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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Luis Beltrán López, Cousin of Ovidio & Joaquin, Found Dead in Sinaloa

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Luis Alberto Beltran Lopez, the alleged cousin of Sinaloa Cartel's Ovidio and Joaquin Guzman, was found dead in a remote part of Sinaloa after going missing while motorbiking through the wilderness. 

The Disappearance

On Saturday, August 26, 2023, Luis Alberto Beltran Lopez went missing while motorbiking through a remote section of wilderness in Agua Caliente, located within the municipality of Tepuche, Sinaloa. 

The cartel news Twitter account Calvariae Locus alleges that Luis Alberto Beltran Lopez was the cousin of two of the Chapitos (the sons of El Chapo) from the Sinaloa Cartel. 

Based on his last names of "Beltran Lopez", it's likely that Luis Alberto is the son of a sister of Griselda Lopez Perez, who was a wife of Chapo and the mother of Ovidio and Joaquin. 

Luis Alberto spoke to his brother on the phone, he also texted him and sent him photos he had taken with his phone. 

At approximately 2:45pm, Luis Alberto contacted his brother on his smartphone and told him that he had crashed his motorcycle

He asked his brother to come help him out of the woods and he sent his GPS location. 

The brother told him that he'd drive out to help him but his current location was high up a mountain and inaccessible by road. 

There are no further details about the communication between Luis and the brother. Whether the two of them arranged for Luis to walk to a more accessible location or if Luis indicated he was injured is unknown. 

Hours passed and the brother eventually reached the GPS location that Luis had given but Luis was not in the area. 

At 5:00, Luis's wife, Ana Paola, was told that Luis was missing. More family members joined the search and traveled to his last known location. 

The authorities were contacted and they sent officers to help search for Luis. 

At some point in the night, relatives found Luis's blue and yellow motorcycle alongside his helmet. It was abandoned in a heavily wooded area. How far away the motorcycle was from the GPS coordinates is unknown. 

The next morning, the search continued.

Personnel from the following groups participated in the search: state level Civil Protection officers, the Culiacán Fire Department, the Municipal Police, the State Police, the Commission for the Search for Missing Persons of Sinaloa, and the Red Cross. 

A small helicopter was used by authorities as part of the search. 

Personnel walked through the forested region, calling out Luis's name while scanning the ground for possible remains. 

During the afternoon, Luis Alberto's wife posted on social media, asking if people who owned Razers (ATV like vehicles) could help in the search. 

In response to her request, some members of local motorcycle and hiking clubs volunteered to help with the search. 

Luis was not found by the time of night fell so plans were made for the search to continue the next day, on Monday. 

The Discovery 

At 10:46am, on Monday, August 28, members of the search party found the remains of Luis Alberto Beltran Lopez. 

The 5'9", 30-year old man was found lying face up, wearing blue pants and a white shirt.

His body was located within an area where firewood was chopped, according to Reflectores. Photos appear to show a very densely wooded area that isn't ideal for firewood chopping.

Reflectores alleged that his body was "in an advanced state of decomposition," when it was found. The body was placed on a stretcher and brought to an area where vehicles could reach and loaded into a coroner's vehicle. It was driven to a facility for an autopsy. 

Dario a Discusion claims that they spoke to "security sources" who said Luis Alberto was killed by "multiple insect stings."

They write that he "died from bee stings when he was attacked by a swarm."

They added that they believe Luis was stung "during the afternoon [that he went missing], judging by the state of decomposition in which he was found."

It's interesting to note that his body was said to have been found near El Rancho de Los Arballo.

Los Noticieristas alleges that Rancho de Los Arballo is owned by "Mr. Ángel Beltrán." Meanwhile Reflectores writes that Rancho de Los Arballo is where to Luis Alberto's grandfather lives.

The Difference 

None of the reports have stated whether or not Luis Alberto was allergic to bee stings, but it seems that he likely was because bee stings are typically not fatal for a healthy adult. 

It appears, based on the reports available, that Luis Alberto died in a freak accident caused by unforeseen circumstances. 

It's likely that if Chapitos figures Ovidio and Joaquin Guzman heard that their cousin had gone missing, they may have pulled a few strings to "encourage" government agencies to find him as soon as possible. 

Sources say that approximately 100 members of various government agencies participated in the search for Luis Alberto. Over seven different government agencies participated in the search effort. 

A state police helicopter was deployed to survey the area from the skies. Luis Alberto was found within two days of going missing. 

Meanwhile, when four boys went missing in 2021, while on their way to watch a race at the Humaya river, the Sinaloan government deployed no more than five agents from just one agency.

The boys, age 13-15, went missing in Lomas de Rodriguera, in an area north of Culiacán city, that was known to have been heavily contested in a Sinaloa Cartel struggle. The boys have still not been found. They went missing more than two years ago. 

It's remarkable, truly… the difference in how the Sinaloan government acts when it's looking for people the Chapitos want found versus the people who they don't.


  1. Just to show that it doesn't matter who you are . If you have money or not . If your last name carries any weight or not . If it's your time to go it's your time to go . Como dice el dicho " cuando te toca ni aunque te quites. Cuando no te toca ni aunque te pongas"

    1. @10:34am "A cunning man can cheat Death." - The Gray Mouser

    2. That same Tepuche jungle was were El Ruso was shooting for practice about 10years ago, maybe someone got a hold of him and stung his ass with a tarantula? Seems a bit off, a toxicity report on his autopsy will clear the way, was most likely given water with something it and while asleep thru a nest on him. His bike is perfectly parked with his helmet on the handles, He most likely Ran into someone that he shouldn't have seen, maybe Mayo? Los Rusos are always there in Tepuche

    3. 3:14 tepuche is ran by Los Chapos now

    4. Tarantulas bite is like a bee except the big ass fangs. Few tarantulas can make you sick none are deadly.

  2. I live in a cabin in the san gabriel mountains in so cal. I have a creek in the front. 4 weeks ago I felt that i got stabbed in the heart, I noticed its was a fkn Tarantula Hawk, the second most painful sting of any insect in the world. God damn the pain on my left side of the cheats was unbearable. It brought me to my knees and I was paralyzed as I felt being stabbed on the heart myltiple times for 5 minutes like 100 xs. The most painful is the bullet ant. Anyways i had pain for like a week. Then 2 freaking weeks ago i got stung my 20 yellow jackets fkn bitches!!!! They got me good, on the arm, love handles, armpit and legs. My hand was swollen like a balloon and my arm was swollen too and pain all the way to my neck.

    Anyways def possible he died of bees and probably rant into that bushy area. Cus when i got sting by the yellow jackets I ran for like 200 yards they were following me. When you get stung by a shut load of bees or wasps first thing you do is atart running like crazy.

    1. I enjoyed reading this comment and I think you're right. Maybe he wasn't allergic and he just got really disoriented running away from the swarm.

    2. Even if youre not allergic they can still kill you if theyre killer bees. Glad you liked the comment.

    3. Get a door screen and stop leaving the door open.
      Next time it will be a Bear, that licks your face.

    4. A bee can only sting once, but a wasp can do it over and over

    5. 1:51pm it was not inside my cabin, it was crossing the creek, didnt see the bastards. I have mountains lions, bears and rattlesnakes, not scared of them.

      10:44pm, yeah they kept stinging me over and over again each multiple times, was not fun. But the tarantula hawk was something else from hell

    6. 12:40
      Bro, I was snivelling to anybody who would listen because I stepped on an eriso, a sea urchin, but then I googled tarantula hawk and was scared shitless just by the photo..
      You'll never have to prove your courage again!

  3. Rip horrible way to go.

    1. This guy probably kidnapped,tortured and killed dozens of people like both of his families members have done for decades.. Don't feel bad.. He wouldn't felt bad for you.

  4. A coordinated search with police huh, when kids go missing in Mexico there are no coordinated police searches.

    1. You need to ask for help, In this case the people went to de search

  5. remember reading probably a Rio Doce
    piece that had some joke about M1 dying from bee stings

    And this guy actually did

    1. Oh yh J I remember reading that too along the lines of he got stung by a swarm of bees which in turn slowed him down

    2. Sorry my last comment was incomplete but I remember reading the same thing tbh I didn't realise it was a joke..but at the same time took it with a pinch of salt..was that the same article that had the narcomantas accusing MZ of giving him up?..if I remember correctly it was quite peculiar the way the mantas were written like it was M1 himself talking from the grave..weird shit

  6. So I guess Luis and his family don’t have contact with his cousins the chapitos? Because they chould’ve ask chapitos for help to locate his cousin.

    1. I tried to allude to this in my story but I guess I was too subtle so I'll state it outright.

      I believe the reason why 100+ government agents/officers were involved in the search for Luis is precisely because his relatives contacted the Chapitos and the Chapitos "encouraged" the state/local government to do everything to find him.

    2. I had to look up "allude" in the dictionary.

    3. He was not familia of Ani of chapitos

  7. Seems like Luis and his family are just a normal family. Not involved in the same business as his cousin.

    1. No. The relatives of Kevin, Jesus, Gerardo, and Joshuan are normal families. Their families received normal treatment from Sinaloan authorities.

      Luis Alberto is not from a normal family and he did not get normal treatment.

    2. Thanks, Hearst. Good article.
      Subtlety doesn't always work.
      Certainly there's nothing subtle about Mexican law enforcement rolling multiple agencies to find one worthless drug thug when Mexican families from one end of the country to the other get no law enforcement assistance whatever.

  8. Meine Gedanken sind bei den Kindern.....Man sagt Bienen sind nützlich

    1. Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre nachdenklichen Worte.

    2. Ich danke euch für eure Arbeit..... Liebe Grüße aus Germany

  9. Corrido is coming soon on how brave and cunning he was but truth is he got defeated by a cuatrimoto and a bunch of bees

    1. It was a motorcycle, not a cuatrimoto.

  10. Sicario006 has already been deployed to Tepuche to erradicate all involved … he is armed with a full auto M4 carbine with a underbarrel grenade launcher and insecticide shells with poison created specifically against the bees that inhabit the area of Tepuche

    1. He teamed up with Ortho insecticides.

  11. Only string Ovidio can pull now is his own.

    1. If Ovidio had zero pull, he'd be extradited to the US already.

    2. 4:30 you're being too subtle

  12. Sicario 006 sent a team of murder hornets in.

  13. Me da gusto que está ves no dispararán en contra de las autoridades. Y por la muerte del malandrito R. .I. P. :)

  14. Están bien equivocados en esa nota Luis no era pariente de ellos el trabajaba en el banco sin problema yo soy su suegro y estoy alistando una demanda contra este medio. Exijo se retire está nota y que pidan una disculpa publica, investiguen bien antes de publicar. Aparte por qué suben esas fotos hijos de su puta madreee

  15. Y además lleno de insectos


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