Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 7, 2023

La Familia Michoacana: We Are Not Allowed To Kill, To Steal, To Kidnap

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The bodies of a man and a woman were found dead Saturday afternoon on the Iguala-Taxco federal highway, near the town of Mexcaltepec.

The two victims were handcuffed and showed signs of torture and gunshot wounds.

The discovery occurred around 4:00 p.m. on the side of the federal highway, where elements from various police forces and personnel from the FGE went to.

After the discovery, it was confirmed that the two victims are the ones who appeared in a video posted on social networks, where they are kidnapped and surrounded by men carrying long weapons and military clothing.

In the video, the man and the woman claim to belong to a criminal group and to have participated in different criminal acts in Taxco, such as homicides and extortion.

Video translation is as follows:

Good afternoon citizens of Taxco. We’re here today just to inform and clarify some things. As I mentioned before I’m going to provide you some proof. Today I’m going to show you the evidence so that the citizens can disprove that all the bad things, all the deeds that were done there in Taxco, all of those crimes were being blamed on us. We don’t commit any of those crimes here. 

We are not allowed to kill, to steal, to kidnap, or to pressure people. We are a big enterprise and we are La Familia Michoacana. Just so you know we are the mob of Don Pescado (Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga) and Don Fresa (José Alfredo Hurtado Olascoaga).

Here is the evidence that I said I was going to show you. Everything has been demonstrated with facts, not just words. Our enemies will always spin their own narratives. But here lies the proof so that no one is deceived. 

Taxco, Guerrero

Replica Guerrero  José Diaz


  1. Cartels are faster than police, as far as looking for murderers

    1. Well they’re murderers too that’s why

    2. Cartels work the underworld so many people will funnel information even if they are wrong. Cartel groups have killed many innocent people and lest not forget. La Familia Michuacana was the kings of extortion. And now that they are back extortion is their main business.

    3. @926 — they’ve always been extorting, I doubt they ever stopped..

    4. @815. This video was by the men of El Pez and La Fresa. Damn, it's always depressing when people believe cartel murderers propaganda videos and say they are better at murdering than other murderers. They say have given proof. Two dead bodies are not proof.

  2. good work Sol. Thanks

  3. When you boil away all the group branding, figures, "values", you get the common theme of most narco messaging: "We are a beneficial force coming to save the people from their oppressors".

    1. Typical message of those who eventually become the next oppressor…

  4. We are not allowed to kil.
    Both are dead 😂😂😂


    1. We are not allowed to kill.
      Ironically you just killed 2 people

    2. 09:20 yeah but that was for punishment because the two foos murdered and stole from LFM.

      LFM doesn’t kill or extort the people of Michigan.

    3. 12:41 don't tell that to the 53 men LFM picked up for fun and murdered on video, then delivered copies of the videos to the families of the victims. Convince them how LFM doesn't kill or extort

  5. La Familia has gained more strength compared to a couple of years ago

    1. The cartels in Michoacan have always been powerful

    2. They been growing in gro and mex state

  6. Any cartel in the tierra caliente region participate in kidnapping,extortion and quota in order to pay their sicarios or bribe officials. Its their bread and butter while the drug money are for the top bosses and to bribe very top officials. LFM doesn’t have any allies up at border towns to move their product or they gotta pay high fees to move it. While alot of CJNG members in tierra caliente have family/friends/allies back in TAMP(CDG Metros) to move their product at a cheaper price if not free.

    1. 10:26 are you speaking from experience or a bunch of Reddit subreddits?

    2. I'm speaking from knowledge I got from tiktok videos.

    3. @12:42 I speaking from knowledge my family is from huetamo which is a pretty big CJNG/CDG Metro hub. People talk alot too. Every year around December, Huetamo holds their month long festival and alot of CJNG/Metro mid-high teir members come to visit family and they come from Jalisco/tamp/houston/atlanta/NC. In 2019 i went to the palenques (rooster fights) and saw El SS (susano sanchez) betting on his roosters

    4. Who plaza is that chito canos?

    5. All this info, yet the gov does nothing lmao

    6. @1:28 they know, they’re just paid off there is a military base in huetamo that CJNG is bribing and so is the current mayor (the mayor has a criminal past in the states). Reason why they side with CJNG in the tierra caliente region is the money and they don’t bring much trouble in that region. They also have family members in politics. Chito Cano doesnt really have a permanment plaza since he’s one of Jardinero most trusted men to gain territory (zacatecas, Edo mex, guerroro, michoacan) and get local criminals to join CJNG. He is from a rancho buena vista in the huetamo region.

    7. @12.42. It's a good comment, and true. If you ever heard something as astute as that on a Reddit subreddit you must have way more patience than me. ''Isn't Tierra Caliente where that rapist who set children heads on fire got wot was comin to him? Ghostman? Ghost sumthin...''. You should probably stick to Reddit dude.

  7. The irony of that statement, we are not allowed to kill. And proceed to kill. So delusional.

  8. oh the irony... also, what's with pulling their pants down? you've already tortured, humiliated and killed them but let's pull down their pants for good measure? wtf

    1. Mexicans are known for not just saying fuck you, but fuck you’re mother too..

    2. I'm sure you can guess why her pants are pulled down

    3. @1.10. No, that isn't why. When a dozen men and women are found with shots to the head they all have their pants down. People never believe this but it was originally to stop them escaping or trying to run when they realise for sure that they are going to die, because if one runs they all try and it's chaos, and tiring for the killers. It was used by the army to keep captives vulnerable, humiliated, and unable to run.
      Cartels learnt (they learnt everything they know from the army) and cos many of the killers are kids they did it whether it was necessary or not, so it caught on.

  9. People of Fish and Strawberry

  10. He said "Here Is The Proof" but showed no proof.. That's some solid proof right there. Do they think people will believe them in that region or do they know that the people won't dare to speak I'll of them?

    1. They're not very bright and will have a very short life span.

  11. How is two handcuffed people proof? They could be anybody. Maybe they're guilty, maybe not, no actual facts in this clip at least.

  12. The hand-me-down fashion aesthetic of so many Mexican urbanites never gets old

  13. Wow, but are they allowed to cut their drugs with fentanil?

    Mexicans in Mexico are dropping like flies from drugs cut with fetty, as Al Jazeera reports:


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