Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 21, 2023

Disappearance Of 5 Brothers In Lagos de Moreno Denied: 'We Have Never Set Foot In Jalisco'

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

On Sunday, news circulated that five brothers had disappeared in Jalisco.

The report of the five missing brothers in Lagos de Moreno circulated on Sunday in social networks and several media outlets.

One of the alleged five missing brothers in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, clarified that the news is false.

This, after the news circulated on Sunday that five brothers had disappeared on Jalisco soil, apart from the disappearance of the other five young people that authorities are already investigating.

"We are all fine, we live in Huston, we have nothing to do with Jalisco, we have never set foot there. To clarify that everything is false," said through a video a man who declined to give his real name.

The man assured that neither the surnames nor the names nor the ages coincide with his family. They found out about the false news because they began to see his picture on the news and social networks.

Video translation is as follows:

Hello my name is Gabriel. And I am making this video to clarify that those news reports that are now all over Mexico of the five missing brothers are false. I am one of the individuals in the photo. I am the person with the red spot in my hair hugging my brother. 

We are all fine. We live in Houston, Texas. We have nothing to do with Jalisco. Nor have we ever set foot there. So, just to clear things up this is false. There is someone who is making all these lies up on Facebook and fake accounts. 

They keep distributing this deception online and now our faces are all over Mexico. And we have nothing to do with any of this. Even the surname that they gave us, that’s not even our last name, the first names are also wrong. The names or ages don’t match up either. 

Radio Formula Mx  Grupo Formula


  1. Replies
    1. Heating up the plaza of course. That's how criminals, usually the weaker or invading group, get the government involved in an area.

    2. Stuff like
      This is done to send traffic different ways.
      So when you look up a certain matter,
      Instead of popping up about the 5 friends that got killed and really happened.
      You’ll get stories about 5
      Men that got kidnapped that were bros,
      But then the reports would turn out to be take.
      Making people
      Think most of the reports are fake as well

    3. @8:24 most are

    4. Its not true there still missing. This is some kind of cover up. The 5 brothers are getting tortured by these evil criminals

    5. That's B's the 5 brothers are being tortured by these evil criminals. And they gonna keep doing it to youngsters between 15 and 26 yrs.

  2. Damn! That's heavy. Good article .

  3. Dang
    I already donated to the go fund me page to help bring them back safe.

    1. Go ask for a refund and if that don't happen go file a complaint

    2. looks like it worked xD

  4. CDS heating up the Plaza with fake-news stories

  5. Alguien se paso de verg....

  6. What if they were actually picked up and forced to make a video denying it?

  7. For 1 this guy looks old as hell and looks nothing like any of the guys from the picture. Number 2 he doesn't explain the video, that video looks real to me .

    1. right!!! there's no way that he's the guy from the picture unless that picture was taken over 10yrs ago. I'm not a conspiracy believer but something doesn't feel right about this story.

    2. 7:08 what video are you talking about?

    3. @ 11:00 I think this guy is either confused or he's trying to get attention.

      @1:56 I'm talking about the murder video , this guy is saying it's all false well that video is definitely not fake plus even the family confirmed that the 5 guys are missing

    4. 702
      ''guy is either confused''
      Bro,i think your confused

    5. Hes right 8:29 none of the guys from the video of missing friends look like this guy. I think YOURE confused along with this guy making the video

    6. Ok confused guys, this dude in this video is not talking about the 5 friends who killed eachother.
      Somebody reported him and his siblings been also kidnapped but he is saying he has never been in jalisco let alone been kidnapped, this are two totally diferent cases, and yea 7:08 is thinking about the video where the friends killed each other

    7. 9:31 the title clearly says Lagos De Moreno it would have to be one hell of a coincidence that exactly 5 other ppl were kidnapped in the same area

    8. BTW just confirmed there is a separate case involving 5 other ppl missing sorry guys

    9. 7:08, 11:00, 7:02, 8:50, 10:07đŸ€Š‍♂️!!!

    10. 10:07 you been serious? Man do a little reading and you will find out there was another "case" of 5 SIBILINGS going missing in lagos de moreno this guy been one of them, and the other case where 5 FRIENDS were kidnaped and killed each other, is it really hard that hard to comprehend?

    11. Apparently the research was done and corrected bro no need to get angry with a computer

    12. 1:28 who you talking to? I hate it when you respond to a comment dont specify who you are reaponding to đŸ˜€

  8. That's a political stuff. The opposition's trying really hard.

  9. Upstanding members

  10. Sinaloa heating up the plaza
    I foresee great violence ahead. Looks like Sinaloa cartel regrouped and ready for action against cjng

    1. With government fighting for them as always? Yup

  11. Likely recorded before he was murdered as well… RIP 🙏


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