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Saturday, August 12, 2023

'I Never Gave Evidence to Incriminate Chapo Guzmán', Says Former Congresswoman Lucero Sánchez

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted RIODOCE 

The former congresswoman Lucero Guadalupe Sanchez Lopez, who was romantically linked to the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán Loera, denied having provided evidence against him, nor being responsible for the "collapse or fall" of the drug lord, as stated by journalist Laura Sánchez Ley, of the newspaper Milenio.

In an alleged letter sent to journalist José Luis Montenegro, the former congresswoman for Cosalá denied that she had delivered the 6,000 text messages in which El Chapo confessed to her operations, murders and escapes.

"National newspapers in Mexico have stated that I, Lucero Guadalupe Sánchez López, delivered six thousand text messages in which Mr. Guzmán Loera confessed to me operations related to drugs, murders and escapes, among other crimes he committed while he was leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, as stated in an article published by the newspaper Milenio and its collaborator Laura Sánchez Ley", she affirmed.

"This assertion is absolutely false. It is unsubstantiated despite the fact that there is public information and that it is on record in judicial records. The person who delivered the conversations I had at some point with Mr. Guzmán Loera, according to an exhaustive investigation by the United States government, was a technician of Colombian origin hired directly by El Chapo; he was in charge of spying on friends, family and people of interest of Joaquín Guzmán".

And she adds: "The six thousand text messages were not delivered by me".

The former congresswoman accuses that against her person "slander and insults have been spread irresponsibly by almost all the media in Mexico and several countries in Latin America and the United States, it is alarming because these actions put my family's life at risk, by cataloging me as the alleged responsible for the sentence that the US judge Brian Cogan issued against Joaquín Guzmán".

"I never provided evidence that would incriminate him in a criminal way, because I simply did not have it. Judge Cogan made his decision based on the testimony of several close collaborators who did work with him on the crimes in his indictment."

And she insists, "I never collaborated with the U.S. government to achieve his capture or that of other members. I am currently focused on rebuilding my life".

At the end, Sanchez Lopez asks the press and communicators not to misinform or misrepresent information with the purpose of tarnishing her reputation or simply for profit, and clarifies that for the moment she does not intend to give interviews.

The former local deputy was arrested in the United States in 2017 and sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of conspiracy along with members of the Sinaloa Cartel.


  1. That's true, about the Colombian, Christian, that she didn't turn them over, they were intercepted

    but uhhh she testified in open court against him.

    The US maybe didn't NEED her cooperation, to convict him, but they def. got it, and reduced her sentence for her own indictment for drug trafficking.

    interesting era, with cooperators and witnesses and drug traffickers playing the media game.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Valiendo riata como siempre 🤣

    2. @Sol — happy Saturday friend 🦉

    3. Happy Saturday as well bro. We've got about another month of that Texas heat to deal with here lol.

    4. @Sol — hang in there buddy!! I’m in NorCal and it’s hot as fuck today but knowing how bad it is out there, I cannot complain… take care friend

    5. Highs in the 70's in Michigan. Maybe I will turn on the heat while I'm drinking a cold beer so I can share in your pain.

  3. Talk about a woman in love! Lmao

    1. No love here. All money. They say the texts were "intercepted" as a cover story for her cooperation. Who else would have given them the texts.
      When you think about it she is the most likely person to give up Chapo. Chapo only popped in and out of his meeting with Castillo and Penn. They would know where Chapo was for a moment but not where he is. Penn's lawyers could only give up Chapo's previous location, not his location of where he was when he was captured.
      An anonymous source seeing people with firearms leading to Chapo's capture is most likely a cover story and she has plans for all that bounty money.

    2. 1:15 I don't think she would want to get that bounty money. Too many snitches even I'm government who can easily tell the cartel who got the bounty. I don't think she would risk her life but who knows

  4. Señor Chapo always has fine women always

    1. Would you get her pregnant?

    2. Yeah some of them have to put their retainers back in when they hear Mrs. Guzman coming around the corner . That's adorable .

    3. Chapo in jail cause of him not anybody else u idiots

    4. Chapo is not in jail.
      Chapo is in Prison.

  5. If she did or not she’s a dead woman if she go back to Mexico on an area controlled by Los Menores.

  6. Pura naquita agarraba el chapo.


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