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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cartel de Sinaloa Assassins Tried To Run Away From Their Problems

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Shortly before 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, in the middle of the Zona Río neighborhood, municipal police arrested three alleged members of the Sinaloa Cartel and seized three rifles of various calibers and three bulletproof vests.

The report was received minutes earlier at the Control, Command, Communication, Computing and Intelligence Center (C5i). Citizens denounced men carrying firearms who were shooting in the beach district, who had fled in a Nissan Sentra with California license plates number 5GHW541.

The pursuit began, and as part of the operation to locate them, the police set up a checkpoint at the intersection of Avenida Internacional and Revolucion in the downtown area, when the agents saw the fleeing car arrive, they flagged it down, but it did not stop and continued to flee.

They stopped on Márquez de León Avenue between the western expressway and Paseo de los Héroes and tried to run away, but were caught by the police. According to the detainees' statements and the Homologated Police Report, the suspects are:

Adrián Frías, 35 years old, originally from Sinaloa, who was the driver of the unit; Alejandro García Torres, 20 years old, from Tijuana, passenger, and in the back seat Gustavo Vivar Muñoz, 22 years old, originally from Morelos. All are presumed innocent until the judicial authority declares their responsibility. Art.13, CNPP.

The detainees indicated that they went to the Tijuana beaches police station because they were sent to check some drug sales points, but they fled because they were shot at.

In the car they left a .45 caliber pistol with 2 magazines; a .9mm caliber rifle with 2 magazines; and a .40mm caliber rifle with two magazines, the first one with 10 rounds and the second one with 1 round. And in the trunk the three vests.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. Se va poner pesado, acaban de atrapar a ivan Archivaldo hace poco.

    1. That be crazy.. if true

    2. 7:17 source? I really want to see that fool reunited with his dad

    3. They captured a guy called el Ruso in Madera Chihuahua.
      No sign of Ivans capture.

    4. Damn whatever their cartel is, they must be doing so well if all they can afford is Hi-point rifles 😆

    5. Why would cartels need anything more than riffles? It's not a high intensity conflict.

    6. Those are Carbines more than rifles..

    7. Scorpio says he keep hitting mannys girls til he returns his tooken partie favors.. from three years ago he posted up that to talibanes or something

    8. And the Lark Ellen cease fire ends in February

    9. Uh and it also says something about London boys and south side Squamish over near McKenna.. but that’s been on since like 2011 prolly

  2. You can't run away from your problems, you just got to kick them in the butt

    1. Let's not forget that CDS also specializes in this

  3. Lol those look like Hi point carbines, damn must be low level sicarios that can’t afford an AR or AK

    1. Yeah with their high capacity 10 round mag lol

    2. They definitely must be broke and not very smart. They make a better club than a gun

    3. Scorpions clubs

  4. Do they search cars going cross the border from San Diego to Tijuana?

    1. The Mexican aduana and la Guardia do search, and there's an X-ray machine to drive cars through, but enforcement is random and very hit-and-miss..
      Friday night traffic on I-5 heading into tijuas can be backed up for miles, they have to keep some kind of flow going..
      Peak periods for vehicular flow seems like the logical time to smuggle into mexico..
      There's CALTRANS signs on the side of the freeway warning drivers that it's illegal to bring firearms or medical marijuana across the Mexican border, but half-witted tourists get caught screwing the pooch regularly, and their first night in the local hoosegow "Calle Veinte" is guaranteed to not be something their tourist guidebook properly prepared them for..

    2. The I.S. actually had their "new" Southbound booths staffed and stopping people in San Ysidro a few months ago but it is rare. Probably just want to seize money before it gets into Mexico.

    3. ask Eric Holder.

  5. Padres fanaticos! ⚾

  6. Do you understand how degrading it would be to be shot with a California compliant Hi-point 9mm carbine ! That is the cheapest most unreliable pos rifle in the whole firearms catalog that is literally the bottom of the barrel . Lol times must be getting hard you could do more damage with an airsoft gun because at least the airsoft rifle will send the projectile down range the Hipoint not so much !!! Lol

    1. Actually Hipoints are reliable. EVERYTHING ELSE sucks about them, though.

    2. Agree. They are reliable simple blow back design. Not pretty to look at and rough around the edges. They are the correct gun if you participate in “Planet of the Apes” movie re-enactments.

  7. I thought sicario006 was providing them with training and weaponry lol

  8. They really used high point carbines. fire 3 mags and it will quit working. One of the worst guns ever made. No wonder they ran. Had almost no rounds and possibly 3 broken carbines

  9. Huyendo como culitos. Jaja. Qué pasó Sinaloa? Últimamente nos han estado fallando gacho!

  10. The guy to the right is sicario 006, thats why he has not been back to BB, he waa in a super secret undercover mission, but got caught by the seal team 7, they said it was the municipales who caught him but is not true, seal team 7 was the only team that could catch him

    1. You sure the guy in the middle ain’t sicario006

  11. Oscar P.P alias El Ruso de La Gente Nueva detenido en Madera, Chih

  12. The hi points making their worldwide presence known lol retards

  13. They were shot at so fled??? The corridos say they live for the topon but instead they run. Macho sicarios my ass.

  14. Solo cuando andan bien cocos le entrance al topon todo pinche narco. Y cuando no hacen lo que estos culos.


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