Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Arming Cartels: Inside the Mexican-American Gunrunning Networks

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

U.S. political leaders are increasingly calling for war on Mexican cartels to combat the crises at our southern border, but an unprecedented intelligence project reveals the front lines of this battle are where we least expect. 

A CBS Reports investigation found that Americans have been aiding narcos by smuggling military-grade weapons out of the U.S. into Mexico, at a scale and scope previously unreported — providing the firepower cartels need to operate with impunity.

CBS News


  1. Who doesn't know the war on drugs and the selling of weapons is Americans most rentable and profitable business they have I don't guys like Mencho know they enter a game they can't win but the momentarily power and money is worth it for them because at the end the same winner always comes and takes it all the DEA and department of treasure

  2. El Raton will be the next Vicentillo ?

  3. We should stop this flow, like we’ve stopped the flow of drugs in the opposite direction.

  4. Drugs are a win win for governments . They keep all the proceeds being confiscated and obtain money from weapons, the addicts is just a person less to deal with. Criminal record hard to obtain life insurance .

  5. IMO.
    We are not the on source they have for guns. There is supply and demand...we want drugs and they sell them to us. They want guns and we sell it to them. No one tells them to go kill each other or shoot up ranchos, that is a criminal mind problem and honestly...we always knew they were there and accepted it but now its out of control..
    Before the War on drugs in 2006 there was plenty of cartel crime going around but social media wasnt what it is now.. Guero Palmas family, El Mayos family, Limoncito massacre, Ensenada massacre and a lot more. The reason 2006 war was declared was because it was escalating and out of control but lets not pretend the 2006 war on drugs caused this. Supply and demand goes both ways.
    Americans are responsible for their drug addictions among other thigs... BUT we need to own our actions and our people (Mexicanos) need to take responsibility for our societal problems which we dont like to do...we like to blame everyone but ourselves.
    Problem now is how do you solve this problem when you have generations that are numb to it and have only known chaos, quotas, shootouts, threats, living with stories or just knowing someone with a missing loved ones ...never a day of normalcy.... people learn not to talk, so many are involved in some way..down to making tires or secret compartments or just giving up a friend to save themselves...the mental toll it takes is incredible.
    I am fortunate enough to live in the US but go home not as frequently as I would like... BUT I literally have younger fam bam that sees a hanging body or a body part and they want to take pictures..I would be emotionally and mentally broken.. that is the difference in generations ...I grew up with peace and walked the streets at night after a quince, the last couple of generations never had that and have no clue how peace feels.

    We always knew there were Narcos but they trafficked and left us alone, right? That is how we justify allowing criminals to control us with money while ezpexting them not to break rules..once you let the roaxhes settle in and get comffy it aint easy getting rid of them.......there was always collateral damage somewhere but it was ignored and gossiped table talk.. chisme its the norm to say publicly this sucks.. but the life was glorified, we laughed about it, we let what we thought was cool get out of control..this is a cultyre and society problem and was part of every day life. It should of never been accepted the way it was but poverty is tough and frankly...wasnt just poverty because money and power were never equal...We sold our peace for tortillas. A president alone cant fix is gonna take more than taking down criminals...mindsets and behaviors need to change...that will also take generations. Dont hit me with the mass shooting in US..they get arrested and we blame the person and mental health..we all know the gun isnt guilty.. the difference is IMPUNITY ..stop pointing fingers and look in the mirror. take responsibility..start there my people.

    I have followed BB from the beginning..back when we had forums..then you went down for tjanks to a Narco...I love Sicario006! Yall are doing great work. :)

    1. Well said thank you 1137

    2. No drugs No addictions ? Only USA does drugs ? If la gente had the guns ?

    3. 11:45
      Great 👍 perspective, good point of view, but many curupt politicians accept bribes from Cartels and the problems continue in Mexico, year after year. We are not blaming that the president of Mexico, do something himself, blame falls on the in-action, of of his cabinet and chain of command, that does not get on the band-wagon, to resolve issues straight forward, instead of playing the blame game.

    4. Great assessment of the last 25 plus years on both sides, it’s appreciated. Glad you’re here

    5. Excellent comment, in the top 1% of all comments. Gracias

    6. Fucking based. I feel exactly the same way. I feel like certain people are always blaming guns and US right to bear arms for Mexico's problems. I don't blame them for the drug problems here. I thought it was funny when this left wing news outlet that is super antigun did a story about a Mexican village who took up arms themselves illegally to take back control from the cartels. Found it highly ironic. They want to disarm the American public and put us in the same helpless boat that these poor souls were put into until they did something about it. Obviously criminals will always have guns just like they'll always have drugs. It's almost like they ignore the law.

  6. Thanks until I read this I couldn’t find a mini gun anywhere nor a50 now they’re going to be delivered to my home just with a few clicks!! Saves me a trip to the kyber pass arms market 😹💀💀💀

  7. Mexicans here, if Mexico made guns as attainable like here in the U.S. (Kentucky reporting in), would Mexico be better or worse? If people can defend themselves, not be as vulnerable to criminal elements, wouldn't crime get lower? Hell, there are 11 firearms in my home now. Kids here constantly go to the firing range and hunt. I'm really curious about Mexican's sentiment about treating firearms like our 2nd amendment in their country.

    1. Easily attainable Firearms in Mexico would create a problem. Mexico isn't the US where the Government has 80% of the country controlled. You go and shoot someone in the states you are going to get caught 8/10 times. In Mexico the government controls 30% to 40% of the country you kill in Mexico it's just another dead person. Mexico is corrupt you have enough brains and dough you can get away with anything. To fix Mexico it would require a combined effort from fixing the corruption in government to the corruption in many Mexicans. Mexico's society is broken I would say 40% to 50% are corrupted they don't give a shit it's all about them and finding a way to get one up on those that let themselves get stepped on.

    2. 3:03 if the gun laws were similar in México like the USA than less crime would happen. An even playing field would miraculously produce accountability of people, law enforcement and the "justice" system.
      Sadly the AutoDefensas that took control of La Ruana Michoacán by expelling Los Viagras criminal group were disarmed by the government. The townspeople will once again be at the mercy of those criminals.
      So is the life in México.

  8. Not only do U.S manufactured weapons fuel Méxicos ongoing genocide, they also provide arms to terrorist groups and warring nations around the globe.

    1. Usa dont make ak 47s stop blaming usa for how fucked and corrupt mexico is.

  9. Why doesn’t Mexico check vehicles like the US does? Hell if you get a green light on the Mexico side your good to go

    1. Mexico don't care or they would enforce their border.

  10. Arming cartels is what the mexican armed forces do by sellling 30% of their weapons to cartels.

  11. America imports its own demise as does Mexico. Ftfy
    People have agency.


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