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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Inmate Letter 89914053: 'El Chapo' Wants Company

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL PAÍS

Sinaloa Cartel leader asks Judge Brian Cogan to authorize visit from Emma Coronel and the two daughters he has with former beauty queen


El Chapo Guzman is alone. The Sinaloa Cartel leader has been locked up in the maximum security prison in Florence, Colorado, for four years. This week he asked Judge Brian Cogan for permission to be visited in prison by Emma Coronel and his two minor daughters. In a handwritten letter, the 66-year-old drug trafficker asked the judge to consider the request once his wife is released on parole on September 13. The influencer and former beauty queen, Guzman's third marriage, was granted house arrest last June and has since been in a Los Angeles residence preparing her for her return to freedom. "From that date on, she will be able to travel all over the country, since she will have probation," El Chapo argues.


Guzmán affirms in his letter that the prosecutors in the case had opposed the criminal to meet with Coronel during his trial in New York some years ago. The prosecution's argument was that the wife of the leader of the criminal organization could help him intimidate witnesses who testified against him during the historic trial. "Something absurd, since everything that is said during a visit is recorded and, besides, there are cameras," writes the drug lord, who refers to himself at times in the third person. That fear has been extinguished, since "Guzman has already been sentenced" and "there is not even a hearing (sic). Guzman, however, has another drug trafficking trial pending in Chicago.

El Chapo not only asks Cogan for Coronel's presence, but also for the daughters he has with her, Guadalupe and María Joaquina. "They are studying in Mexico and can only travel to visit their father on vacations, two or three times a year at the most," he says. The children are 12 years old and have U.S. citizenship, since they were born in Los Angeles. Guzman says his mother and siblings cannot visit him in Colorado because they do not have a visa to enter the United States.

Martha Dhanis on twitter "former Mexican druglord ‘El Chapo’ letter from prison asking “favor” from judge to allow his wife, who's getting probation soon, to visit him.  original handwritten letter in Spanish and envelope + translated version:" -@MarthaDhanis

The office received the document on Wednesday and made it public this Friday. This is not the first communication the judge has received from one of his most famous sentenced prisoners. A few weeks ago, Guzman wrote to him to complain about the prison authorities, who keep him and the other 320 inmates under strict surveillance in their cells and with only one hour a day in the open air. The capo claims that the warden does not allow him to receive documents for his defense. "They always use the excuse that it's because Guzman escaped from a prison in Mexico," said the criminal, who has called it "ridiculous."

Guzman, however, did not just escape from a prison in his native country. He made a fool of prison authorities, and two different governments in the process, by escaping from Mexico's two strictest detention centers. The first time was 2001 under President Vicente Fox and the second in 2015 under Enrique Peña Nieto, after carrying out a movie-like escape. U.S. authorities do not rule out that Guzman's communication with his lawyers is aimed at plotting a new attempt. No one has escaped from the Colorado Supermax since it began operations in 1994. The facility is known as the Alcatraz of the Rocky Mountains.

Since 2021, the criminal had reported being the victim of "cruel and unjust treatment" since his extradition to the United States in 2017. The capo noted in the letter that the imprisonment was affecting him physically and mentally, causing him "headaches," memory loss, cramps and depression. "I have suffered a lot," the kingpin, who is serving a life sentence with an added 30 years in prison, said at the time. In addition, Cogan ordered him to pay $12 billion in damages to his company.

In another letter made public in March, Guzman again complained about the harsh conditions of his solitary confinement. In three pages, in addition to requesting some benefits in his trial, the criminal claimed that the authorities have only allowed him nine calls with his lawyer over the course of a year. He considered it highly discriminatory. On that occasion, El Chapo apologized to the judge for not sending his communication earlier. It took more than a month to get a postage stamp for the letter to leave the inmate's cell 89914053 and go to the outside world.

Source: EL PAÍS


  1. What a biach! O yea ill kill and torture people with out any remorse but i need to see my kids and "wife" cause im a human, even thought most of my life ive acted worse than an animal 😂😂😂😂 esos si son guevos

    1. So no congical visits at ADX?!

    2. He got soft spot. Don’t we all have one 🤷🏻‍♂️

    3. All you heroes calling Guzman a bitch?
      Fuckin hilarious

    4. 7:08
      Allegedly is also alleged so it does not rule out he did those evil things.

    5. 4:01 old enough to know chapo is a bitch, how about you? How old are you? Cause i cant imagine a grown man defending a mass murdering chomo

  2. I know he’s a criminal and all but Come on, let Joaquin at least see his doughters and girl. Must be hard not able to see no family members.

    1. What about all the family members he had murdered and butchered. I bet there loved ones would like to see them as well. This guy is a criminal and does not get special treatment

    2. I think they should treat him just like he treated his captives, if he had any remorse then he should get some remorse too, if he showed them something else than that's what he should get, remember the USA is not chapos friend, just like he wasnt his enemies friend 😉

    3. All the people tortured and killed by him and under his orders weren't given that opportunity. A lot of times the families of those murdered never even got the body back.

    4. how often did he visit familiy when he was free? he was never a family man and now plays the victim card and fell for it.

    5. What about all the people he killed they don't get to talk to they're loved ones. 12:18 your a complete moron

    6. @ 12:50 , you forget the story of how the DEA let the Sinaloa cartel operate and how the ATF had armed them as well during the Calderon and Obama administration

    7. Are those daughters even his?

    8. He’s being denied basic human rights. Even most of the worst people in the world do not deserve a month of this. You have no idea.

    9. 4:31
      I don't think you understand how the supermax part of ADX works.

    10. 4:31 he never acted like a human, he acted more like an animal, so i think the way he is been treated fits the way he was acting when he was out doing his shit 👍

  3. Does everyone in that prison have the same condition or just chapo? Not able to see their family members. Cuz I can’t imagine the terrorist they’re receiving family visits and chapo can’t.

    1. Should all be the same….

    2. Even in Florence there are a few who are not allowed shit, its not only chapo, there are a few others who will never see frredom till they die

    3. Visits , letters , any form of communication is decided by your security level. And with Chapo escaping twice from prison in Mexico and having some kind of leadership position in CDS I’m sure he’s the highest level of security. But at same time. I don’t see them denying him visits from his 2 girls. But they may be playing hard ball because he’s yet to forfeit any of the 12 billion he was ordered to give up. Not that the government really needs the money , but it would look more repentant if he were trying to give money back.

  4. Sean penn will go as the guy that let to chapo’s arrest.

    1. What about El Kate??

    2. Crazy thing is that Chapo wanted to fuck Kate del Castillo so he invited her in and at the end Sean who was the host fucked her and fucked chapo with out chapo knowing all of that 😂 so pretty much chapo got fucked in 2 ways 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. He must regret that penn meeting so badly now what a fool doing that especially after he got out twice

    4. Sean Penn out of all Hollywood Mel Gibson maybe but meeting actors/actress publicity Chapo was asking for it

    5. How exactly did Sean Penn get him caught up 🤔

    6. 1123 Sean Penn wasn't the main reason but government looking incompetent. actor can hang out with wanted drug lord in front of the damn world what's the point of all the US agencies and resources spent? They could probably have got Chapo with famous young pornstars with hi tech tracking devices alot cheaper.

    7. 11:23 they pin pointed chapos location cause Sean was been tracked, had a GPS

    8. 8:03
      Chapo's location was already known before Penn came into the picture.

    9. 11:34 General area yea, but not exactly were he was at

  5. How the fuck is he going to try and escape from a super Max and let alone in the United States let’s be real!

    1. Mr. Jingles is going to help him get the keys.

  6. They'll never let him see Emma. Aside from helping to conspire breaking him out once before, she is a convicted felon and cannot be cleared for visiting a prison while on paper.

    1. With Emma's conviction she's not allowed to visit any prison.

    2. Emma is already shaking up with some young narco elsewhere. He can’t shot for her anymore.

  7. no worries chapo, familiy will be next to your cell soon.

    1. Yeaaaaa!!! Family reunion! I love happy endings 🥰

  8. No que muy 701 y que segun todavia firma los cheques y que muy chapiza y la verga haha se ha de aggarar llore y llore el viejillo en la supermax pero que se acuerde a todas las familia innocents que hizo sufrir

    1. Verda, que la tierra se para de mover si el jefe lo ordena, que tiene una linea directa de comunicacion al la casa blanca y el pentagon jajajaja 🤣 bola de tlacuaches alucines

  9. The parents of innocent ppl he had killed would like to see family but cant. Boo hoo little turd suffer coward

  10. Chapo will escape to another world

    1. take me to a better place 🎵

  11. All these deadbeats cheering his sentence from their parents basement. America has locked him for life hoping there would be a financial reward, his assets. They haven’t received a single penny and the American tax payers will continue to pay for his stay (as well as others from Mexico). The importation of drugs went through the roof after he got extradited, was America that stupid not to know this. With the increase of drugs coming over the revolving door of the “war on drugs” will continue. More people will be forced to leave their homes and look for safety here in America. The same clowns who talk sh*t about these people are the same ones cheering on convictions like El Chapo’s, see how stupid you sound. The simple solution, send all the narcos back to Mexico, spend more money on technology to protect the southern border and let Mexico figure out its problems. America did the same thing when they killed Saddam Hussein, they brought instability to the Middle East and helped create more terrorist organizations. The revolving door again, that war will never end. Free Chapo and every other narco who is from Mexico, locking them up here obviously has not worked and never will.

    1. 7:46 the fentanyl increase was his son's doing figuring they'd "get back" at the USA flooding their deadly poison to "avenge" him on their ignorant way.
      Ya que los traían del fundillo lloran y ponen dedo🤣🤣🤣

    2. Yea the money we spent to catch him wasn’t really worth it

    3. Thats pretty easy minded and naïve. Stop drugs and youtube and go back to school

  12. Cds nut huggers are crying in their zucaritas and cheerios this morning. Pobrecitos

  13. #701 Billionaire
    #1 Lloron

  14. El Senor Sicario 006 takes anti depressants went he sees these stories about his papi.

  15. Go figure unfair and cruel treatment seat his ass on the electric chair!!

    1. He was already convicted and is serving life. No need for more punishment.

    2. 11:48 thats norhing compare to what he did to others when he was out, so no need to not punish him a little longer, maybe until he dies in jail

    3. 1:09
      Do you know what Serving Life means????????

    4. 6:44 yes i do, your point?

  16. Poor Chapiza. What else does he want? Pizza, cheese, mozzarella, steak, pork chops? Enjoy your retirement, dude.

  17. This guy is a cry baby !!! He’s responsible for murder by the thousands and keeps acting like a lil kid in 1st grade. The songs or crappy corridos just hype him up.

  18. no que muy verga??? Pinche Chapo llorando como lo cobarde que es!!! This sob destabilized mexico for his own greed and lust for power ,he deserves death but dying a slow death and knowing your kids and wife will always be in danger from the vendettas he created will be a slow painful torture and well deserved!!!

  19. Chapo new logo for gerber cry cry 😭 baby patas cortas

  20. Why don't CDS simply launch an all out attack on the damn prison can't be hard to do that surely?

    Next why does anyone go on about innocents he was killing other gangsters they're as bad as each other.

    1. Bro bc they're all talk trust half of those foos are straight pussies and are money hungry muertos de hambre thats the only reason they move drugs thier love for money.their songs about being big bad asses is all make believe only ones who stood behind what their songs say are the beltrans 2 dead and the rest locked up. Eses si son y eran gallos. Que ya casi no se ven por esos rumbos.

    2. 6:41 and guasave peeps solid individuals 💯 chapo isidro flores esta de ejemplo

  21. Why does chapo cry sooooo much?

  22. Human beings,dont you love em,all of these hard cases on here would do A.D.X standing on their heads,easy

  23. Chapo el lloron ,🤣 should have gone out guns blazing and avoided all this bs

    1. El Benny and the jets, Elton John hurt himself at home. Getting old.

  24. If he wld have listened to his security chief and stayed the hell away from cities and went into the mountains he still wld be free. But he wanted to spend time with his new wife whom wanted to enjoy her lifestyle and he wanted to meet actors and actresses. He deserves to be where he is and if he is this fucking weak that prison will kill him sooner than later. You dont hear arellano crying and he is there too and many others.

    1. Yea it must torture chapo to have escaped prison twice and then get caught so stupidly man it boggles my mind what he was thinking

  25. Pogre ..... Emma prob already moved on and chopping greener pastures homie ..... Or getting chopped by someone with a more promising future .... She ain't need u anymore

  26. Yo tambien a veces ocupo compañía y me voy con las cariñosas.

    1. Una caguma y una cariñosa no tienen precio! Bueno las cariñosas si, depende donde la busques, y la caguama tambien cuesta 🤔 creo si sale caro ese pinche pedo, me mintieron toda mi vida!!😤

  27. He might get out if we keep defunding there police lol

  28. Dont worry chaputo

    Si quiere yo le doy compañia a emmita

    1. La neta no falta quien le este dando gas jaja

    2. Lmfao sol you blunt and cold @ the same time! Get em!

  29. Chapo is truly old news. Dude is done, and regardless of how anyone sees it… everyone moves on.

  30. Leave the guy alone.
    He is never🤔, ever getting out.
    Insult all you want CJNG cheer squad.

    1. You acting like his wife, chapo deserves what he is getting and some, he is not a human, humans dont act like he did, he is a piece of shit and even if he was tortured every single day that he has left in this world he wouldn't pay 1/2 of what he did when he was running around killing and destroying peoples lifes

  31. I thought Chapo and Sinaloa Cartel were tuff??

    1. 6:25 shit! I thaught chapo could stop the earth from spinning if he said so 😂

  32. El monta-perros del Chapo no aguanto ni el cefereso 9. Lloraba y lloraba por la luz prendida en la noche, que los perros del K-9 ladran mucho, que la comida, que la presión alta, que la diabetes, que hacía frío y quería más cobijas y sigue llorando

  33. Inhumane killer and psychopath wants to be treated humanely. Am I missing something?

  34. I thought Chapo didnt know how to read or write. 🙄

  35. Why do people keep saying Chapo was the leader of cartel de Sinaloa - when it’s obviously el mayo and am guessing el azul who was higher up in the chain of command of the cartel.


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