Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 9, 2023

100 Hours Of Terror In Tamazula In The Hunt For 'El Guano'

"Sol Prendido" formBorderland Beat

The troops of 'El Rafita' joined forces with La Linea to search for 'El Guano' Guzman Loera in Tamazula, unleashing four days of continuous gunfire and an unknown number

In Tamazula de Victoria very few were able to sleep between August 27 and 30. At any hour, in almost any corner of that town in northwestern Durango, the AR-15 and AK-17 rifles that neighbors have learned to identify by their cadence thundered. Grenades and tanks also rumbled in the hours when only the branches of pine trees swaying in the wind of the Sierra Madre Occidental can be heard.

For four days, some 26,000 people silently endured the din of war in the streets. From Sunday to Wednesday no one could tell the country or the Army what was happening because a group of hooded men cut the telephone lines and the cellular signal is poor in that area of the Golden Triangle. The roar of bullets and explosives announced two calamities: that the return to classes would be postponed indefinitely and that the imminent onslaught against Aureliano Guzmán Loera, El Guano, Chapo's brother, had arrived.

An intelligence report from the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), consulted by MILENIO, reveals a new war in the north of the country: Aureliano Guzmán Loera, who for years has made the mountains of Durango his stronghold and hideout, against the followers of Rafael Díaz Beltrán, alias El Rafita, murdered in October of last year on the alleged orders of El Guano, with whom he had a father-son relationship.

The battleground is the land where Mexico's first president was born, Guadalupe Victoria, one of those regions where violence is suffered in silence. The villagers scream, but no one listens to them. A territory that is known in the news only when a massacre, a clandestine grave or a massive kidnapping breaks out and is lost again on the map.

In March of this year, the town made the front pages of the newspapers because the Armed Forces arrived there to catch the uncle of Los Chapitos and left empty-handed. And a week ago because of the silent battle that kidnapped dozens of families for almost 100 hours, while the country was discussing the possible presidential candidates for 2024.

The origin of the most recent shootings can be found in the name of the town. Tamazula comes from the Nahuatl word tamazollan, meaning "place of toads". In criminal slang, a "sapo" is an informer, a betrayal that is pursued to death.

And that may help explain why at the end of last month thousands learned to sleep lulled to sleep by shrapnel, while the country ignored their suffering.

El Guano' vs 'El Rafita'.

Tamazula's inhabitants have three deities that help understand the town's bronco character: San Ignacio de Loyola, soldier and priest; Guadalupe Victoria, military man and Mexico's first president; and the Guzmán Loera clan, the drug traffickers who made pot the region's economic engine. Faith, politics and drug trafficking.

And on the border of the municipality with Badiraguato, Sinaloa, grows effortlessly a high quality marijuana that since the middle of the last century is envied in the United States and, recently, in Europe.

For as long as old people can remember, Tamazula has been the land of the Sinaloa Cartel. First it was a center of operations for Chapo and, later, a hideout for his brother Guano, who at 78 or 79 years of age manages a large portion of the family business. Those who dare to talk say that Aureliano Guzman is still giving orders in Tamazula, holed up in the mountains farthest from the municipal capitals since he managed to escape from the marines through a false door in a blue and white brick house.

Until October 2022, Aureliano Guzman was the man most obeyed by the people. Discreet and ruthless, no one dared to contradict his orders... until a "sapo" - a whistleblower - entrusted him with secret information and the tranquility of the community went down a cliff.

Representation of Aureliano Guzmán Loera with the support of Artificial Intelligence to simulate what he might look like today.

That informant told Guano that the young man he loved as if he were his son, El Rafita, was disobeying his instructions not to charge extortion fees in Tamazula, where 75 percent of the population lives in poverty, according to Coneval. Rafael Diaz Beltran allegedly charged for each head of cattle and even for each box of peanuts and beans from impoverished peasants, which began to generate anger among the people. And Los Chapitos' uncle knows that an angry people do not take care of their capos, but rather turn them in for a reward.

"What was holding the cartels back? The former bosses, were people who valued the affection and recognition of their community more than being seen with fear. When the bosses began to fall, their bodyguards emerged, their hitmen, and that's when the kidnappings, the payoffs, the massacres began to skyrocket.

"The clear example is Tamazula: El Guano did not want them to be charging fees and El Rafita disobeys. He was killed and all his mob who were enjoying the extortion payments rebelled and - excuse the expression - everything went to shit in that area forgotten by the government," a source who works in the area and who has been close to the military operations told MILENIO.

Then, the fuse was lit that detonated the shootings: the troops of the late Rafita called for reinforcements to take Guano's control of Tamazula away from him. An eye for an eye, a leader for a plaza. And the sierra began to scream with a new war.

Unknown death toll

Tamazula does not only touch Sinaloa. To the north it also touches the borders of Guadalupe and Calvo, Chihuahua, the state where La Linea, the bloodthirsty armed wing of the Juarez Cartel operates and also the mortal enemies of the Guzman Loera clan and everything related to the Sinaloa Cartel.

The information available to Sedena personnel deployed in Durango is that Rafita's troops sought out the gunmen of La Linea to avenge the death of their leader. The proposal was to join forces so that the two would displace the veteran capo and take control of the northwest of the state, a key region for the movement of drugs, weapons and undocumented migrants to the United States.

The clash that confirmed the alliance occurred a week before the shootings in Tamazula: on August 20, La Linea hitmen used cloned National Guard patrols to kidnap Jose Domingo Carrera, alias El 010, the Sinaloa Cartel's plaza chief in Parral. Since then, it is not known whether he is dead or alive.

Emboldened, the Chihuahua hitmen decided to advance towards Durango, guided by Rafita's loyalists, who know Guano's weak points, especially now that he and his bodyguards have retreated to more remote areas to prevent him from being arrested by marines and extradited to the United States, where he faces six criminal charges related to international trafficking of heroin, cocaine and fentanyl.

Thus, Tamazula was caught in a new war: La Linea and Rafita's loyalists who want to take the town as a war trophy against El Guano and his troops who want to keep the territory as a sign that they still have strength in the sierra.

The official balance of the battle of August 27-30 reported by the Durango State Attorney General's Office is only two dead, although the villagers speak of dozens of bodies strewn about that the hired killers themselves picked up in pickup trucks to take them to their respective clandestine cemeteries.

"Someone wanted to leave town saying he needed to buy medicine for his heart, but he didn't make it," a neighbor told MILENIO. "Another wanted to go out to the mountains to borrow a telephone, but the men returned him. It's a miracle he's alive. After that, nobody wanted to take any more risks and it was better to stay at home... as always happens".

In Tamazula silence returned. Nobody speaks. The branches of the pine trees swaying in the wind of the Sierra Madre Occidental announce a fragile calm that will inevitably end when the next rumble of a war that is just beginning is heard.



  1. The Nahuatl were on to something when they named that area the land of toads. Even they knew eons ago that snitches would be there ahead of time.

    1. 😂😂 la tierra de los SAPOS! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ni mas ni menos, nomas lo que es!

    2. The prophecy was foretold

    3. guano will turn to a 💩 to avoid be caught

  2. This sounds like the Taliban’s infighting in Afghanistan. That’s how it should be viewed, but no one will bat an eye because it’s been “normalized.”

    1. It’s fascinating to watch I wish we could place bets on which cartel guys get caught or killed

    2. @1155 --- the truth is these guys likely view their wars as a sport... highly doubt they are rivals at the high level..

  3. Lol holy SHIT that AI representation is insane.. It's amazing how uncanny AI is getting at generating images..

  4. They said i was a fanboy because I mentioned that Linea would only get to this area with the assistance from someone withing and the battles were due to infighting but ya were caught in ya feelings

    1. This is nothing new!
      Sinaloa aligns itself with breakaways factions of other cartels also when it wants to take over new territory.
      You thought only Linea has to rely on such things?

    2. 11:51 i am very much aware of that, i was only talking about the matter at hand which i am being proven correct and not talking from a fanboy’s perspective

    3. I dont know if it was you or not but i do remember reading a comment saying that. They gave you shit saying the line didnt need help or something like that.

    4. 8:10 yeah that was it

    5. @11:51 what you said thats exactly how jaliscas expanded. Showing up in abandoned plazas after other cartels cells were arrested and getting other cells to switch to their side

    6. 8:10, 9:36 Echate porras solo guey 😂😂😂😂

  5. "Faith, politics, and drug trafficking"..
    Good article, puts the reader right into the thick of the action..

  6. Rafita was arrested in TX in 2017?

  7. The old Sinaloa cartel is finished… very splintered… now a vicious cycle that will hurt innocent people in the Pueblo… eventually the same fate will happen to CJNG & the group that comes after them & so on… meanwhile corrupt politicians/officials will continue to take bribes from the new group just as they did the old groups…

    -Holden D. Cash

  8. Business as usual, senators, state governors, diputados
    Generals and a few capitanes filthy rich and peasants fighting over the left overs

  9. The Guzman family business is done
    Nobody respects them anymore 😪

    1. Yeah ok, a family and DTO worth tens of billions sure is on their last leg… and no I am not a fan

    2. When people say... I'm not a fan, they are.

    3. 12:32 i would be surprised if combined they had more then a billion. Guzmans on a big time decline chapo held everything together.

    4. 1:32 it’s crazy how people claim he was just a face for the real powers , it’s being proven how much influence he had with all the infighting going on

    5. I’m fasoncated by drug traffickers finances I wish they would catch and force more accountants to testify

    6. @132 --- go take a look at how much money the US gov was trying to seize from him (during the trial)..

    7. They can have all of daddy's money but do they really? Emma probably has that cash from chapo, chapitos are not as smart in business like their dad. One chapito already got captured not yo mention the time they all got caught slipping in jalisco. Where either mayo saved them (which I doubt because now they are enemies) or 2 they gave plazas and money to mencho with is more believable. Nobody knows for sure but my point is they are too flashy and not respected by the big capos in Mexico not even sinaloa. They are even fighting El guano too wich is their uncle!!
      Yea, I don't see them lasting long

    8. These guys have been around for over 30 years now..

    9. As soon as chapos sons were kidnapped el mz sent his men to the prison were el menchito was. If anything happend to chapos sons menchito wld of died. El mz saved chapos sons.

    10. 7:25 doesn't mean any means they can seize that from him no questions doesn't mean he has it. Keep dreaming kid you need a new idol Chapo is no bueno

    11. 3:59 en que corrido escuchaste esa mamada?

    12. 11:54 neta ese cuento solo los Chinaloas se lo creen

    13. 3:59. that doesnt make sense, he has more than one son and loosing one while killing all of chapos sons would perfectly make sense. That was a one in a life time chance and he would not wasted it to save his son.

  10. La línea had nothing to do with it. It was guano who killed the Flores

    1. Didn't u read the article?? Some guy was fighting el guano and guano has alot more power. The other guy had to go out and reach out to linea

    2. La Linea anda arremangando

    3. Kids skip the article, jump to comments with out knowing the facts.

  11. Meanwhile Guano in Escuinapa enjoying Tacos Dorados de Camaron.

  12. They could always ask a hand from el mero mero gallero

    1. pinche viejio coriente sin estillo hahaha

    2. Otro cabron que piensa que la vanidad y la marca definen el valor de una persona. Eso si es corriente. Como todos los narcos de liga menor con las marcas de ropa mas tipicas. Que orignales. En este negocio el terror verdadero no tiene ruido y mucho menos espacio para la vanidad. Ahi si vez quien tiene control supremo y disciplina para conducir la maquina

  13. As a European, I can not imagine that a town can get taken hostage for a couple of days and police or army would not check on what is happening.

    1. I need to move to Europe.

    2. It's no different than a rural town in the Balkan mountains undergoing the same..

    3. The police in that area support the cartel who controls it, the army supports certain cartels as well

  14. El Senor don guano guzman jamas sera derrotado

  15. Ak 17 must be some new shit i never heard of it before

  16. Guano looks like an Italian chef

    1. He looks like Saddam 4:21

    2. Mama mia, that’s a spicy chingato!

  17. In Durango the old generation are fiercely loyal to jgl. They mostly don't understand mz and jgl are now opposites. In Durango, Durango kids with either gang mingle with each other openly because they're likely family. This guano guy sounds like those og traficantes admired by the elders in all parts of Durango I know. Grandmas won't allow infighting in Durango nor "another" gang to take over. What will happen is mz people will get everything jgl people lose. Ultimately the elders won't see any difference because mz is jgl compadre and there won't be no new niggas or taxes. But some of us know... 👀

    1. Mz has people in Durango as well. Ppl form Durango and Sinaloa have been in business together for
      Many generations.

  18. Short version: linea ain't taking over shit because abuelitas run Durango and anything not jgl-ish is zetas

    1. Theres zetas in durango ?!
      I thought m10 wiped them out then cabreras cleaned house..

      Zetas barely even making it alive in noreste..

    2. No. This is the short version of the comment right before. People are real sensitive to any other gang not tightly affiliated with jgl. They're all seen as zetas. Zetas did pass-by like 10 years ago. NOBODY has forgotten that. We did find a jalisco affiliated house in Jardines around May. The neighbors were like "llevenselos, no vaya a pasar lo de los zetas otra vez."

    3. Well supposedly 40 befriended some high level Liena guy in the pen..

    4. I don't want to go too much into detail. I haven't heard of 40. Teaming up with any gang other than jgl factions will be impossible. They'll entertain some Chihuahua gangs out of tradition but always come back to "pero por algo salieron mal con el chapo." I don't like the guy but you'll struggle to find elders in the city that came down from the Sierra that don't attribute that opportunity to jgl. Durango is only divided in two: those that want to remain with jgl and those who want to go solo. Until the solos grow NOTHING will change.

    5. @921 -- how do you know who the zetas are but not (Z)40???

    6. I was just talking Durango, Sinaloa, Chihuahua. I thought some 40 in this area. Zs divided. They couldn't take down Durango before much less today. I don't think Chihuahua and Durango would fight against each other. They go against chaps. This is going too deep. I'll just say I'm one of many that wouldn't mind another z's type incursion into Durango. Zac been played out. And shout out to BB. Been a fan for over a decade.

    7. Who are the grandmas?!?!?

  19. Finish the job Linea

    1. Nobody ever catches The Batshit.

  20. Wasn't "El Guano" the bad guy in "The Three Amigos" with Chevy Chase, Steve Martin and Martin Short? I forget the actor's name but pretty sure that's the character's name.

  21. "El Guapo", played by Alfonso Arau..

    1. Thanks 8:20 you are memory isn't what it used to be LOL

  22. Is thar the old president from Iraq 🇮🇶 Husain

  23. I seen guano in tamazula when I graduated high school in 2009 went and visited my pops who was a financial operator for Los cabreras in a town over but recently he was arrested at the end of last year due to infighting in Los cabreras but the only reason I seen guano because he had LA TERRAZA TAMAZULA closed for himself but the owner had thought me and my sister left but I was in the bathroom and I walked out and seen him his young wife his son and two younger daughters I knew who it was when his bodyguard told me in Spanish who are you thank god the owner intervines and told him I was just a customer guano looked at me like I was there to kill him and his son mugged me so hard str8 punk but the bodyguard had his face covered and has a g6 automatically I thought later it maybe a marine protecting him but the owner when I asked him a week later said it was a politician like I’m dumb lol

    1. 1251 that's a long ass sentence.

    2. 12:51 Damn what high school was that?
      11:02 LOL

    3. Just dry snitched your own pops smh

    4. Ye my dad is G2 what’s funny is the marines raides the entire neighborhood except the Los Cabrera brothers houses in the neighborhood the army director wife is the brothers first cousin

  24. Is it really a good idea to make a lot of noise in a turf where is known be a hiding spot for so many high ranking narcos? Like el triangulo dorado.

  25. parese jaimito el cartero

  26. they heating up the triangle. and they will find out about ma boi guano.

  27. The guano le gusta El gusano


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