Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Los Angeles Street Drug Price List, According to LAPD Undercover Buys

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

These are the prices for drugs in the L.A. area, according to a list that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) may have accidentally sent to L.A. TACO. The price list, almost menu-like in design, provides both wholesale and street-level pricing on various narcotics, excluding cannabis since its legalization in California and no notable undercover buys of it. Given that information, the list seems to be based on prices paid during undercover buying operations. 

$10 for a “balloon” of Mexican “Black Tar Heroin”

$90 for a gram of Ketamine

$200 for a Peyote Plant

Marked “law enforcement sensitive,” the list includes wholesale, as well as “street,” prices for roughly a dozen varieties of uppers, downers, hallucinogens, and prescription medications. The prices are based on “undercover narcotic operations” led by the L.A. CLEAR Watch Center, a coalition of local law enforcement agencies.

Inflated Methamphetamine Pricing?

The drug price list was sent to an L.A. TACO reporter working on a story about the LAPD appearing to inflate the price of methamphetamine seized during drug raids.

Multiple harm reduction experts, meth users, and meth addiction outreach volunteers told L.A. TACO that the drug usually costs around $20-$40 per gram on the streets. Meanwhile, the LAPD’s estimates for the price of methamphetamine—a notoriously inexpensive drug that can be made from household chemicals—have exceeded $150 per gram when broken down to a per-gram cost.

Law enforcement agencies are notorious for inflating the valuations of drugs by using a “street value” price rather than a wholesale value, but the LAPD’s estimates for the price of meth are significantly higher than even those numbers cited by other local law enforcement agencies.

According to HIDTA’s price list, a single fentanyl pill can cost as little as 30 cents when purchased in quantities of 50,000 pills or more. While a single fluid ounce of Codeine or Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (also known as “the date rape” drug GHB) costs upwards of $95 per fluid ounce.

Undercover fentanyl pill operations have increased in the last year by nearly 50%, according to the report. The drug price list also notes that “kilos of ecstasy powder (Molly) were reported for the first time this quarter.” And it also includes “NEW!” prices for quarter pounds of meth ($300-400) and half ounces of shrooms ($120). A gram of meth costs $20, according to HIDTA’s report, and a pound costs around $700.

Source of Price List

When an L.A. TACO reporter reached out to LAPD Chief Michel Moore about this story and asked what he thought of the estimations, Chief Moore defended the valuations and CC’d several LAPD officers on his response.

“Attached is the price list provided by HIDTA [the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program] as it relates to current trends,” Lillian Carranza, LAPD Assistant Commander, wrote in response to Chief Moore’s email, seemingly without realizing that an L.A. TACO reporter was included on the email chain. “However, the street price is determined by many factors (purity, potency, supply, demand, wholesale, mid-level, distance to source, etc.).”

High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program

The High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program (HIDTA) is a Regan-era initiative created by Congress to provide assistance to local law enforcement “operating in areas determined to be critical drug-trafficking regions of the United States.”

The LAPD commander declined to confirm if she intended to send L.A. TACO the report.

Source LA Taco

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  1. There's no mention of "7" or "siete" for meth which was two 8 balls back in the day. Maybe different lingo.

    1. 1/4 ounce/piece

    2. Meth in 1984 in L.A. Was $80 a gram and a pound in the lower 4 digits.

    3. Just go with 1/4

    4. Or just say hey I set the appointment for 1/4 til .... Don't be late

    5. 8 bucks for one xanax haha.....WTFE

  2. Those meth prices might be that inflated due to the taxes imposed on street sales by eMe.
    ❄️$ are what it went up to in mid to late 2007. Several years later it went to 19-21.5

    1. There is no street tax. Members just kick up a share to the street bosses than kick the money up to accounts held by Eme shot callers families.

    2. 12:25 whatever term they do or don't use it's effectively a tax on the street sales

    3. Lmao the price for codeine syrup is hilarious. paying a 100 for a fluid ounce. Just shoot dope already...fucking rappers and their lean. Paying 800 bucks for 9 ounces to flex. You're a junkie shoot dope

  3. Man, those bulk fentanyl pill prices makes being a full blown addict CHEAP as long as they always buy in bulk.

    1. No street junkie is able to keep more than 20 bucks to thier name for 10 minutes ..fools always paying retail

    2. Where I'm from, in the wider area here, you can get one fent pill for as low as $3. And that's retail, not wholesale. A teener (1.7.5g) of meth goes for around $15-$25. $20 is the most common for a teener though.

    3. 2:18 teener aka 1/16 of oz.

  4. How is bulk meth at kilo low end 2100 which is 933.33 for a lb (since 2.25 lb in a kilo) at wholesale kilo price, and bulk lb price 7-800.. makes sense lol

    1. My guess Its undercover buys different plugs different prices

  5. I need that plug for the molly $7500 kilo sweet

    1. It isn’t going to be that real deal Sassafras. Gonna be like Ethylone or some chemical variant of that synthetic make up.

  6. Damn them some low prices

  7. Those meth prices make no sense at all. Bulk kilo prices $2100 to $2700 and bulk pound $600 to $700 ??? WTF ? If I buy it by the pound is cheaper? A kilo is 2.1/4 pounds.
    Anyway. In 2007 to 2009 a pound of meth was $15000 to $21000 depending on quality. Those prices don’t seem real.

    1. 6:18 2007-2009 were the high end years for meth. Back then I seen an ounce go for as high as $1,500. Although the average cost was $900-$950 back then. Now the average is about $100 an ounce. These are all L.A. street prices retail.

  8. I can get fentanyl for $5 a gram direct from China. But cocaine is still $300,000 a kg here in sydney. Weed I grow myself, got my genetics from La plata labs Colorado USA good stuff.

  9. Fentanyl is cheaper in Seattle. I work with addicts. They can get 125 blue pills for $100, or $2 for loose pills. So cheap that when they are sick in the morning, they can just ask around and someone will give them a free pill to get well on. Fetty powder here is $20 per gram at the trap houses. The hardcore fentanyl addicts prefer the fetty powder, they say it's a lot stronger. Supposedly CJNG dominates the market here.

    There is no heroin to be had here. Those clients complain about fentanyl, say it gets them well, but they don't like the high and only lasts a couple hours, then they are sick again. They also complain it's "Too strong" and are afraid of OD

    1. Crazy how heroine just died form day to the next..same happen with oxys just a matter of time before h comes back.

    2. In L.A. you could find all that.


  10. At first glance, I had a feeling this was a satiric article, the nonsense about $200 "peyote plants" confirmed it..

    1. I'd definitely take a few of those but I was under the impression it's near non existent now.

    2. apuesto a que una belleza negra es un narcótico agregado a un narcótico recetado

  11. Damm I doubt those Coke kilos are that cheap. Pandemic had the going for 28+ of the fishy fishy

    1. They are but quality not there lowkey

    2. Absolutely right!

    3. Pandemic prices were much higher than that. That border was shut down so all commerce stood still. Driving down supply while exponentially increasing demand. All the while people were getting a windfall of disposable income all at once. Perfect storm

  12. I want the fentanilo pills. I can't afford coke on my weekly allowance. I can get $15 for collecting an assload of cans en Fresno 💪🏾😁

  13. Numbers from the HIDTA can be trusted but would have questions about quality and volume, at 15-17 but maybe it's right

    Assuming it's about 3k to purchase in Colom by the major players, and then take that to Culiacan, it's about 12k

    assuming it triples in value, and loses more or less 15%

    then to a border city, TJ, Nogales, Mexicali, add another 5k and then to Los Angeles add at least 5k

    1. In Culiacan they are around 8k sometimes depending on who even a bit lower. 12k-13k is the price in LA first hand though basically direct with the people in Mex

  14. Seems accurate, however something tells me the a good portion of the content is dated…

    Like how often is white or brown powder heroin even around in Los Angeles these days??

    And peyote plants? Lmao

  15. LOL this reminds me of the High Times magazine back page during the 70s where they listed weed prices by city/metro, and whatever else was "in town." Rarely was it accurate or useful.

  16. How well they know those prices : venden.y.locean: they can't remembered their kids birthday But they know drugs prices really well estos.vatos.the pillars of society: they complain about everything.

  17. In Western Australia
    Ice $100 a point (0.1 gram)
    Coke $400 a gram
    Marijuana $400 an ounce
    Lucky country my arse

  18. Some of these prices are inflated to satisfy the urgent war on drugs “success” these 3 & 4 letter organizations need to secure their multi billion dollar budgets…

    -Holden D. Cash


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