Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Video Shows Venezuelan Drug Trafficker Thrown into the Ocean Alive

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A fugitive Venezuelan drug trafficker known as "El Taliban" was dumped alive in the ocean with his hands zip-tied and an anchor around his waist for stealing around 200 kilos of cocaine, and cash, from a cartel.

Reinaldo "El Taliban" Fuentes Campos, 68, was seen bound and had been gagged, with blood stains on the back of his head, in the Caribbean Sea near Martinique. He is then dumped overboard and left to drown on July 17, after being called to a meeting with cartel figures.

None of his kidnappers are identified but one is heard in the background of the video saying "make sure none of our faces can be seen" and another later says "he has no way to save himself." Fuentes was murdered because he had been involved in stealing a multi-million-dollar cocaine shipment destined for Tortola, the largest of the British Virgin Islands. It is believed that the shipment was to the Mexican Gulf Cartel.

Who Was "El Taliban?"

Reinaldo "El Taliban" Fuentes Campos was a native of Sucre, Venezuela, and had three children from a prior relationship in Venezuela. Fuentes allegedly controlled drug dealing in the Bonao neighborhood of Buenos Aires, where he picked up the 'Taliban' nickname due to illicit dealings with Middle Eastern drug traffickers.

Two members of his organization were previously killed in a shootout with the police in Buenos Aires. An investigation led cops to a home where a cache of weapons was recovered from a Bonao home. The weapons reportedly belonged to Fuentes.

US agencies have indicated that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's regime tolerates transnational criminal organizations’ operations within Venezuela, including some groups that the U.S. has designated as terrorist organizations. Corrupt Venezuelans have participated in and profited from these illicit activities.

Maduro was indicted in the United States in 2020, for leading a decades-long narco-terrorism and international drug trafficking network that also has included his family members and a large part of the military. The network is dubbed the Cartel de los Soles (Cartel of the Suns).

Cocaine & Cash Rip Off 

In an elaborate ruse to rip off a large shipment of drugs, Fuentes, a middleman for the Venezuelan Clan del Cartel, earlier had dumped a shipment of narcotics worth $10 million at sea and fabricated a fake Coast Guard pursuit story to explain not bringing the drugs back to his bosses and kept the cash.

He then went back out on the water to collect the cocaine, repackaged it, and took it to another Caribbean island. But the scheme went awry when his men snitched, leading to his demise.

Fuentes obtained a fake national identification document that allowed him to live under the name of Miguel Fulcar in the Dominican Republic, making it difficult for him to be detected by authorities. Fuentes was reportedly dating a prominent lawyer, and caring for her daughter, in the Dominican city of Bonao.

Sources told Tolentino Fuentes entered the country on July 14 and was there for two days before leaving his Dominican home and was lured to a cartel meeting at an unknown location on July 17. That is when he was kidnapped and dumped at sea later that day.


Two men then struggled to lift Fuentes off the raft because he had an anchor wrapped around his body to prevent him from floating or being able to swim. They subsequently dump him headfirst into the sea.

The video ends with Fuentes sinking into the ocean, left to sleep with the fishes.

It's unclear if authorities have made any arrests in the case although the Dominican Republic military said that the incident did not take place in its waters.

Sources Daily Mail, Twitter, GAO

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  1. Drowning to death isn't all that bad, compared to being burnt or skinned alive..

    1. Well, he was 68. It's not like he had shit else to do at that point in his career. But still though that was a quick death. Maybe a few seconds of suffering and that's that. Onward to the next evolution.

    2. I agree also wtf was he thinking. Dudes let him off easy ppl get killed over 500 pesos let alone 1 mil dlls

    3. I always read drowning is an awful painful way to go. I almost drowned as a kid at the beach and it was horrible. Brutal way to go

    4. Sol a few seconds? Na more like a minute or few

    5. In his age slow 3 to 4 minutes tops to the abyss

    6. I have to agree with a 8:25 PM. What the fuck are some of these guys thinking? Robbing never pays off. NEVER.


    7. I also have to agree with 8:41 PM.

      Although SOL was in the military, so I’m sure that one of the things that he learns is how long it takes for a person to actually drown and die. But it could be a few minutes that’s one of my um things that I’m scared of the most is being without air, or in a small type place, knowing that my ears gonna run out. Rubio NYC

    8. Rubio just be nice to everyone and you don’t have to worry about shit like this xoxoxox

    9. Drowning happens very quickly, but it does take place in stages. The stages can take between 10 and 12 minutes before death occurs. If a child is drowning, it may happen much more quickly.

      With that being said, after about 2-3 minutes you lose conciousness, so the remaining time wouldn't technically be full of suffering.

    10. Its pretty quick, he had an anchor at his feet and was bound hand and feet. Less than 60sec until unconsciousness. Did not got beaten up prior his swim training. Lucky guy

    11. Titan submersible

    12. Is anyone taking into account how far out at sea they are and how deep the water is there? he's going all the way to the bottom so he's going to feel all kinds of pain.

    13. 7:08 after losing consciousness I would imagine your body would block out any pain.
      In my opinion I think being burned is way worse than drowning.
      I been swimming in the ocean and pools since childhood and water doesn't scare me. I almost drowned a few times though lol

    14. @Sol- it was only a few seconds this man suffered, having been lured and interrogated, then thrown overboard?. I can genuinely never tell if you are being serious.

    15. Dude anybody with a brains knows you don't die in seconds from drowning?

    16. @512 — few seconds my ass!!!

      It would take minutes to fill the lungs alone, then another 1-3 minutes until the heart stops… then another god knows how many minutes until the brain stops!

    17. Fuken Rubio causing trouble in here, take a chill 💊 pill dude.

    18. If it weren't for government patrols, coast guard and whatnot, I would think the cartels would favor this type of disposal more frequently. I would totally favor this, it's clean, if not for the interrogation or capturing phase it would not even require a drop of blood. There is a triangle out west of point reyes in northern calif., in the Pacific obviously, where there is a large congregation of sharks, that would add a little element of terror to the proceedings. You would think that the cartels would love doing that and watching that unfold.

  2. Fackkkk those last few seconds mentally though b4 he gets tossed alv

  3. Clan del golfo dont play

    1. Its not Clan del golfo its a Venezuelan group Clan del cartel.

    2. 9:45 Can you provide some more info on them/links? A few news sites reported that Clan del Cartel, but cant find anything about them, I am wondering if its another way of referring to the Cartel del Soles in Venezuela, or a mix up of. Several outlets reported it as the Gulf Cartel, and had the history of that group in the articles. But that may have been a result of poor reporting or translation of Clan de Golfo/Cartel.

    3. Cartel of the Sun

    4. 11:02 I would love to but I know about as much as you.

    5. Clan del golfo is based along the Panamanian border and along the pacific coast of Colombia. The Caribbean side in a mixture of criminal elements. But the criminal groups operating in Venezuela are primarily left wing and clan del golfo is right wing

  4. It looks fake you can't see when he's actually dumped he could be faking his death or just a shitty job done by the camera man

    1. it was a shitty job by camera
      cuz theres doubt

      I say he he goes next lol

    2. It's because the news broadcast cuts it before he really goes over completely

    3. They tied an anchor to him, he sank quick.

    4. It would be an ingenious way to fake his death..

    5. @ 9:39 there is a longer version on theync . com that shows him going over, with sound.

  5. Wellllllllllllllllll

    That’s a new one was not expecting that one. Usually when you hear about that the person is already dead and this is something that you always hear the Italian mob doing, but wow alive.

    That just shows you that the Gulf Cartel is fucking insane. I mean my God between them or the north east cartel. I don’t know which one is worse.


    Rubio NYC
    Big shout out to my homeboy. SOL yo man shoot me an email. Let me know what’s up. Tell me what you been up to. You’re one cool motherfucker.

    1. Weird cat this dude

    2. @725 — he’s admitted to having brain damage; take it easy on the guy..

  6. I had no idea Venezuela had drug cartels. Just seems odd that a country that don’t even help their people with essentials like food , medicine ect had cartels.

    1. Essentially, the cartel is the government/military. They allow it to happen and control that too.

    2. Most south American countries have cartels.

    3. @10:17 you got that backwards. countries that don't feed the poor are far more likely to have cartels because there's a huge fraction of the population that can't afford to eat and feed their families unless they work illegally.

    4. Its the rich people involved not primarily the poor. Thats how they stay rich and in power!

    5. The gov itself is literally a cartel!!

      El Cartel Del Soles

    6. @10.17 The less stability in a country (which leads to a lack of food medicine etc), the more likely that the power vacuum will be filled by organised crime. ''Cartels'' aren't a sign of wealth, it's the exact opposite. Especially those central American countries caught between the supplier and producer.

  7. I guess he wasn’t the brightest out of the group… He really tried stealing cargamentos and thought he wouldn’t had consequences? that’s probably one of the worst things you can do, besides betraying your own criminal group.

  8. Seems like he tried to “retire” with the money he would get from the kilos … being 68 yrs old and probably getting too old for that business. He thought it would be an easy way out.

  9. Capturaron al "el petrolero " jefe de plaza en poza Rica VZ CJNG junto con 2 vehicles monstros un arsenal y 4 millones de dollars usa.. segun mis fuentes en el was app y face

  10. He was living the “high life” in the DR with a fake passport. Apparently he got lured to leave and that’s when they got him

  11. @11:25 thanks buddy for the update but I already read the article and I know what happened. Don’t you have anything better to do.

    1. 12:05
      Have you asked yourself the same question? Don't you have anything better to do?

  12. Do u think he had a sinking feeling in his stomach that he was gonna go under ...

  13. Good article socalj

  14. We can all learn a lesson of not steal someone else's coke.

  15. Clan Del Golfo -Colombia.
    Cartel Del Golfo -Mexico.
    Cartel de Soles-Venezuela

  16. Wish the camera guy was better. I wanted to see him go over.

    1. @11.08 Ah damn, you were just about to climax? And the cameraman had ONE job.

  17. I believe they still throw people out of helicopters or planes, is what they did back in the days (alive).

    1. “Joo see dat peesa shit up there? I never like him”

  18. I would have cut his stomach open then threw him in,and i aint kidding

    1. @1.51 You mean if you were a man instead of a kid? If you knew how to do that? If you had real information about who was fucking who?... So many ifs. And you are kidding.

    2. Lungs… don’t forget he lungs… otherwise he will float…

      Then again, he had an anchor tied to his feet lol

  19. Full video here.

    1. That angle does actually make it suspicious… they were also a little TOO careful with him!

    2. He also doesn’t look beat up or tortured AT ALL!!

    3. Look at the back of his end moron...its split open.

    4. @137 — split open in the back but not a scratch on his or body… ok you tool

    5. 7:09 The dude has a fucking anchor attached to him, do you think they can just throw the guy in the water?

  20. Idk man, it's seems like a horrible way to go out. Nobody will ever find his body, that's chilling. I seen isis vids were they would put prisoners in cages and drown them alive.

    1. He was 68 and a career criminal/ drug trafficker. Imagine all those people he murdered and disposed of who were also never found. It’s not chilling, it’s satisfying watching this oldie get what he deserved

  21. After watching the video enough times, I am really starting to think it was staged… this guy faked his death… 🦉

    -) look at how he doesn’t have a scratch on him… no torturing or nothing…
    -) look how careful they are with handling him and tossing him…
    -) the angle doesn’t show A LOT and they don’t film him in the water really…

    1. . The back of his head is leaking blood...its clearly visible. Dude is at the bottom of the ocean

    2. I didn’t see it but even that can be faked easily.. nothing on his face or rest of body makes me believe so even more..

      He’s in the ocean as much as Bin Laden is at this point 🦉

    3. There's no evidence it was faked, it's all "I have a hunch". You guys are the most feeble thinkers.

  22. Unless they gutted him once the gas's build up he will float like a big bloated piece of shit he might not make it to the surface but he will be floating around on the bottom getting chased down by a shitload of hungry crabs ! Shit always floats

  23. Unrelated but its time for the US to ends its sanctions on Venezuela.

    1. So Venezuela's corrupt politicians can walk away from criminal charges and keep their money?

    2. @143 the irony
      calling Venezuelas politicians corrupt lol typical U.S neoliberal

    3. Whatever happened to that U.S puppet Juan guaido?

    4. At 6:28
      The puppets got disbanded, a few years ago from PBS, ELMO and them are gone.

  24. Why so grumpy? I would've laughed out loud when being tossed over, last laugh...

  25. The video can be found on Theync.Com

    1. But but but I am happy to see the Video on BB, why shop at another site.

  26. Adios ! His Ruka flipped ! Hahahahaha !


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