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Friday, August 18, 2023

La Voz Alleges Lagos de Moreno Video Was Created By CJNG

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

La Voz del Pueblo alleges that CJNG's El Loco was behind the Lagos De Moreno video, however they don't clarify what evidence they have to support this claim. 

El Universal columnist Hector Mauleon alleges the five victims were last seen at a known CJNG drug sales point. 

New video shows that there was graffiti that read both "MZ" and "CJNG" on the building adjacent to the filming location. 

Filming Location Found 

The FGE sent out a press release, which read in part that:

“Ministerial and investigative police agents located a building in the Orilla del Agua neighborhood in the aforementioned municipality [Lagos de Moreno], where evidence was found, including blood stains and footwear, suggesting that the five young men were in the house.”

They also tweeted out the following images of the location:

The building appears to be a decrepit brick building with an enclosed courtyard. 

Examining the Photos Released

It's worth noting that a number of distinctive brick features in the wall seen in the video match up with the wall seen in the FGE's officially released photo. 

Within the video, graffiti of a smiling face could be seen on the brick wall. In the FGE photo of the wall, that section appears to have either been cleaned or photo edited out. 

The FGR stated that footwear from the victims was found inside the building so the cartel members washing out that smiley face isn't going to "hide" the fact that it's the filming location. 

And if the hitmen are not taking the time to pick up the victims' shoes, it's hard to imagine the hitmen taking the time to scrub away the smiley face. 

One of the FGE photos shows crime scene technicians who have placed down evidence markers. 

Some of the evidence they marked appears to be a water bottle, twine, and some cloth or duct tape. 

PacoZeaCom recently published a video showing the interior of the building. 

Graffiti on the left wall reads, in English, "a slaughtering is the best medicine." Graffiti in the center reads 'bienvenidos" or welcome, along with a monster face. 

Graffiti on the right side, in red, reads "MZ". Near the "B" in "bienvenidos" there appears to be the letters "CJNG" which has been painted over.  

To the right of bienviedenos is graffiti which reads "perro que no es fiel nacio pa' gato" which means, roughly, “an unloyal dog is destined to be a cat," or "a dog who isn't loyal was born to be a servant."

Mirador De La Santa Cruz vs Mirador San Miguel

A news article from PubliMetro claimed that the men were last seen at Mirador de la Santa Cruz. 

However, after reviewing more sources, it appears that PubliMetro got it wrong and the location the men were last seen was actually Mirador San Miguel, which is located within the city of Lagos de Moreno. 

The location of the bloodstains investigated by the FGE appears to match Mirador San Miguel and not Mirador de la Santa Cruz.

New Allegations by La Voz del Pueblo

The cartel news Twitter account La Voz del Pueblo tweeted that CJNG figure Eduardo Pizano Jimenez, alias "El Loco" was behind the video, writing:

Attached is a image of Eduardo Pizano Jiménez, alias: "Loco" leader of the "#CJNG" in #LagosDeMoreno responsible for the kidnapping and murder of the 5 young men.

They continued in a second tweet and wrote: 

Rogelio Márquez Montoya, El Yeyo and Arturo Alvarado Pérez, El Greñas members of the #CJNG both from #LagosDeMoreno and subordinates of "El Loco" linked to the kidnapping and murder of 5 young people.

 And in a third tweet, they wrote: 

David Jimenez Padilla,aka: "El Orejon" leader of the "#CJNG" in #TepatitlanDeMorelos,#Jalostotitlan and #LagosDeMoreno linked to the kidnapping and murder of the 5 young men.


It should be noted that La Voz doesn't cite any evidence or even reference a source for their claims. 

More information on these alleged CJNG figures, especially El Loco and his brother, to follow in an upcoming post. 

New Allegations by Mauleon

The journalist Hector De Mauleon, from El Universal, recently released an article about the video with a number of new claims.

He wrote “two white vehicles arrived at Mirador [lookout point] San Miguel, in Lagos de Moreno . They were a pick up truck and a SUV. Both white. More than ten armed men exited the vehicles. Several witnesses saw it happen: the men went directly to the stands where five young men were sitting.”

To review, Heraldo de Mexico alleged the men were heading for the “Lagos de Moreno Fair” and PubliMetro alleged that the men “were traveling together in a brown sedan with license plates JTJ8638 when they were allegedly kidnapped by armed men.”

Mauleon disagrees with both of these version of events, saying “They were not intercepted on the highway, nor in the vicinity of the Fair. A blood stain was left in the stands [of Mirador San Miguel].”

He continues, “At that location, there are athletic courts. It is a meeting place for families and, above all, for young people. But —in Lagos de Moreno everyone knows this— it is also a point of sale and distribution of drugs, totally controlled by the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel.”

“Their captors took the young men — Roberto, Uriel, Dante, Jaime and Diego — to a building located minutes away, in the neighborhood called La Orilla del Agua. There the horror video was recorded.”

Mauleon alleges that “for several years, the Sinaloa Cartel —with cells under the command of El Mayo Zambada, which sign their atrocities with the acronym MZ, the same ones seen in the video of the execution of the five boys— was able to dominate the largest part of the region: Teocaltiche, Villa Hidalgo, Union of San Antonio, San Juan de los Lagos, Lagos de Moreno. However, a group from the Jalisco Cartel was sent from Zacatecas to recover the area.”

This is, as far as we know, not accurate. The CDS forces in this region are primarily led by Mario Gonzalez, along with La Corona, are known to be Chapitos aligned. 

There are CDS - Mayo forces, who call themselves "los Flechas" and "Operativa MZ", in the larger area but not in any of the places he specifically listed out.  Mauleon, ultimately, doesn't say whether it was CJNG or CDS behind the video.



    And why am I not surprised… what a filthy move..

  2. The smiling face is a disturbing reminder of the infamous (and unsolved) “smiley face murders” from America throughout the 70s-90s…

    1. There's "smiley face murders" is a long ago discredited theory which is pumped up in YouTube and sloppy crime website.

    2. While there is a agenda to blow it up bigger than it was, there absolutely still was a number of murders with this calling card.. by various killers over time..

    3. The whole theory hinges on smiley faces being found on the walls and spaces near the victim's bodies.

      Keith Hunter Jesperson wrote smiley faces on his letters to the media and on a bathroom wall that was not at a crime scene.

    4. In any 3 to 5 square miles in close proximity to humans you'll most likely find a smiley face, they're ubiquitous drawings. Why not call them the "the water alcohol murders" since most deaths - because they're not murders - involve drunk young men drowning? In a lot of those accidental deaths there's no smiley face around.

  3. La voz is like dominio publico. We know what side their on

    1. How dare they expose the criminals from that area that terrorize & harm the local citizens

    2. He just wants to be like the bad guy from Man on Fire with that name.

  4. In other words Bees love honey

  5. Chinga tu madre cartel Jalisco

  6. I hope the military find this filth first and dispose of them in similar methods, no trial needed

    1. I wish that would happen, but unfortunately if the military were to do that, you would still have “human right activists” defending these monsters and demanding the soldiers be locked away in prison. Kind of like what happened to those other soldiers who got arrested for killing those 5 CDN sicarios.

    2. Which 5 are you talking about?

    3. Ahhhh, yeah. You mean those Righteous soldiers who murdered 5 unarmed men, by pretending they were under attack. Doesn't the fact they had to stage it give you pause? That they knew full well what they were doing? When soldiers do that it often means they are working for somebody other than the State. I assumed you were talking about the 3 kidnap victims and the so-called CDN operatives killed with them, but the case you talk about is even worse.

  7. The graffiti on the wall..
    They spelled "slaughtering" right, not that easy a word for even native English speakers to spell out..

    1. Ok, the joke"s on me..
      I'm told "Slaughter is the Best Medicine" is some mediocre low budget action flick that a mid-level I.Q. sicario would likely have watched on his downtime, still, he gets points for good spelling..
      Who knows, in a more tranquilo mexico, maybe the victims and their killers might have reminiced together about movies they liked, traded good memories, made new friends, shared food and beers, and continued on living their lives instead of this macabre descent into Hades..

    2. 11:47

  8. Wednesday night I commented that towns people witnessed the trucks that are used by the local criminals in that town pick them up but my comment was never approved but you approve the cjng fans comments defending them and now look at the evidence of them doing what they always do, how can people defend those satanic monsters

    1. Stop crying. Sometimes comments don’t go through. Be civil and your comments will be approved. Chances are you were being an ass to someone or it read the wrong way.

    2. Maybe if you used periods and commas, someone will gladly approve it.

    3. 9:45 2:14 chingen a su madre liberals. And the dumb comments defending cjng that get approved are any better then how i write even though i didnt offend anyone.

    4. I'm sorry your comment didn't get approved. I understand that must be frustrating for you.

      There are nine admins who approve pending comments. A number of different admins were involved in comment approval for the post with the video.

    5. I understand now thanks hearts

    6. Me gustan las hamburguesas con queso

  9. Did you guys Know Coffee creamer powder is Highly explosive...

    1. If it's non-diary coffee creamer. Gasoline is more explosive and dangerous.

    2. Just cause it gives you ungodly farts doesn’t mean it’s highly explosive…

    3. look it up on youtube mythbusters!biiiig explosion

  10. Ya dejen el foco andan bien panikiados ! Nomas miren las embarradas que andan asiendo


  12. i think those are 2 names for the same place, on google earth its called Mirador San Miguel. On YT you can find a video called Mirador De La Santa Cruz and its the same location if you compare both.
    And its about 3km from Orilla de agua.

    1. The Mirador de la Santa Cruz I found on Google maps (and marked on my map, in the previous post) was outside of the city of Lagos de Moreno. But you might be right.

  13. We all know jaliscas did it. Thats their m.o.

  14. CDS heating up the plaza

  15. are they really dumb enough to frame a cartel that's not in the area? surely they know who they are fighting in the immediate area, not convinced.

    1. Wtf you mean not in the area???

    2. @6:06
      CDS Chapitos is known to be in the area.

      CDS Mayo is not.

      If they were going to blame another group for the attack, the most logical group to blame is CDS Chapitos figure Mario Gonzalez, who controls Encarcion - where the incinerated car was found.

      We also may be trying to apply logic to tweaker behavior, which is not governed by logic. And I mean that in regards to both CJNG and CDS members.

      I think we need more information before we really know who did it.

    3. Cjng are too strong to lose any plazas in Jalisco all CDS can do is try to hold onto the plazas they have, I believe Mencho will get rid of who ever was involved because of the bad press but they are known for picking up men against their will to fight for them

    4. Exactly these people aren’t thinking clearly

      You Probably know more about Sinaloa structure and plazas than they do

      In fact I am sure you do

    5. @hearst
      you also leave oneof the most important parts out were lagos connects to teocal-encarnacíon, San Luis Potosi(mz), Aguascalientes(mz) and Guanajuato(csrl-cds). We can't discard the fact that possibly a rival group crossed over the border to commit these crimes.

      The last gore vid sol posted furthermore proves it, that male who got his heart ripped out WAS NO jalisco.
      I have his missing report he was from Pozo de Gamboa and went missing on his way to work.. Pozo de Gamboa is 100% MZ why would a lone jalisco be in heavily controlled MZ territory?

    6. Also, hearst. La voz del pueblos credibility is that of "dominio publico". We know what side their on.

      The ones responsible for the 5 of lagos are, Mario and Ramon Gonzales and Yasser Castro all high rankings members of CDS in los Altos.

    7. Cheerleading ass mf… everyone knows exactly who did it.. Sinaloa not in there like that and got no pull like NG does in Lagos lol

    8. 12:05 just remember CJNG doesnt have a strong pull in Mazatlan but got in and killed the R-18, so MZ's now kill 5 kids in retaliation

    9. It’s been confirmed that it wasn’t cjng that did the hit on r18

    10. 3:36 o yeah "he had a falling out with mayo" theory more like your boy got whacked in mazatlan by cjng.

    11. Lay off the pipe Holmes 6:45 pm

    12. 3:36
      Grillonautas2 is not "confirming".

    13. Who said it was grillonautas arrematado

    14. 10:44 y entonces que fuente confiable dijo que no fue CJNG? No andes de mitotero de mierda

    15. No Andes de chismosa 11:18

  16. Christ I don’t understand why people are cheerleading and blaming the opposite cartel. The reality is all of these sadistic pos do the same. Most crimes go unpublished in Jalisco, Tamaulipas, Baja, Sinaloa, Michoacán etc. near my hometown in Sinaloa, CDS has disappeared thousands. Including a couple along with the whole vehicle they were traveling

  17. What’s going on with the shooting in Lagos de Moreno ? Are these guys connected to what happened here ?

  18. Bruh.
    Mario Leon Rubio ex alcadesa from Sinaloa died in a heavily controlled Chapo Isidro area? And the media still pushed the "accidental drowning" narrative when everyone knows chapo isidro had her killed. But one somethings related so CJNG it's always with certainty?

    1. Count the number of times I said allegedly and mentioned the source along with a disclaimer about them not citing evidence for their claim.

    2. 653
      I'm talking about the bigger picture here and the biased reporting in México by major news outlets.
      You mentioning "allegedly" doesn't change the fact.

      Same thing happened with "mario calabazas" the media demonized him and technically blame him for the displacement of entire families in San jose de delicias, when the culprit was chapo isidro, he kidnapped and murdered numerous people in that area and the news outlets don't mention any off.

      So are Méxicos news outlets believable? NO.

    3. 8:54 I see what you are saying. Isidros people took out someone from Mario Calabaza and Mario's group wanted the culprit. Kinda like how the CDG-Zetas conflict started, similar situation

    4. I think its a mistake to view a whole country's media industry as a monolithic entity which presents (with complete certainty) one narrative like "CJNG did this."

      In fact, I have yet to see a single news publication say (with certainty) that any specific group did this.

      But if you want to complain that a certain cartel group is treated unfairly by the media, just know we can all see through the BS and know why you are saying that.

    5. @8.54. It isn't anybodies job on BB to spend their lives backing up professional journalists claims. Even the most connected professionals use ''allegedly'' like most people use ''and'' or ''but'', because they have to.

  19. Kid that killed his friends is alive and got recruited to cjng

    1. Its all bullshit, they all got killed by a group of new MZ's whose initiation was to kill the kids

    2. 11:21 que no ves que está confirmado que grupo fue y siguen. La escuela que tienen aya es mala, no les importa a quien se llevan y es sabido que lo asen

    3. 4:13 y tu as visto cuantos esclavos an rescatado en Sinaloa? Que el CDS los levantan y los ponen a trabajar como esclavos y los que no aguantan los ejecutan? Aqui en BB nomas este año han reportado por lo menos 3 casos y eso fue porque nomas un guey se escapo, ahora imajinate cuanta otra gente todavia la traen como animales? No ahi diferencia entre un cartel y otro, todos son basura humana! No te quiero insultar pero si crees que el CDS es mejor que el CJNG eres un imbezil de mierda, los dos spn la misma basura

    4. 8:51 no eh visto esas historias aver pon los links, perro muchas historias de matazones de jovenes en jalisco y a gente que engañan para trabajar si hay muchas en todas las paginas y YouTube

  20. where the 5 guys innocent or cartel members too?

  21. evil mutha`fuc|{az, karmic DEBT is real, esé

  22. My cousin in Lagos just told me that there’s another 5 people missing as of yesterday. They are desperately looking for them and have no idea what happened to them. This sh1t is getting out of hand.

    1. There is. I've been keeping an eye on the story but I'm going to wait a day or so to see if they are found quickly before posting it here.

      Most missing persons cases are, thankfully, resolved within a few days when the person shows up again, completely safe. Let's wait and see.

    2. why does cartel of sinaloa have to kill innocent people? @hearst forgive my ignorance.

      Ps, I love your work.


    3. 5:57 betty is really simple, heat up the place so that the Government gets involved and desrupts the other cartel operations, actually CDS is well know to do the same shit in every cartel war that they have into, Juarez, Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo you name it they have done it, specially now that there is a Fair going on its easier for them to blend in with the people and heat up the town, some people have no clue of how CDS works, their only info comes from those fake corridos were they claim they dont mess with inoccent people

    4. Hi Betty. I should preface this by acknowledging that we don’t yet know if the five men were uninvolved in organized crime. But, that being said, we do know that innocent, uninvolved civilians are routinely targeted by cartels in every state in Mexico.

      At some point in the last few decades, all cartel groups switched from primarily focusing on smuggling narcotics into the US to a business model that included selling narcotics on the streets of Mexico, demanding local businesses in certain industries pay a “protection fee” to them (extortion), and kidnapping civilians for ransom.

      All of these new practices victimized innocent civilians - even the shift to selling drugs locally impacts innocent civilians (bar owners being forced to sell the local cartel’s drugs and then getting attacked by a rival cartel over selling their product).

      Why did cartel groups branch out from drug smuggling into all these other practices? Because they knew they could make more money and they had already corrupted local law enforcement/government, so there was nothing which would effectively oppose them from branching out into practices which hurt civilians.


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