Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Failed Hunt And Bizarre Death Of 'Mario Calabazas'

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

Both Lugo Lara's alleged death and the circumstances under which it occurred are still unclear.

For 19 days Mario Alberto Lugo Lara, known as Mario Calabazas, managed to flee the manhunt that Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, known as Chapo Isidro, had launched against him. He remained in hiding in the highlands of the municipality of Sinaloa until Tuesday, August 15, when he was found presumed dead in a house in the San José de las Delicias syndicate. Both his alleged death and the circumstances under which it occurred are still unclear.

Fausto Isidro Meza Flores 

A first version that emerged during the early hours of Tuesday, August 15, indicated that the leader of Los Calabazas had been found inside a house in his native town of Las Calabazas, later it was said that the body was in one of the streets of San José de las Delicias and another that he was located there, but lying on a cot inside a house. A photograph showed him lying on the cot, shirtless and with a scapular on his chest, he was wearing black jeans and had his arms crossed. His mouth seemed to be foaming with blood, which reached the pillow. Next to the body was a lit candle.

The wife of the leader of the armed wing of the Beltran Leyva cartel, led by Chapo Isidro, was quick to confirm that the body lying on the bed was indeed that of Mario Calabazas.

"I'm sure it is, I'm sure it is," the woman told reporters who were at the scene that day.

The supposed body of Lugo Lara showed no signs of violence, and the first versions that emerged were that he had died of intoxication, another pointed to sunstroke and dehydration while hiding in the mountains to avoid being killed. Another one questioned his death, since the corpse photographed on the cot did not look like that of a deceased person.

Hours later and in the midst of speculation, the supposed remains of Lugo Lara, found in the patio of a house, were transferred to the Semefo of Culiacán in the midst of a heavy security operation. Governor Ruben Rocha Moya neither confirmed nor denied that it was indeed Mario Calabazas, but he did say that it would take at least two weeks to know the causes of his death.

The strange death

Even though Mario Calabazas was wanted in the highlands by Chapo Isidro's people, his supposed body appeared in the same town from where he had fled, in a house located very close to the local church, and where an Army detachment was stationed.

It had been 19 days since the war had begun in the area between Chapo Isidro and Mario Calabazas, former collaborators and then enemies, after the latter was accused of treason by the former. On July 28, Los Mazatlecos, led by Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, arrived in the area to look for him. They shot at houses, some of which they burned. Two of them belonged to Lugo Lara. Residents said that, by that day, the leader of Los Calabazas had already left.

In the following days, there were confrontations between Los Calabazas and Los Mazatlecos of the Beltrán Leyva cartel, and again cars were burned. A daughter and daughter-in-law of Lugo Lara were allegedly kidnapped, although this information has not been confirmed by any authority.

The violence unleashed by the hunt for Mario Calabazas forced the displacement of more than 300 residents of San José de las Delicias and nearby towns to Guamúchil.

"Mario Calabazas, your whole family is suffering because of you! You have already done a lot of damage to the population! We are not going to stop! We are coming for you! Traitor rat," they accused in flyers that appeared in Mocorito and Guamúchil.

To appease the violence, Army elements were stationed in San José de las Delicias, where they also accompanied the return of families who had left, some of whom only went to pick up some belongings.

It is not known exactly if Lugo Lara remained in the town during all this time or if he left and then managed to return, evading military surveillance, if it is indeed proven that the body found lying on the cot is his.

The legacy of Los Calabazas

Mario Pumpkins 

Lugo Lara's Los Calabazas cell was part of the Beltrán Leyva cartel, which emerged from the breakup of the Beltrán Leyva and Guzmán Loera-Zambada García cartels in 2009, and its mission was to prevent rival groups from entering their territory through the Sinaloa municipality and Guasave's highlands.

Initially Los Calabazas, a name they took from the town of the same name, was led by Carlos Jesús and/or Jesús Carlos Carlos Salmón Higuera, el Macaco, who was found murdered on September 2, 2018 in the Estación Naranjo syndicate, after having escaped from the Aguaruto prison on July 22 of that same year.

After the death of El Macaco, Mario Calabazas assumed the leadership of Los Calabazas and remained under the orders of Chapo Isidro, until their relationship broke down. Locals point to his cousin, nicknamed Beto Mafias, as his successor, to whom they attribute the misunderstandings that arose between him and Chapo Isidro.

Article published on August 20, 2023 in the 1073rd edition of the weekly Ríodoce.


  1. Isidro has been around for a long time, smart guy, low key. Nobody wants to mess with this guy.

    1. Always the short guys you gotta watch out for…

    2. Making 300 flee a town because you're hunting for a former subordinate/collaborator is the exact opposite of low key. I see this comment every time chapo isidro is reported on. Us gringos know who he is..thats not under the radar

    3. 1:38 AM
      A lot of these cartel capo cocksuckers love all of this shit.Many lose sight of the fact that capos are rats of the highest order and need exterminating for the damage they cause with their little armies of sicarios and convoys

    4. "I see this comment every time chapo isidro is reported on"
      To many admire these dogs who cause so much grief to mexico,we all know the undercurrent of support they have from swathes of the populace,part of the problem in fact

    5. 2:35. Well said

  2. Soooo, chapo isidro is ineffective. He displaced a whole ranch and still didn't manage to hunt down his objective?

    1. You think he superman or sum or what? Lmao

    2. So Chapo guzman is ineffective couldnt beat la linea or chapo isidro?

    3. 437 Chapo Guzmán spanked la linea and weaked chapo isidro till he couldn't fight no more.

    4. 5:19 no he didn’t jajajaja. La gente de garcia luna les hizo ‘spanked’ La gente del chapo no son de pelea. ABL los tenía cortitos en Culiacán. Ni se diga RAF.

    5. @6:33 el Isidro no pudo contra el cholo y el cholo no pudo contra el Isidro. La gente de mayo fue que no podía

    6. 6:33 por eso ABL murio en Sinaloa verdad hacieron ruido en Culichi pero no duraron mucho ahi, el Cholo Vago le metia muchos vergazos a la gente del Isidro tambien

  3. Is it true el chapo isidro involved in cd juarez?

    1. You mean like alliance with La Linea

    2. He has an alliance with La Linea and probably sends his merch to and through Juarez .. much more believable alliance than the supposed “alliance” between Linieros and Jaliskas

    3. Linces X mochomera al 100

    4. 5:28 the most unbelievable is Isidiro CDS alliance IMO

    5. 6:48 idk man it’s been a long time since you last heard of them going at it against each other

    6. Well he’s officially allied with Mayo… so I dunno how that would work… 🦉

    7. 12:42 maybe on fantasy island but in reality I dont think so.

  4. Chapo isidro si le dio Guerra al chapo guzman la vergizza que les metio isidro en tubutama saric cuando se tumbo que segun como 100 del GN comando del Diablo segun X

    1. Damn bro you barely catching up from 2008?

    2. The ambush was led by "el m4" not chapo isidro.

    3. Con la ayuda de los zetas

    4. @ Connor con la ayuda de los Zetas pudieron hacer eso. Al Isidro lo sacaron del guamúchil y le quitaron parte de Mochis ahome

    5. The ambush was led by Arnoldo del Cid (El M4 y/o el Gilo) he had control of tubutama and surrounding areas at the time.

    6. Rip to my tio mario pumpkins

  5. Mario Calabazas hired Sicario 006 to fake his death.

    Señor Sic 006 we need your comments come back.

    1. 422 El Senor 006 has been messing around with princesa Megan Markle. Word on the street was that Prince Harry is always crying about being a Royal so developed ED issues. 006 had to take care of business w Megan.

    2. says the one who can't punctuate and properly spell words in his comeback reply. you look tough...sure.

  6. He was given the option kill your self or your family pays

  7. Smashing Pumpkins… 🦉

  8. I'm no fan girl but the reality is this CDS took big losses in the war but all their enemies CDJ,zetas BLO,AFO all took way bigger losses and lost a lot more territory at the time. Now it remains to be seen who will ultimately be the strongest between CJNG and CDS. ATM seems like CJNG has more territory but they have reached their peak and I believe they are on their way down with infighting all ready starting

  9. The answer is in the article , his daughter was kidnapped . He chose to die than to have his family pay the price . It is said he was using the cartels income to his benefit. Reporting less income than the actual number so that way he would keep more and was stealing from chapo Isidro directly.

    1. I heard from people close to the giovanni kid that he tried to replace Mario's supplier to who ever he was working for and thats why they all got merked. And also that's definitely not Mario's body in that picture.

    2. @8:00

      While I agree the body doesn’t look like Calabazas, why would either Isidro or Calabazas’ people go through the trouble of trotting out a fake body if Calabazas himself was dead?

  10. Isiddro probably moves product through Sonora, that was always a plaza of his, or he had enough resources to use some of those plazas

    there was some quote from an indictment the US lists, he was at a ranch in Sonora surrounded by gunmen, with rifles, and 300 pounds of marijuana

    So, Mario killed himself. He didn't die on the run, or from dehydration, but they gave him the option, to not dishonor his family or his life, but being kidnapped and tossed on the road.

  11. Cousin F’d him to get the 👑


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