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Saturday, August 5, 2023

More than 530,000 Fentanyl Pills Seized In A Car In Culiacán: Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from NOROESTE

A vehicle was driving with a blown tire when it was stopped by the National Guard, the driver ignored the vehicle and continued driving until he fled, leaving the unit abandoned.

Elements of the National Guard (GN) intercepted a compact vehicle that was carrying more than 530 thousand pills of apparent fentanyl in the back seat.

The discovery was made when the elements were carrying out security and surveillance patrols at kilometer 008+300 of the Piggy Back-Costa Rica highway, in Culiacan.

The vehicle was traveling with a blown tire, for which reason the national guards asked the driver to stop, but he ignored the request, evading and heading towards a dirt road that leads to the El Quemadito ejido.

The driver of the car stopped and jumped into an irrigation canal; after crossing it, he ran into the undergrowth. A search operation was set up to look for him, with no positive results.

Upon inspection of the abandoned car, several boxes and department store bags were found in the back seat, containing more than 530,000 blue tablets with the characteristics of fentanyl, distributed in transparent plastic bags.

The apparent synthetic drug and the vehicle were seized and placed at the disposal of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) in Culiacán, to continue the corresponding investigations.



  1. This seizure is nothing more than a drop in the bucket. The National Guard units that are stationed in Sinaloa should go after Ismael Zambada García, Los Chapitos, and Fausto Isidro Meza Flores.

    1. Lo estan haciendo para subir el precio de las 💙, when it was 30$ each they were making crazy money. They're at least trying to reach 5$ far from 1$
      La 701

    2. @401 — that was when they were taking advantage of the REAL oxies costing $30 at their highest… “coincidentally” right before the storm of fakes swarmed in… then it dropped to $15… $10… and now $5 or even less for wholesale

      Don’t ask how I know…

    3. @8:16, The real ones are going for way more than $30 a pop right now. Unless you got a mean Dr plug, old cancer patients, or that pipeline directly to India, you ain’t gonna get many real blues at one time.

    4. @1149 — is there even a market for them anymore??? Lol

    5. @18:16 pm $1 each everywhere in Phoenix. don’t ask how i know lol

  2. Was this gifted just for show?

  3. Since America started threating Mexico/Chapitos there has been more arrest then ever on Fentanyl.

  4. 🤣🤣 ahi de dos sopas, nadie respeta a los chapitos o se estan haciendo pendejos y siguen produciendo su mierda de fentanilo, no importa cual sea, el paso es que lla se la pelaron😂 tienen los dias contados

  5. Lol, just yesterday on the post about Colombians suffering from financial woes because of the price drop in coke the SNITCHaloa groupie was saying what??
    “Fentanyl is sold more by lower level dealers, that’s a CJNG problem SNITCHaloa only deals big tons of coke” Pinches alucines

    1. @247 (heh) — interesting observation.. I wonder myself if the MX cartels are deliberately trying to bring down the price of coke… they always profit the most in the end, and don’t need to purchase solely from Colombia anymore either… 🦉

  6. I dunno lads? Im, of the angle that most of the lighter colored M30's are NOTHING like Fent, Im not saying some labs DO produce such tho. They dont 'Smell" like fent, they dont anywhere smoke/smell when burning like Fent...
    Ive taken a sh#t-ton of these lil wonders (Life long chronic pain-several back fractures/HEAVY bodily trauma) & Ive NEVER FELT BETTER in my LIFE taking rather SMALL dosages of those blue M30's!
    Absolutely >ZERO discomfort< whatsoever! Im not the only pain patient/user to say such about the steep difference between Pharmacy purchased pain products & the M30's...That white chunky/powder bulk fent is pure garbage IMHO & rather poisonous to the lungs, doesnt work for pain that well @ all, but is good for 'Nap-Takers"...;)
    Of course the MSM will slander ALL 'Blues' as fent, as thats what they are TOLD to DO so (IE: The Loooong running historic ties between American drug use, its STUPID prohibition & ALWAYS attached Govt derived subsequent RACISM)

    This is after having to take/try out nearly EVERY heavy duty pain med under the sun available from big pharma for 20+ years now to figure out which works best for me & no matter what Ive been prescribed I still have a fair amount of leftover felt discomfort. Its like night & day with the M30's. Presently, I feel like Im a 47 year olde riding within an uninjured 15 year olds body again!...No joke!

    Aside from the cartel violence, which dont think for a second such behavior isnt present within the legal/Govt-Corp controlled big pharma spheres...
    ZERO PAIN!...For >away>> clean right?....;)
    ~Lufgt Huron....

    1. Romeo:
      "Courage, man, the hurt cannot be much"
      No tis not so deep as a well nor so wide as a churchdoor but tis enough twill serve.
      One pain is cured by another "

    2. They started adding actual powdered butter to give it that “buttery popcorn” taste.. they’ve been fake for essentially 5 years or more now.

    3. 03:57 keep fucking around with Mexican M30 pills and you will be dead. There is no quality control.

      The color of the pill don’t mean shit.

      Look and see the ingredient lists for blue m30 pills that are fake.

      Some have fetty meth Tylenol

      Some have fetty tramadol Tylenol

      Some have tinazepine? A more powerful synthetic opioid than fetty.

      Each pill and powder contains different amounts of opioid and shit loads of cut.

      It’s your life though Holmes. Don’t be a junkie - talk to your doctors about it.

      Have you tried RX fentanyl lollipops? Dilaudid works great too. Demerol is ok.

  7. im not a cartel nuthugger but why hasnt any fentanyl been caught other than culiacan... theyre the only ones moving it

    1. You mean not one load has been stopped in Jalisco…

  8. They’re standing right next to it and they didn’t die? That’s weird here in the US you’ll die if you catch a glimpse of them

    1. The "measured" potency of the pressed pills for individual consumption versus perhaps raw fentanyl?

    2. I've seen too many videos of a cop freaking out and having a panic attack because they think they might have touched some. then they're like "give em some narcan right away"'s so ridiculous. 🤣

  9. Lmao just like the stupid “dollar bill” hoax and fad?

    1. Comment was meant for @828 ^^

  10. Lol that load is tiny. Well i just checked and don't worry I can still order m30s for 5$. I was worried this huge major bust might affect my supply. But don't worry I got am American citizen who got blues for sale imma hit him up so I don't gotta wait.


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