago. Unknown if they still do now.

  7. Manta snitching is still 100% snitching. Just saying.

    1. Yea everyone does it remember?

    2. Mayo’s been snitching since the beginning of time.

  8. What nobody?
    I would definitely smash

  9. These people tell on each other publicly then get mad when someone tells on them. Dumb AF.

  10. Empresa can't handle Sinaloa so now they accuse the governor of colluding with them.

  11. Doubt ita Mayps, no Mayo hitmen in Chihuahua. I heard a top dawg in Durango once stating how Los Salguero son bien marranos para trabajar.

  12. De las mantas se hace un informe y se desechan. Atte: ex trabajador de la fiscalía

  13. Mayos need more plazas to sell meth and fentynal to support the hopeless war in Zac

  14. Why doesn't Mexico declare war on cartels?


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