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Thursday, August 31, 2023

LPD Chief: Supposed Cartel Kidnappings Should Not Be Of Public Concern

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Pictured is the Laredo Police Department headquarters located at 4712 Maher Ave.

A leaked Laredo police memo saying that the Cartel Del Noreste would carry out kidnappings in the Gateway City should not be of concern for the community, authorities said.

The “be on the lookout” or BOLO Situational Awareness report states that the LPD Real Time Crime Center is relaying information for the FBI advising that CDN sicarios are attempting to kidnap several “subjects” in Laredo.

“There are multiple sources indicating that subjects are already in Laredo. If any officer comes across a kidnapping case, USE EXTREME CAUTION …,” states the memo.

Acting Laredo Police Chief Steve E. Landin said the report was an internal document for the department, but it was sent to multiple agencies.

Landin further mentioned that the document got leaked somehow.

“Ultimately, it was not something random for the public.These kidnappings or alleged upcoming kidnappings that could be happening, it’s more about a crime organization against another. It wasn’t a threat to the general public,” Landin said.

It’s unclear which criminal organizations or local criminal gangs will be targeted.

Two cartels known to operate in the area aside from CDN are the Michoacan Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel The U.S. Attorney’s Office recently announced convictions and prison sentences for associates of those two cartels.

If people see anything suspicious, they can report the incident to police at 795-2800.

Laredo Morning Times


  1. How does the Laredo Police department know, of who is going to be kidnapped on American soil?
    The BOLO is almost stating, look the other way let it happen.

    1. Read the actual memo..

      "Relaying info for the FBI"

  2. Not sure if any of bb has seen this article

    1. Is this the one where they tied the dude to an anchor and threw him to the bottom of the sea? 😂

  3. Sounds like the texans got their balls cut and gave up the policing of Laredo. I hope there are enough armed citizens around who can help and stop these kidnappings.

    1. Please dont say texans. That police chief is probably on the cdn payroll. He too cool with ppl getting kidnapped by cartles on usa soil.

  4. Everyone run! Run and hide for your very lives!
    Cartels are coming for you!
    Bunch of paranoid freaks here don't trust their police forces from what it appears.
    We should just get rid of those police if that's the case!

    1. Thats why in texas we have lots of guns.

    2. 5:26 so then why are you freaking out about this message?

  5. That’s how it starts, not a door that you want to open. Of course they’ve been operating in the states but this being on paper, along with the state of the border, is a red f’n flag if I’ve ever seen one.

    1. So you never heard of how the cdg zetas were kidnapping people in laredo that worked for la barbie when they took that plaza. It was fucking wild back then on both sides.

    2. Yeah for sure, that’s what I mean “they’ve been operating in the states”. Politicians did a better job then, at pretending they weren’t corrupt/incompetent.

  6. did anyone actually read the whole article or the bolo? they aren't saying do nothing and let it happen. It says "use extreme caution". twist it to fit your narrative however you want though. ffs

    1. 1232 Many bb readers are anti America and anti Texas. It's human nature not to accept responsibility and to blame others that are more well off. It's like all the Sinaloa d riders that can't accept that their papi Chapo was a pedophile and rapist. Instead they blame all of Mexicos problems on CIA o Tromp.

    2. 1:12 There we go again, in love with Chapo.

    3. Trump is a fuck up so using the idiot as an escape goat is easy.

    4. 530 but yet he is self made has done more and is gonna be the next prez…
      What you done lately??

    5. 11:36 "self made"? He's a daddy's boy that inherited wealth. What he will be is a selfmade criminal with multiple felony convictions.

  7. Go CDN! get these punk cops and Republicans.

  8. They gonna start kidnapping in Laredo now pero no more money in MX …


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