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Sunday, September 24, 2023

26 Alleged Autodefensas, Previously Arrested as "CJNG Members", Released After Lack of Evidence in Michoacán

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Some of the released men on 9/16/23. Image: La Voz de Michoacan

26 civilians were arrested last week in La Ruana, Michoacán for supposed links to the CJNG. Days later, a Federal Judge dismissed all charges and ordered their release, citing a lack of evidence. 

Timeline of events

September 10 

A group of men attempted to hold a meeting in the central plaza of  Felipe Carrillo Puerto, also known as "La Ruana" in Michoacán state. Without the priests wishes, the men rang the local parish bells to call the town together to rise up against Los Viagras. During the gathering, a drone-deployed IED exploded nearby. 

That evening, three armed men, allegedly members of Los Viagras, were arrested nearby in relation to the drone attack. Infobae identified them as José Luis “N”, alias “El Chango”; Luis Alberto “N”, alias “El Chivo”; and Jesús “N”, alias “El Chamán”, and reported that they work as gunmen for Heladio Cisneros Meneras alias "La Sirena", reported to be a boss of Los Viagras, and accused of killing autodefensa leader Hipolito Mora.

According to Guadalupe Mora, in an interview with Proceso, the men were not armed.

El Universal however reported the men were not only armed, but were affiliated with CJNG.

September 16

The Secretary of Public Security of Michoacán announced they had captured 26 armed civilians, 20 men and six women in the center of La Ruana in possession of 15 rifles, two pistols, tactical vests, and a large amount of ammunition. A source in the Attorney General's Office told EFE Noticias that they were being investigated for having links to the CJNG.

Detained civilians awaiting transport. Images: @TamaulipasI

According to N Mas+, La Ruana locals attempted to stop their transport out of the municipality. Security forces deployed tear gas to stop the locals. A post on the SSPC Twitter/X account showed many AR-15 rifles as well as the arrested being flown to Morelia, the state capital.

Images of the seized weapons and captured group. Source: @SSeguridad_Mich

September 19

Three days later, a Federal judge ordered their release citing a lack of evidence that they were carrying firearms at the time of arrest, and argued their arrest was illegal. They were released that night and returned to their homes, reported Milenio.

Sources: Noventa Grados 7/19/23, El Universal 9/10/23, N Mas Noticias 9/16/23, El Financiero 9/16/23, @TamaulipasI 9/18/23, Milenio 9/19/23, La Voz de Michoacan 9/19/23, Animal Politico 9/20/23


  1. Excuse me Mr Huaso. But isn’t it Hipolito? Not Hipolita? Just verifying. With all due respect.
    Rubio NYC

    1. Agh. Yes, you are right. Typo. Thanks!

    2. It happens. I just want you guys to have the best written articles just in case some big news channel comes asking for any of us to work with 💵

    3. Worship not silver and gold, Don Huaso..
      Virtue is its own reward..

  2. I don’t know if it’s just me. But even blurred some of those women seem to look fine mmmmmmmmmmmm
    God created the greatest thing when he made busetas.

    Long live all busetas. With all due respect and Hearst yours aswell.

    Rubio NYC

    1. They all looked raggedy but the one with the green shirt (red hat)

    2. Rubio ya causing trouble again?

  3. Good. False story told by El Gordo Viagra so he can retake La Rauna, and it worked. They weren’t affiliated with CJNG. Shows you how the news outlets are just as corrupt as the politicians.

    1. Viagras have a lot of power in michoacan,they control media, government, police and even the people they tax daily
      Viagras are scum 💩

  4. They were all autodefensas ..none of them were even carrying weapons.. videos on Twitter (X)

    1. Where do you think the weapons from the capture came from

    2. 8:03 The weapons could have been planted by the Viagras, old weapons from the time of the autodefensas in 2015, CJNG could have provided them as a way to help them. Their have been weapons in that area of Michoacan since the 80s. The guy who was captured and lead the group tono has spoken to Jose Luis Lara a number of times right when they decided to rise up against the Viagras, during and after his arrest. Jose Luis Lara just a few days spoke to her m and was try not to talk him out of going back to La Ruana Tono said the Viagras kicked out his family and stole everything he owned.

  5. I'm sure they are all innocent. And Jeffrey Dahmer was a vegetarian. Corrupt ass judges.

    1. Yeah and tepalcatepec autodefensas are just good Samaritans


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