Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, August 11, 2023

Hector Berrellez Speaks On Kiki Camarena Murder

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Hector Berrellez discusses the indictments and trials related to the death of Kiki Camarena. Berrellez reveals that a total of 19 people were indicted, but only eight were brought to trial, all of whom received life sentences in the U.S. He also clarifies that none of the defendants were high-ranking cartel leaders, but rather major drug dealers. 

The interview then shifts focus to El Chapo, with Berrellez stating that he did not have any personal interaction with him, but witnesses at the time claimed that El Chapo was involved in torturing Camarena and capturing the pilot who took incriminating photographs. Berrellez also reveals the involvement of a mysterious CIA operative named Max Gomez, whose real name is Ismael Kennedy Rodriguez. 

This operative was connected to various high-profile operations and had close ties to the Bush family. Berrellez admits to losing trust in the government during the investigation and mentions that the investigation was shut down when he reached the level of uncovering Gomez's identity.


  1. Fucked up to look back at the story on what happened with camarena dude got killed for being an informant and trying to get his nose in the weed business in Mexico now look weed is legal everywhere everybody and there momma is growing it indoor and outdoors. And not only that the The U.S was so interested to see how the Cartel’s worked and now look how easy it is to get in and be planted some where in Mexico. But as easy it is to get it in it’s not easy to get out especially if they know you have family in Mexico. Fucked up story but they don’t give 2 fucks guarantee it

    1. Yea, Camarena got killed for nothing really, the game is pointless, drugs are a part of every culture worldwide

    2. Cia agent cuban ishmael rodriguez killed kiki under cia orders.

  2. Who are these ''witnesses'' who saw Chapo? Always unnamed. And the witnesses are hilariously exact in their retelling. They all say the exact same thing, in the same phrases. Ismael Rodriguez was no longer working for CIA when Kiki was taken. He was one of thousands of mercenaries working in a murky world that seems black and white now. I respect Bellerez, but the deal he did with Netflix to promote his new security company and leave out vital details was depressing. Good post though, cheers.

    1. The bigger scandal is the fact his name is Félix Ismael Rodríguez… who is STILL in service

      Where do you get your information???

    2. @3.29. He was known as Ismael Rodriguez or Felix Rodriguez, or Ismael in Europe. I'm sorry, are you saying that he still works for CIA? Just to be clear..

  3. Dude if any of this was actually true. Don’t you think BOTH governments would’ve silenced him ? Come on now. Make it make sense.

    1. @6:50 why why would they silence him? Look at him he’s on his way way to the next world

    2. Wouldn’t killing him just make what he says more trustworthy?

      By letting him live and talk, it makes him sound like a liar, no???

  4. Gary Webb a journalist from Sacramento California knew the whole story about the Kiki camarena murder after learning the truth , he " committed " suicide and his work never got published

    1. Any links that you can share about Gary Webbs research/articles about Kiki Camarena? From what I know about Gary Webb it was his series that he published called Dark Alliance that caused a lot of controversy. Do not recall anything about Kiki Camarena.

    2. He did not know the whole story, he was primarily tracking the connections between the traffickers, CIA, and crack game…

    3. Hector was someone who approached Gary after Dark Alliance and appeared to confirm what Gary had written. If you read Charles Bowden’s Esquire story about Gary, “The Pariah” it talks about this. Hector was a source for Bowden’s posthumous articles about Camarena “Blood on the Corn.” I don’t think Chapo found his way into the supposed conspiracy as told in those articles, perhaps he got added later, but it’s hard to keep track of the seemingly endless cast of characters who were supposedly present. Suffice it to say there is no actual proof Rodriguez or the CIA was there, much less Chapo, but plenty of evidence that the highest levels of the Mexican military were involved in drug trafficking and authorized Camarena’s torture to see what the DEA knew about it.

    4. I know of another unnamed CIA Operative who says he was present when Kiki was murdered but his account differs from official accounts.

  5. Max Gomez was cia ground branch special activities center . He gave the order to kill Che Guevara

  6. Attention Whoring at its finest ! This guy's a real pro !

  7. The people saying this bloke is full of S**T need to watch the documentary, the last narc. Where they have the actual police who were there and were guarding the cartel leaders.

    1. And do their research…

    2. That doc was cut to ribbons because of legal threats, re-edited, and the final edit was a massive compromise full of things that proved nothing because of the legal pressure. They weren't allowed to add any context, leading to a dumbass conclusion- CIA killed KIKI!
      It did more harm than good.

  8. Like I've said a million times the government is the real mafia they do what the fuc- they want say what they want and change the the rules whenever they want ...and bend whoever over whenever they want

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  9. Hello. I am a retired narc who knows the case pretty well as I worked with Kiki's partners for many years and am a friend to the Camarena Family who are greatly disgusted with HB for using their "Kiki" for personal gain.
    HB is a FRAUD! He did not write his book because he is poor at writing and no one would put their name to it but HB. He was a hero before he became a short-time group supervisor on the case after the meat of the investigation was completed. He had carte blanche for a couple years and lured cops from Mexico to testify in Operation Leyenda. The crooked cops were paid a salary and southern California is littered with former Mexican cops lured by HB who were paid handsomely by our gov't.

    I have listened to the podcast "Cartel, Conspiracies and Camarena" by Jack Lewellen and have conversed with Elaine Shannon the author of "Desperados," the most accurate account of the case. She recently wrote an article that is a "must read" regarding the pseudo-documentary "The Last Narc.""

    I know that A DEA Internal Affairs investigation was conducted by a group of agents for an entire year which proved HB to be making shit up. He did and does not like "Kiki's" boss and close friend who he claims received bags of money to finger "Kiki."

    "Kiki's" widow was lured onto the show not knowing the angle and intent of the story. That is how low HB and his "headline-seeking" supporters went to make money.

    What HB and Amazon did is disgusting, distasteful and opened up wounds for the Camarenas, his colleagues and friends.

    At the urging of a friend, I met with Hector for 6 hours a couple years ago and, left the meeting feeling filthy. After just a few minutes into the meeting at a coffee shop, we were surrounded by unmarked and marked police vehicles because HB was loud, bragging about his heroics. A uniformed officer then sat next to us. I knew what was happening so I approached the officer, told him we were retired law enforcement and told him I would try to put a filter on HB. He thanked me because his city had spent so many resources and time because of the "911" calls.
    Much of what HB says is fact, but he weaves himself into the entire length of the case, creates exciting conspiracies and makes himself look like the hero. HB was exactly what I expected him to be with his bad dye job, his cowboy outfit, his forceful speech and his half-truths and lies.
    The audience of this website are the most "cartel intelligent" people I've been around and, as a fellow "cartel nerd," and loyal friend to the Camarenas, I can't help but to respond.


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