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Thursday, August 10, 2023

FGR Seizes 14 Tons Of Narcotics In A Culiacan Company: Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from NOROESTE

In addition, more than 56 thousand liters of chemical substances and precursors were seized.

A total of 14 tons of narcotics and more than 56 thousand liters of substances and chemical precursors were seized by the Attorney General's Office in a company in Culiacán.

The federal institution informed that 13 tons 826 kilos 679 grams 100 milligrams and 56 thousand 465 liters 790 milliliters of narcotics, substances and chemical precursors such as methamphetamine hydrochloride, fentanyl, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine, lead acetate, tartaric acid, sodium cyanide, hydrochloric acid and ammonium chloride were destroyed.

In addition, 144,245 units of fentanyl, 34,285 units of methylphenidate, marijuana and poppy plants, as well as 625 objects of crime such as hydraulic presses, gas tanks, condensers, tubs, among others.

The seizure took place in a specialized and authorized company in Culiacán.

Personnel from the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF), elements of the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM) and experts specialized in forensic chemistry from the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), as well as the supervision of the Internal Control Organ (OIC), participated in the operation.


  1. I wonder if this was a gift for the authorities. I can’t really imagine all these different drugs just sitting at a manufacturing company. The weed is really what makes this look like a gift for the for the authorities and for smoke and mirrors. I can see maybe the building being used as a lab to process the raw drugs into finished product, but I’ve rarely ever seen someone double a lab as a stash house . That’s like keeping your money and product in the same house . I also didn’t see anything about anyone being arrested. What , did everyone conveniently just happen to be out of the office …? I bet all the dope and precursor materials are watered down so much they barely test positive for whatever drug their supposed to be . You can cut a brick of coke or meth down to 1% pure and it’ll still test positive. Why give them pure contraband when it’s going to be destroyed anyways . I’m going to say this one is all smoke and mirrors 🤷‍♂️

    1. Why does everything have to be a gift or an offering to the authorities 🤣 your idols chapitos were caught slacking or maybe the police were actually doing police work.. smh

    2. Its not about idols, its more about experience. You don’t operate a lab for meth or fent and growing weed and poppy in your backyard. The water down thing had happend in the past way to often, no arrest were made which is weird. And take into account the amount of corruption in mexico. So its fair to assume that this is somehow fishy.

    3. 08:07 I’m with you on that. Also, do people not realize that the Pentagon and DoD are on the verge of taking blanket responsibility and control of counter-narcotics in Mexico?! … as they should. The military already works the coastline and do a damn good job stopping most of the airplanes, boats, and UUVs (unmanned underwater vehicles)??

      If I was a corrupt Mexican politician who already knows where, who, and how the cartel is, and I just learned that the USA ain’t fucking around no more and the CIA is about ya ass…..

      Huge busts in Sinaloa make sense.

    4. Damn good job? Lol coke 30 years ago was $70,000 a key . Now it’s bout $28,000- $33,000 a key. But sure damn good job

    5. 6:26 70k per brick 30 years ago? 1993? Nope. 11-13 in LA wholesale. Not unless the dollar has devalued IDK 400-500%? Maybe 50 years or so ago before Medellín and Escobar really got going.

    6. @6:26... it depends who you know. It's lower than that at some places.

    7. 9:25, 6:26 could be canadian, i think someone said its still 40-50k a key in montreal now.

  2. Could it be this was the accumulation of materials and "drugs" seized in recent previous operations in Sinaloa and the location was a place where the government could "dispose" of those products?

  3. FENTANYL, American pressure to Mexico and cartels have been showing results.

    1. But but but but, ELMO once told everyone, that Fentanyl does not come from Mexico.
      He looked like a 🤡 clown we he said that.
      Rich bastard won't even allow mothers of missing children come to his conferences.

  4. This is to make AMLO look good in the face of the american govt like he is doing something to combat fentanyl production.

  5. That's product that has expired its shelf life. Now, they get the cops to clean it up. smart.

    1. Drugs have a shelf life? Asking for a friend…

  6. 7:27 I on point!!!

  7. Sedena confirmó detención de Humberto “N”, jefe de plaza del Cártel de Sinaloa en Culiacán
    Este presunto líder criminal se dedicaba al secuestro, tráfico de diversas drogas y armamento de los EEUU hacia México

  8. The majority of this precursor is coming from China/India. Why doesn’t the Cartel just switch their business model and order actual Oxycodone/Hydrocodone and make Real but kind of Fake Percs and Vikes. They’d still make a shit ton of money and have way less heat on them because 1. They aren’t going to be dropping bodies every day and 2. The sentencing guidelines are much much lower for these drugs so the prison time won’t drive as many people to snitch.

    1. 2:55 only if it was that easy, if you give a sinaloan the chance to snitch or stay in jail for a day he will snitch guaranteed 🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. Opium gum could make a come back with the dea cutbacks on prescription opioids and people afraid of fentanyl & tranq. You could get opium gum in my neck of the boondocks in the 80s-early 90s if you knew the right man to see about a dog.

    3. 1:06 Sometimes I think that's why beer is so cheap in Sinaloa because after a few they automatically just start bragging, gossiping and snitching to others and in public at bars or via social media.

    4. Lmao like they care about saving lives???

    5. 4:13 can opium gum make a comeback? I don't know I think they are to far gone

  9. Tartaric acid ? That's the last chemical you would expect they damn sure don't use it ! You see when meth is made with p2p nearing the end you end up with 50/50 Meth L and Meth D even though they say it's 99 percent pure no it is not because you only want Meth D Meth L is crap all the bad parts so you want to get rid of the Meth L and you need Tartaric Acid and some real skill to achieve that but you'll loose a lot of weight so forever the heavily forested chemical mixers down south have blown off the last step which is why most of the shit coming from south of the border sux . You gotta go to the otherside of the world to get the good shit ! There's a reason why meth is 6-800 bux a gram in Austrailia and 1-200 an ounce here in the US. Just Sayin


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