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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Three Bodies of "Los Pelones" Gang Left With Narco Message in Tulum, Quintana Roo

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Image: Por Esto!
The bodies of three people, possibly "Los Pelones" gang members, were left next to a trash dump in southern Tulum on Monday with a threatening message accusing them of being involved in drug sales.

The bodies were found by workers on Monday morning alongside the Tulum – Felipe Carrillo Puerto highway, just next to a dump. The message threatens Los Pelones, a criminal group operating in the Tulum region which focuses on drug sales in the tourist bar areas of town. The message references that the victims sold "material" independently, a reference to selling drugs.

Drug consumption and drug dealing have become widespread in Tulum, a popular coastal vacation spot on the Caribbean coast of Quintana Roo state. Several criminal groups contest the city, which is valuable because of the 2,000,000 tourists who visit annually, some of whom purchase drugs.

According to Óscar Montes de Oca, the Quintana Roo Attorney General, recent violence is related to a fracturing within Los Pelones, which has split into three factions, he stated in May 2023. The fissures in the group were apparent last year. In August 2022, six bodies were found by authorities after an operation against Los Pelones. The victims were allegedly Los Pelones members, killed over an internal dispute related to selling drugs purchased from a rival group. 

The message said:

The plaza has an owner, this will happen to the Pelones and all of the people who sell material independently and to the chilangos, align with us.

"Chilangos" is a slang term for someone from Mexico City.

Sources: Cambio 22 8/28/22, Noticias Tulum 8/28/22, Por Esto! 8/28/22, Riviera Maya News 8/15/22, La Verdad de Noticias 5/22/23


  1. Border patrol police narco unit needs to be created, to have clearance to make raids in local cities Federally funded.

  2. Which Cartel operates in this plaza

    1. Cártel del Pacífico
      Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG)
      Cártel del Golfo
      Los Pelones
      Pura Gente Nueva
      La Familia Epitacio
      La Familia Valencia

    2. El Huaso. I saw you liked that article on "X". Will you be posting it or is too old and irrelevant?

    3. Hello! @11:11, which article do you mean?

    4. Saludos El Huaso. The Venezuelan story. Thank you for your hard work. You write great stories here!

    5. Thanks for reading and thanks for your comment! I personally don't know much about Venezuela so I don't think I will cover it. I like to focus on messages in Mexico, Guanajuato, and drug labs.

      Best, Huaso

  3. All those groups operating in Tulum? I'm surprised that more bodies are not dropping.

    1. I would guess there is a tacit agreement to keep violence down. They don't want Tulum to go the way of Acapulco.

  4. These on here will start blaming tourists for the drug spots in Quintana Roo lmao


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