Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Video Surveillance Cameras Demolished With Heavy Machinery In Reynosa, Tamaulipas

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

14, C-5 video surveillance cameras in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, were vandalized and demolished by backhoes, public transportation buses, pickup trucks and firearms were used by organized crime early Sunday morning.

"Video:  A backhoe used to take down the cameras, no one saw anything on C5 surveillance cameras"- video on Twitter X twitter account: @GM

The Reynosa Security and Justice Bureau reported that the incidents occurred in the following neighborhoods: Elité, Praderas de Elité, Las Palmas, Los Almendros, Balcones de Alcalá, Villas de la Joya, Las Pirámides, Paseo de las Flores, Ernesto Zedillo, Ferrocarril, Oriente, Longoria, San Ricardo, Ampliación Rodríguez, Prolongación Longoria and Petrolera.

REYNOSA, TAMAULIPAS (Cartel code name: ROJO)

Gulf Cartel metros faction of Reynosa overall leader is Cesar Morfin Morfin "El Primito", and the second in command is his brother Alvaro Noe Morfin Morfin "R-8" or "8". 

The current plaza boss of Reynosa is Carlos Humberto Acuña de los Santos, alias "Comandante Mono", "M-36", and "Metro 36", Mono is the former bodyguard of Juan Francisco Sáenz-Tamez alias "Panochitas" or "M-103". The order of vandalizing and demolishing the surveillance cameras most likely came from Primito, R-8, and Mono. 



  1. Same thing happened during the most recent riots in France.

    1. Hmmmm but France and the rest of the world doesn’t have daily decapitations or videos of of hitmen butchering each other.

    2. @7:42
      Not comparing countries, just tactics.

    3. Not rocket science but one of the first things you do if you dont have control over the territory

  2. Stay safe raza .Hillary storm. Sicario 006 protect yourself

    1. 840 it's just like a big winter storm. Don't believe the news hype. The news wants disaster and you to be scared.

    2. @12:41 it's not winter

  3. They use the machines to deatroy roads too so the cdn cant attack them from the west and south west

  4. Keep putting cameras up everywhere. Mex citizens get door bell cameras. Police can tap into door bell cameras.

  5. El panoshitas 😂

  6. Which group is bigger escorpiones or metros?

  7. It is amazing to me that if it wasn’t for in mata amigos, the Zs would have never come to light. And out of all the groups that I’ve been following through you guys, they have turned out to be one of the worst enemies towards each other. It is amazing how bad they go after one another.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Tamps is way to small and to “poor” feed 2 carteles.

  8. And before anyone else makes a follow up comment, saying that the worst conflict is between the four letter cartel, and CSRL. I STILL DON’T THINK SO. Because my point is that yes even though CJNG and CSRL is or was pretty bad. Their issue is for something completely different. Now the Zs were actually created by the Gulf Cartel. And instead of having some kind of good relationship or at least if they hate each other to not be so bad, but what I’m thinking is that there have must’ve been a lot of tension right from the beginning, at least with some people from both groups because they really do things to each other that are just full of hatred and just this dislike. Maybe when Osiel created the Zs. Even though he was the maximum leader of the Gulf cartel. There had to be plaza bosses looking at the Zs as a threat to their position because the Zs were really trained by governments and militaries. And it sucks that it’s human nature for us to be jealous. Instead of embracing people that have skills that we don’t.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Oziel kept the cdg zetas and allies like carlos rosales and his people in line. It all changed when oziel got extradited. The bad relationship with the zetas and the cdg was because the zetas started killing gulf cartel members and none cartel members over pussy ass shit like women etc. The rise of el zeta 40 who is not an original zeta also caused problems within the zetas organization and also with the cdg. The cdg was always violent they built the zetas whom turned just as violent and even worse some times. Thats why the extreme violence we see today. Since oziel unleashed the cdg zetas on the milenio and even on the cds cartels mexico has turned into a meat grinder.

    2. Wow thank you for the explanation. Appreciate it.

      Rubio NYC


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