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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Another Federal Prosecutor in Guerrero is Assassinated, Led Cases Against Los Ardillos

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Armed men murdered Fernando García Fernandez, head of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) in Guerrero, Chilpancingo. The attack occurred after 8:30AM, according to local media, in the Cipatli neighborhood, in the south of the capital. 

García's murder comes just days after that of regional prosecutor Víctor Salas, head of the Guerrero prosecutor's office in the Tierra Caliente region. Hitmen fired over 50 shots, killing him in Coyuca over the weekend two days after his appointment.

Not much is known about the attack against García. The state's undersecretary of police operations, Irving Jiménez, explained in a message posted online that the official was driving his SUV when he suffered a gunshot attack. García would have lost control of the vehicle, crashing it into the door of a building.

There, the hitmen took him out of the truck and shot him. It didn't take long for the emergency services to arrive, but García would have died shortly after. A source close to the Prosecutor's Office has confirmed the death and the identity of the victim.

The delegate of the FGR in Guerrero had participated in the arrests of two important members of Los Ardillos and in at least 138 convictions before being murdered. Those two members are identified as Jesús Echeverría Peñafiel, "El Topo" and Bernardo “C”; as well as Lenin “L” and Paula “C”, members of a gang dedicated to aggravated kidnapping.

Los Ardillos Arrests & Protests

Jesús Echeverría Peñafiel, "El Topo" arrest on July 5, 2023, triggered violence in the area. According to the FGR, "El Topo" claimed to be a member of the UPOEG Community Police, which they point out as the armed wing of the criminal group "Los Ardillos."

It is known that this man was the head of the plaza in the communities of Rincón de la Vía and Cajelitos and controlled the Ocotito Valley corridor, from La Haciendita to Rincón de la Vía, a route used to transport and distribute synthetic drugs, and car theft. and cattle. He was also the leader of the Tierra Colorada taxi drivers group, where he was in charge of collecting payment of transport union fees.

Jesús Echeverría was arrested on July 5 on the Mexico-Acapulco national highway, in Chilpancingo, by members of the State Police, along with another man identified as Bernardo "C."

After that arrest, transporters from Colotlipa and Quechultenango blocked the Autopista del Sol. That same day, a video was also released in which the mayor of Chilpancingo, Norma Otilia Hernández, met with one of the leaders of that group.

Days later, the state experienced other episodes of violence. Five taxi drivers were killed, and four vehicles were set on fire. Residents of the La Montaña region blocked the Autopista del Sol, clashed with police, took 12 security personnel hostage, and stole an armored vehicle.

FGR Carries Out Operations in Tierra Caliente

Following the homicide of the former Regional Prosecutor of Tierra Caliente, and in order to reinforce the investigation actions, clarify the facts, and find the probable culprits; the State Attorney General, Mtra. Sandra Luz Valdovinos Salmerón, leads an operation in coordination with elements of the Mexican Army and the National Guard, in the Tierra Caliente Region.

State and federal elements, aboard official vehicles, carry out operations and tours starting this Monday and will remain permanently in the various municipalities of the Tierra Caliente region. Another objective is also to reinforce and guarantee security in that region of the state of Guerrero.


  1. I'm taking a huge masa right now.

    1. I got one brewing bronie. I killed an Italian beef and portillos hot dog with lots of peppers. No fries because I'm low carb.

    2. Dang, "lots of peppers", prepare for an ordeal especially if your logs are on the "thick side". OUCH.

    3. Esa mierda va kemar massiso alv

  2. Another one bites the dust...Can you imagine if that happen in USA. The cartel would be finished.

    1. In 2001 US federal prosecutor Thomas Wales was killed in a secrete cartel operation. The FBI is only now waking up to the true nature of the crime. No cartel has been touched.

  3. El 🍓 of LFM de Guerrero

  4. You think Almo will ever wake up and fight the cartels?

    1. Hablador is waiting for his term to be over soon. With all that bribe money, who knows where he will go live, perhaps Spain. Approx. 36,000 died to violence yearly on his watch.

    2. 6:19 Hablador will not leave México. Not safe for him. He will impose by the infamous "dedazo" Claudia Sheinbaum as the candidata for MORENA to show México has achieved gender equality.
      But it will be the same as when Medvedev became "president" of Russia when everyone knew Putin was the puppet master. He will control behind the scenes if she's elected which is very probable.
      Everything he criticized of previous presidentes that he claimed would be prosecuted for all the crimes they committed was just rhetoric for all his partisans to lap up. Mucho pedo para cagar aguado.
      México might become a manufacturing powerhouse for products of many democratic nations from all the business China is losing due to its rising costs and its political pursuits.
      Hopefully because of all those potential investments the security forces of the country become much more effective in reducing the victimization of the regular citizens. More jobs for the working productive people and more lead for the criminals that have enjoyed impunity.

    3. A mother of her murdered child, done by a Cartel, wanted to make a speech at Elmos daily conferences, but he rejected her, from coming in to do a 3 minute speech.
      Way to go Elmo and you call yourself a people person.

    4. murdered child or murdered child sicario like so many? Its not been 36000 number’s going down by 8% but might be due to statistical tricks. More soldiers and police in the streets than ever. The problem is not amlo its the gob of each mx state they did not unite to fight they unite based on bribes and party membership to fight the political opponents and not the narcos. And if not they are busy cashing in on their positions.

  5. The name LFM is something considering its composed of mostly non-Michoacanos.

    1. The main shot callers are Michoacános. Pes and fresa are not the top of the food chain those two fools are not the main bosses and are from Guerrero.

  6. Negative LFM pesados left after the uprising LFM are everywhere in Tierra Caliente. Even if the Minions are not from the MotherLand

  7. Son Los ardillos que les estan dando baje a los funcionarios del gobierno de guerrero acuerden que hace poco capturaron a 2 jefes y 15 sicarios en altamirano y taxco


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