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Thursday, August 24, 2023

US Republican Debate: Their Answers on Sending US Forces into Mexico, AMLO, & Pressuring Mexico To Do More on Cartels

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

Last night, Republican presidential hopefuls answered questions about if they would send US special forces into Mexico to take out fentanyl labs and drug cartel operations. They also commented on President AMLO's willingness to take on cartels, the use of lethal force on the border, and designating cartels as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs).

The Debate

On August 23, 2023, the first 2024 Republican primary debate was held. The presidential candidates were asked about how they would handle drug smuggling at the southern border and Mexican cartel groups. 

The debate, in full, can be watched at this link. 

The following is a direct transcript of their comments on these specific issues. 

Doug Burgum

Doug Burgum, Governor of North Dakota

We can solve the southern border. Absolutely, we can do that because guess what? 

There’s only 19,855 authorized people for the border patrol but they’re not all [considered to be] staff because the Biden administration does not reinforce law enforcement. 

But the Biden administration wanted to put 87,000 [new staff] in the IRS instead of giving the money and the support we need to our own border patrol. 



Same question to you, Tim Scott.

Tim Scott

Tim Scott, Senator from South Carolina

Lets fire the 87,000 IRS agents and hire – or double- the number of border patrol agents. 

I just left Yuma, Arizona, about two weeks ago. The most pressing need of the American people from a Nation Security standpoint is our southern border. 

It has led to the death of 70,000 Americans because of fentanyl plus six million illegal crossings since President Biden has taken office and 200 people on our national security watch list have been caught at our border. How many have not been caught at our southern border? 

If we just spend ten billion dollars, we could finish the wall. For five billion more, we could have the military-grade technology to surveil our southern border to stop the flow of fentanyl and save 70,000 Americans a year. 

That should be the priority of this government and as the next President of the United States, I will make that border wall complete.



I do want to ask -

Doug Burgum

Doug Burgum, Governor of North Dakota

I do want to say I couldn’t agree more. It’s not just the 70,000 from fentanyl, we’ve lost 200,000 people to overdoses since Biden took office. That’s 300 people a day. We’re taking mass casualties - and that’s a statistic but these are sons and daughters, nieces and nephews that we’re losing. 

We’ve got North Dakota troops down there flying night helicopter missions from San Diego to the Gulf Coast, trying to stop these Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs). They’ve got better funding on their side then we’ve got on our side.



Speaking of which, Governor Hutchinson – (interruption)

Earlier this month, images showed suspected cartel members crossing into Texas with rifles [more information on this story here], do you consider this an invasion? Would you authorize lethal force along that border?


Asa Hutchinson

Asa Hutchinson, Former Governor of Arkansas, Former Head of the DEA (from 2001 - 2003)

There would be lethal force used by the Border Patrol and law enforcement, as needed, in order to protect the border - absolutely. 

When you look at the military - the military has to be used for intelligence gathering purposes. This is not unusual.

When I was in the Bush administration, we went down there and met with President Vicente Fox of Mexico and asked for his help in going after the cartels. And he looked at me and said to me 'They’re a problem to us, as well.' 

And so, we joined together and we took down the Arellano Felix brothers who were leading the Tijuana Cartel and that made a difference. Ramon was shot and killed. And Benjamin was captured. 

Cooperation makes a difference. We cannot be successful going against the cartels unless we bring in Mexico as a partner.

We have to use economic pressure to accomplish that. President Obrador has not been helpful. And we have to use economic pressure that this administration is not using. 

The rule of law has to matter on both sides. This is critical. I’ve done it, I know what needs to be done – the military has to be limited in it’s use.

After 9/11, we had the global war on terror and guess what? We protected the southern border at the same time. You can do both. [Referencing an earlier disagreement about the ability to help Ukraine while also securing the southern border.]



Ok. Let’s go to Governor DeSantis. So, as president, would you support sending US Special Forces over the border, into Mexico, in order to take out fentanyl labs, to take out drug cartel operations – would you support that kind of American military use?


Ron Desantis

Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida

Yes, and I will do it on day one. Here's the thing. The cartels are killing tens of thousands of our fellow citizens. You want to talk about a country in decline? You have the cartels controlling a lot of part of your southern border. 

We have to reestablish the rule of law and we have to defend our people. The president of the United States has got to use all available powers as commander-in-chief to protect our country and to protect the people.

So when they’re coming across, yes, we’re going to use lethal force. Yes, we reserve the right to operate.

How many more ten of thousands are we going to let to die? I am sick of it. I’ve met Angel Moms [organization of mothers whose children have died from fentanyl poisoning] throughout this country. 

I met a lady in Texas named Tracy and her son took one Percocet that was laced with fentanyl. He immediately died. That is happening all across this country because of the poison that they are bringing in.

So as President, would I use force? Would I treat them as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs)? You’re darn right I would.  



Former Vice President Pence, why would you be better at this issue than Governor DeSantis? Governor DeSantis, on the campaign trail, refers to your administration as ‘not finishing the wall.’

Mike Pence


Mike Pence, Former Vice President

Right, right, look, we secured the southern border of the United States of America and reduced illegal immigration and asylum abuse by 90%. When Joe Biden took over, he threw open the southern border of the United States and the wave of humanity, the wave of fentanyl, that’s been so eloquently described here,  as a wave of human tragedy across this country. 

But Martha [name of one of the moderators], you began this evening talking about who is best prepared to be the next president of the United States. 

And I have to tell you with all humility, I was there when we negotiated through the government shut down and got the funding available to build the wall. I was negotiating on Capitol Hill around the clock. I negotiated the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy on behalf of the President of the United States.


And Asa [Hutchinson], you’re so right. It’s because we used economic pressure to bring the Mexicans to the table and they allowed us to have people wait in Mexico while they applied for asylum. It ended asylum abuse overnight. 

We got the Mexicans to deploy their National Guard to their southern border and to our southern border – as never before. And I want to promise you, as President of the United States of America, I will engage with Mexico in that exact same way. And we will partner with the Mexican military and we will hunt down and destroy the cartels that are claiming lives in the United States of America.



 Source: Video of the Full Debate



  1. Did that guy just try to give the U.S. credit for Ramon being shot and killed?

    1. Yep. Proof that once again politicians do not know what they’re talking about.

    2. He’s probably the guy who got the deals done with Mayo and chapo

    3. Tying himself to Vicente Fox is certainly an interesting choice, given how much we know about his corruption today.

    4. 11:31
      Mr. Manta
      Well Come back!!!

  2. shout out to Ramon Arellano Felix by some obscure former federal prosecutor from Kentucky

    thought that had nothing to do with US efforts, or it would be a stretch to say so

    none of them have any idea how trafficking works
    I don't expect politicians to be able to 100% describe the way it works, but none of them seem to have any real idea

    Hearst could brief those guys better than their staffers and so

    1. Hutchinson was head of DEA during that time period. So he should know better than anyone that the policies he’s pushing don’t work.

    2. Shout out? I don’t think he can hear you down in the grave

  3. These guys have no clue, they spill BS and their followers eat it up. The wall is not going to stop drugs, everyone knows how the drugs come in. If you don’t want asylum seekers then stop the useless war on drugs. America created instability in Mexico and wants to blame Mexico. America has a problem with drug addicts and wants to blame Mexico. Anyone who has been by the border knows it’s not open, there isn’t an overflow of immigrants partying by the border. If you cause instability in someone’s else’s country, be prepared to take them in.

    1. You got it backwards. Whether you want to admit it or not, the drug trade is putting food on families tables from the jungles of Peru to the border in Texas. Legalizing drugs will not stop migration. Haha! Please elaborate on this info you pulled out of your bungalow.

    2. Amen your self back to church....

    3. I don't think anybody is pretending it will stop migration. It might stop entire sections of central Americas poorest from having to flee the violence caused by their own armies allying with corrupt organisations. Follow the numbers and the influx, and the countries they come from. It isn't a coincidence. It is the WAR on drugs that forces people to flee North, and the ''food on families tables'' that makes them stay. You're the one that has it ass backwards.

  4. Over 200 million and counting have watched Tucker Carlson's interview with Trump last night...less than 30 million watched the debate.

    1. Fuck Tramp and Tucker Carlson!

      Semper Fi

    2. Free Trump! These guys suck

    3. No mames 200 million!!! He paid Putin to have it on Russia and China TV???

    4. Good wrap-up, Ms. H..
      Whether you love trump or hate him, you must admit the Donald's Fulton Cty. Jail booking photo looks like Lucifer incarnate..

    5. All you Trump haters are in for one hell of a surprise in 2024. OH YEAH! I cannot wait till Trump gets his second term.

    6. The Bozo won't get elected.
      He is in deep water, legal matters he brought on himself.
      I love his new mugshot.

    7. 1130 get a wife or a life not an advice

    8. @2.07. Jeffrey Dahmer would have got more. Chapo Guzman would have got more, in an interview with Tucker Carlson.
      What is your point?

  5. I’m sorry but GOOD


  6. Sicario #006 would destroy a whole platoon of Tier 1 Special Forces Operators . Delta C.A.G ,Navy Seals Team 6 Devgru,FBI HRT, Green Berets are no match for the self proclaimed Mexican Rambo-James Bond.

    1. Let's Go Republicans

    2. sicarios dont have professional predator drones

  7. VOTE REPUBLICAN. De Santis will send troops into Mexico. It also will make Mex citizens feel safer.

    1. Lol would never happen

    2. 1:11
      It will happen 😂 lol.
      Mexican curupt government can't take care of Mexico, they are in bed with the Cartels.

    3. 9:38 You are right it will happen, just like Trump made mexico pay for his top of the line inpassable super wall 😂😂😂

  8. Replies
    1. Look how bad Florida got..

    2. DeSantis and Pence have no chance in 2024....

    3. Look at Biden how the hell did he get elected even if was true previous election was stolen then what's makes it different on 2024?

    4. 11:39

      Trump lover.
      You believe anything he says.👎

  9. And not a word about stemming addiction in the USA?

    1. That's the real answer. Removing the stigma from drug addiction and easy, immediate, and free access to quality drug rehabs.

    2. You wish it was that easy. But if you allow users to use such as in Portland and other scumholes, then you dont get to many people going to treatment. It does not work that way. I dont care if you have a center on every block. You are just pushing the same old BS that has been tried already. Think of something new so you sound intelligent, not like a liberal that wears prada and high heels.

    3. I am an ex heroin addict. I know the struggles and hurdles addicts face to get quality treatment. I could lay out the reality of things, but it would be a super long comment and for whatever reason I can't ever make longer comments or they just error when I try to publish.

    4. 11:39
      Glad to hear you got clean.

    5. @cbc1972. Have you studied the results? Every single program everywhere I have ever lived shows a drop in crime, an improvement in the lives of the addicts, the ones closest to them, and the communities they live in. The police love it, the health workers love it, and the local authorities love it, right up to the point that they need to answer to people who can't tell the truth for fear of being called Soft On Drugs. It's never the community that is most directly affected that hate the schemes that give addicts free Diamorphine, for example, because they know exactly the good it does. It's always the people who never gave a shit in the first place, whining about where their taxes go to.

    6. @10.56. I was the dude ranting about getting Diamorphine prescriptions. My bad, I thought you were saying those programs don't work. You were saying that rehab won't be much use if... Fair enough.
      I get an itchy trigger finger some nights.

    7. @2:12 Thank you. I'm still trying to repair everything I fucked up in my life. I went back to college and recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Hoping to get my first software developer job soon.

    8. @6:39 Excellent comment.

      I tried to get clean so many times over the course of years. Every time I worked up the nerve to go to rehab, there were never available beds in the rehabs I could get into. Most addicts have no money or any resources. All the for-profit rehabs that cost $30k - $100k+, I never met a heroin addict that could afford to go there.

  10. Wagner leader faked his death

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 2:26:
      He was taken out by Putin.

    3. Everybody knows that if you cross Putin you die. No fakery.

    4. Wagner leader got whacked by puttin for being a fucking idiot. All you stupid ass conspiracy theorists need a life.

    5. 2:26
      Humpty Dumpty faked his Death.

    6. Wagner leader straight up got blown out of the sky by a missile. Stop trying to put a spin on the OBVIOUS.

    7. 1057 that's dumb. There's no missile trail you idiot. They usually leave a trail of smoke.

      Nothing adds up. Russian government hasn't even confirmed. That's why DNA test are being done on recovered bodies.

    8. @11.51. The entire Wagner forces have been told to sign up or else. The main Wagner funder has been arrested. I was dubious at first because his ''death by plane crash'' has happened before so I thought it might be a stunt of his, but this is different. Everything adds up, it just hasn't been revealed in full.

  11. Anybody watching Contraband: seized at the border on HBO Max? Pretty good. In about episode 3 it shows a map of Texas and "Messico". Should AMLO cause a ruckus about that?

  12. It's the Republicans fault. Giving guns out like candy. America is getting to expensive. Greed. Good old boys. That's why so many countries are pissed. A bunch of spoiled Republicans

    1. 313 a rambling comment that’s not based on any facts by some idiot that thinks the current administration is doing anything good for the country…. You left racism there genius

    2. 3:18
      I regret to inform your immature thinking. Guns are not given out, they are sold. Background check is done, person is finger printed. Dios Mio next thing you will say...ALMO is your father.

    3. 3:18 that’s the democrats

  13. Bruh. U.S politicians debating on how they gonna attack other countries to feel safer at home? Lol

    1. ALMO does nada, USA will do something amgo.

    2. Like they did in Afghanistan or Iraq?

      Witch one will México end up looking like amigo @3:58

    3. 3:58 De verdad yo estoy cansado de Amlo

    4. VIVA AMLO!!!
      VIVA LA 4T!!!

    5. 931 so what do you suggest?

    6. Que se vaya a la reata el amloco

  14. What's next? DeSantis going to Gaddafi, AMLO?

  15. As a national Mexican, I agree we need to work with the USA government to deter and disable Narco-terrorist inside Mexico. They made points that the educated class in Mexico agree which is that we can not longer let these narcos do as they please. Not if the Mexican government defines themselves as a first world country and it must be done. at the end, we are more good Mexicans that want to see our land well and grow. We can not longer see the other way and those that want that well you must not love your patria. As mexicans/ and all those who cherish the mexican land must love it enough to know that these cartels have gone too far to mess with hard working people. Now do not get my message wrong i am not here to tell you what to pick in matters of politics. BUT YES drug trade and human trafficking is a complex problem that need both countries working collectively to lower it.
    Unfortunately, Mexico is not doing their part and pushing them with the NAFTA agreement is a great way to remind them that something big can be lost if they continue to oversee all their corruption and sending troops to Mexican soil is an option that unfortunately i agree with Robin.

    1. We will cooperate on reducing drug trafficking if they cooperate on reducing the handing out of guns assault rifles to just about anyone . It as easy to order an assault rifle on line as it is to order a pair of shoes it’s absolutely disgusting. So yes I’m glad Mexico is finally standing up and letting the US know they need to do their part as well, because they have direct responsibility to the overall matter .

    2. Mexico needs to arm its citizens bam problem solved now not just the bad guys have guns….

    3. @649 what a stupid comment. First, there's no such thing as an "assault rifle." It literally does not exist. Next, you cannot simply "order one online" without going through all the checks and requirements you do when purchasing in person. Finally, given that there is no rule of law in Mexico (this cannot be reasonably debated), who do you suppose let's the guns cross the border? It's certainly not US customs or border patrol. I live here in Mexico so I'm not speaking as some outsider. Mexico and its people will not prosper until it tackles the deeply embedded systemic issues of corruption, insecurity, and impunity and enforce the rule of law. No one on the American side is so disillusioned to think that collectively we can entirely stop drugs from entering. What we do object to is having a criminal government to our South. Now, as much as politicians engage in rhetoric (sending US troops here is rhetoric), what they won't say (for reasons of relations with a trade partner on our border) is that the government is criminal. There can be no serious debate on this point. None. And a criminal government on our border that does not enforce the law, and that is so closely entwined with DTO's that structurally there's no clear lines relative to who the bad guys are, is intolerable. Say what you want about the US, guns, etc. We certainly have had and have our share of organized crime and less organized crime but the government certainly hasn't sanctioned it like here in Mexico.

    4. Yeah, they do, but are no more deadly than a regular rifle. They just look more menacing.

    5. 1153 and 1221 the stupid is deep here. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN "ASSAULT RIFLE." Literally google what I just wrote and EDUCATE yourself.

    6. 10:15
      You need to wake ya azz up.
      Wtf you think an AR-15 is?
      Wtf you think a AK-47 is?
      Talk about educating yourself.

    7. 6:27 😂 The AR in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” AR-15 and other semi-automatic rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic — a machine gun.

    8. @621 EXACTLY and 627 you're agnorant. That's arrogantly ignorant. It's one thing to be ignorant of a topic, but to be arrogantly ignorant is inexcusable. You should definitely be asking more questions than making statements.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Mexicans for Republicans 2024 al 💯

    1. Republicans hate mexicans the thing we are all criminal rapist border jumpers. Fuck them.

    2. Don't care what u Say I'm voting republican 2024

    3. 4:07 Mexican here my vote is for Donald trump

    4. 4:49
      You can't vote, if you're not registered to vote in the US.

    5. 11:24 I meant American Mexican you get what I’m saying

    6. Ahuevo! Puro Donald trump 🇺🇸

  18. Lol all these dudes are 🤡 🤡 . It's funny when stupid people try to act smart. Shout out to the rep. Party.

  19. Tim Scott is the only one with concrete ideas. Good ideas as well

    1. Too bad the republican party is trump trash only these days.

    2. Another politician spewing the same hopes and dreams bullshit.

    3. Oh shit. Are you one of the early Trump Trolls attacking sites like this? Same thing happened before the last election. Barely literate and the same comment repeated 3 times by the same person wherever they could say what they were trying to say. You could tell last time because they kept spelling ''Asinine'' wrong.

  20. Let’s try checking / x-raying all Mex bound traffic for weapons & valuables (cash) , then the Guat/Mex border, then wackamole.

    1. It is the job of Mexican Customs, to check what is coming into Mexico.
      But then again Mexican customs get bribes and stuff still comes into Mexico.

    2. The US also stops people going south that look suspicious. Believe me, I got caught with a warrant while driving at border check point on US side

  21. So they are trying to do what Russia did to Ukraine and called it a war? Hypocrites that de santis is a moron and was never in the military

    1. @1043 I don't know what's lost in the translation, because a friend here in MX recently made a comment that he is under the impression that the US would invade Mx. That's is certainly not what is being discussed and I'm not sure how Mexicans have this impression. Not only is it not being discussed, it would never happen. What they are speaking of is sending US troops to fight Mexican and eliminate cartels - the most common iteration of which is with the cooperation of your government (the only way it would happen) and with some fringe rhetoric about doing it independently (would never ever happen).

  22. Need to punish the banks that launnder the $$

  23. The winner in the 2024 election, will be a Democrat.

  24. Wouldn’t be fair cartels would be exterminated…America always trying to bully

    1. 8:22 The Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in 2021, twenty years after their ouster by U.S. troops. Under their harsh rule, they have cracked down on women's rights and neglected basic services.🤣

    2. U.S military with Apache helicopters, unmanned drones and all the technology in the world and still could defeat the huarachudos Talibanes


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