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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Judge Orders To Allow Specialized Medical Care To Wife Of "El Mencho"


This article was translated and reposted from EL UNIVERSAL

Rosalinda González Valencia, alias "La Jefa", accused the director of the Cefereso de Morelos of failing to authorize the supplies she needed.

Doña Rosalinda "La Jefa"

A federal judge granted a flat suspension to Rosalinda González Valencia, wife of the leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG), Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho", to allow her to receive specialized medical care and supplies inside the women's prison in Morelos where she has been held since 2021 for the crime of money laundering.

Through Marco Octavio Jonathan Cortés Rodríguez, one of his lawyers, "La Jefa" filed on Thursday an indirect injunction before a court based in Cuernavaca in which he claimed that the director of the Federal Center for Social Readaptation "CPS Femenil Morelos", Gabriela Cerón Ramírez, refuses to authorize the entry of specialized medical personnel and various supplies to treat various ailments, including hypertension and a terminal illness that requires immunosuppressive therapy.

González Valencia also accused Cerón Ramírez of failing to respond to and authorize the request made last July 31, regarding health and hygiene issues, as well as giving access to his defense attorney.

On the same Thursday, the District Judge of Morelos, with residence in Cuernavaca, granted the wife of "El Mencho", who was re-arrested in November 2021, a flat suspension against the acts claimed and asked her to ratify the amparo lawsuit, otherwise it will be considered as not filed and without effects the measures dictated in her favor.

"The flat suspension is granted for the specified effects. Through the clerk of the court, the plaintiff is required to state whether she ratifies the lawsuit filed, being warned that if she does not do so, it will be considered as not filed and without effects of the measures that have been dictated".


Rosalinda González Valencia, alias "La Jefa" is imprisoned in the Federal Center for Social Readaptation (Cefereso) 16 of Morelos.

Source: El Universal 


  1. For all you who idolized that criminal scum of Mencho he can't even protect his wife what kind of man puts his wife and kids through suffering years of pain in a cage thats a poor excuse of man no decent abiding citizen who provides for his family through hard work and dedication should side with these coward who hold no power whatsoever or else his wife would have been free period.
    -American Sinaloa-

    1. Chillaloa "Americano" a ti que te valga madres buey. El gobierno Mexicano la está investigando, no vayas a decir que debieran ir a rescatarla con 🎶cuerno de disco, pechera y lanza granadas, somos bien pendejos y mentirosos, somos de Sinaloa y en las cortes nos gusta cantar🎶

    2. 5:03 no different from chapo or any other capo

    3. 6:13 A ti que te importa.

    4. Eithr way you still sound like a cop or military. Do you all have an agreement together to get those stupid fuckin haircuts. Like you're all in some brotherhood or fraternity. Real cool dude

    5. You really are a moron… even if the agenda is propaganda, you’re still an idiot.

    6. @7:20 you sound like a sore loser. I bet you have the stupid trendy hair cuts, right? You don’t like uniting for a common goal and protecting your ass?! GTFO and move to a 3rd world country and see how you fare.

    7. @05:03 Mencho is dead, he’s just a AI personality now.

    8. You know her last name is Valencia right? Menso didnt put her through shit she is from one of the top drug families in Mexico los cunis one way or another she would have been in the life. She and her kids both made their choices to be where they are at. I do believe in the hardworking family man but that's a whole different universe than the drug game

    9. These all menchos relations in these comments?Lame as fuck or what?

  2. Clash in morelos Zacatecas 🚧🚦🚨🚔
    CDS vs CJNG 🌋🚨🚔⚠️☣️
    Initial reports estimate around 63 CJNG members dead 🔞⚠️☣️💥☠️💀 no report of CDS casualties as of yet🚔🚨🦌🚫🗣👤

    1. 6:59 that plaza is not going to be won by killing off sicarios but by government intervention to stop either cjng or cds.
      Crooked government in zacatuercas let's both cartels operate and can care who wins or loses or how many people get killed

    2. I just read no cjng dead an 47 cds slaughtered.

    3. 8:30 cds controls Zacatecas 🤬

    4. La gente los jardineros CjNG contra los flechas del Sombrero se haggaron a vergasos brgssss

    5. 6:59 link? Saw the news but no dead reported, plz dont tell me you saw it in a CDS fan page, cause those are as fake as their corridos, like the ones that says chapo can stop earth from spinning, not even goku can do that

  3. Cuernavaca... Morelos

  4. 6:59 Morelos Zacatecas is territory that's considered in control of MZs because of its location right?
    Seems too far north for CJNG to have creeped up in a 25-40 vehicle convoy but I guess the information will slowly come out what happened.

    1. 10;00 Zacatecas is half and half but CDS cheerleaders will never accept it, no one will win it

    2. Elblogdelosguachos posted videos of injured cds terroristas presumably after the clash with (almighty)CJNG, looks like their wounds will be rotting away in the sierras and they will be getting limbs amputated... hopefully they dont cannibalize their own body parts knowing how sick and demented cds operatives are...!🦉

    3. 6:18 "hopefully they dont cannibalize their own body parts knowing how sick and demented cds operatives are" 🤣😂🤣🤣 hopefully they didnt make love to them before killing them! Than again most of them probably asked for it

  5. I like this article. Her capture is a constant reminder to those who come on here and claim CJNG has AMLO in their pockets.

  6. El comandante pia de la chapiza dejo 15 cuerpos embolsados a la orilla de la carretera san luis rio - golf de santa clara con memsaje a los guachos por el duro vergazo que les metieron con la captura del comandante Ibarra de puerto peñasco

  7. Probably getting turnt out by some biggo negro like Claudia

  8. R18 de cds got killed

    1. That's the Colima CDS plaza boss or underboss right?

  9. sometimes the comment sections on this site are difficult to follow.

  10. She shld be executed by setting her ass on fire. Her brother and kids too.

    1. 5:13 👍 true, but first i want to see Emma and all the chapos lineage do it starting with the chapitos and lets not forget mayos hole familly tree

    2. 5:34 stay hating on Sinaloa. They living rent free in your bitches head too that some chinola stole from another michoapuerco

    3. 9:17 not from michoacan and as far as michoacanos narcos or any OTHER state i wish the same shit on them, Jalisco, michoacan, Colima, Guanajuato, tamaulipas, toda la baja, sonora, chihuahua, durango, veracruz, tamaulipas! You name it! If you are a narco i wish the same shit on all of yall!! Que tienes que decir a eso? Porque oviamente eres lamehuebos de los CDSnitchomos, pero a mi me valen vergas todos por igual 🤣

    4. 9:17 pinche chillon 😢 😭


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