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Thursday, September 14, 2023

A Hitman Leaves With All His Tools

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The crime of Manuel Julián Sevillano Bustamante, related to the leader of Los Choneros, alias "Fito", has shocked the province of Mocache, north of Los Ríos. It occurred in broad daylight, on the afternoon of September 13, in a commercial business in the region. 

Sevillano, 39 years old, was hit by a dozen shots fired by unknown subjects on board a pickup truck, when he was in an express car wash with his 20 year old daughter.

The young woman was severely wounded as a result of the armed attack and was rushed to a hospital in Quevedo, where her death was confirmed.

Multi-crime gangs operate in the Los Ríos province.

But, who is Sevillano? According to police information, the subject is the leader of a faction of Los Fatales, a criminal gang allied to Los Choneros.

Sevillano had a criminal record for murder. The police presume that the crime was a retaliation between narco-criminal gangs.

The leader's body was buried on Thursday. Videos circulating online show that large-caliber weapons were placed in his coffin.

Los Fatales is a criminal group formerly led by José Adolfo Macías, alias 'Fito', who is currently detained in the Guayaquil regional prison.

This gang disputes the control of drug routes in the Manabí and Los Ríos provinces, with other criminal organizations such as Los Cornejos.

The armed assault at the hospital in Chone, in November 2022, originated from a dispute between these two gangs.

Initially, Los Fatales emerged in the Balerio Estacio cooperative, a suburb of Guayaquil, and their former leader, alias "Frank," trafficked drugs from the Colombian border to the interior of the country.

Mocache, Ecuador


  1. That should make him practically untouchable in hell and keep satan at bay.

    1. Lo van a desenterrar para agarrar las armas despues. Idiots

    2. Without the hat and the guns, this foo looks like those aliens in the Mexican Congress.

    3. Hahahaha ! They gonna dig those back out.

  2. Drab colours and cold metal are mens' battle gear...womens' battle attire is Chanel's Tressage necklace, yellow gold 18kt/750 with onyx and diamonds 💋

    Canadian girl 💋

  3. Serious question and hopefully the groupies of cds and CJNG don't come out . But who is stronger in Ecuador? The choneros which are cds allied or los trigillos or some bs like that which are CJNG allied ?

    1. Nobody can quantify who's STRONGER. you can only make an educated assumption based on who they're affiliated with politically and criminally.
      The tides are constantly shifting and people are getting killed or arrested on a daily basis.
      These questions impossible to answer so anyone who says they have a credible response is TROLLING.
      Nobody has the amount of intel that it takes to make that determination.

    2. 4:48 this is the type of conversations if you could say that I hope would take place in this site instead of children saying CJNG cds this and that . Going back to the Ecuador topic I kinda have been checking out their news and all that and they talk about the choneros alot and their leader .I think they killed a presidential candidate or a high level politician. Ecuador media makes them seem like the stronger group but you know media channels can easily be biased

    3. Exacto 7:27.That's why I miss the forum as good discussions back and forth instead of CJNG vs. Sinaloa and who has the better farts.

    4. 10:55 for me is whenever they start using all the damn emojis or whenever they quote corridos haha

  4. Somebody will unearth it and steal the weapons

  5. This thug was a murderer. Just imagine how many people were NOT shot by all those guns safely buried with him.
    Hopefully, they loaded up his daughter's coffin, too.

  6. Looks like my big igloo cooler 😹💀💀🔥🇲🇽

  7. Wow, the ultimate respect. Like the young Pharos of Egypt, this dude is ready to bang it out in the afterlife.

    1. Yeah. Look where it got the Pharos.

  8. A little too late. The daughter was drop in front of him and could not do shit about it. Live by the gun, die by the gun.

  9. I bet when the camera cuts off, that coffin empties quicker than a cooler full of brew on July 4th. No way they donate that firepower to the dirt. I'd hate to be the one caught grave robbing him though. Sol, thank you for all you and the rest of the staff do. I have insomnia so I'll think of a random narco or a certain era and read until my eyelids go on strike. Much love and respect from Ohio.


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