Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 7, 2023

Villa Hidalgo, Zacatecas: Seven Municipal Policemen Are Abducted By An Armed Criminal Cell

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The spokesperson for the State Peacebuilding Roundtable confirmed that local and federal authorities are maintaining a search operation to locate the police officers.

Five police officers from Villa Hidalgo, Zacatecas, were kidnapped this Sunday by a group of armed men who broke into the municipal police station. In the last week alone, seven policemen have disappeared in the town.

Through a press release, the State Peacebuilding Board informed that the Armed Forces and state authorities are working in the area, adjacent to San Luis Potosí, in an operation.

"In the municipality of Villa Hidalgo an important coordinated operative deployment is being carried out in which the Mexican Army, National Guard and the Immediate Reaction Force Zacatecas (FRIZ) of the State Preventive Police are participating," informed the spokesperson of the State Roundtable.

Authorities also informed that during the operation, in which security forces from the three levels of government participated, aerial searches were carried out with drones as part of the search actions.

Today's is the second case that has occurred in the southeast of Zacatecas in the last few days. The first occurred early Tuesday morning, when, according to local media, two municipal police officers were abducted by an armed criminal cell who also broke into the Villa Garcia municipal police station.

Hours later, the Government of Zacatecas confirmed that one of the policemen was found dead in the community of La Concha in the neighboring municipality.

Sin Enbargo


  1. Sol perdido can you find any info when el r18 was freed

  2. You guys wrong la concha o la concepcion is between el Lobo y la alqueria. Villa hidalgo is strong hold from los mz and loreto zacatecas couple weeks ago in el Lobo la alqueria is the jaliscos base from pinos and villa garcia but now is mz one month and half the mz from loreto destroyed los jaliscos in el Lobo is a little town. Like week ago they go to villa garcia and take 3 police because they work for the jaliscos and they betrayed( chapulines) los mz they switched sides and they let go back the jaliscos in villa garcia. But the mz get started to clean the area because the friz go back to capital zac and Guadalupe so they had green light to clean saludos del zairo de zacatecas

    1. Los de Loreto are ex talivanes no?

    2. Loreto,ojocaliente,las villas(villa hidalgo,villa Gonzales,villa garcia)pinos,trancoso,la blanca luis moya era talibanes now they switched to Los mayos and jaliscos and some talibanes run to USA like drako and other are dead 💀

  3. Yet the president stays quiet because CJNG gives him money, or the president is enepped.

    1. @6:38 so what’s is it does the president back up CDS or CJNG y’all need to make up your minds haha


  5. Police being kidnapped from there own station. Shows you who is in control. That happened in the USA there would be such a massive response from military and feds

    1. Maybe if the U.S. worry about spending money in drug treatment none of this would happen. 🤔

    2. Too much money to be made in drug treatment, this is about accountability..

    3. In Arkansas in 2019 a police officer was ambushed right outside the police station and killed. There was no massive military response. In New York in 2022 a police officer was killed in his police car parked at the station. There was no massive military response. In California in 2021 a police officer was shot outside the police station. There was no massive military response. The list goes on and on.

    4. In 2018 I was kidnapped by a one eyed hooker and no Military response happened 😭😭.

    5. *Sigh* @12:37 Kidnapped six policeman kidnapped not the other junk you saying. If six police officers were kidnapped the response in America would be immense. Stop putting dumb examples when they don't match what is being discussed.

  6. Rumors say: some mz sicarios in the sierras of Zacatecas have begun killing their own comrades to cannibalize there body parts...cds are getting desperate..

    1. "them there body parts"?

    2. 10:06 i wouldnt daught it, meth is a hell of a drug

  7. Anyone surprise? This is normal in Mexico. Still waiting for more narco graves, bodies being chop up or kidnappings. Mexhico is hell hole.

  8. Entraron los Jaliscos en convoy y los levantaron

  9. That tight, fuck the police. They go to the police station to grab cops. Much respect. Can't hide behind your badge there. Jahahaha


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