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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Three Armed Men Captured on Camera Crossing Border into Texas

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Three men wearing tactical vests and carrying guns, believed to be members of a Mexican criminal organization, were seen operating in Fronton, southern Texas reported Fox News citing a law enforcement source.

Still images from what appears to be a trail camera show three men walking in single file on a path through wooded brush. The footage is from Saturday night, August 5.

According to Fox News, Border Patrol agents and the Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) were deployed in response, but were not able to locate the men.

Images: FOX News

According to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, this region is a "heavy cartel area with significant drug smuggling".

This is not the first time in recent months that alleged members of a Mexican criminal group were observed or caught operating across the border. In early June, five armed alleged members of the Cartel del Noroeste were captured on US soil by Border Patrol. Texas authorities reported seeing other men on trail cameras.

Further, this region has a history of attacks from criminals on Border Patrol agents. On January 1st, 2022, Border Patrol agents were shot at by gunmen in Mexico while apprehending an illegal migrant by the Rio Grande river. No agents were injured, but a Border Patrol vehicle was damaged. The following month, Border Patrol issued a warning to its agents in the Rio Grande Valley region that criminal groups in Mexico were discussing killing Border Patrol agents in the region.

Image: Washington Examiner

In August 2019, Border Patrol agents were fired upon by at least fifty rounds from an automatic weapon from four men standing on the riverbank on the Mexican side, reported the Dallas Morning News. No agents were injured.

On the Mexican Side

Fronton, Texas borders the small town of Los Guerra in the Municipality of Miguel Alemán, Tamaulipas. Northern Tamaulipas is hotly contested between two criminal groups, the "Metros" faction of the Gulf Cartel, and the Cartel del Noroeste (CDN). The town of Los Guerra, just across from Fronton, is currently controlled by the CDN, although Los Metros are involved in the region as well, according to Borderland Beat writer Itzli, who focuses on the region. 

In June 2023, Los Metros launched a counter attack in Los Guerra which killed Jose Martin Cardenas Garcia "El Chilli Willy", a CDN boss, as reported by Borderland Beat.

Sources: Bill Melugin Twitter August, FOX News, Bill Melugin Twitter June, Valley Central, Dallas Morning News, Washington Examiner 2/22, Borderland Beat Archives June 2023, Correspondence with Borderland Beat writer Itzli


  1. Imagine the outrage from Mexico if three armed American gringos were to be spotted patrolling on the Mexican border

    1. Texas state tropper crossed into mexico armed . Your right mexico was outrage

    2. There's pictures of militia men crossing the Mexican border.

    3. That already happens. There are literally far-right “border vigilantes” who patrol the U.S.-Mexico border. If these gunmen got through, then that’s fault of border patrol and those self proclaimed “border vigilantes”.

    4. You go to jail in Mexico even crossing accidentally with a .22 cartridge in your truck…

    5. Hysterical outrage from good old mexicanos towards the hated gringo,lets keep it real

    6. How about the innocent people the border patrol has killed on the mexican side of the border. Shooting kids for throwing rocks, shooting people that were further down in town that had no idea anything was going on. Imagine your standing in front of a store not that far from the border, minding your own business and bam, you get hit by a bullet, not knowing where it came from or why. The border patrol have shot and killed quite a few innocent people for shooting into Mexico. There was no uproar. No prosecution, no suspendsion, nothing. The good ol US of A, always just, always true.🤢🤮

    7. 1:41pm lets keep it real for once . Mexican people like all people do some crazy things . But we dont hate gringos . We dont hate anybody . We just want to make a lil money to feed our families. Dont push your hate agenda .

  2. Difficult job being a border patrol agent. They don’t get paid enough. Dealing with armed gang members

    1. When was the last time you heard of a border patrol agent getting killed by armed gang members ? You are way more likely to get killed working as a U.S. police officer, than you are working as a border patrol agent.,(when%20data%20are%20available).

    2. @11:14 it may have been a long time since the last death of a BP agent, but that does not make it an easy job. Do you think the Cato Institite chart is a comforting consolation for Border Patrol agents who have to stare cartel guys down? the article mentioned two times they were shot at recently

    3. Its not an easy job and thankless considering the hate Mexicans have for them for daring to stop them crossing illegally.How dare they

    4. Border patrol is the institution with the most corruption. Lots of them have gotten arrested for allowing drugs to cross the boarder, amoungst other corrupt actions. Don't believe me, look it up.

    5. @ 8.15. Oh man, Border Patrol rarely deal with armed gang members, let alone anybody that would be a threat to their life.. They deal with desperate hungry people, women with sick or dehydrated children, exhausted refugees who have been separated from the people, often family members, they have been travelling with, orphans, people from central America who have been forced to flee and have spent weeks risking everything they have just to get to the border.

    6. 9:33 don't be so fucking naive. Jesus christ...the bleeding heart bullshit...spare us. They deal with everything they come into contact with. It's not just poor sick families jumping across the border. They exist for a reason. An open border is not sustainable for anyone.

    7. Wicho and his brother from CDG literally got picked up by BP after fleeing a gun battle...hardly a desperate starting family

  3. If they kill an agent even the maricons who are in charge of are government will bring the wrath of god down on this scum!!on the other hand I have seen over the years so called bounties on the heads of law enforcement which is for the most part is propaganda by unions representing the agents and our government!!they leraned their lessons from the Camarea case!!💀💀💀💀🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇲🇽🇲🇽

    1. Where do they post these bounties

    2. They don’t it’s gossip that makes it’s way to the media!!

  4. I hope DeSantis wins for president, so our military can take action in Mexico. After 40 years of voting 1st time im voting REPUBLICAN.

    1. Ur a retard , why would we take military action with any of our neighboring countries ? Thats not very smart . I dont think u want to bring a war to our border, thats one of the biggest advantages of the US , is that it doesnt have any enemies to its borders , and what makes u think mexico will allow us to just take “action” in their country

    2. Queretaro is right, plus is Desanta going to bring out his white gogó boots and patrol the Rio like Cruz? All the weapons on this border are supplied by the good ole USA so maybe you should focus on the American addict and gun problems before considering a military intervention in a neighboring country

    3. 8:39 - Dude, Trump said the exact same thing about sending the U.S. military into Mexico to combat the cartels and guess what, he never did. Kind of like how he never got Mexico to pay for the wall either. He didn’t even designate the cartels as terrorists.

    4. Vote for trump ! me as Mexican American I’m voting trump

  5. More like they didn't want to locate the men

  6. This isn’t a surprise there here already you know that and I know that

  7. What are you talking about ? That already happens. There are literally far-right “border vigilantes” who patrol the U.S.-Mexico border. If these guys got through, then that’s fault of border patrol and those self proclaimed “border vigilantes”.

    1. What’s your source

    2. There are border vigilante groups. They are not associated with the government or law enforcement in any way.

      An example:

    3. Further details:

    4. with respect, Hearst, the mission text on the website you linked claims they are not. it would seem to be a group not do different from BB in actuality.
      "nor are we a militia. Our objective is not to overthrow any government, or take the law into our own hands. We are not here to replace the Border Patrol. We operate within the scope of the law as citizens, by observing and reporting what we see. We take the law very seriously, and to that end we ensure our members are knowledgeable in the applicable areas of law that govern civil rights, use of force, citizens arrest and many more."

      and the wikipedia article reads that the AZ BR removed a member who wanted to be a vigilantee

    5. My bad everyone. My comment at 9:06 was suppose to be a response to someone else’s comment.

    6. @10:08

      With all due respect, there's absolutely no similarity between a website which reports information on cartel groups... and a militia group who think it's their job to patrol the border with guns in hand, hoping to perform citizen arrests. A militia group, which you acknowledge, has a history of members acting as vigilantes.

      Seems like a bunch of tacti-cool bros who want to LARP as border patrol agents on the weekends.

    7. You mean the “Tacticool posers” who never served in the military and get all patriotic flag waving and shit!

    8. 10:08 And what about the videos put out by some AZ BR guys where they are on the mexican side of the border and they creep up to some guy sleeping on the floor and wake him up with their guns pointed at him. It seemed and felt like they were going to kill him. They don't show how it ends, so who knows what happened.

  8. Can be nice day out in the desert, laying down with your high powered rifle, sipping some tequilas, smoking some blunts and shooting at armed foreigners crossing the border.

    1. Yeah huh, alot of them vigilantees wouldn't be there no more. The minute men, az border recon, etc

  9. My poor town getting destroyed to pieces!! This is where I spent my childhood summers and roaming the streets with impunity and nothing to worry about because everything was peaceful. Now every time somebody goes to visit our house—It is only to repair bullet holes and see the destruction caused by the cartels. And just a few months ago my relatives had to get my uncle out of that danger zone bc violence has no limits there. My children will never get to visit the area where I spent all my childhood summers. Los Guerra was my playground, and another hometown to me. I dearly miss it, but I am grateful that my grandmother did not live to see this day.

  10. Are they smuggling anything? Or just walking around armed? It looks like they all have backpacks. If not smuggling anything then why walk around the border? To protect territory from rivals?

  11. United States Far Right Militia members have cross the border and there's no outrage by these right wingers that hate Mexicans/Latinos...

    1. Wonder why,stay whining

    2. Vato bullshit,what was your point again?Racism shit?Mexicans arent racist are they,but so fuckin what,you hate me and i fuckin hate you.Its easy with cunts like you

    3. 7:42 Mr. No period take a chill pill 💊.

  12. The us government enters Mexico every day

  13. We didn't cross the border the border crossed us.!!

  14. Undercover CIA operatives crossing the border is all this is

    1. For reals dude, Shiver my Timbers, Gag me with a spoon.

    2. Undercover CIA, when crossing the border, probably remember to make a point of doing it without being photographed by the border patrol, who have more leaks than the Iranian navy, doncha think?


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