Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thousands of Flyers Distributed Against an Alleged Criminal Identified as ‘Mario Calabazas’ in Mocorito, Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This tweet was reposted and translated from LaMasakr3 Twitter account 

Mario Pumpkins 

A very fluid and tense situation in the mountains of Sinaloa in San Jose de Las Delicias, known as Las Calabazas, Bacubirito, and Sierrita de Los German.

The internal war between Mario Alberto Lugo Lara, “Mario Calabazas” and the Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, “Chapo Isidro,” faction is at a standstill. Moreover, while Chapito Isidro may not be directly involved in the current fight, it is clear that Chapito Isidro approved the decision to go after his former ally, Mario Calabazas. As I mentioned before, some key lieutenants for Chapo Isidro are El Musico, El Sagitario, and El Felino. Chapito Isidro is the former right hand of Alfredo Beltrán Leyva, "El Mochomo."

Carlos Manuel Salgado, "El Musico" with deep pockets is more of a mysterious figure who I have researched constantly, and what I can tell you is that he is just as powerful as Chapo Isidro, and his teacher was Arturo Beltrán Leyva, "Jefe de Jefes" or "Boss of Bosses."

El Musico was a financial operator for Don Arturo Beltrán Leyva, and it is said that El Musico is married to a daughter of the late Arturo Beltrán Leyva. Sagitario (English: Sagittarius) is reportedly the security chief of Chapo Isidro. 

Felino/Gato mainly controls Estacion Naranjo, Sinaloa, up to Santiago de Ocori surroundings, and can be seen as the one in charge of the Isidro forces. El Felino is also believed to be behind the death (with the approval of Chapo Isidro) of famous hitman El Macaco who escaped from the Aguaruto prison alongside Julian Grimaldi Paredes "El Finaciero" or "G5". 

Santiago de Ocori, Sinaloa 

Estacion Naranjo, Sinaloa 

I also wanted to shared a comment made on a previous articles I posted about Chapo Isidro VS Los Calabazas, on how tension started brewing between Isidro forces and Mario Calabazas.

I wanted to say to to all Borderland Beat readers we highly value your insight, and thank you for continuously reading our Borderland Beat site. 

"It all starts with Maria Leon Rubio being a lover of Mario calabazas, she was fed up with power, during the 2021 elections in Sinaloa de Leyva, decisions were made by Leon Rubio to kill 2 of Morena's political rivals, they stole the elections and killed Esteban Lopez Beltran and Roman Rubio Lopez.

The Chapito Isidro cartel knew there was a problem because after Leon Rubio finished her term she was missing millions of pesos in public infrastructure.
Again she tried to return to the chair with the support of calabazas.
When she was killed everyone knew it was silence because it was more trouble than help.

Mario did not like it... but the Chapito Isidro cartel has a new plan for the political map in this territory, they are the last bastion in north of Sinaloa.

Most likely El Gato is going to control that area, he has a very different approach when it comes to pressuring people for his own benefit...Mario Calabazas was a hot head."

Today twitter account LaMasakr3 posted pictures of flyers distributed in Mocorito, Sinaloa, warning Mario Calabazas that Isidro forces will go after him at all cost. 


"📸 #Mocorito, #Sinaloa

Hundreds of flyers against an alleged criminal identified as "Mario Calabazas" appeared this Thursday morning in the streets of Mocorito and in some neighborhoods of Guamúchil such as Militar and "6 de Enero", the latter located behind the temporary shelter where at least 90 displaced people are sheltered, as well as along Matamoros Avenue towards the Eustaquio Buelna dam.

With different messages, but demanding his surrender, they warn "Mario Calabazas" to turn himself in because his family is suffering a lot.

Apparently, a rival group of "Mario Calabazas" has been depriving his family of their freedom for several days somewhere in the mountains of the Sinaloa municipality.

It is worth mentioning that almost eight days ago, in several towns in this mountainous area, heavy gun battles broke out, a violent situation that forced hundreds of families to flee and take refuge in Guamúchil."@LaMasakr3

"Mario Calabazas all your family is suffering because of your fault! You have caused lots of suffering to the population! We will not stop! We are going after you. Rat and Traitor!"


  1. “ Felino can be seen as the one in charge of the Isidro forces. El Felino is also believed to be behind the death (with the approval of Chapo Isidro) of famous hitman El Macaco who escaped from the Aguaruto prison alongside Julian Grimaldi Paredes "El Finaciero" or "G5". ” May we ask why Macaco was given the green light? Did Macaco switch sides? Only asking because if I remember correctly before he escaped prison leaving a message saying that Chapo Isidro had his back. But now it’s saying Chapo Isidro gave the approval to take him out.

    1. More than likely because he was a liability since that escape brought down a lot of heat frm the government.

    2. It was believed that Felino saw him as a rival as well

    3. I remember at the time - a BB reader mentioned that Macaco’s arrest has a gunfight that had one of Gatos relatives killed. Gato getting his revenge killed 2 birds with 1 stone

    4. @1131 — Macaco… two birds… I see what you did there

  2. A matter of time Nini vs felino war erups Ivan doesn't like others to have a bigger reputation that his and Chapo ISIDRO name is gaining a immense reputation day by day A veteran of war with the highest medals a man can earn in combat

    1. Chapos isidros reputation has been solid for years now, ever since the blo/cds war broke. Wtf are you talking about?

    2. Isidro basically dismantled los ántrax. He’s been a certified legend in the game

    3. @5:40 I doubt it they have a truce with no problems. El chuta has people in and around la gente del Isidro

    4. @10:35 Isidro and los chapos pretty much did

    5. @11:23 y los charros de chalo más bien

  3. How powerful is mario calabazas

  4. Le quieren sacar toda la calabaza.

  5. Dang man it sounds like they are hella entrenched in this part of Sinaloa wow very fascinating…interesting to see how chaps isdrio has stayed in the game for so long

    1. Dude been around for so long that he joined amado's organization when he was a kid. It amazes me how he hasn't been caught. He's like a mini mayo zamabada.

    2. Hes been a captured a few times but let go

    3. @720 — considering Amado worked for Mayo, I am not surprised now by the truce now with Isidro…

      Yes, Amado worked FOR Mayo.. read Vicente’s book El Traidor… you’ll learn about his papa’s CUBAN roots as well.

  6. Char:
    Your research and sharing information with us is greatly appreciated.

  7. El musico se llama Carlos Manuel Salgado. Gente de ABL. era su cuñado. Le compuse el corrido del ayudante de tameapa

    1. Busque el corrido y no lo encontre. Tambien agregare que el musico fue indicted por el gobierno Americano en el 2009.

    2. El Musico compuso el corrido para ABL "El Ayudante"

    3. Mi compadre me acompaña y tambien es mi cuñado, es el angel de mi guardia, anda bien empecherado.
      Carlitos de Tameapa, 23 el Musico. Compadre de Don Arturo. This is the first article I see stating his full name. Good shit Char

    4. Le compro el musico una harley Davidson a ABL. Asi descubrieron su identidad

  8. El Felino/El Gato controls Estacion Naranjo, SIN up to Santiago De Ocoroni, SIN and surrounding areas.

  9. they had said i forgot where that chapitos were behind the killing of el G5. so now isidro was the one behind it, and mayo trying to have an alliance. wasnt he his ppl

    1. Nowhere does it say he killed G5, it says he approved the killing of Macaco the guy who escaped prison together with G5

    2. El G5 was killed by Los Chapitos

      El Macaco was killed by El Felino lieutenant of Chapo Isidro

  10. What does a financial operator do in the cartel ?

    1. 7:08 operates the finances of the cartel 🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. 7:08 Negociar con proveedores. Manejar los fondos de lavado de dinero. La contabilidad. Los pagos de sobornos a policías y políticos. Pagarle nómina a su gente. Etc.

  11. Is this the same el musico who helped the twins secure their freedom in pv, then mencho drove them back to Punta de mita.

    1. Same musico, twins where distributing before the war started in cds vs blo , i think they started with blo so musico was def present

  12. Los chapitos nunca an podido con el chapo Isidro

    1. 10:21 los chapitos nunca han peleado contra chapo isidro y aunque estan medios pendejos no estan tan pendejos para atorarle, si su papa no pudo ni con la ayuda de los federales, estos niños no en sus perros sueños le haven sombra

    2. @10:21 le quitaron parte de Los Mochis. Y lo sacaron de guamúchil. Sacaron a los mazatlecos de Mazatlán

    3. 10:56 como se ve que ni sabes nada el 22 punked el chapito isidro 😂

    4. 3:42 en que corrido "super real" escuchaste eso?

  13. Is this the same Musico that the Twins mentioned in the 50cent pod cast?

  14. I am not sure where sagitario comes into play here. You stated he is a security chief for Isidro. But the guy is in a wheelchair Can not walk so I have my doubts he is security chief for Isidro. But most definitely he is a player in the cartel

    1. How do you know that he’s in a wheelchair?


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