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Monday, August 7, 2023

Depraved Killer Stays Behind Bars: US Citizen Who Targeted Tijuana Sex Workers

"Umbra" for Borderland Beat

Bryant Rivera, 30, of Downey, California, who was arrested in connection with serial murders targeting strip-club workers in Mexico, will remain behind bars throughout his extradition proceedings, a Federal Judge in Los Angeles has ruled.

Bryant Rivera

Mr. Rivera allegedly killed Angela Acosta Flores in a room at the Hotel Cascadas, in  Tijuana, in 2022.

On July 10, 2023, U.S. Magistrate Judge Karen L. Stevenson denied a request by  Public Defenders Cuauhtemoc Ortega and J. Alejandro Barrientos that Mr. Rivera  be released, and instead ordered him to be held without bond.

The Public Defenders had described their client as a law-abiding citizen, with no  prior arrests, warrants, charges or convictions, who still lives with his parents and  acts as their primary care-giver.

Mr. Rivera’s father, Candido Rivera, 65, is a retired  welder who is diabetic and blind, and confined to a wheelchair. His mother, Maria  Rivera, 62, has never worked, cannot read, drive or speak English, and is also  diabetic. Mr. Rivera appeared in court for the hearing, but said nothing, according  to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Ángela Acosta Flores

On January 24, 2022, Ángela Acosta Flores was beaten and strangled to death in  the Hotel Cascadas, in the Zona Norte, a red-light district in Tijuana, Mexico.

Ms. Flores, 20, had been working for about five months as a stripper and  sometime prostitute at the Hong Kong Gentleman’s Club, next door to the hotel.

An unnamed dancer at the Club later told investigators that she herself met with a “gringo” she knew as “Bryant Rivera” earlier that evening, and had gone to a  room with him at the Hotel Cascadas. This dancer said that at about 10 p.m. that  night, she saw Mr. Rivera leave the Club again, this time with Ms. Flores.

Around the same time, Ms. Flores texted her mother that she was going with a  client to the hotel for 30 minutes.

Security cameras videotaped Ms. Flores and Mr. Rivera together in the hotel corridor before entering Room 404.

Later, Mr. Rivera was seen on security video leaving the hotel alone.

That same night, at two minutes after midnight, Mr. Rivera returned to the US on foot, and was videotaped at the San Ysidro port of entry.

Meanwhile, in Tijuana, after not hearing from her daughter, Ms. Flores’ mother contacted her boyfriend, who went to the Hong Kong Gentleman’s Club to look for  her.

He was told Ms. Flores had left with a client who stood about 5-foot-5, with  brown hair, a “light brown complexion, and an acne-scarred face." He went next  door to the Cascadas Hotel with Ms. Flores’ mother, looking for her.

They waited for hours. She never came.

Finally, they were told that Ms. Flores had been found beaten and strangled to  death in the bathroom of Room 404.

Elizabeth Martínez Cigarroa

About a month later, Elizabeth Martinez Cigarroa encountered Bryant Rivera, who went by the name "Eduardo", while she was also working at the Hong Kong  Gentlemen's Club.

On February 14, 2022, Ms. Cigarroa reportedly told colleagues that she was going on a Valentine's Day date with the American, Eduardo.

On February 17, 2022, Ms. Cigarroa's body was found in the back of her abandoned truck. She had been beaten and strangled to death.

Authorities allege Bryant Rivera is also responsible for the death of another (yet un-named) dancer who also briefly worked at the Hong Kong Gentleman’s Club. Mr. Rivera was reportedly one of her regular clients.

It is claimed she was beaten and strangled to death on August 30, 2021. Days later, her body was found in a garbage bin.

In late 2022, Baja California Attorney General Iván Carpio Sánchez described the  then-unidentified killer of Ms. Flores and at least two other Tijuana sex workers as displaying "violent and psychopathic behavior" comparable to serial murderer Ted Bundy.

On June 29, 2023, a Complaint and Provisional Arrest Warrant for Mr. Rivera was placed under seal by a federal judge in Los Angeles due to the possibility that the  suspect "is likely to flee if he learns of the existence of a warrant for his arrest," prosecutors stated.

It was unsealed after Mr. Rivera's arrest on July 10 at the request of Mexico on a  charge of femicide. Femicide has been used to describe the current spate of  deadly violence against women in Mexico.


  1. Goes to show it all boils down to the individual itself no race or country defines a person but they actions do we should judge them accordingly not like many who judge Mexican or other races by a couple bad apples
    - American Sinaloa-

    1. 10:16 so you are saying we should not say all Sinaloans are snitches or chomos? Just because most of the CDS members are it? You are complitly right! 👍

    2. It depends all on the amount of bad apples and some countries have more and many have a lot of them. And they fool/play ppl like you.

  2. I hope this dude catches hell in the jails in Tijuana, he should probably just pull an Epstein and commit suicide before the inmates catch up with him.

    1. Epstein didn’t kill himself

    2. Tijuana jails must be hard asf

    3. 10:53
      It was the Tooth Fairy, that strangled in his jail cell.🤪

  3. good story Umbra. What a tragedy. its a dirty world. shame on men who use prostitiutes. sickos

    1. Why not shame on men who kill prostitutes?

  4. He did not want to pay the girls. Cheap guy.

  5. disgusting incel trash.

  6. Unfortunately, Mexico doesn't have the death penalty.

    1. Yeah cuz the inmates decide who lives and who doesnt

    2. @ Detroit. Thank God Mexico doesn't have the death penalty. You talk about talk about institutional corruption often, and it goes from from the police all the way to the President, you say, by way of the Federal authorities, prosecutors and judges, and those are the people you want to hand that power to, to decide the fate of innocent people? Thousands and thousands have been released as political victims of cartel politics in the last 2 decades. They would have been executed. Can you imagine how it would have been weaponised by Garcia Luna and other corrupt agencies? The whole idea makes me shudder..

    3. Mexico has something better than the death penalty: unabated killings of criminals by criminals.

    4. Doesnt matter, this rapist will get special treatment. Low life killing those poor girls

    5. 4:56:
      I meant that it a rhetorical manner. I am no big fan of the death penalty. However, I won't cry if these guy gets his ticket punched.

    6. 6:20 you forgot to mention innocent citizens of Mexico get killed too...
      kidnapped people are not criminals, but get killed when no ransom is paid.
      Extortionist kill hard-working citizens trying to make a living and so fourth.

    7. 7:59
      That's why I only said criminals

    8. @8.18. You said criminals killing criminals was a ''good thing''. I think @7.49 was trying to point out that there are untold innocent victims when the law is left to the mobs. I think all you really meant was that tired old bullshit : ''Ah fuck it, let the savages kill themselves off so we don't have to''.

    9. @Detroit. I'm 4.56. Sorry dude, I took your comment literally. I understand exactly what you mean.

  7. Wild story

    read the ZETA expose back in November 2022

    has any journalist outlet ever ID"D a serial killer before he was arrested? and been right? and contributed so much to the investigation and maybe even getting Ricardo Carpio to address it?

  8. To the girl check in with her mother by text message before going upstairs with client because the hotel right above the Hong Kong bar!!

    What understanding, mother
    And boyfriend!!to add some more disgust to this story the gringo susposully slept with his mother repeatedly!!

    1. This is a reality for lots of sex workers/escorts/strippers in TJ and all over, in Mexico especially

      these women are often supporting multi generational homes with their work

      not quite the fantasy the bars are selling

    2. His own mother?

    3. He slept with the old bird to keep her ancient bones warm at night, which is weird enough, but I don't think they're saying he was putting the wood to mommy dearest, at least I hope not..
      This is Norman Bates shit, at least Ted Bundy had some good looks and charm to beguile his doomed bevy of beauties, only reason this mutt got laid was cuz he was at HK with a hundred bucks in his pocket..
      The meseros and floormen at the Hong Kong try to watch out for the girls safety, but there's just so much they can do..
      Depraved the perfect word to describe this puto, don't expect he'll appreciate getting extradited to El Hongo peni, if he can't afford to rent a carraca, he'll be sleeping on the floor, craving the loving embrace of su mamá..

    4. 7:03
      Your prose is a few notches above what you usually get here, you must be a well read individual.

    5. 10:14 lla manasela

    6. For a minute it sounded like he was laying down wood, gross.

  9. I think this guy wanted in to the CDS and since he knows they rape and snitch well he had to start somewhere, just a thaught

    1. Wtf man, not the type of thing that should be commented on this story.

    2. 7:49 really? "Not the type of thing that should be commented on this story" are you new to BB? Have you seen the videos of all the atrocities commited by ALL cartels? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but i cant say CDS are rapists? Which is a fact by the way, perdon que lastime tus sentimientos pequeña flor, pero el sol no se puede tapar con un dedo

    3. 11:37 your an idiot .. I wonder if you would joke about it the same way if it was your daughter or family member that got killed

    4. 6:40 so im the idiot now? I wonder if you would of cryed about my comment if instead of cds i had said cjng 🤔 you are just a cds cheerleader admitt it

    5. @11:37.. This has nothing to do with CDS or any other organization. Read the story, not once did it mention anything about drug cartel involvement. Keep your vile comments to yourself, make it insightful next time. I've been a loyal BB reader for 13 years now, and I've seen how people in the comments have gotten childish and post a bunch of dumb ass immature things such as yourself.

    6. 7:55
      We have a lot of children in here, including cheerleaders, that cheerlead their favorite Cartel.
      Your right this article did not mention nothing about a cartel, yet the kids come in to convolute the story.
      Everyday they have to remind us, of what we already know.
      They need mentors to guide them in life.

    7. 7:55 & 9:10 hello mrs period at the end, i know you are the same cause you are always defending CDS, by the way this is a Cartel blog, so even though no cartel was mentioned it wouldnt be so far fetched cause CDS are known rapists, simple as that, plus no body was laughing at the victims in any form, shape or matter, so stop crying chillaloas

    8. 8:32 Mr. Know it all.
      You got it wrong, we are not the same, just because you did not like the comment, you don't have to belittle us.
      You're here all day, do you have a job?
      Mom's basement.

    9. 10:55 self employed son, i make sure the job gets done in half a day and have the rest of day off, so you actually got that right, i got a lot of time free, no belittleing no one just stating a few facts, like the fact that this is a cartel blog and i never disrespected the victims, that was it and the fact that most of you are quick to defend CDS when in reality they are no better than the reas of the cartels 👍

  10. He does look like a sex offender.
    Those eyes...

    1. @6:14PM "There is no art/to find the mind's construction in the face” - Macbeth, William Shakespeare

    2. Indeed, Mr. Brown.

    3. BS it just means you have weak intuition and instinct.

    4. @6.14. You mean he has two of them, and they are a bit vacant cos he's been kept in a cell all night? If the headline was ''Innocent man released after 20 years'' and this was the photo released to the press 20 years ago you'd be thinking ''Poor boy, you can tell just by looking in his eyes that he's innocent and confused''. If you stamped ''Psycho Killer'' above an average persons passport photo even the owner of that passport would nod and say ''Yup, fair enough.''

  11. I find it funny how they were able to track this guy down all the way to the US ,but when they find 5 bodies in the back of a truck or when a political candidate gets gunned down they can’t find squat

    1. 8:02 No nos agamos pendejos! Si tienes la feria, la disfrasas y tu crimen no se hace tan grande caminas como si nada, y tambien pasa en USA por si no savias, en todo mundo lo que manda es el dinero

    2. It’s all about the border crossing you’re photographed and recorded time of crossing!!

  12. Guy works for shredder aka your daddy

  13. Question hes a caregiver for his parents and did they need of his care while in tijuana 100+ miles or when he was murdering girls or women… this foo is claiming a bitch card he should get checked for that!!!

  14. This guys fucked in a TJ prison.. you don’t touch Hong King’s girls and get away with it..

  15. Hey is it true that Hong Kong belongs to don Marios organization from teocaltiche?

  16. But, but, but Judge have mercy on his soul, he should be let free, because he has parents, that are in there 60s, diabetic, one don't drive.
    We promise you he will behave. He does not have a rap sheet. Besides judge people get away with murder in Mexico.

    1. Clearly the family has no money… good riddance

    2. @12.04. Can you write that again But But But dude, but without the but but but? I don't understand. Not even the defence lawyers would argue what you pretend is something anybody but you, in here, is saying. All your ''But but but'' arguments would be funny if anybody actually said them. But But But... nobody does.


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