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Thursday, August 24, 2023

Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon: 3 Decapitated Men Hanged On Bridge; Their Heads Were Abandoned 4 Km Away

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

With 11 homicides, the state was ranked as the territory with the most crimes of this type at the national level.

During the early hours of Thursday morning, the decapitated bodies of three men were found hanging from a bridge on the Monterrey-Colombia Highway in the municipality of Salinas Victoria in Nuevo Leon, police sources reported. The heads were abandoned in a row at a distance of four to five kilometers.

The discovery of the decapitated bodies, which were hanging by their feet with a rope, caused a large mobilization of state police and ministerial agents. The highway was closed so that the experts and investigating agents could carry out their work. 

The incident occurs as part of a wave of violence in the state. As of Wednesday Nuevo Leon was the most violent state in the country, with eleven homicides, surpassing the State of Mexico with seven and Baja California with six such crimes, according to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Security System.

Since July 804 homicides have been recorded in the state. The year began with 95 cases in January, 110 in February, 88 in March, 105 in April, 143 in May, 137 in June, and 126 in July.

Also, from August 1 to 23, 100 other homicides were added for an accumulated total of 904 such crimes so far this year.

NL leads the national ranking with the most homicides

In addition to Wednesday, August 23, when the state led the country's entities with eleven homicides, it also occupied the first place on August 10 with eight cases, followed by Jalisco with six and Guanajuato with five; also on August 12 with nine homicides, tied with the State of Mexico, while Baja California and Morelos tied with eight cases in second place.

On August 16, Nuevo Leon ranked second in homicides with seven cases, after Michoacan and Baja California with nine; on August 17, Nuevo Leon tied with Guanajuato and Guerrero for second place nationally with six homicides, after Baja California with seven cases.


  1. Hi Sol, got a small suggestion.
    Would it be possible to mention which cartels are active in the area where events took place?
    Like just a small mention at the bottom of articles like this one.

  2. Que capturaron a jose leyva "el Amarillo " jefe clave de nuevo Leon pal CDN brgassss

  3. Locations seems like cdg, cdn, lfm, old school zetas. Idk think here a few off top.

    1. Nah just CDN, everything north or Monterrey leading up to Nuevo Laredo is hardcore CDN territory. the neighborhoods in northern Monterrey belongs to CDN

    2. Yeah for sure cdn has northern Nuevo Le贸n on lock all the from Coahuila to Nuevo late do

    3. 10:35 That can’t be stated as fact with any credibility. Monterrey and the metro area has been associated with several different cartels and gangs from BLO, both CDG gangs, CDS, CDN and various zeta factions as well as several local gangs fighting for tienda rights.

  4. Capturaron al 02 ahijado del mencho en michoacan.. fuerte golpe a la eestructura de las 4 en Michigan.. es operador del barbas principal operador del mencho en la zona oriente de michoa

  5. how u hang someone with out a head

    1. I would do it under the armpits so I won’t spill too much fluids .

    2. So in this situation they were hung from the bridge not hanged, since they did not die from hanging thus having been hanged. Am I right or am I rillo?

    3. You are correct, hanged is having been hung by the neck, it’s pedantic but can’t let Reddit have all the grammar fun. Glad I am not the only person who upon reading the headline (don’t care about hanged or hung) immediately flashed to how do you hang them without a head. Obviously we have all seen people hung from bridges by all manner of appendages or the entire torso, but hanged sends the brain right to “by the neck until dead.”

    4. 9:18 it's like pleaded and pled, confusing and leaves me with my head spinned.

  6. @hearts
    The vid of the interrogation torture and execution of el (010) by la linea is making its way around.

    Where can I post the video link?馃

  7. Most definetly cdn

    1. This area is known to be cdn I haven’t seen much presence at all in Nuevo Le贸n from cjng it was rumoured el tori left cdn to join cjng in Nuevo Le贸n however he openly admitted he had to leave Nuevo Le贸n because z40’s people were looking. For him which suggests to me they have a lot of power within Nuevo Le贸n

    2. No this was CDN . CJNG are not in Monterrey

    3. Its not related to this story but @10:31 mentioned how el tori a high ranking cdn member and violent individual cld loose all his power because from jail trevi帽o gave the order. Shows that el 40 is the boss of cdn and he operates from prison.

  8. Yoo the 010 video were he gets killed is crazy I think he was just picked up by national guard a couple days sgo


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