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Saturday, August 26, 2023

FGR Rejects Request By Wife Of "El Mencho" To Obtain Provisional Freedom

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

"Doña Rosalinda" "La Jefa"

The Attorney General's Office (FGR) denied Rosalinda González Valencia, wife of alleged drug trafficker Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El Mencho", leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG), to request an evaluation of procedural risks, which would allow her to request her provisional freedom.

The sister of Abigael González Valencia, alias "El Cuini", also presented an injunction before Guillermo Amaro Correa, head of the Ninth District Court of Morelos, based in Cuernavaca, against the FGR's refusal, however, the lawsuit was dismissed.

According to the public version of the ruling quoted by the newspaper Reforma, Gonzalez Valencia made a written request to the FGR to ask the National Guard for a procedural risk assessment of her person, "in order to justify the non-continuity and unsuitability of the justified imprisonment imposed".

However, the FGR responded that it would not request such a study. Therefore, González Valencia filed an injunction against the refusal of the institution of justice, but Amado Correa dismissed it, arguing that there was no violation of the right of petition of the wife of "El Mencho".

The head of the Ninth District Court of Morelos, based in Cuernavaca, stated that in order for there to be a violation of this constitutional guarantee, more than four months had to pass without the authority responding or issuing an agreement regarding the petition.

Source: RIODOCE 


  1. This is proof positive that mencho is dead. This would not be happening if he was alive.

    1. You may have a point.


    2. You still with that? One manta claiming he's dead and you ran with it like your life was on the line.

    3. Yeah this is strange, he probably would burn the country or pay whomever to get her back.

    4. 307 pm how is this proof lol because like any other person would jefa wants probation tf I personally dgaf if he is or not but to say this is proof sounds clueless lol

    5. I second that @3:07 CJNG has lost prestige and respect since the death of el mencho!

    6. It's proof he's alive and doesn't really care about the wife.

    7. 4:10:
      Mencho traded Rosalinda in for a newer model many years ago. Rosalinda is just another business partner now.

    8. Mencho been dead over a year ago.

    9. Mencho is very much alive (specially) in your head

  2. But but but, CJNG pays AMLO the big bribes. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Quien es el papa de juan carlos el 03 y lo tuvo antes o DESPUES de juntarse con ruben oceguera

  3. La doña has a terminal illness. She's not going to be around for long

  4. With all due respect Señor Mencho . She is a cutie.

    1. She looks like a tough chick, not very cute but someone you wouldn’t want to fuck with

    2. Is this a joke?

  5. Dik... With All due respect.. eat a chile

  6. @5.54 Doesn't care about his wife? Mencho works for her brothers. Her brothers are Mencho’s bosses. Mencho is just a clown who steals petroleum.

    1. Menchos probably the biggest drug trafficker in Mexico 6:48

    2. @8.21 According to the DEA its the CDS.

    3. 6:48
      Actions speak louder than words. He hasn't responded in a manner that would be considered "he cares".

    4. 6:46 maybe in your dreams kid

    5. 12:38
      No, it's not maybe nor in any dreams. It's a fact that was reported - did you not read the article? I hope, for your sake, that you're joking.

  7. Pinche cheerleaders. If Mecho shows strength he's dead, if Mecho doesn't show strength he's dead. No mamen. He's alive. BB would tell us if they knew he was dead. Don't believe them? Oh well.


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