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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Kidnapping Victims Forced To Kill Each Other by Alleged MZ Hitmen

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Cartel hitmen abducted a group of five male friends from Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco.  A new video shows that one of the five men was forced (by his kidnappers) to kill the other four victims. 

Text on the video seems to imply that Mayo Zambada hitmen were the perpetrators, although some media outlets claim it was CJNG hitmen. 

The Disappearance

On Friday, August 11, 2023, a group of five friends traveled to the Lagos de Moreno look out point at Mirador de la Santa Cruz (correction 8/17: Mirador San Miguel) where they planned to meet up with a man. 

The men were: 

Uriel Galván González

Jaime Martínez Miranda

Roberto Olmeda Cuellar

Diego Lara Santoyo

Dante Cedillo Hernández

They drove to the look out point in two vehicles. One vehicle was a brown Jetta with the license plate JTJ8638. Details about the second vehicle were not released. 

PubliMetro reports that the men were intercepted by armed men while they were driving.

On Saturday, August 12, relatives of the five men reported them as missing to authorities. These relatives later said they were discouraged by the lack of urgency displayed by law enforcement, who they say were slow to start the investigation.

Relatives and friends of the victims became frustrated with law enforcement, so they began demonstrating, demanding that law enforcement review the government’s traffic camera footage.

On Sunday, August 13, agents from the state Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and soldiers from the National Guard searched the area where the men were last seen in - the Mirador de la Santa Cruz. The FGE later released a public statement about their search of the area.


The victims’ brown Jetta was later found at an unspecified location within Mirador de la Santa Cruz. The vehicle was said to contain “no traces of violence or signs of robbery.”

The Reappearance

During the late-night hours of Monday, August 14, a photo and video of the victims in captivity was posted to social media. it’s likely that it was anonymously posted in a channel on platforms like WhatsApp or Telegram.


In the photo posted, all five victims are seen kneeling on the ground in an outdoor location, with a red brick wall in the background. It appears to be nighttime. Each victim has silver duct tape over their mouth and their hands appear to be tied behind their backs.

Footage from the video can be seen below. Its unclear if this is the entire video.


Warning: The footage below is graphic. Some images below this point are graphic.


Video Source: Antonio Aranda

The hands of the victim in the Buccaneers sweatshirt, seen on the far right, are no longer bound.

He is seen attacking one of the victims while the bloody bodies of two deceased victims are seen in the bottom of frame.


The behavior of the attacker is shaky and frantic. The captors appear to have forced the man to kill the other victims. 

His initial attack of the victims was shown in a different video clip. In it, he was seen attacking another victim – first stabbing him with a knife and then bashing his head with a rock.

This clip has been removed from online sources and is currently unavailable. Frames from it are shown below.

The text on the video reads "puro MZ" - which would seem to imply that it is the work of hitmen working under Sinaloa Cartel's Mayo Zambada. 

SDP Noticias, however, is currently claiming the perpetrators may be CJNG. They don't offer a reason for their claim, but it may stem from an alternate reading of "puro MZ" wherein they are labeling the victims as Mayo Zambada's men. 

It's worth noting that the victims are all believed to be native to Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco. 

The newspaper Heraldo de Mexico, reported that the victims’ “family members received a video in which the five young men appear visibly injured and gagged. [...] The video shows the men being forced to attack each other, using stones and a knife.”

Video Source: M Lopez San Martin

The video above shows the moments right after the family received the video. The sound of a parent's anguish transcends all language barriers.

The Investigation 

The case has drawn a lot of media attention, with newspapers like Reforma publishing it as their front-page story.

The day after the video was released, on Tuesday, August 15, one of the victims’ vehicles was found burning on the side of Highway 45. The vehicle is presumably the other one used in their drive to Mirador de la Santa Cruz.

The car was parked near the shopping center Plaza Nuevo Milenio, in the town of Encarnación de Díaz, Jalisco. Firefighters had to be called to the scene to extinguish the flames before the vehicle could be searched. Burnt human remains were found inside the vehicle.


Law enforcement has not yet released information on just how many sets of remains were found in the vehicle.

Members of the state Attorney General’s Office (FGE) held a press conference later that same day. The FGE panel told reporters that their investigation had found blood stains at the look out point.

They presented images of some of the evidence they documented at the Mirador, which can be seen above.


The panel added that the investigation had also located a “property of interest”.

In the property, police officers found several vehicle and motorcycle license plates. When the plate numbers were run through the system, they found that the original vehicles all had theft reports from other states.

Police also found cell phones, a firearm, ammo, a DVR, and a large number of baggies full of drugs, as if they were prepped for street sales.  The panel did not give any indication of where this property was located during the press conference.

Blanca Trujillo, the Special Prosecutor for Missing Persons, was asked about the video during a press conference. She stated that relatives of the victims had “seen the video that circulated online yesterday, where two men appear dead and another man is murdered, and they believe that it is indeed them.”

It's worth noting that Lagos de Moreno lies between two contested areas: Encarnacion de Diaz and Leon, Guanajuato. 

Encarnacion de Diaz is contested between the CJNG and Sinaloa Cartel - Chapitos affiliate Mario Gonzalez. 

Leon is contested between CJNG, the Sinaloa Cartel (unclear if Mayo or Chapitos) and Union de Leon - a local Guanajuato gang. 

It's also worth noting that the vehicle with human remains was found in Encarnacion de Diaz. 

It is worth considering the possibility that the group named could be a misdirection.

However, it would be a very odd misdirection for them to choose because Sinaloa Cartel Mayo forces are not generally known to be present in the area. 

Blood Sport

Forcing kidnapping victims to fight one another to the death is, unfortunately, a tactic that has been used by Mexican cartel groups before.

In March 2011, a number of buses traveling on Highway 101, through the town of San Fernando, were stopped by hitmen from the cartel group Los Zetas.

After the bus was stopped, hitmen would board and select passengers, forcing them - at gunpoint - to come with them. 

The selected victims were driven to a ranch in the town of San Fernando. Women who had been selected were raped and then killed by cartel members. 

Men who had been selected were forced to fight each other to the death. The men were sometimes given weapons, such as knives, hammers and machetes. The fights were watched by Zetas hitmen, as if for entertainment. 

Courtroom testimony and articles by the Houston Chronicle, allege that fights were conducted "gladiator style" and the last man standing was allowed to live but forced to work as hitmen for Los Zetas. 

The Houston Chronicle clarified that these last-man-standing were used by Los Zetas as canon fodder - oftentimes sent on suicide missions into enemy territory. 

The bodies of 192 victims were found on the ranch in San Fernando. 


Sources: SDP Noticias, PubliMetro, Heraldo de Mexico, M Lopez San Martin, Antonio Aranda, El Heraldo de SLP, Tribuna de la Bahia, El Pais, Reforma

San Fernando Sources: CNN, Police1, Houston Chronicle, The Atlantic 

*Important Update 8/17:

A news article from PubliMetro claimed that the men were last seen at Mirador de la Santa Cruz. 

However, after reviewing more sources, it appears that PubliMetro got it wrong and the location the men were last seen was actually Mirador San Miguel, which is located within the city of Lagos de Moreno. 

The location of the bloodstains investigated by the FGE appears to match Mirador San Miguel and not Mirador de la Santa Cruz.


  1. Mayo probably knows nothing about any of this, and would not even want the attention, but someone using his name, some sicario cell on a 4 day binge.

    They will all be captured or turned in

    In the background, someone drew a sombrero image/the MZ one on the wall

    but CJNG cells have a rep for this kind of depravity too the kids who were disappeared rap videos

    remember Cholo found tortured

    1. Good catch on the drawing on the wall, J.

    2. Damn that’s a lot of heat on that plaza I don’t think Mayo wants that kind of heat so must of been the ops ? Maybe … 🤔

    3. Yes 1038, you're papi MZ's people would never do this. Uh huh ok sure yeah. Keep riding cds dick, tonto.

    4. lmao homie just like few articles ago there is videos of CDS killing people claiming they CJNG and torturing them and yet last time you remember someone torture is CHOLO years ago. the dickriding is crazy

    5. "Un tal Erizo gente de MZ habría ordenado llevarse a los morros al confundirlos con un Jalisco sobrino del gallero" apparantly it was a mistaken identity

  2. It all points to mz people.
    Let's see what excuse these groupies put together

  3. Fangirls "mayo wouldn't do that"

    1. So mz are deepr in cjng territory now damn, looks like cjng is not so powerful after all

    2. 11:49 its not deep in CJNG territory, if you actually open the MAP that is shown in the post, you will clearly see its by were MG (cds) is at, look here im not saying it was MZ's, if it was a video of a gay orgy than deffenetly would of been MZ's, we all know how they roll 🤣

    3. 11:49 this is 10:57 I don't care I'm not a fangirl I don't care about CJNG.

    4. 11:49 🤣🤣🤣 now you see how you guys mistake a guy trolling yall CDS fans for a CJNG? Hahaha 90% of the people here in BB know MZ and Mencho are the same shit just like the rest of the bosses from every cartel, the other 9% are CDS fans and the last 1% are probably CJNG and other cartel fans, but most of us like fucking with 9% cause you are the easies targets to get a response from 😂😂😂😂

    5. 07:39 yup 😂😂💯

    6. @10.57. I think they're saying that he wouldn't do it because it would be stupid and counter-productive, and he doesn't micro-manage his commanders, not because they think he's a gentleman. That isn't being a ''fangirl'', its having insight.

    7. 9:13 i dont know man, you sound just like (august 16 -11:49 and august 17 -11:49) funny how at the same exact time but a day after you posted again, let me guess bathroom break? 😂😂😂😂

    8. Americanos pendejos no saben nada

  4. Is MZ even in that part of Jalisco . Thought that was MG and CJNG territory

  5. MZ don’t have people in that area. That area is controlled by CJNG as the sorrunding area like San Juan de los Lagos and Jalos. Only city around there that is control by any CDS is Teocaltiche. This all a stunt by CJNG is all known in the area of Los Altos they kidnap young people and disappeared and residents are tired of it but government don’t seem to care or get involved!

    1. Your lost brother, 《CDS》 has presence from... Encarnacíon de diaz-pañuelas-San gerardo that's how they cross over to aguascalientes, also belén del refugio-teocaltiche-apulco... and also lagos de moreno is relatively close to Guanajuato. I'd say it going to be impossible to pin point who exactly was involved for the simple fact that, that area is not 100% controlled by CJNG. I'm sure new videos or narco messages will start emerging were both groups claim innocence.


    2. Mario Gonzales is affiliated with Los Chapitos not El Mayo Zambada. People fail to realize Sinaloa isn't a single Cartel anymore like the early 2000s. El Mayo Zambada and Los Chapitos control their own factions but share the same banner. Is it possible that MZ has made a move on Jalisco too? Maybe but it's not likely

    3. 646
      It is very likely, knowing el MG has connections with the Aguascalientes MZ factions and allegedly that's were el MG hides.

      Besides MG------ CJNG had other powerful enemies who they couldn't get rid of, like the infamous "Don pilo" and his people there's also talks about a criminal cell called "Los puga" who operate in los Altos and are CJNG enemies.

      Me, you and all of borderlandbeat only know of the CJNG "mainstream" operators I'm sure there's powerful players we haven't heard from both sides.

    4. 6:46 MG have an alliance with Aguila Coronel and La Corona? Isn't he from Durango and the Cabreras who are a major part of the groups in Zacatecas are also from there?
      Chapitos asses are on fire and they can't support MG so he seeks any allies that are near Teocaltiche who are also against CJNG...?

    5. @9:00 el mg has been part of Los Chapos since a long time corona is also Chapos. he’s cool with el 30 de Aguascalientes their all cds just different factions

    6. 940 la corona or whatever is left of them are not chapos.

      They work alongside los Cabrera from durango.

  6. Jesus christ the screams and cries of the family members made it so traumatizing. I'm sure mexico is worse then brazil in terms of brutality

    1. I felt the same way. The family reacting to the video was really difficult to watch.

      It feels wrong to to share a video full of such raw emotion. Like we should not glimpse into a family's moment of suffering.

      But it's important that we never grow numb to the loss of life in these stories. Behind every son killed is a mother who will always grieve him.

    2. I refuse to hit play. Watching this type of stuff is bad for the soul.

    3. @1:18 it is now I'm having a bad day at work

    4. 1:55 hang on brother, make it through that Chipotle shift.

    5. @1:18
      Don't ever watch something you don't want to.

      A lot of people try to justify watching cartel torture videos by saying they are "learning about cartel groups" through it.

      But torture videos don't teach you anything about cartels. Once you understand the brutality of what they do to each other, you've learned all there is to learn.

      You can have a deep, informed understanding of Mexican cartel groups without ever watching a torture video.

      Oh, and by the way, the people who watch those videos all the time are not any "tougher" for it.

    6. @11.25. It feels like we're intruding, but all you can do is keep doing it the way you always do HEARST. Treating the victims with respect. The family will want answers too.

  7. It’s the video that got this case so much press. Tons of previous disappearances in Lagos de Moreno have gone under the radar, but the depravity of making a victim murder their friend, filming it and releasing the video was one step too far. First place the video was posted publicly was the Jalisco Rojo telegram channel.

    1. Interesting. That's the first place I saw it. How can we be sure that channel was the first?

    2. Yes if you search on Facebook you will see many young guys have disappeared in that area for years now. Idk what cjng issue is maybe they just abuse their power and kill any guy that they dont like over girls and things like that.

    3. 11:20 is Jalisco Rojo an impartial site or is it a mouthpiece for a certain group?

  8. This seems odd. If they were innocent man I don’t see mayos people doing that. To be fair this looks more like something cartel jalisco would do. Not trying to defend no one but it just doesn’t correct.

    1. Mayos people are savages too. They rape their captives but God hopes they weren't innocents

    2. the only worst people than CJNG is from members of Guanajuato cartels members,Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel is one of the worst next to Familia Michoacana, my suspicions is a third party cartel doing this to start a war between sinaloa a CJNG

    3. 1124 pathetic. Why you making excuses that mz is a Saint? Stupid ass

    4. 12::00 all Cartels do the same crimes, all of them have dirty hands.

    5. 12:00 no homie, any cartel tou name are the same, CDSRL are acting up cause they are backed in the wall and have no other choise, remember what happened in Culiacan when el Raton got arrested? Cds were gonna kill innocent people, or how in Guadalajara CJNG burn down a bunch of cars and shit when el Apa and RR were been chased, you name it every cartel has done horrible things to the comunity, there is no difference in one or another,


    6. It only sounds ''odd'' because you believe too much of what you read. Mayo Zambada and his ''people'' (including local, state, and federal forces )have disappeared more innocents than any other cartel over the years.

  9. If this happened in jalisco why are they saying it was mayos people ? We’re they jalisco cartel trying to make mayo look bad or something?

    1. I'm sure that's the case

    2. Not sure if you new but it's called you heat up the plaza get small group, kidnapp people and kill them and leave. That's literally how you heat up a plaza not sure why hard to believe. Literally youtube has videos and documentaries where show CDS literally walking hills and mountains to cross border to ambush people.

  10. My best guess is a super tweaked out CJNG cell, just did something senseless and weird

    maybe even with a personal issue with one or more of the victims

    who holds the most power in Lagos De Moreno? Apa or RR or 03 or who

    none of them would want this done

    remember when that kid was killed in Jalisco in Tjalmuco in 2017

    they would order that, but not this

    1. Los panteras cell control by 08 Godson of el mencho! Los Altos are controlled by him

    2. My guess would be a methed out MZ sicario did it.

    3. Can yall send link about that kid? Sounds familiar but don't remember the story

    4. The kid from Culiacan

      Pirata de Culiacan

    5. Their cell leaders are know to be satanic and practice horrible blood rituals, this is why so many chopped up bodies are found in the gdl area and other parts of jalisco

    6. 910 Use to be just santa muerte Now baphomet appearing more and more definitely satanic. You know it's bad when it's a goat head man with women titties getting worshipped.

  11. Governor Enrique Alfaro's term is coming to an end and he has yet to deliver on his promises to CDS Coronel and Esteban Rodriguez.

    Remember that Tlajomulco case, they're trying to heat up the plaza so the federal government will come in and give them more people and funding.

    This situation is not profitable for CJNG, especially in LDM, if it were CJNG they would have kidnapped some other guys in Teocaltiche or any other area of ​​MG so that the government would pay attention to CDS, and not to them.

    I don't know, but maybe Mencho is already writing a letter for the video to smooth his reputation like he likes to do lol. Apparently the conflict with the governor is escalating and you will see more of this shit until the end of his term.

  12. Cds doing what they do best 👌

  13. MAYO people should go back to sinaloa to do that shit there

  14. I don’t know man, all this looks like they trying to make Mayo look bad or want all the attention pointed at Mayo. I’m sure mayos people do these kind of brutality but I don’t see them record it and then publishing it knowing all the attention they will receive.

    1. He looks bad anyways, when did he look "good"?

    2. I haven’t met him so I don’t know how “ good “ he looks

    3. Ive seen a few pictures and he has the body of a dog standing up, and the face matches the body, so thats not really looking good 🤷🏼‍♂️

    4. 6:38 So, you never saw a pic of him?

    5. @9:05 yes I’ve seen pics of him but never met him. Some narcos look completely different from pics.

    6. 7:47 dog standing up lol, end of the day we’re all going to look like that man, that dude is a human just like you and me.

    7. 9:31 not all of us, maybe in your family but not in mine

  15. What about the guy they were planning on meeting ? Was he part of the cartel too or did they not have time to meet him ?

    1. Maybe that guy set them up?? Either this was personal beef. Or they were just small time dealers but cjng is trying to heat up mayos name.

    2. 12:26 no it was actually Mayos guys

    3. Exactly the important question that nobody is focused on answering here. Who is “the man” they were going to meet, and what were they meeting him about? Could have been a recruitment setup as an ambush. “hey kids you want to join CJNG? Come meet us here at this time.” And then MZ cell grabs them and kills them for wanting to join CJNG.

  16. this would still be messed up if these kids were working for another cartel but it's extremely f*c*ed up that they would do this to 5 regular kids going about their business. the world can be an awful place sometimes. I just can't imagine if I got a video of this happening to one of my boys. no parent should ever have to see that but it just another Tuesday in Mexico I guess. I hope they work out who did this and their karma catches up to them sooner rather than later. 🖤

    1. If those kids were from another cartel I wouldn’t be so surprised about this, but if they were just innocent young guys trying to travel and meet new places it’s just fuked up.

    2. They don’t seem like kids who work for a cartel… just look at all the support and concern they had from the people..

    3. @6:04 that’s what I was thinking. I’m positive they are innocent

    4. @6.04. They don't seem like cartel kids cos they have people on the street who love them? Every time kids get killed like this, guilty or innocent, there are people out on the street. The only difference here is that you can see the anger cos it made the front page of Reforma. It has nothing to do with ''guilt'', or ''innocence''.

  17. I have a feeling jalisco cartel did this. What would Mayo’s people win with this video anyways ? I always thought cartel jalisco wanted to be like zetas. Back when zetas did all kinds of bad shiit and brutality. It just doesn’t make sense

    1. I have a feeling the 3 cartels you mentioned are the same shit, so any of them could of done it

  18. I have a feeling mayos people are going to release a video saying they didn’t have anything to do with this.

  19. This doesn't end until all the people in Mexico, who far outnumber the bad guys, rise up together and say "enough is enough". Stop playing the drug war game with the US, of course...but also exterminate the bad guys. It can be done.

    1. Talk to Detroit.
      The republic of Mexico does not allow it's citizens to carry weapons.
      All criminals do carry weapons, even grenades made in China.
      A Citizen carrying weapons 7 years in jail.
      A criminal caught with weapons, pay a mordida out in 2 days, while his weapons are cleaned and lubricated, and returned.
      Yep that's Mexico, where anything goes.

    2. @1:14

      I've said this before and I'll say this again.

      If you think civilians being armed would change anything in Mexico, then you fundamentally misunderstand Mexican organized crime.

      The power that cartel groups hold is primarily in their corruption of law enforcement and the government.

      If you stood up to a cartel group by returning fire when they attack you, they'd take their revenge by having your relatives (who live one town over) "arrested" by municipal police officers who are on their payroll - then hold your relatives hostage until you turned yourself over.

      You can "protect" yourself and your immediate family with a gun but you can never protect yourself from the long arm of a corrupted government which has legal authority over you.

    3. 2:09 Hearst I got your point.
      In other words the Cartels are in collusion with the current curupt government, and Municipal Police on there payroll, primary funded, from drug sales, kidnapping, extortion.
      Mireles when was alive in the beginning started a autodefensa group, the cartels did not like that, told the government to disarm them, and low and behold they, locked up Mireles for two years, for gun charges and brainwashed him.

    4. 1:14
      Everyone in Mexico has weapons and it hasn't changed a thing. Same for USA, people have weapons there too and it hasn't curbed mass shootings or other crimes. An armed society is a violent society.

    5. 2:09 Ms HEARST I disagree. My response won't be as thorough, nuanced or eloquent as your very likely counter response but here I go.
      Not many men, criminals or law abiding, are willing to assault another person when the possibility exist that said victim can be armed. If the idea is to murder them than yes sicarios will attack. But if the firearm laws in México were to change that people not only could have legally purchased and registered firearms in their homes, jobs or person besides the currently allowed ones it's my belief that many sicarios would not be so bold as they currently are. As they say in boxing, you got to keep the opponent honest for him not to run through you i.e. punch back.
      Sicarios show up to charge the weekly piso/extorsión fees at neighborhood businesses that now have lawfully armed citizens, do they:
      A: proceed as before without a worry
      B: shoot up the businesses for refusing to pay
      C: think twice about the possible outcome
      D: look for a less risky target
      E: stop charging piso/extorsión
      I'd say c, d and e are more probable than a or b. Now if it were to be compounded by other people who are now also refusing to be victimized by those sicarios? Law enforcement actually doing their jobs even if at just a slightly higher rate than they currently are? In my opinion it would snow ball and reach a critical mass quickly.
      Imagine any "super ruthless" a dozen corrido having sicario cell leader getting killed while trying to extort the 65 year old corner tortilleria business owner. The media/press would start publicizing these events practically every time it happened.
      Law enforcement being able to legally carry firearms while off duty. I'll write it again, not many men are willing to go mano a mano against someone who can mortally wound you much less someone who has better training and is protecting their life.
      Any person in the USA who still has loved ones in México will provide resources for them to purchase a firearm/s to protect themselves. We are hot headed and will seek revenge when attacked. No study or stats from another country can be used for México. We must provide our own test and results.
      Local criminals are known within their areas and also have family members who can be picked up and killed, do they bet against an aggrieved person repaying them with the same action? An example I'll submit is El Tequilero of Guerrero if my memory is any good. Should be an article here about that event.
      Finally I'll write this. In my opinion the citizens of México are "hasta la madre" of the criminals and their murderous ways. This story is one of hundreds of thousands if not millions of organized crime killings that will not be punished. The current system is broken because of the governments inaction in combatting the criminals. Something needs to change or the insanity will continue.

    6. HEARST is absolutely right here../ the system itself is so corrupted and perverse that armed conventional warfare would be anything BUT conventional…

    7. Very well said Hearst and makes total sense.

    8. @2:09PM Guns wont change things on a macro level. That might be irrelevant from the standpoint of an aggrieved person. Because with a gun you have a chance for revenge. So that evil people's mothers can cry, too.
      "For blood called for blood, and vengeance followed swift on the heels of atrocity." - Red Nails, Robert E. Howard

    9. 5:18
      In other words the quagmire will continue, government will continue to be corrupted, the next president has to knell and kiss the cartels feet, or family members of the president will disappear. The curupt government will receive bribes, so cartels can get away with murder.

    10. 8:07 así es but the presidente will not do anything, unless it's something extremely heinous that has 10+ 100% innocent victims or politically connected influyentes, while he receives hundreds of millions of dollars. I'll also include gobernadores. They'll play hot potatoe with the case while skirting the responsibility and the same insanity will continue with those HDSPBM.

    11. 5:00
      Your a rookie.
      You got a lot of reading of BB articles.
      We are talking about Mexico, not compare apples to oranges.
      Criminals in Mexico have illegal guns, and hardly do law abiding citizens have weapons. Otherwise we would hear a lot of vigilant citizens.

    12. Mexico is just dangerous for most people, thats why most hispanics prefer the safety of the USA. Sure there are killings and murder in the USA, but there is always justice.

    13. Hearst:
      As the saying goes, it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

    14. Hearst:
      Thanks for the article even if we do differ in our opinions.

  20. So what happened to the boy who was forced to kill his buddies? Did they kill him afterwards or did they let him go?

    1. We don't know.

      If they find five dead bodies inside the burnt car, then it's likely they killed him. But we just don't know the answer to that yet.

    2. Someone said they threw him in the trunk alive and set the car on fire

    3. @2:26 same thing happened to a sureno I know from hughson ca they threw him in and his buddie in the trunk and set that bitch on fire in the orchards.

    4. 5:33 that happened in thr states or in mexico? If mx what part ?

    5. 5:33 that's fucking brutal man

  21. Nayarit has reinforced their borders due to security threats from 《cds-mz》.

    1. 4:50 obviously they wanted CJNG because that plaza was sold to michoacanos. Sinaloas couldn't keep it or maintain it 💯

    2. I find the costal region of Nayarit safe am I being a bit delusional?

  22. How the fuck do you stop this?Pobre mexico

    1. The world ending would be the only way of getting rid of this. Sad but true, year after year this crap keeps happening.

    2. @204 — Ummm good people shouldn’t have to perish because of pieces of shit that are behind corruption… and other pieces of shit in power.

      THEY are the ones who need to end.

    3. 2:04
      Or aliens attacking us, that would end it too.

    4. Arm the citizens of Mexico

    5. The citizens are armed and that makes it worse.

    6. We are all filthy hypocrites,male and female

  23. There goes the MZs slogan; el pueblo se mata, no se cuida.

  24. When MZ does something they're fangirls like they say "mz taking over MX. When they do something they don't like 'it was cjng"

  25. All these cartel groupies funny as hell… cheerleading ass females lol

    1. 2:29 i mostly see Mz fans defending his old ass 😂 im telling you they love snitching even in BB

  26. My home country of Mexico is shit!!!!

  27. This shit is just sad. I can't imagine as a parent getting this news.

    1. maybe it's better than getting no news at all

  28. Ms Hearst always a pleasure to see your articles and read them. You are one of the great ones here. I hope you keep articles coming. God bless you always.

    Rubio NYC

  29. Meanwhile coward A$$ grandpa obrador can care less with his "hugs for thugs" propaganda..
    Abrazos no balazos-amlo

  30. Mayo did it in tj back in the early 2000 he will kill prominent doctors, boxers,band singers that's how he strives and survives and I'm not cjng. Att. Los tres eslabones los mochis,monterrey, Acapulco, chilpancingo,Vallarta and agaua prieta still beltranes to the death

    1. Vallarta? What Vallarta? You are not talking about puerto vallata, are you?

  31. All of a sudden may isn't in jalisco lol come chinolas are know doing wierd stuff like making them fuck each other and gay shit trust this has chinolas written all over it

    1. Stop it… that’s you mfs talking about there’s no cds in Jalisco or that all of zacatuercas “tiene dueño y es el papi mencho”….. make your mind up is there cds south of zaca towards jalisco or not lol

      Toda la gente en esa area lo sabe quienes fueron, ya saben como son los marranos

  32. El Compa de El Tripa killed in Moroleon, GTO

  33. Mg is chapos people not mayos this makes no sense whatsoever

    1. Whoever is behind this are worse than pieces of shit…

      Committing an atrocity like this to frame another group shows how none of this is about business anymore. Everyone in MX know the deal; the narcos are now just Nazis.

      Laugh now, cry later… and cry they will…

    2. 513 stfu. MG tiene linea en aguascalientes con los MZs

    3. Estas atrasado 6:07pm

    4. @6:07 el mg tiene línea de los Chapos desde hace mucho

    5. @819 retrasado? Que eres de los que pienza que los de los Altos solo train Bandera de la chapiza?

      @933 dime algo que no sepá?!

      Toda la gente sabe que mario tiene linea con los chapos lo que muchos no saben es que tambien tiene linea con los MZ de aguascalientes y san luis potosi

  34. “El Compa” de La Tripa (CJNG) killed in Moroleon, GTO

  35. I believe if mexico had the right to bare arms it would take a while with similar violence we see now but it would slowly drop. I think Cartels would still run mexico but I don't think you would see as much kidnappings and extortion. It to late now to do that tho if they would of never tool there rights away I think mexico would be a little different

    1. Personally I prefer Britian stance on guns but it makes no sense enforcing a gun control when you live beside the united states

    2. Mexicans can by de facto have weapons but having them only increases violence.

    3. 6:05 Mexicans def have the right to bear arms, the bad thing is there ia almost no bears in mexico, plus its kind of illegal to kill them (not that we care) but yea bears arw scarced in mexico, not enought bear arms for all of us

    4. 9:12 your the one that can't distinguish
      Between "the right to bare arms".
      6:05 did write it correctly.

    5. Bare arms means you're wearing a short-sleeved shirt..

  36. They trying to be the next zetas ? The old school zetas that wouldn’t care who died and how. Mfs killed like 70 immigrants…. Shiit still sad

  37. jalisco cells are known for doing lowlife crap and blaming other… same goes to chapos so I’m not trying to defend no organization but this for sure looks like jalisco/chapos work. This type of work looks like the type of crap zetas used to do back in the day.

  38. What can you expect from mexico. A country that unites to bash an American mexican band for not liking mexican food. But refuses to accept and denies their Mexico is a dangerous country for all of their own citizens. This story is a perfect example.

    1. 6:57

      You wrote "But refuses to accept and denies their Mexico is a dangerous country for all of their own citizens"

      Who are you referring to when you say "mexico" refuses? The government? The citizens? Both?

    2. Mexico is insular and unsophisticated by about a 100 years,leave them to it

  39. Why is this happening just focus on making money and building Mexico up

    Buena explicación para todos los fans del cjng que como mensos los defienden, no es tomar lados si no decir la verdad

  41. Whomever did this whomever ordered it and whomever allowed it just proved how much of a piece of shit their whole organization is. If theyre somehow involved in some crime shit just shoot them and be done with it. There are no cartels or hitmen just a bunch of phsycopathic savage gangbangers with military weapons. Its like fucking lord of flies in hell over there.

  42. Something don’t add up here. Lagos de Moreno and neighboring La Union de San Antonio are heavy and strategic strongholds for CJNG with lookouts at every entry and exit in town for them to not know that Sinaloa was in town. Plus it doesn’t make sense to do this and heat up the area, too much happens around this area quietly to have law enforcement investigating.

    1. 8:27 ypu also forgot to mention the most important thing why the MZ's didnt do this, because if it was them they would done a gay porn with them, thats the MZ's modus operandi 🤣

    2. 10:45 dudes trying to have an actual conversation and you over writing out your fantasies 😂

  43. Those kids are not innocent, those drugs were packed for small sales. Lil wannabe narco junior kids meet the wrong ones. The last kid def a hit man right now. So it's only 4 deaths. That seems pretty minor for Mexico. They did not even skin him or take his heart out this is nothing.

  44. It’s so infuriating seeing all this violence and AMLO sitting back scratching his nuts

    1. Reminding me of them bestgore days

    2. Elmo can care a rats azz, he doesn't listen to the news, of current violence.

  45. Huge drug bust in cosala sinaloa @char

  46. It’s pretty simple they made a fool of themselves while being caught by the real bad guys and they put them up to a test what’s sad is that these kids are old compared to the real group that is being kidnapped on daily basis

  47. It's pretty simple. MZs did it!

    1. Just because you say so, im sure you have hard evidence to prove that. But locales on twitter have said otherwise on who controls that town with an iron fist. Lets not forget what they did to some call center workers not long ago and all the bags of chopped bodies they find in that state all the time. People seem to forget how many headlines cjng has made in the past years

  48. Lol that map is like 3-4 years old Talibanes do not control that much territory anymore most of their territory have been overtaken by CDS MZ

  49. Plz keep us updated on this problem. I want to see why and who really did it ! from reliable sources not from cartel jalisco / Mayo cheerleaders.

    1. I'm writing a new story covering the discovery of the filming location right now. If you guys know of any other updates or think there is an aspect of the incident that you want me to cover more, please email me or leave a comment.

    2. Hearst, BB Chief Detective on the case. Go get 'em Hearst.

  50. For the people talking about gun rights. The US has its issues but like every single place on earth where there's money to be made you got gangs and organized crime. The majority of mass shooting are done by gang members shooting each other. The biggest issue is suicide with a gun. Look up the numbers.

    I think Mexico and the USA have to sit down and figure out these issues of guns drugs and border security. It's very complex issues do to corruption amd economics.

  51. The kid set a trap on them thats why they made him kill all four of his friends to prove them his loyalty to the cartel and show them that he wont disobey la empresa like the movie el diablo de culiacan

    1. @1.22. Give it a few days before speculating that kind of shit dude.

    2. They also killed him....his was the 5th body

  52. These vatos were going to be hired as “private security” for work. And as always, “private security” means Las 4 Letras. Once there, you either join or refuse. When you refuse, we know what happens next. This isn’t something new, it’s been going on for over a decade. The only difference, somebody recorded it. Saludos desde Zacoalco de Torres Jal.

    1. Saludos compa.... my dad is from down the hill from you in Verdia.

    2. What’s up my man. Verdia is an awesome small town. Ride my horse there from time to time. Saludos.

    3. @10.12. That kind of recruitment doesn't work like that. They don't kill 4 to recruit 1 having ambushed them knowing their family will be protesting. The ''private security'' trap u talk about is way more sophisticated. They target people who can't protest, the same way organised crime targets young women for sex work.

    4. @10.12. It's 6.33 here. Apologies, looks like you were closer than I thought.

  53. Remember their is always a judas iscariote in the pack, even when the the son of God who is eternal was going to be killed everyone abandoned him, what can you expect to happen to someone ho is not eternal.

    1. Its fucked up.. you or me? "Better you than me" Full Metal Jacket

  54. Greetings from Sweden, smal article in my local newspaper about this crazy story. Poor kids, we pray for you mexico. Love

  55. @HEARST. For the follow up-
    Any info about what happened to the boy in the Buccaneers hoodie would be great, and which one of the 5 he was. Great stuff as always.

    1. Reforma article says Jaime Martinez Miranda is his name @5:51

    2. @4.32. I thought that might have been a mistake, but it's impossible to tell how old their photos are. Thanks.

  56. All yall talk about no MZ only chapitos (MG) so it must be CJNG, arent chapitos mad with MZ? Maybe it was chapitos (MG) burning MZ's cause they dont get along!

  57. I fucking hate Mexico and I was born there. I wish America would send marines and fuck shit up there like real men. They will end all bullshit in a matter of days. Pieces of shit think they are something when they have weapons preying on innocent people. I’m glad I was raised on this side of the border.

    1. I don't see why going into Mexico to lay waste to all those cartels doesn't get a lot more support from Republicans and Democrats in the US. It should be seen as saving the innocent in Mexico. The US is trying to cut reliance on China for everything and instead have a lot more trade with Mexico. The US should stipulate we need to have bases in Mexico and be allowed to go after cartels with our military to increase safety and stability if we are to increase trade with Mexico and send a bunch of manufacturing down there. I'm personally a "liberal" (on most issues) and hate war, but what these cartels do is just sick. The US and Mexico would both prosper if the US was allowed to wipe out the cartels.

    2. 9:45 Not as easy as you dream, of something like that happening. Did you not forget the curupt government of Mexico runs part of the show with Cartels. They are in collusion with them.
      Yes it would be nice for the US Marines to have bases in Mexico. But did you not read a BB article, that ALMO was puppetized, to get a high percentage of DEA out of Mexico.

    3. 2:10:
      It isn't that simple. The criminal dynamics are too complex. Also, the Mexicans have to learn how to handle the violence on their own terms. Remember that Mexico is a sovereign state. They can't just have foreign armies marching in and doing their job. The responsibility of peace in Mexico is the responsibility of the Mexican government. If the U.S. just marches in and takes over, Mexico will never learn how to contain the violence and there will never be a lasting peace. This is Mexico's fight and all the U.S. can do is play a supporting role.

  58. No no no one or two of them were already selling drugs and they decided to do deals with both so some one with power felt betrayed and ordered them to do this to each other and three were probably innocent this type of shit always happends especially when your young and stupid dont mess with mature buisness its not a game this is real shit it has happened all over mexico the people you hang out with might be doing bad things and u think your cool for hanging out with them and thinking thier sometime big time mafia boss and this happends when you hang out with kids who dont take this seriously

  59. If your guys see the news what were five kids doing going to meet one guy at different point of another city that is in conflict between cartels why would you go in two cars to meet one guy friend far from where you live especially how things are maybe they were going to join the buisness and shit got fucked up because one them was doing buisness with the other cartel

  60. This could be solved in 6 months if Mexico didn't have such a loser a President. Offer immunity to those that will publicly denounce the cartels and remain crime free for 5 years.....then hunt down and kill the rest....there is no rehabilitation for animals like this. Make it the death penalty for anyone joining a cartel or drug gang.

    1. The military has the right idea of executing these animals on the spot. That's the only way to change the game since the president and his cahoots are in denial

  61. If people analysis of this being done by Cgnj and blaming Mayo, it means these captured guys are innocent being pick up randomly.

  62. There was an article out saying two of the boys responded to an add to necome a private security detail, which is How CJNG forces people in to their ranks. They also found the location of where the video of the executions took place and they found CJNG markings that were painted over.

  63. Late to this. Well done on this article Hearst. What a horrid event.

  64. “Do not fear the one who can kill the body, but rather fear the One who can kill the soul”. The anguish of those families will not be in vein, and the depravity of those involved will be dealt with with such force that they’ll wish they were never born. Satan and his followers will be around a little while longer before they’re thrown into the “fire that can not be put out”. May the True God comfort the victims of Mexico and their families.


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