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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

San José, Sinaloa: From 'Narco' War Zone To Ghost Town

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from Milenio 

This Monday, in his weekly conference, the governor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya, was questioned about the situation.

Although Sinaloa authorities denied the gun battles in the sierra of Sinaloa municipality during the weekend, Milenio managed to reach San José de las Delicias, the epicenter of what seems to have been a war, and to verify the traces of the battle, which unofficially is said to have left six people dead, around a dozen vehicles seized, weapons and more than 150 displaced people who fled amidst the hail of bullets.

Sinaloa municipality has the same name as the state and is the largest territorially speaking, is 100 percent mountainous and about 70 kilometers from Sinaloa de Leyva, the municipal seat, is San Jose de las Delicias, better known as Las Calabazas, the town that remained a ghost town, its streets desolate, abandoned houses and businesses.


"Fortunately, the area in that part is without problems, there is no indication of any type of violence or any activity that is being handled or that was being handled a few days ago," said Carlos Alberto Hernandez Leyva, Sinaloa's Undersecretary of Public Security, on Sunday night.

On the dirt road, a couple of kilometers before arriving, a car on the side of the road confirmed the war, it was already burned in its entirety, and there was an endless number of 7.62 x 39 caliber shells, for AK47. Just at the entrance to the community, two backhoes, two pickup trucks and a dome blocked the access for a couple of days, today, burned in their entirety, they illustrate what the authorities denied, the shooting confrontation.

The Army visited the town on Monday and managed to seize two cars that were completely devoured by the flames and one more armored unit, a GMC Sierra pickup, recent model, almost intact, although also with bullet impacts, while for its part, The Sinaloa Public Security Secretariat confirmed the seizure of two other units, a cattle truck and a gray Cherokee, which was abandoned, with its doors open and inside, a rifle, a pistol and several loaded magazines, but they did not specify the calibers.


Milenio managed to reach the two-story house, as it was known in the area, the home of Mario Alberto Lugo Lara, alias Mario Calabazas, the target of the war. A house that contrasts with the humility of the town, which was shot at, burned in its entirety, damaged its electric gate and in the back garage another pickup truck with bullet impacts.

At least four of Lugo Lara's family members allegedly lived in the surrounding homes, and at least four homes suffered the same consequences, shot at and burned.

Sinaloa is such a large municipality that it borders Mocorito, Salvador Alvarado and Guasave, and families from the highlands fled to all three municipalities, fleeing violence in their homes; Officially, the Secretary of Public Security recognized more than 60 families, more than 150 people, who "got off" with their families or were sheltered in the CBTIS of the city of Guamúchil, where the authorities provided them, through the Secretary of Welfare, with food, medicine, medical attention, a shelter where they could sleep safely, clothes and shoes, as well as psychological attention because many of them could not cope with the nervous breakdown after days of living among the gun battles.

This Monday, in his weekly conference, the governor of Sinaloa, Ruben Rocha Moya, was questioned about the situation, an issue he minimized by pointing out that there were no traces of people having lost their lives.

"There are no traces of wounded or dead people, but shell casings were found," he said.
While to the citizens he sent word that: 

"If you are afraid get down, here we are going to give you attention...whoever is afraid get down" he culminated.

It is worth noting that on Saturday, at midday, a group of Red Cross first responders, based in Guasave, were "lifted" when they were asked for help in a supposed service, however, armed civilians took them away to attend to their injured colleagues, and after the attention, they returned them, safe and sound, without a scratch.


  1. greetings to the commenter that said I was doing a lousy job on reporting and mentioned Mario Calabazas home being burned to the grown. article has been shared

    1. you're doing great Char. we unfortunately have some fanboys in this community that will complain whenever something doesn't go their way. instead of trying to help out by translating an article and compiling sources, they rather point fingers. keep up the great work.

    2. strongly agree with 8:09

    3. You & all the bb staff from the beginning have & are doing a great job translating articles, giving insight & most importantly giving your personal time because you want a better life for all mexicans. If that's lousy by all means keep up the lousy work. Much love & appriciation to all bb staff current & former.

  2. I feel like this war isn’t gonna last long. Chapo Isidro doesn’t like having all eyes on his turf or people.

    1. Not true , they tried to catch calabazas off guard before he could organize a war .. Chapo Isidro knows him very well and calabazas knows very well where Isidro moves around . They had to kill him before he rose up and they failed . Calabazas controls one of the biggest municipalities in Sinaloa . It’s a big problem for Isidro . Even with Musico and Sagitario backing up Isidro moving into la sierra isn’t easy much less tracking him where he knows the area better than anyone

    2. Isidro made it to his home, seems like they’re on the offensive and Calabazas on the defensive wonder which side he aligns with now that he has broken off

  3. greetings from the untold masses of unwashed commenters like me who love your work ethic but are too narcissistic to remember to mention it..
    Keep up the good work..

    1. unwashed? Can't you sleep in the rain for awhile?

  4. "there is no indication of any type of violence". Despite the shell casings, burnt vehicles, damaged house and lifted Red Cross workers that suggest injured aggressors, there is no indication of any type of violence. A true Mexican politician telling it the way it is. He must be related to ELMO, Trump or Bill Clinton.

    1. I think chapitos paying piso to the these folks.

  5. Chapo isidro le van a mandar refuerzos pa la guerra de sonora

  6. El mayao ya le mando refuerzoz hay videos en TikTok

    1. @8:46 la gente de ese video es del ratón no de mayo

  7. This is exactly how and why towns get taken over by cartels… all while the military sits around

  8. Another pueblo fantasma like Mier was a few years back before the military moved in.


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